ReBrand: Trouble Coffee

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Trouble Coffee Company Logo Identity Guide: 2011

T R O U B LE coffee co.

Logo Identity Guide: 2011

TR O U B LE Trouble Coffee Company coffee co.


Logo Proposition:

Learning about the Construction of the Logo The mission and goals for Trouble Coffee Co. is to provide excellent and friendly service to regular folks who may happen to stumble upon what appears to be another hole-in-the-wall coffee shop. But little to their surprise Trouble Coffee Co. is a coffeehouse like no other. Trouble Coffee Co. is an establishment that gains its popularity through word of mouth. The coffeehouse aspires to provide a simple but alternative coffee sipping activity. Basically Trouble Coffee Co. is a modern replica of a small town coffeehouse where customers can sit inside this bar-style location and allow time to lower its pace while customers can relax and enjoy the simpler things in life.

Logo Identity Guide: 2011

What is Trouble Coffee Co. About? Worldly: People come into the establishment with a fresh and open mind about venturing into something new and perhaps unexpected Expressive: We don’t always need to play by the book when it comes to doing something that we are passionate about. But as long as we’re putting our heart and soul into our craft, there shouldn’t be any doubt that you’ve created something extraordinary. Authentic: Trouble Coffee Co. is only one of its kind, there is no other place that can emulate the unique confections and other interesting delights on their menu. Reminiscent: The laid-back mood of Trouble Coffee Co. will want you to trace your memories back towards a simpler era in your life where time seemed to slow down for you and nothing else could ruin your day.

Trouble Coffee Company


Master Logo: Color


T R O U B LE coffee co.

coffee co.

White on Black TR O U B LE coffee co.

TR O U B LE coffee co.

T R O U B LE coffee co.

Logo Identity Guide: 2011

Color and B&W

Black on White

As the viewer can see the logo consists of specific type treatment as well as simplified graphic illustrations. The colored logo features an illustrated woodgrain pattern which is decreased in terms of opacity. The overall look and feel of the colored logo is meant to validate the status of this independent business, whereas the color treatment is meant to be warm and inviting towards the viewer. The earth-like hues are also immensly inspired by the woodgrain panels used for the mini bars within the interior structure of Trouble Coffee Co. The black and white treatments were designed to reveal a bit more grit and earthy qualities in relation to the atmosphere of Trouble Coffee. The coffeehouse persists of humble and vintage decor which makes it appearling and inviting towards a younger audience that wishes to relive a bygone era.

Trouble Coffee Company


Alternate Logos As far as the color treatment for the Trouble Coffee Co. logo, the changes are minimal and somewhat subtle when transitioning from the primary to the secondary colors. The cuisine and the beverages of Trouble Coffee Co. is the main aspect of the coffeehouse which therefore makes the customer’s experience to be very memorable. Therefore the logos continue to emulate the color scheme that is inspired by the menu of Trouble Coffee Co. The jackalope remains to be the icon of this establishment and even assists the viewer from establishing the hierarchy of the information displayed in the logo. The jackalope also acts as a symbol of the rare experience one will receive as they walk into this particular coffeehouse. Trouble Coffee Co. is distinct from its popular chain competitors because the menu is slightly average but it also consists of unique food choices that no other mainstream establishment could easily emulate by an assembly line.

Logo Identity Guide: 2011

T R O U B LE coffee co.

T R O U B LE coffee co.

san francisco, ca

T R O U B LE coffee co. san francisco, ca

Trouble Coffee Company

T R O U B LE coffee co.


T R O U B LE T R Oco. coffee U B LE coffee co.



TR O U B LE coffee co.





TR O U B LE coffee co.

0.5” TR O U B LE coffee co.


coffee co.

coffee co.

Logo Sizes: From Large to Small TR O U B LE coffee co.

On the far left we see the master logo measuring to approximately three inches in diameter, which is suitable for labeling TR Oand E like. The next logo over measures at 1.5 inches in diamteter and the logo on the very right U B Lthe disposable coffee cups coffee co. measures at 0.5 inches. The smallest logos are designed to be used for publicity purposes since Trouble Coffee Co. tends to be the sight of small local music shows in the Outer Sunset District. Often these sorts of shows are mostly publicizes via word of mouth, but local poster art is a revered and valuable way for Trouble Coffee Co. to showcase its logo identity.

Logo Identity Guide: 2011

Trouble Coffee Company



1.25” 0.75”


Exclusion Zone When the time approaches for Trouble Coffee Co. to use its logo in any publication format the logo will include an exclusion zone (or empty space) that surrounds it in order to preserve the integrity of the artwork.

T R O U B LE coffee co.


0.75” 1.25”

TR O U B LE coffee co.


TR O U B LE coffee co.

Logo Identity Guide: 2011

Trouble Coffee Company


Light burgundy

Burgundy wood C: 33 M: 93 Y:100 K:49 Dark brown wood

C: 26 M: 89 Y:100 K:22 Alt. badge green

C: 47 M: 82 Y:79 K:73 Trouble yellow

C: 26 M: 37 Y:100 K:3 Antelope white

C: 1 M: 17 Y:95 K:0

C: 0 M: 0 Y:0 K:0

Antelope white C: 0 M: 0 Y:0 K:0 Badge green C: 27 M: 33 Y:100 K:2

Colors: Primary & Secondary The featured colors above represent the primary colors that were selected to be used in the master logo. The color treatment was inspired by the monochome relationship among the browns in the woodgrain as seen in Trouble Coffee Co. The yellow, green and white were mean to accent the logo in order to reflect the charming qualities of the coffeehouse. The jump from the primary to the secondary colors is not very dramatic because it was meant to retain that rustic mood exuded from the interior decor as well as Trouble Coffee Co.’s menu. Logo Identity Guide: 2011

Trouble Coffee Company


Typography The type used for the identity of Trouble Coffee Co. is purposely done in serif fonts in order to pay homage to the initial identity of the establishment. The use of the serif fonts proved to be alluring and even perhaps reminiscent of simpler times as coffeehouses were gaining popularity among the American people. The OldStyle fonts are meant to preserve that authenticity of the small town coffee house feel while the Century font adds a bit more modernity to the coffeehouse’s identity.

OldStyle 1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ab cdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Century ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

OldStyle Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS TU VWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv wxyz OldStyle Small Caps ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ab cdefghij klmnopqrstuvwxyz

Logo Identity Guide: 2011

Trouble Coffee Company


Products: Serving Cups At Trouble Coffee Co. the distribution of the coffee cup varies from one person to another. Often for the customer on the go they would be handed a to-go paper coffee cup. The two paper cups near the bottom of the page vary in size (based on coffee shots) and both each wear a different logo in order to show what would appear to be more favorable for the establishment. If a customer decides to stay for a while at the coffeehouse bar or cares to sit outside on one of the benches, the barista would provide an in house coffee mug with a serving plate. Here we see the logo broken down into its simplest form, the jackalope icon and the Trouble Coffee Co. typeography. Here we can see how the logo carries some level of versatility.

Logo Identity Guide: 2011

Trouble Coffee Company


Products: Coffee Merchandise Trouble Coffee Co. is also known for selling their coffee based products to those who like to make their coffee in a specific manner. So here we have some products simulating a brown bag of ground coffee and a small class coffee bean container. The coffee bag sports the white on black logo because it appears to be more readable than most of the other logos due to it being high in contrast. The glass coffee bean container wears a sticker with one of the alternative logos comprised ofthe seconary colors. What is also significant about labeling such items is that the customer needs to understand what is in each container; therefore a bit more typography is being used for these logos in order to indicate what kind of coffee the customer would be purchasing.

T R O U B LE coffee co. mocca

Logo Identity Guide: 2011

Trouble Coffee Company


Products: Appearal T R O U B LE coffee co. san francisco, ca

T R O U B LE coffee co.

san francisco, ca

Here more of the alternative logos will have more ofthe opportunity for being showcased to the public through regular appearal. The neutral colors were chosen to be used to compliment the colors of each logo. Using either white or black shirts would possibly take away the value of the hues in the primary and secondary color selections; meaning the earthy and humble characteristics would possibly be lost and the logos would result in appearing to be very bold and uninviting towards the viewer.

TR O U B LE coffe e co.

Logo Identity Guide: 2011

Trouble Coffee Company


Business Cards Trouble Coffee Co.’s business cards retain the main primary colors, burgundy wood, dark brown wood, and Trouble yellow since they are the simplest color form of the logo. On the official website for Trouble Coffee Co. their identity is described in various poetic phrases that explain the uniqueness of the establishment. The word trouble itself is used to describe the antithesis of the mainstream coffeehouse while offering an alternative lifestyle for locals who wouldn’t have to resort into investing their time and money in a corporate coffeehouse chain. One of the phrases that pertains to the name of the coffee house, “Drink a Cup of TROUBLE” invites and tempts the customer to participate in this different and alternative experience.

Drink a Cup of


Logo Identity Guide: 2011

Drink a Cup of


Trou b le Cof f e e

4022 Judah St. San Francisco, CA 94122 Open & Shut: 7am-7pm, e (800) 555-1212

Trou b le Cof f e e Co. 4022 Judah St. San Francisco, CA 94122 Open & Shut: 7am-7pm, every damn day (800) 555-1212

Trouble Coffee Company


Letterhead T R O U B LE cof f e e co.

4022 Judah St. San Francisco, CA 94122 (800) 555-1212

In order to retain the rustic and humble mood of Trouble Coffee Co. a vector paint brush was used to frame the information, icon and typography within the letterhead. The OldStyle typefaces are mostly to be used for the name Trouble Coffee Co. as it is mostly utilized as a decorative font when it comes to using the logo for any means in publication and for other internal purposes. The Century typeface is used most of the time as the “default� typeface; however whenever one has to conduct business with the logo itself it must be accompanied with regular Century. As one can see here this an an example of what is the relationship between the OldStyle and Century typefaces on a more professional level, where the coffeehouse must exhibit professionalism, but at the same time it must not lose its luster in front of important clientele.

Logo Identity Guide: 2011

Trouble Coffee Company


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