Tinder Updates:New Ways to Find Love

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Tinder Updates: Tinder Updates: New Ways to New Find LoveWays to Find Love

Tinder, the magical word  Of course, there are plenty of fishes in the sea, but if you sit and watch, what will happen? Nothing right!  Finding a suitable partner, not for business, but for life is more interesting, but riskiest!  Tinder, the magical word for match seekers has now upgraded its features, wants to know more tap for the next slide

Updates - Part I ďƒź Picks, the newest addition to Tinder, designed to highlight the most swipe-worthy potential matches. ďƒź Tinder updated its privacy policy, and there is an option for you to download your personal data anytime.

Updates - Part II  Introducing places is a new feature in Tinder that helps you to discover new people nearby your location. If you’re going to a pizza shop, Tinder is there to match your suitable match in that pizza shop itself.  In addition to your photo, you can now add a twosecond looping video to show more about your personality

Create your magical Tinder world  Tinder makes money by making matches, and it is generating money in billions.  How about creating a clone app like Tinder, it sounds great, isn’t it?.  Yes, Creating your own Tinder clone is just a walk in the park.  Creating a Tinder clone for your online matchmaking business is now easy with AppDupe.

AppDupe's Tinder clone  AppDupe offers Tinder clone at a minimal budget within two days of time.  AppDupe provides a lot of features - ‘Discovery settings,’ ‘Virtual geo-location,’ ‘Gender interest,’ ‘Distance based matches,’ ‘Age-based matches,’ ‘Rewind Feature,’ ‘Like, super like and reject’ and so on.  Reach out to us on Twitter, Google Plus, and Facebook.

 Visit AppDupe's official website to know more details. AppDupe wishes you success ahead.

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