Your City: Pickering Magazine - Issue 3

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An Open Letter to Residents

Your Election Your Vote The next Municipal Election is on October 24, 2022. Get involved!

Meet Pickering’s New Fire Chief

Mayor Dave Ryan pens a fulsome and heartfelt letter about his retirement.

and his plans to take Pickering Fire Services to new heights.


Your City Magazine Team


Editorial & Design AUDRA LESLIE, Publisher Audra is the owner of Graymatter Marketing + Media and is a business leader with expertise in managing multiple sales and service programs while exceeding financial objectives. Audra has more than 20 years experience in the marketing and media research fields, working with global, national, provincial, local, community and not-for-profit programs and organizations. Audra excels at understanding customer needs, relationship building and collaborating both internally and externally, as well as coaching and developing team members. Audra is passionate about bringing new ideas to life and making current ones work to their full potential. Audra and her busy family like to spend time up north hiking, swimming, boating, and just hanging out enjoying time together.


Audra Leslie Mark Guinto Kat O’Donnell Angelia Liu Chantelle Davidson City of Pickering Staff Mark Christy City of Pickering

KAT O’DONNELL, Art Director Kat is an ambitious designer with a life-long love of art. Her interest in graphic design began when she was on her high school yearbook committee, and she went on to enroll in Durham College’s graphic design program, where she received an advanced diploma. Her artistic talent and proficiency in design software help her create the best solutions for every client she works with. When not in the office, Kat enjoys hiking, reading and creating art. ANGELIA LIU, Graphic Designer A multi-talented designer with more than 10 years of experience working in the Greater Toronto Area as a graphic designer in product design, illustration and branding. At a very young age her love for art and the creative freedom that it allowed throughout her life has guided her to find her passion in creating work that contributes to bringing happiness to others as it has for herself. She is always learning and growing her skills to understand the best way to work with her team in creating a product for every client needs. On days when she’s not in the office, she enjoys the simple things that brings her joy in life, such as spending time with her family and friends, a ride around the city, trying new foods or playing video games. CHANTELLE DAVIDSON, Publication Coordinator Delivering outstanding customer service has always been an essential part of a day’s work for Chantelle. As Your City Magazine’s Publishing Coordinator, Chantelle uses her organizational skills to ensure smooth operations in a busy work environment. Chantelle’s background includes more than 15 years of Human Resource and Office Management, working with clients from all sectors. SKYE OLIVER, Social Media Manager Skye is a digital and social media professional and in-house expert at Graymatter Marketing + Media. She has a passion for understanding the ever-evolving digital world and helping others reap the benefits. Studying social trends, creating innovative ways to grow audiences, drive brand awareness and analyze insights have proven to be key in her success.

2 | Your City Magazine - Issue 3

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table of



14 GREETINGS FROM YOUR CITY COUNCIL.......................................... 5




PICKERING WELCOMES A NEW FIRE CHIEF................................... 17

AN OPEN LETTER TO RESIDENTS................................................... 6


PICKERING’S ‘BRIDGE’ TO THE FUTURE.......................................... 9

PICKERING’S 2022 APPROVED BUDGET........................................ 19


SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT.....................................................20



DURHAM LIVE AND PICKERING CASINO RESORT........................... 11

PICKERING IS GROWING - LET’S TALK ABOUT IT!.......................... 21


UKRAINE..................................................................................... 21



BRIDGING THE DIGITAL DIVIDE..................................................... 13


TACKLING ANTI-BLACK RACISM HEAD ON.................................... 14

PICKERING MUSEUM VILLAGE EVENTS......................................... 26

YOUR ELECTION. YOUR VOTE........................................................ 16

UPCOMING EVENTS AND PROGRAMS........................................... 27 Your City Magazine - Issue 3 | 3

Greetings from

Your City Council

Contact City Council: 905.420.4605 •

These pictures were taken to commemorate the special spots that we keep close to our hearts. Members of Councilreflectontheirfavourites:

Kevin Ashe

This image of our reconstructed harbour entrance illustrates the City’s overall commitment to making Pickering’s Waterfront a destination spot for recreation and tourism. This was a $9M project jointly funded by the City, the Province and the Federal Government.

Regional Councillor, Ward 1

Bill c M Lean David Pickles

PARA Marine Search & Rescue has dedicated themselves to serving the local community for the past 55 years. Their history includes bringing home over 3,100 men, women and children safely to shore, and is made possible by the more than 750 committed volunteers. Safety and education on the waterways is incredibly important and I am proud to support such an inspiring mission.

Regional Councillor, Ward 2

Regional Councillor, Ward 3

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This spot showcases our evolving, urban City Centre, marked by the newest office tower and pedestrian bridge, which spans across the 401 to the GO station. The bridge links the Pickering GO Station to our Class ‘A’, LEEDGold office tower, Centre for Canadian Nuclear Sustainability (CCNS) Innovation and Collaboration Space, Pickering Town Centre, new City Centre restaurants, and 500-vehicle GO Transit parking deck.

Christine Doody-Hamilton a M urice Brenner

The statue, ‘Pioneer Family,’ located in the Court Yard of our Civic Centre was unveiled in the 1990s, shortly after the opening of our New Civic Centre, May 1990. It serves as a relaxing reminder of the importance of Pickering’s history, and the bridge between our Past, Present and Future.

City Councillor, Ward 1

The Pickering waterfront has always been one of my favourite places. I love the cool breeze off the lake on hot summer days; I love the wide open vistas, and watching the horizon, where the water meets the sky; I love the sound of the waves rhythmically washing up against the shore; this is where my kids learned to skip stones on the water - how I could I not love it?

City Councillor, Ward 2

Shaheen Butt

Pickering’s Civic Complex represents my journey in local community work. Prior to joining Council in 2016, my family and I were deeply involved in giving back to the region in which we lived. I was actually the proud recipient of a 2014 Civic Award, presented to me by the City of Pickering in recognition of these efforts. These are moments truly worth celebrating, and can inspire civic engagement and encourage people to take meaningful action for the betterment of their City.

City Councillor, Ward 3 Your City Magazine - Issue 3 | 5

An Open

Mayor Dave Ryan, City of Pickering

My Dear Friends and Neighbours,

Letter to Residents

support,Ihaveservedinthatcapacityfor5consecutiv andover19years.THANKYOU! ServingtheCityofPickeringasyourMayorforthepast19 yearshasbeenoneofthegreatestprivilegesofmylife. But This all began, because my family and I had an emotional as many of you are now aware, I will be stepping down at the investmentinthisplacewecalledhome.Weactively endofthistermofoce. participated in our community and paid attention to and engaged in issues that we felt were important. ThishasbeenoneofthemostdicultdecisionsthatI’veever had to make. Youhavetakenthetimetoreadthismagazine,soyoutooar investedinPickering.Iwanttothankyouandencourageyou Many hours of personal contemplation and discussion with andyourneighbourstobecomeactivelyengagedinthecivic familyandclosefriendshaveledmetotheconclusion that andmoreimportantly,takethetimetovote.Ica discourse after28yearsofservingourcommunity,itistimetofocus overstatetheimportanceofvoting,andIbelievethatwe exclusivelyonmyhealthandmostimportantly,myfamily. a personal obligation to exercise this fundamental democratic right.Eachofusmakesadierenceinthefabricofour Myfirstpoliticaldecisionin19wasequallyasdicult. communityeitherbywhatwedoordon’tdo. Yousee,Ihadneverimaginedenteringpolitics.Atthattime, Iwasactiveinmycommunityandontheboardofourlocal Iwanttomakeaspecialcallouttoourdiversecommunitie community association. When approached by association thoseequity-seekingindividualstobecomeactivelyinv members to run for local Council, I was honoured, but municipalgovernmentbyeitherjoiningamunicipalcommit declined,asAnneandIwerebusyraisingafamilyandwe or running for Council. City Hall needs to better represent the both held jobs we enjoyed. communityitservesandwithyouractiveinvolvement,itc

However,theywereverypersistentintheireorts,and ‘PickeringProud’isnotjustaslogantome.Itembodies increasingly,Ifeltanobligationtoanswerthecalleverything ofcivic thathasenergizedme,motivatedmycommitment duty.WithAnne’ssupport,IagreedtorunforCouncil,but andanchoredmyresolve.Overtheyears,you,myCouncil unfortunatelylostthatfirsttry.However,withthecolleagues, continuedandthewonderfulPickeringstahaveembarke encouragementofthecommunity,Iransuccessfullyin194, anepicjourneythathasseenourhome,ourPickering,evolv andagainin197and20.In203,Iretiredfroma3-year from a suburban town, and a little bedroom community, into an careeratIBMwhenIwasvotedinasMayor.Withyour active,thriving,ambitiouscitylookingtothefuture.

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Overthecourseofmymayoralty,wehaveseenmanykey andtransformationalprojectscomeintorealization,including theFrenchman’sBayHarbourEntrancereconstruction; newFireHeadquarters;theworld’slongestenclosed pedestrianbridge;DurhamLive;securing$7.8MinnontaxgamingrevenuefortheCityviaPickeringCasino Resort;Seaton;world-classbusinessesrelocatingtothe InnovationCorridor;Canada’slargestfilmingbacklot; PickeringSoccerCentre;theexpansionofhigh-speed broadbandacrossthecity;thestate-of-theartOperations Centre;theDurhamCollege/CentennialCollegeJoint LearningCentre;theMayor’sGalaraising$2.6Mforthe Ajax-Pickeringhospital;theCanadianCentreforNuclear Sustainability;andtheJerryCoughlanHealth&Wellness Centre, and so much more. Lookingback,Iamextremelyproudofallthatwehave accomplished together. I am both grateful and humbled thatyouhaveallowedmetoplayapartinPickering’s evolution. EvolutionembodieschangeandIacknowledgethatit canbedicultforsome.Tobesure,therehavebeen challengesanddisagreementsalongtheway.However, the one commonality was that we were united in our loveforPickeringandcareforourcommunity.Iam comfortableinthecertainknowledgethatIhavedone,to thebestofmyability,whatIbelieveisbestforPickering and its future.

Your City Magazine - Issue 3 | 7

Onanal fi note,Iwanttothankallwhohaveencouraged, supported,andguidedmeovertheyears.Pleaseknow youwillalwayshaveaspecialplaceinmyheart. To my colleagues on Council, both past and present, we haveachievedsomuchtogetherovertheyears,andI thankyouforyourpassion,commitment,andservice. Andtomanyofyou,thankyouforyourfriendshipand understanding. Ultimately,itistimetofocusonmyfamily.AsmuchasI havetriedtokeepthesetwospheresseparate,politicsis reallyafamilyaair.Ittakesagreatdealofunderstanding, patience,andsacrificetoaccepttheimpactpublicservice hasonfamilylife.Assuch,Ithankmydaughtersfortheir patienceandsupport.Mostofall,mywifeAnnehasbeen my biggest fan, keenest critic, and our foundation since weenteredpubliclife.IloveyouAnne,andamlooking forwardtoournextadventuretogether! Ihavesomanyfondmemoriestolookbackon,butwhat truly made my time as mayor special was getting to know somanyofyou.Ihaveenjoyedallourinteractions,chats, discussions,andmeetingsthatwehaveshared,whetherit wasinaboardroom,atacommunityevent,shoppingata local store, in a classroom with our youth or just out in the community. These wonderful moments are indelibly etched into my being.

Share in some of my favourite memories with me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you once more and god bless.”

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‘Bridge to the Future’

A C ATALYST FO R G RO WTH AND CO NNEC TION governments,whogavetheirstampsofapprovalthrough stimulus funding packages that had been created to counter the globalrecessionof201.

“I was always adamant that the City would not build a bridge tonowhere,”MayorRyansaidatthetime.“Ithadtoservea higherpurposethanwhatwasoriginallyconceived.Andno we’veaccomplishedamuchgreaterfeat.Thepedestrianbr representsaneweraforPickeringandtrulystandsasou to the future.”

Itwasn’tlonguntilGOTransit(nowMetrolinx)committed$20 milliontobuilda70-vehicleGOTransit/oceparkingdeckat theocetower,whichwasdevelopedby20VicManagement. ThePickeringPedestrianBridgehasrightlybeendescribed Its principal applauded Mayor Ryan for “getting all of the project asa‘featofengineering,’butasourburgeoningCityCentre stakeholders,includingseniorlevelsofgovernment,to underscores,there’smuchmoretothebridgethanmeets the eye. his compelling andsweepingcity-buildingvision.”

The250-metrebridgespans14lanesofHwy.401,Canada’s ThePickeringPedestrianBridgewascompletedin2018.That busiesttransportationlink,sixliverailtracks,and amunicipal fall, theCityofPickeringworkedwiththeownersofPicker roadway. TownCentre(PTC)todevelopaboldandexcitingvisionofa brandnewCityCentrethatwouldseetheredevelopmen The iconic architectural structure lights up the night sky and thelandsontheeastsideofPTCandimmediatelysoutho providesavitallinkfromthePickeringGOStationtoour EsplanadeSouth.Whilewehavedeferredtheprojectatt City Centre. Visitors, shoppers, patrons and employees enjoy timetobetterevaluatethefinancialimpacts,westillb quick,convenientandcomfortableaccesstoaClass‘A’LEEDandarecommittedtothevisionofcreatingadynamic,urba Goldocetower,OntarioPowerGeneration’s(OPG)Centre sustainable, and walkable downtown where our community forCanadianNuclearSustainability(CCNS)Innovationand cancometogethertolive,work,learn,shop,dine,play,andbe CollaborationSpace,PickeringTownCentre(PTC),restaurants entertained. andaGOTransitparkingdeck. WiththedirectconnectiontothePickeringGOStationD Pickeringdoesn’thaveadefineddowntownpresence,butthe College and Centennial College established a joint learning bridgepavedthewayforaboldnewvisionwhichimaginesacentre at the north terminus of the pedestrian bridge to attract vibrant,connected,andbustlingCityCentre,wheremunicipal studentsfromacrosstheGreaterTorontoArea.Whenito servicedelivery,shopping&retail,andresidentialintensifi cation itsdoors, itwasPickering’sveryfirstpost-secondaryinst come together as the heart of the city. Unfortunately,likemanyareasoftheeconomy,thepostsecondarysectorwashardhitbyCOVID-19andthecolleges Tofullyappreciatethesignificanceofthebridge,let’stravel shutteredthecentreamidtheirtransitiontoaremo backto206.That’swhentheMunicipalPropertyAssessment model. Corporation(MPAC)announceditsintentiontorelocateto Torontobecauseithadoutgrownitshumbleheadquarters on thecovetedlocationdidn’tremainemptyfor However, PickeringParkway. long, becoming home to the Canadian Centre for Nuclear

Sustainability(CCNS)infallAmong 20. otherthings, Determinedtosave20valuedjobs,MayorRyansharedwith theCCNSdescribesitselfasaninnovationhubtoleada MPAChisvisionforanocetower.Threeyearslater,the‘Class collaborate on sustainable and socially responsible plans for the A’ocetower,withdirectaccesstoHwy.401andoverlooking end of the nuclear lifecycle. theGOStation,begantorise.The$30-millionocetoweroers pristineviewsofLakeOntarioandbecamethenewhomeofLastyear,theGuinnessBookofWorldRecordsnamedthe MPAC,andvaluedtenantslikeOPG. PickeringPedestrianBridgethelongestenclosedpeopl

crossing in the world, reinforcing the fact that it is indeed a Meanwhile,apedestrianbridgethatcrossedHwy.401hadbeen featofengineering.Thebridgeisalsofulfillingitsdestin intheplanningstagesformorethanadecadebutneverhadthe layingthegroundworkforaboldnewfuture.“We’recreating requiredsupporttoadvancebeyondtheconceptualstage.That somethingspecialhere,”MayorRyansaysofCityCentre.“We’re was,untiltheCitysuccessfullylobbiedthefederalandprovincial creating a legacy. This is something we can all be proud of.” Your City Magazine - Issue 3 | 9

A bright, healthy, and

Promising Future


The future of

TheCityofPickeringrecentlyterminateditsStateof EmergencyOrderrelatedtotheCOVID-19pandemic,and in accordance with the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act.

Pickering Nuclear

Thankstothecollectiveeortsandsupportofourresidents, businesses,communitygroups,front-lineworkers,and healthcare heroes, we were able to mitigate the spread of COIVD-19anddoourparttoprotecteachotheraswellas our healthcare system.


AspecialthankyougoestoCitystawhodeveloped S TAT I O N newandinnovativewaystocontinuetodeliverthekey programsandservicesthatourresidentsandbusinesses Formanyyears,OPG’sPickeringNuclearGeneratingStation rely on. During this time of rapid and constant change and PNGS) ( hasplayedanimportantroleindeliveringclean,reliabl uncertainty,stamadeitaprioritytomaintainasafeand powerforOntario.TheProvinceofOntarioissupportingaplant healthyworkingenvironmentforthebenefitofresidents endas commercial operations, and decommissioning the power plant well as their colleagues. willbegininfollowing ,420 acareful,multi-decadeprocess.This will be the largest decommissioning project to take place in Canada. WefirstdeclaredastateofemergencyonMarch24,0 toensurethattheCitycouldbeagileandresponsiveThe in CityofPickering,inpartnershipwithOntarioPower managingtherapidlyevolvingCOVID-19crisis. Generation(OPG)andtheRegionofDurham,isundertakinga Financial, Economic, and Social Impact study on the retirement Whilewerecognizethatextraordinarymeasureswere ofPNGS,whichisalreadyunderwaybyAECOMCanadaLtd. requiredtoprotectourselvesandlovedones,weareboth thankfulandproudthatwecanfinallyseealightattheThe end studywillprovideathoroughunderstandingof ofthetunnelandourtirelesseortsinprioritizingthe health impacts and economic opportunities. decommissioning andwell-beingofthecommunityhavepaido. Concurrently,OPGisplanningdecommissioningactivitie Thank you to all for remaining #DurhamStrong and in a manner that takes into account operational experience, #PickeringProud. industrybestpractices,andtechnologicaladvances,th the launch of the Centre for Canadian Nuclear Sustainability, Pleasevisit for the latest whichislocatedindowntownPickering. Through collaboration informationonvaccineclinicsandmore. andresearch,theCentrewillidentifyinnovativenucl sectorsolutionsandopportunitiestoadvance/accele decommissioningactivities.

Thisworld-classandfirst-of-its-kindfacilitywillattrac jobs,innovativebusinessesandeconomicdevelopment Durhamregion,aswellasadvancesolutionsforminimizing nuclear materials and recycling clean materials.

OPG,theownerandoperatorofPNGS,willretireUnits1and 4in204followedbyasequentialshutdownofUnits5to8in 205,pendingregulatoryapproval.Oncecommercialoperations cease, the Station will be placed in a safe storage state and decommissioned,commencingin208. 10 | Your City Magazine - Issue 3

Durham Live and Pickering Casino Resort Bringing, fun, entertainment, jobs, and revenues to the city. Manyofyouhavewitnessedthesteadytransformationofthe 243-acreDurhamLivesiteatthecornerofChurchandBayly Streets.Thevisionarycasinoandentertainmentcomplexexpects towelcome10,newjobsandtensofthousandsofvisitors, annually, upon full build out.


Themuch-anticipatedDurhamLivesiteisanchoredbyPickering ResortCasino,whichopeneditsdoorsinJuly201,followinga year-and-a-halfdelayduetothepandemic.Aspartofitsrevenue sharingagreementwithOLG,Pickeringhasreceived $7,842,293 innon-taxgamingrevenuetodate,despitethechallenges presentedbyCOVID-19.Thiscasinoisanticipatedtobeone ofthebestperformingcasinosinthecountryandallrevenues R E G I O N A L LY & G L O B A L LY sharedwiththeCitywillbere-investedbackintothecommunity to fund important capital projects. TransportCanada,inpartnershipwithVIARail,has


formedaJointProjectOceandisproposingaHigh ThelatestannouncementforDurhamLiveisthePorsche FrequencyRaillinetoservetheTorontoandQuebecCi ExperienceCentreToronto,settoopenin204.ThistwoCorridor. kilometretrackwillbeckondriverswhodreamofgetting behindthewheelofaPorscheandwillbejustthetenthPorsche PickeringwouldbetheidealCityforanewstationand ExperienceCentreintheworld,thefirstofitskindinCanada, wehavepartneredwiththeRegionofDurhamtoretain andthethirdinNorthAmerica.(Theotherlocationsareinconsultant Los tohelpdevelopthebusinesscaseforit AngelesandAtlanta.) alreadybeenintouchwiththeJointProjectOceand

look forward to working together. Ocialswanttoreiteratethatthiswillnotbearacetrack.No, therewon’tbetherumbleofDaytona,Indy,orF1engines. Anewlinewouldenhanceconnectivityacrosseaster Instead,visitorswillbeabletoexperiencevehicledynamics, Ontario,reducegreenhousegasemissions,reducedela technology,andtheemotionofPorschesportscarsfirst-hand andprovidefasterservice.Further,amajortranspor withexpertguidancefrominstructorsthroughvariousdriving and infrastructure project like this would create thousands modules all year long. ofdirectandindirectjobs,aswellashavemassive

economicspino. Inadditiontothe2kmserpentinetrack,thePorscheExperience Centrewillshowcasecurrentandhistoricexhibitionvehicles, a there may be opportunity for a High In the future, café,andaPorscheshop. FrequencyRaillinestationinPickeringtoconnectwi We look forward to the continued transformation of the site and realizingthistremendousopportunitybeforeus.

other major transportation infrastructure.

Pickering CAO, Marisa Carpino, and Mayor Dave Ryan proudly display OLG’s ceremonial cheque of $2,267,117 for hosting the Pickering Casino Resort (January 1 to March 31 period). Your City Magazine - Issue 3 | 11

Caring for our

Residents B U S I N E S S E S A N D V I S I T O R S


Overtheyears,CustomerCareCentrestahavebecomeafamiliarandfriend formanyofPickering’sresidents.

Weknowit’stheempathetic,informative,helpfulandengagingpersonalitie workingthroughyourmunicipalquestions,concerns,challengesorfeedback easier,andwe’reheretoguideyouthrougheverystepoftheway.

It’snotjustmunicipalbusinesswedealwith.Governmentcanbeexpansive overwhelmingtonavigate.Doyouhaveaquestionaboutgarbagepick-up,orwat billing?(That’snotusbytheway–it’stheRegionofDurham!)Evenifwedon’tmanag it,wecanalwaysconnectyouwiththerightserviceproviderbasedonyourne Getintouchtoday!

Call: 905.6837 Email: Chatwithusonline:

A C T I N G C U S T O M E R C A R E R E P R E S E N TAT I V E I I : Lindsey Wallis

12 | Your City Magazine - Issue 3

“The customer service experience is everything. We’re here to act as a one stop shop for all of your municipal inquiries. Most of our Customer Care staff work, live and play here – we look forward to connecting with you!”


Bridging the



AsaresultoftheCityofPickering’sadvocacyonbroadband investmentandBellCanada’srecentexpansionofpurefibre InternetinPickering’shamletsandruralareas,Grammy award-winningproducer,Boi1da,cannowcollaboratewithtop musicartistslikeDrake,Eminem,Rihanna,Jay-Z,KanyeWest, KendrickLamar,andJackHarlowdirectlyfromhishomestudio innorthPickering.

Boi1daisjustoneofthousandsofresidentslocatedinSeaton, Kinsale,Whitevale,andbeyondwhoarenowenjoyingthe benefitsofbroadband. In fact, GlobalNewsrecently caught up with some of the happy Pickeringresidentsandoneinparticularnoted:“It’slikea Christmas gift to me…it was like a whole new world opened up to me,becauseIhadnoideawhatpeople’senjoymentofNetflixwas.” Twoandahalfyearsago,globalhip-hopandentertainmenticon, Drake,tooktosocialmediatocallonthe‘MayorofPickering’to fixtheInternetissueswherehisregularproducer,Boi1da,lives andworks.Inturn,theCityofPickeringissuedaclever,tonguein-cheekresponsereferencingDrake’ssongtitlesandlyricsto addresstheconnectivityissue,whilealsocommunicatingsome oftheCity’skeyaccomplishmentsandpriorities. Pickeringattractedtheundividedattentionoftheentire broadband industry. Consequently,manyInternetServiceProviders(ISP)reachedout to the City to discuss broadband enhancement and expansion in itshamletsandruralareas.Ultimately,BellCanadawasthefirst ISPtodeployasignificantfibreInternetprojectinPickering’s underservicedareas. Overthenext3years,therewillbeover21,0newlocations connectedinbothruralandurbanareasacrossPickering. ThisincludesGreenRiver,Claremont,Pickering’sFilming Backlot,Amberlea,Woodlands,BrockRidge,VillageEast, Dunbarton,andLiverpool. TheCityhasenteredintoaserviceagreementwithBellCanada, andwillbehiringtwofull-timestawhowillbededicatedto theBellhigh-speedfibreproject.Bellwillbefullyfundingthe salaries of these two positions. WehavealsoestablishedanExecutiveWorkingGroupandan OperationsWorkingGrouptoprovideoversight,governance, and enhance communications. Lookingforward,accesstoreliablehigh-speedInternetiscritical if we are to attract the best and brightest residents and businesses toPickering. Your City Magazine - Issue 3 | 13


Anti-Black Racism


ThePickeringAnti-BlackRacismTaskforce(PABRT)was “Werecognizethatanti-Blackracismhasauniquehistory establishedin20,aftermanycommunitymemberscame NorthAmericawithsystemicconsequencesthatcontinu togethertoexpressconcernsaboutanti-Blackracismhave atatown disproportionateimpactsondiverseBlackcommun hall meeting in Durham Region. today,includinghereinPickering,”saidDaveRyan,Mayor, CityofPickering.“Asacommunity-drivenmodel,thePABRT TheTaskforceismadeupof13dedicatedBlackcommunity will engage and collaborate with a broad array of community memberswhocalltheCityofPickeringhome,inadditionto stakeholdersinordertoaddressanti-Blackracismas MayorDaveRyanandtwostaliaisons.ThePABRTstarted othersocialjusticeconcernsthataectourdiverser to meet early last year with a mandate to identify and address stakeholders.” issuesofanti-BlackracisminPickering.AMandateandTerms ofReferenceweredevelopedforthemtouseasaguideasthey ItwasimportantfortheCitytoengagewithdiverseBlac moveforward. communities, in order to identify the gaps and try to eradicate systemicracismandcreateanenvironmentwhereeveryo ThemembersofthePABRTwantotherBlackcommunity safeandthattheybelong.TheestablishmentofthePABRTi memberstogetinvolvedandhelptheCitymakepositive and stepintherightdirectionforPickeringandtheT great inclusivechanges.Someoftheirgoalsincludesharingtheir thefirstofitskindfortheCity. expertiseoneortstodismantleanti-Blackracisminadditionto promotingBlackcultureandDiaspora. Who is PABRT?

If I had a magic wand, I would want to increase the engagement among the Black residents of Pickering and work towards empowerment in the community. We are not well-known yet, but it’s my mission to raise the profile on the PABRT and to let others know that they are not alone. Odessa Grignon Vice Chair of The PABRT

14 | Your City Magazine - Issue 3

FloydHeathhasbeenaresidentofPickeringfor15yearsand heservesasChairontheTaskforce.Heisverycommittedt theworkthatthePABRThasbeentaskedwith.Hesharedt theyhavealreadycompletedasurveyintheCityandwere toidentifythreekeytopicsofinterest:education,heal andbusinessdevelopment.Heathsays,“Lastyearwefocuse onintroducingourselvestothecommunity.Wehavealoto strongmemberscomingonboardandwe’relookingforwardt working with them.”

ThePABRTrecentlywelcomedsixnewmembersinMarchandis currentlyworkingondevelopingitsstrategyandaction promises to include more community residents and stakeholders. TheTaskforcehasalreadyhostedvariouseventsinclud “ArtistTalks,”hostedbyCoraReidoftheBlackRoseMoveme Thisgavemembersanopportunitytodiscusssocialjust racerelationsissues.Theyalsowantedtofeatureeven celebratedhealthandwellnessintheBlackcommunit ledtoPABRThosting“SocaWellnessSocial”and“FamilyFloetr Fitness” during the Culture Days celebration and included givingThanksgivingBasketstofamilies.Attheendof201the engagedwithyouththroughthe“416Meets905”openmicnight, allowingyouthtoexpressthemselvesandspeaktheirt through spoken word. Collaboration is key

OdessaGrignonistheViceChairoftheTaskforce.Shewasbo inCanadatoparentswhoimmigratedfromtheWest-Indies. GrignonhaslivedinPickeringformostofherlifeandisnow married,raisingherfamilyhere.ShejoinedthePABRTbecau she was experiencing racism in her neighbourhood and when she saw the opportunity to be a part of a solution, she signed up.

Left to Right: Dennis Governor, Odessa Grignon, Andrew Fraser, Kim Lopez, Andrea Davis, Ebony Gittens, Kenisha Hanson, Claudia Farihna, Floyd Heath, Nicola Hepburn, Joshua Heath “If I had a magic wand, I would want to increase the engagement amongtheBlackresidentsofPickeringandworktowards empowermentinthecommunity,”expressedGrignon.“Weare notwell-knownyet,butit’smymissiontoraisetheprofileonthe PABRTandtoletothersknowthattheyarenotalone.” AndreaDavisisalsoaproudtobeamemberofthePABRT, currentlyservingastheirTreasurer.OriginallyfromNovaScotia, DavishaslivedinPickeringforalmost20years.Shejoined because she wanted to be a face of change and to educate others that racism exists, and that there are pathways to stop it from happening. DavishaslotsofideasandoneofthemisforthePABRTto connectwithotherlike-mindedorganizationsintheDurham Region and neighbouring Toronto to collaborate and brainstorm solutions on issues that they all are facing. ShesaysthatshelovesbeingapartofthePABRTbecausethey aredoinggreatworkandit’snicetoworkwithaneducated team of people who are dedicated to making systemic changes in governmentandpoliciesthatwillimprovethequalityoflifefor BlackpeopleintheCityofPickering. PABRTislookingforwardtoconnectingwithBlackresidents inPickeringthroughout20astheyplantoparticipateinthe upcomingArtfest,CanadaDaycelebrationsandtheCultural FusionFestivalaswellaslaunchPowerfullyInformed,acivic engagementinitiative. FormoreinformationaboutthePickeringAntiBlackRacism Taskforcevisit:

Your City Magazine - Issue 3 | 15

Your Vote.

Your Election.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS T H E P I C K E R I N G M U N I C I PA L E L E C T I O N I S O N M O N D A Y, O C T O B E R 2 4 , 2 0 2 2 ! How does the election work?

Everyfouryears,amunicipalelectiontakesplaceintheCitytoelecttheMayorandMembersofdCouncil, Trustees, School and Boa the Regional Chair for the Regional Municipality of Durham. VoterswillelectsevenindividualstositasMembersonPickeringCityCouncilforthefollowingOces:

Mayor,electedatlarge,threeRegionalCouncillorsandthreeCityCouncillorselectedbyvotersfromeachofth willalsocastavoteforschoolboardtrusteesandtheRegionalChair. Are You Interested in Running for Pickering City Council?

IndividualsinterestedinrunningforPickeringCityCouncilmustfiletheirnominationinaccordancewiththe 196(the“Act”).


Office of Mayor

Office of City Councillor, Ward 2

Office of Regional Councillor, Ward 1

Office of City Councillor, Ward 3

Office of Regional Councillor, Ward 2

Office of Regional Councillor, Ward 3

Office of Trustee, Durham District School Board

Office of City Councillor, Ward 1

Office of Trustee, Durham Catholic District School Board

Nominationsmustbefiledinperson,orbyanagent,beginning,May Monday 2,0untilThursday,August18,20duringregular businesshours(MondaytoFriday,8:30amto4:30pm),andonNominationDay,Friday,August19,20between9:0amand2:0pm. Nominationsmustbefiledat:OceoftheCityClerkPickeringCivicComplex,OneTheEsplanadePickering,ONL1V6K7 Learnmoreaboutnominations,keydates,votingmethods,and moreat

16 | Your City Magazine - Issue 3




TheCityofPickeringispleasedtoannouncethatDeputy•Chief Mappingoutdatatohelpstarecognizetrends,patte SteveBoydwillbepromotedtoFireChief,eectiveJune1,20. andareasofconcern.Thiswillallowstatoutilizere moreeectivelywhenitcomestoFirePreventioninit Thiscomesafteranextensiverecruitmentprocessfollowing the Public Educationdelivery,andcomplianceissues. announcementofcurrentFireChief,JohnHagg’sretirement,set forMay31,20. • CompleteacomprehensiveCommunityRiskAssessment whichwilltakeseveralfactorsintoaccountandpin DeputyBoydhas35yearsofexperienceinhisfield,makinghim areasthatrequireadditionalfocusintermsofedu aknownandrespectedleaderofFireandEmergencyservicesenforcement, and response. throughout the Region of Durham. PriortojoiningtheCityofPickeringasDeputyChiefin2017, BoydheldthetitlesofFirefighter,FireCaptain,FireInspector, TrainingOcer,andDeputyFireChiefattheCityofOshawa. We are very excited

about the new Fire Hall, which will be Boyd’smunicipalexperience,accomplishments,strategic the first new hall for the City in 26 years! Geographically leadership,andoperationalmanagementskillshavesuccessfully central to the future growth of Pickering, it will allow our positioned him for his new role as Fire Chief. crews to improve response times and service coverage “Iamhonouredtocontinueservingthecommunityinmynew across the City,” shares Boyd. roleasFireChief,”saidDeputyBoyd.“Ihavebeenfortunate

enough to work alongside a skilled team of passionate and dedicatedprofessionalsoverthepastfiveyears,andIlook Withafor strongvisionforthefuture,provenfirecommand forwardtoleadingPickering’semergencyresponseservices experience, andanunderstandingofeachdivision’suniq our growing community.” andhowtheycomplementeachother–Boydlooksforwardto DeputyBoyd’sprioritiesforthedepartmentinclude: takingPickeringFireServicestonewheights. •

Planningnewwaystoservicethecommunityasitcontinues LearnmoreaboutyournewFireChief,PickeringFireServices to experience unprecedented growth, including the andaskstayourfire-relatedquestions LetsTalkPickering. at ca/ completionoftheCity’snewHeadquarters–FireStation PickeringFire #1 . (locatedonZentsDrive). Your City Magazine - Issue 3 | 17

Pickering’s role in today’s

Film & TV Production

In201,theCityofPickeringpartneredwithWilliamF.White InternationalInc.(WFW)tooperatethelargestmoviebacklotin Canada.Therespectedandrenownedproviderofproduction equipmentandstudioswillleaseCity-ownedlandsinGreen Riverforuptonineyears.

Aclassicdinerandgasstationaretwooffiveinteriorset Themarqueeproductionthatwasfilmingformostoflastyear wired for production. wasAmazon’sneworiginalseries,Reacher.Theshowisan unqualifiedhitwithbothcriticsandviewersandwasrenewed for another season just days after its release. Thispartnershiphasthepotentialtogenerate$3.5Minlease revenuesfortheCity,andthelandswilleventuallybeconverted to a district park following the lease completion. WFWisaCanadian-basedcompanywithnearly60yearsof expertiseinthefilmandtelevisionindustryandhasassetsin Vancouver,Calgary,Winnipeg,Halifax,Sudbury,andToronto, includingtheoperationofover1.4millionsquarefeetof production space, plus supporting warehouse facilities to house Theproduction interior set of the classic diner comes complete with itsstate-of-the-artrentalequipment.Itisarespected milkshake machines, cutlery, glassware and more. partner that works closely with its stakeholders to bolster Canada’sdomesticfilmandtelevisionindustry. The lease agreement stipulates that WFW will submit an annual sustainabilityreportaddressingenergyconservationmeasures, responsiblemanagementanddiversionofwastestreams,site cleanliness,andpotentialgreenfleetpractices.Further,WFW willworkwiththeCitytoinvestigateopportunitiestoengage withthelocalperformingartscommunityfortheprovisionof filmindustrytechnicaltraining,mentorshipprograms,orother industryrelatedinitiatives. We’reproudtoenterintosuchapartnershipandinviteyouto checkoutthebacklotinthefollowingphotos!

In addition to a gas station, diner, police station, and barber shop,theBacklotalsofeaturesaclassictownhallbuil unfinishedinteriorthatcanbefullycustomizedtomeeta all production needs.

Fun Facts •

The Backlot was originally intended as a temporary set, but with the support of the City of Pickering, it has since been transformed into a permanent year-round backlot for the film and television industry.

• Cast and crew can enter the town square’s 30 customizable storeThe23-acre,presentdaysmalltownissituatedona90-acreplot fronts which feature a second storey, where performers or lights can be positioned at windows. of land and has been purposefully built for features, TV series andcommercials.Inadditiontothe30storefrontsandshops • The Backlot has been weather protected using recycled items and currently on the property, the town is easily expandable and can materials from previous sets, as well as a protective siding. beconvertedtosuitproductionsofalltypes,fromrusticwestern • Watch CTV’s story on Pickering’s Filming Backlot here. settings to bustling New York City streets.

18 | Your City Magazine - Issue 3





What You Need To Know!

PickeringCouncilandstaplannedforabrightandpromising Where Do Your future,recentlypassingthesecond-lowestbudgetlevyincrease in20years.Thisbalancedapproachkeepsthebudgetleanwhile maintainingtheservice,program,andinfrastructureneedsofthe community. View the 2022 Budget documents and user fees. •

PickeringCouncilpassedacapitalbudgetof$46.million andacurrentbudgetof$74million.

PickeringhadthelowesttaxincreaseamongDurham municipalities.

Pickeringresidentswillseea1.79percentincreaseonthe City portion of the tax bill.

Tax Dollars Go?

TheaveragePickeringhomeownercanexpecttopayan Exploring Funding Sources extra$31.2thisyearintheCity’sshareofpropertytaxes. WhilepropertytaxesaretheCityofPickering’smainsourc This is based on a $530,000 home (the typical residential property revenue,itpursuesalternativefundingopportunitie assessment in Pickering, according to the Municipal Property the residential tax responsibility. Assessment Corporation).

Budget Highlights


• Activelyseekingandapplyingforeligiblefundingand AnincreaseforthePickeringSeniorsPropertyTaxGrantto grantprogramsfromboththeFederalandProvincial providefurthernancial fi relieftoseniorswhoarechallenged governments. withtherisingcostofliving.

• Naming rights partnerships. Fouradditionalrefi fi ghterstostathenewSeatonFireHall.

• MunicipalContributionAgreementwithOntarioLot Thedevelopmentofanewcorporate-wideDigitalReadiness Gaming AssessmentandServiceModernizationStrategytoprepare the Corporation,inwhichitreceivesrevenuesfor hosting thePickeringCasinoResort.Pickeringhasre City’sonlineservicesforenhancedeCommerceandintegration about in 3 9 2 4 8 , 7 $ non-taxgamingrevenuetodate. withtheCity’snancial fi managementsoftware.

The implementation of a new paid parking program at the City’swaterfront,withdedicatedBy-lawenforcement,to address the parking demands.

AccessibleplaygroundupgradesatProgressFrenchman’sBay East,St.MaryPark,ForestbrookPark,andSouthcottPark.

The construction of three additional natural outdoor ice rinks in Pickeringforfamiliestoenjoyinthewintermonths.Thiswill bringPickering’stotalofnaturalicesurfacestoseven.

TheconstructionofthenewAnimalSheltertoreplacethe existing aging facility which has limited capacity to care for animals in need.

The construction of a shade structure, public art, and contemplationspaceinEsplanadePark–abelovedgathering place for residents of all ages. Your City Magazine - Issue 3 | 19

Sustainable Development

TheCityofPickeringisintheprocessofupdatingitsIntegrated change, support urban forests, pollinators, waste reduction, SustainableDesignStandards,whichwillhelpstaevaluate waterconservation,energyeciency,andaccesstolocalfoo developmentproposalstoensuretheymeettheCity’sand greenspaces. sustainabilityobjectives. WithfundingsupportfromTheAtmosphericFundandRegion Severalroundsofdraftsandrevisionsweremadepublicly ofDurham,theCityisworkingwithUrbanEquationCorp., availableforreviewandfeedback,whichwillinformtheaconsultingfirmwithsignificantexpertiseinthefieldof finalsetofstandards,andultimatelyhelpshapethefuture sustainable of community building, to lead this exciting project. developmentinPickering. “TheCityofPickeringisrecognizednationallyasaleader Theguidelineswerefirstimplementedin207andpositioned sustainability,andthisexcitingprojectwillserveto theCityofPickeringasaleaderinsustainablebuilding reputation, and ”saidMayorDaveRyan.“BypartneringwithThe development. AtmosphericFundandtheRegionofDurham,wewillbeable to engage with our residents and stakeholders in establishing a Sincethen,greendevelopmentpracticeshaveevolvedleading andit’sedgedevelopmentframeworkthatwillultimate importantthatthesestandardsreflecttheinnovative best build agreen more sustainable city.” practices and technology of today, as well as the work being done by both the City and Region of Durham to address climate Visit for the latest details.

Shop the

Pickering City Centre


Wehavemoved!Comefindusatournewlocation-samegreat, award-winningmarketbutinanewspot. Visit us in the Northeast parking lot at the Chestnut Hill DevelopmentsRecreationComplexat1867ValleyFarmRoad. ComeouteveryTuesdayfromJune14thtoOctober4thbetween 9am-2pmtoenjoyfreshproduce,bakedgoods,meats,artesian creations and more. Visit for information.

20 | Your City Magazine - Issue 3

Pickering is Growing L E T ’ S




y B now, many of you have seen the 57‘ Towers Video’ by Fahad Rehman, Real Estate rB oker and Founder of The NextGen Team. Well, the City’s ev ry own Manager of Development Review & rU ban Design, Nilesh Surti, recently caught up with Fahad to talk about new opportunities around this growth, the planning process behind development proposals, what the future of iP ckering looks like, and other pressing u q estions that have been on your mind. Visit eL to watch the iv deo and learn more about the planning process. Getinvolved!ToproactivelyandeectivelymakePickeringa place we are all proud to call home, we rely on the help of our City stamunicipal , partners,andyou. The process of approving new housing, commercial, industrial, and mixed-use projects is rigorous. We reference the existing provincial, regional, and local policies to determine if a proposed project is permissible. We also rely on you, the public, to provide input and comments. The more you participate in this process, the moreweareabletobuildacitythatreflectsourcollectivevision. Each development application has its own information page on , where residents can stay informed on upcoming public meetings or use the feedback form to provide inputdirectlytotheplanningstainvolved.


TheCityofPickeringhasbeenflyingtheUkrainianflagat City Hall, and lighting up City Hall in blue and yellow at night to demonstrate our solidarity with the people of UkraineaswellasourownUkrainian-Canadiancommunity. Ourthoughtsarewithallthoseaected.

Your City Magazine - Issue 3 | 21

Economic Development &

Strategic Projects IN



9. PICKERING NUCLEAR DECOMMISSIONING DurhamLiveisanentertainment Staareregularlyengagedwith hubunderwayinPickering.The RegionalandOPGstatostudythe PickeringCasinoResortopenedin economicactivityproducedbyOPG July The . 1 2 0 2 hotelisexpectedtobe in the City and across the Region. completedinlateResidents .2 02 can expecttoalsoseelm fi studio,oce InJanuaryCouncil ,120 awarded buildings, restaurants, amphitheatre, AECOMCanadaLtd.toundertake performing arts centre and so much thestudyonthenancial, fi more.Init 1 2 0 wasannounced economic, and social impacts on thatPorscheExperienceCentreis theretirementofthePickering expectedtobebuiltinDurhamLiveNuclearGenerationStation forone ,420 ofthreelocationsin PNGS) ( The . studyisexpectedto NorthAmerica. becompletedbyJune.20

10. BROCK INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS PARK Transport Canada lands, north SouthofHighwayalong ,104 Brock ofHighwaywere ,7 identified Road,isPickering’sindustrialhub. TheInnovationCorridorislocated CityofPickeringisundergoinga andreservedforthefuture With thousands of jobs located in incentralPickering,theseprestige majorupdatetotheOcialPlan developmentofanairport. andaroundthearea,itprovidesthe employment lands are largely thatidentifiespoliciestoguide Anairportwouldbethe perfect opportunity for businesses to owned by the Province of Ontario redevelopmentofthelandslocated sourceofsignificanteconomic growandhaveaccesstoresources and include over 8 0 acres of alongKingstonRoadandeastof developmentandjobcreation such as transportation and labour. land abutting both the north and BrockRoad.Throughthisstrategic south side of highway 4 0 7 . City of fornotonlyPickering,butacross project, the City is aiming to Constructionfora square 0 0,031 DurhamRegion.Thissignificant Pickering is working closely with improvethesocial,economic,and footAmazondeliverystationisalso infrastructure project could Infrastructure Ontario to fi nd environmentalhealthofPickering. underway,bringinganotherjobs 02 generate hundreds of millions ideal users. toPickering. ofdollarsinnewinvestmentfor 7. NORTHEAST PICKERING Oneofthemaindevelopmentsin our aeronautic, transportation TriovestRealtyAdvisorshasalso CityofPickering,inpartnership theInnovationCorridorisKubotaandlogistics,high-tech,andother purchasedlandeastofSandyBeach withNortheastPickering CanadaLtd.a , Japanesemanufacturerinnovativesectors. Road to build a new facility for large Landownersgroup,areinitiating ofconstructionequipment.Their industrial tenants. Their building is In March Transport , 0 2 Canada a secondary plan for a new developmentinPickeringwillserve expected to be complete within two released the Pickering Lands proposedcommunity.Pickering astheirnewCanadianheadquarters years. currently faces a growing housing andbringoverjobs 02 totheCity. AviationSectorAnalysis.The report highlighted strategic crisis due to the limited supply, EmixLtdhasalreadybegun 2. SEATON COMMUNITY scenariosofwhenthePickering outpricing current residents out constructionoftheir square 0 0 ,271 of home ownership. The planned foot facility expected to be complete Developmentiswellunderwayfor airport would be needed. The City ofPickeringisworkingclosely communityofNortheastPickering in. 2 0 2 the Seaton Community, as one of withalllevelsofgovernmenton wouldprovidethousandsofnew the largest combined residential, theairportle fi tond fi solutionshomes on along with community employment and commercial and recreational facilities, PICKERING.CA developmentsinDurhamRegion. howwecanmoveforwardand commercial, retail and employment Seatonisdesignedtodevelopa prepare for it when the time comes. @CITYOFPICKERING opportunities, as well as schools completecommunity,oeringa VIARailCanadaVIA) ( is and community spaces built range of housing types, employment @INVESTINPICKERING proposingaHighFrequencyRail around neighbourhoods. lands and land densities. The HFR) ( linebetweentheToronto @INVESTINPICKERING rst fi phaseofSeatonresidentsandQuebecCitycorridor.TheHFR 8. WILLIAM F. WHITE movedinSpringThe .8102 rst fi will help reduce passenger and TheCityofPickeringhasan commercialplazaopenedin9102 freighttraindelaysandprovide agreement with William F. White to bring shopping closer for Seaton fasterservicetoitspatrons.City InternationalInc.WFW) ( a , Sunbelt residents.Additionalcommercial ofPickeringiscollaborating Rentals company, for the leasing areas are planned for Seaton. with Region of Durham to retain ofCity-ownedlands,whichwill a consultant group to create a beusedasamovieandtelevision 3. JERRY COUGHLAN HEALTH & businesscase,developaconcept lming fi backlot,commencing WELLNESS CENTRE plan and identify the best location Octoberfor 120 , uptoanine Pickeringwillalsobehometo to propose an HFR station in year period. a new medical centre, bringing PickeringtoVIA’sJointProject Thelandshavebeentransformed healthservicesclosertohome OceJPO) ( The . HFRservicewill into the largest backlot of its kind forpeoplelivinginthearea.The broadenconnectivityacrosseastern in Canada and were used for the modernmulti-storeybuildingwill Ontario,reducegreenhousegas principallming fi siteofamajor beonaacre -3.2 propertythatis emissions, and create jobs and streamingservice’snewtelevision ownedbyLakeridgeHealth. opportunities in the area series. 1. PICKERING INNOVATION CORRIDOR

Seaton Community Development, Rendering

22 | Your City Magazine - Issue 3


Pickering Nuclear Generation Station, Lake Ontario


William F. White, Backlot

Map of Pickering, General locations of projects noted.

Kingston Road Corridor I N T E N S I F I C AT I O N





CityofPickeringisintheprocess The Province of Ontario leads SinceCity ,5102 ofPickeringhas OnceRegionofDurhamapproves ofamajorupdatetotheOcial land use planning and has workedthroughvariousprocesses. theBy-lawamendment,Citysta Planthatisnecessarytofullyissued a number of documents This included community willpreparetherequiredCity conformtotheintensificationto guide and direct regional engagement and background initiatedzoningby-lawamendment policiesoftheProvincialGrowth and local land use policy. informationwhichleadstatoto update the land use regulations Plan.Itidentifiespoliciestoguide This includes policies about concludethatSouthPickeringfor the properties within the area. redevelopmentofthelandslocated managing growth. Pickering IntensificationPlanshouldfocus Thiszoningby-lawamendmentwill alongKingstonRoad,andonthe is part of the Regional ontheKingstonRoadCorridoras establish maximum heights on a site eastsideofBrockRoad. Municipality of Durham, which themainareaforintensification. by site basis, as well as other detailed also has an Official Plan. TheKingstonRoadCorridor matters such as setbacks, parking, TheCity’sgoalistoimprovethe and Specialty Retailing Node etc.Duringthisphase,stawill long-termsocial,environmental,TheProvince’sGrowthPlan IntensificationStudyconcluded undertake community engagement. economic and cultural health of requiresthatthemajorityof inDecemberwhen 9102 City The community engagement and growth happen in existing Council endorsed in principle communication plan will be brought New policies put forward will urbanareasthatarewellservedanIntensificationPlanandDraft to Council for endorsement in the promote land uses and building by transit. This creates “complete UrbanDesignGuidelines. secondquarterof .2 02 designs that are easily accessed communities”thatoeramixof by walking or public transit, are landusesanddierenthousing In January 2 0 , Council of the UntiltheCityinitiatedzoning environmentallyfriendly,andenable options.TheCity’sPlanmust City of Pickering adopted theby-lawamendmentisadopted,any a mix of residential and commercial conformtotheRegion’sPlan. By- law O cial PlanAmendment developmentproposalswithinthe useswithinthevariousKingston Additionally,bothocialplansmust 3 8 . Upon City Council adoption, areawillstillberequiredtounder Road Corridor neighbourhoods. conformtoProvincialpolicies. City of Pickering forwarded all adevelopmentapplicationprocess material related to amendment to with mandatory public consultation, the Region of Durham for their Councilapproval,aswellassitepla review and fi nal approval. approval. HOW WILL THIS AFFECT ME?

Largescaledevelopmentofthiskindtakesmanyyearstorealize andrequiresanumberofapprovalsfromstakeholdersbeforeitcan HOW CAN I LEARN MORE? proceedtoconstruction.Properlymanagedintensificationwillensure thatgrowthhappenssmoothly.OPAis 8 3 thenextstepinaseriesof . 1 Landlord:Ifyouareanaectedbusiness,contactyourlandlordto stepsthatwillestablishmoredetailthatreflectstheCityvision for their plans and application. discuss intensification.Asaresident,youwillhaveanopportunitytoprovide 2. CityDevelopmentandEconomicDevelopment:Tolearnmoreabout yourinputatallstagesthatrequireCouncilapproval. thepoliciesandcurrentapplicationscontacttheCityDevelo In the short to medium term, daily routines may be disrupted due to department. To discuss the impacts on your business and seek constructionofessentialinfrastructuree. ( g.BRT,watermains,sewers)relocationassistancecontacttheEconomicDevelopmentdepar andbuildingonprivatelands.Coordinatedconstructionmanagement . 3 Website:Informationonthebackgroundoftheproject,ocialreport plans will be put in place to handle the impacts of construction in our anddocuments,currentdevelopmentapplications,andfrequent community.Therewillbefrequentcommunicationbygovernment agenciestoprovidenoticeofthesedisruptionssothatyoumayplan askedquestionsareavailableonourwebsite. forit.Businessesintheproposeddevelopmentareaswillberequired . 4 EmailUpdates:Signuponthewebsitetogetanyupdatesviaemail. torelocatewhenconstructioncommences.Citystawillbeworking withdevelopersandbusinessestomitigateimpactonbusinesses. 5 and SocialMedia:Anykeychangeswillbesharedthroughoursocial channels.





Your City Magazine - Issue 3 | 23


Pickering Museum Village Receives Funding for a A new project is underway at Pickering Museum Village.

AndrewMullins,theProjectCoordinator,hasthistosay theproject.“Iamveryhonouredtobeapartofthisproject aninnovativeteacherresourcehighlightinganimporta ofOntario’shistory.Italsohelpscelebratetherenovat Themuseumreceived$10,4fromtheDigitalMuseumof our175-year-oldblacksmithshopatPickeringMuseumVillage. Canadaand$3,0fromYoungCanadaWorkstocreateafree ThePickeringMuseumVillageispassionateaboutbringing virtualexhibitandeducationalresource.Thewebsite willinvite Pickerings’ pasttolifebyutilizingthelatestinmediat userstoexploretheevolutionofblacksmithinginOntario and toresonate withemerginggenerationsinPickeringandb includescurriculumlinksandlessonplansforgrades7-12. TheMuseumVillagehaspartneredwithfivepartnersites, AvailableinbothEnglishandFrench,thewebsitewillfeature anFanshawePioneerVillage,WestfieldHeritageVill including interactivetimelinethattakesusersonajourney from the 1860s Village,GreyRootsMuseumandArchives,and LangPioneer totodaytodiscoverhowblacksmithsadaptedtheirtrade to meet toindividuallyrepresentaneraofblack FlemingCollege the changing needs of their communities. The website will launch in the timeline. December20. Thewebsiteincludesdynamicvideosofblacksmithssolvi “It is fascinating to see the change from small rural smithy to design and technological challenges using the tools and methods blacksmithingasanartform.”saysEllenTayles-Armstrong the ofof their assigned time period. PickeringMuseumVillage.“TheGreenwoodBlacksmithShop at the museum, for example, was used as an art studio by artist Accompanyingteacherresourcesincludelessonplansth BillLishmanafterthelastvillageblacksmithretired in195.This science,andartcurriculum.Variousactivitie tohistory, websitewillgivenewlifetostoriessuchastheseina fun and suchasanarchivalscavengerhunt,ablacksmit included, exciting new way.” inspiredsculpturalartproject,andatext-basedadven

24 | Your City Magazine - Issue 3

Exhibit The Pickering Museum Village is passionate about bringing Pickerings’ past to life by utilizing the latest in media technology to resonate with emerging generations in Pickering and beyond. Andrew Mullins Project Coordinator, Pickering Museum Village

A“Blacksmith’sToolbox”willserveasan interactivevirtualarchiveforusers,exhibiting variousartifactsandtoolsthatillustratethe changing technology of the trade. Thewebsitewillbeavailableinthenewpermanent on-siteexhibitintheGreenwoodBlacksmithShop atthemuseumthroughatouchscreentelevision. Thiswilladdaninnovativeuseoftechnology inthespaceandprovideadditionalhistorical background on blacksmithing. Thenewexhibit,openingJune1,20willexplore wagon making at the turn of the century. Families andkidswillbeabletolearnaboutthreetradesmetalworking, woodworking and painting through exhibitactivitiessuchasforgingahorseshoe, shoeing a horse, assembling a wagon, and adding toacommunitypaint-by-number. “ThePickeringMuseumVillageisexcitedtolaunch boththewebsiteandtheon-siteexhibitduringthe yearthatwecelebratethe175thanniversaryofthe GreenwoodBlacksmithShop,”saysMs.TaylesArmstrong.Museumstahaveanamazinglineup of new programs and workshops for children and adultssetforsummer20.

Your City Magazine - Issue 3 | 25

Pickering Museum Village 2365 6th Concession Road Greenwood, ON L0H 1H0 905.683.8401

Guided Tours

Summer Adventures Barn & Butter Garden Gnomes & Fairy Homes Izzy’s Mystery Adventure What’s the Scoop? 1920s Prohibition Escape Room Junior Carriage Painter Visit the museum website for detail and registration information.

Join us for a 45 minute in - person walking tour of the museum. Book a tour time for your group of up to 9 people. A variety of themes to choose from seasonally: Anne in Pickering

The Anne Experience Explore the world of Anne of Green Gables in a behind-the-camera tour of the Pickering Museum Village, the set of various ‘Anne’ productions for almost forty years.

Glad Rags and Giggle Juice History Detective Pickering’s Past Guided tours must be booked in advance, contact the museum for details and to book.

All Tours, Adventures, Experiences, and Workshops must be registered in advance. Register online at or contact the museum for assistance.

Enjoy a picnic lunch, taste a scone as you blend your own tea, and listen to an audio tour with Anne recounting some of her favourite memories. Visit the historic houses and learn about Lucy Maud Montgomery and historic fashions from Anne’s time. Take part in a painting workshop as you bring the past to life in this fun experience. Registation is required. Recommended for ages 12+. Register online at or contact the museum for assistance. 26 Spring | Your2022 City |Magazine - Issue 3 24


Canada Day Day Canada Friday, July 1 Friday, July 1 Free community event Free community event

We’ll be on the road again this summer We’ll on thetoroad again this and be coming a location nearsummer you. and coming to a location near you.

Daytimeat atEsplanade EsplanadePark Park Daytime

Participants must be 7+ with parental signed waiver to particpate. Details and schedule online.

12:00 pm - 5:00 pm 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm • Live entertainment, music, and shows!

• Live entertainment, music, and shows! • Family friendly activities, crafts, and • Family friendly activities, crafts, and games. games. • Special interest areas for preschool, • Special interest areas for preschool, children, teen & adults. children, teen & adults. Familypicnic picnicarea area&&food foodtrucks trucksononsite. site. • • Family

Pleasenote: note:Esplanade EsplanadePark Parkisisa aSmoke SmokeFree FreeZone. Zone. Please

Eveningat atKinsmen KinsmenPark Park Evening startingatat7:00 7:00pm pm starting

Livestage stageentertainment, entertainment,music, music,food, food, • • Live andFIREWORKS! FIREWORKS! and Free FreeEvent EventShuttle Shuttlestarting startingatat6:00 6:00pm pmfrom fromthe the GOGOTrain TrainlotlotatatSandy SandyBeach BeachRoad, Road,and andOPG OPGlots lotsatat 777 777&&889 889Brock BrockRoad RoadSouth. South. AllAllbuses are fully accessible. buses are fully accessible. Please Pleasenote: note:Kinsmen KinsmenPark Parkisisa aSmoke SmokeFree FreeZone. Zone. Sparklers and/or personal fireworks are Sparklers and/or personal fireworks arenot notpermitted permittedininthe thepark. park. Full Fullevent eventdetails detailsavailable availableonline. online.| |905.420.4620 905.420.4620

Look for our trailer and stop by for a skate! Look for our trailer and stop by for a skate! Participants must be 7+ with parental signed waiver to particpate. Details and schedule online.

FreeSummer SummerConcerts Concerts Free Thursdays at 7:00 pm Thursdays at 7:00 pm MillenniumSquare Square Millennium

Liverpool Road South at the lake Liverpool Road South at the lake

July7,7,14,14,21,21,2828and andAugust August4,4,11,11,18, 18,2525 July note: New paid parking plan in effect. note: New paid parking plan in effect.

Sundaysatat2:00 2:00pm pm Sundays EsplanadePark ParkGazebo Gazebo Esplanade

July3,3,10,10,17,17,24,24,31,31,and andAugust August1414&&2828 July Bringyour yourblanket blanketororlawn lawnchair. chair. Bring

Farmers’ Farmers’Market Market Bringing Bringinglocal localfood foodtotoyour yourtable. table.

Join us weekly at the market! Join us weekly at the market!

Find us in the North East parking lot at the Chestnut Find us in the North East parking lot at the Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex. Hill Developments Recreation Complex.

Tuesdays from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Tuesdays from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm June 14 to October 4 June 14 to October 4

Your City Magazine - Issue 3 | 27

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