Winter 2012/2013

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R a d i a n t L i v i n g f o r R e a l P e o pl e

B REAL Winter 2012


Hand Crafted Self-Esteem Winter Gardening Tips Make a Memory Sock

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Center of Symmetry Louise Ave. Porter Road Butcher Gallatin Ave The Green Wagon Forrest Ave Turnip Truck Urban Fare East Woodland St. Turnip Trust Urband Fare West 12th Ave Whole Foods Hillsboro Pike Worm's Way Main Street Ugly Mug Coffee Shop Eastland Ave


Sunshine Health & Nutrition Shop North Lowry St.

e to k i l e ld wou agazin il u o If y .Real M s, ema B es om host r busin gmail.c @ ou at y .colleen .b just


Whole Foods Galleria Blvd.


Aesthetic Center of Murfreesboro Highland St. Aspen Leaf Yogurt Middle Tn. Blvd. Blue Agave Church Street Downtown Square shown in picture Enchanted Planet Greenland Dr. Jozoara Coffee Shop Thompson Lane area Outside Keathley University Center MTSU Campus Mellow Mushroom Rutherford Blvd. area MOAB Maple St. Murfreesboro Athletic Club Memorial Blvd. Personally Yours Barfield Crescent area Stepping Stone Academy near Broad & Rutherford Blvd. Sunshine Health & Nutrition Shop Church St. Pa Bunk's Natural Market Downtown Top of the Block W. Lokey Ave.

Our health and solutions feature leadingedge products and programs designed to help minimize toxins and maximize nutrition - rejuvenating the body - from the inside out. We offer products and programs that go “beyond organic� within the categories of cleansing and detoxification, toxic-free skin and body care, live snacks and beverages, pure mountain spring water, and nutrient dense beef and dairy products shipped direct from our farm to your family.

Organic Grass-fed Beef

Uncured Beef Hot Dogs

Raw Cheese

Gluten-free snacks

Happy New Year! Radiant Health Institute is the new publisher of B.Real magazine which explains the new look. Let us know what you think – you likey like? Speaking of liking, we want to know what you – the readers – want out of this quarterly magazine. What are we missing? What are we doing well? How can we improve? We’re dying to know. We support local writers, photographers, artists and businesses including printers. If you have a talent to share, please contact us to become involved. We’re open to hearing what you can offer. We’d like to sincerely acknowledge this magazine’s founder, Colleen Sauvé. Her passion to start B.Real led to her tireless efforts to keep it going for eight issues now. She remains the magazine’s business development director to further grow this beautiful independent media baby of hers. This issue offers lots of inspiration and hope about our community. We hope your holidays are full of the same. Dez Stephens managing editor, B.Real magazine founder, Radiant Health Institute

In This Issue





Ring in the New Year the Feng Shui Way

NOW OPEN Sunflower CafĂŠ

Winter Gardening

The Power of Neurofeedback





Make A Memory Stocking

Yellow Brick Road

Self-Esteem is Hand Crafted

Purify Your Body





Winter Peace

Embracing Change

Inspire a Child


Publisher Radiant Health Institute, LLC Founder & Director of Business Development Colleen SauvĂŠ,

31 Moving Forward

Managing Editor Dez Stephens Editorial Assistant Alisa Jernigan Cover model Calli Pugh B.Real Magazine is a media cooperative. Copyright 2011. 2012.

Expressions of opinion, claims and statement of supposed facts do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors nor do the editors or publishers in print and online publishing thereof accept any responsibility for the validity of claims make in articles or advertising. Opinions expressed within are not to be considered official expressions of B.Real magazine or The publisher will not assume any responsibility for errors and omissions appearing within.

Clean Clothes without Detergent or Hot Water.

Take Your Fresh Air With You.

Not All Water Is Created Equal.

Eliminate Indoor Pollution.

Tisha Morris

feng shui consultant, energy healer, yoga instructor & author

Do you fear that the New Year will get off to a slow, cold start for you? Do you feel like you’ll find your groove in 2013? Or maybe you’re just now realizing that the world isn’t ending in 2012. Either way, you may be feeling more aligned with the day (date) much of the world considers the beginning of 2013. February 10th marks the Chinese New Year.


The Chinese New Year is also referred to as the Lunar New Year and has been used since 2637 B.C.E. when the first zodiac cycle was introduced. The calendar is based on 12-year cycles, each of which is represented by an animal. Out with the 2012 Dragon and in with the 2013 Snake. The dragon brought in fiery, unexpected power and energy. Whereas this year, the snake will bring in a more solid, steady and disciplined energy. With feng shui originating in China and being an integral component of Chinese Medicine, it’s not surprising that the home plays a role in Chinese New Year’s traditions. Similar to our “spring cleaning,” part of the Chinese New Year tradition is to clean house. Cleaning the home is considered essential for sweeping away bad luck to make room for incoming good luck. The front entrances of homes and businesses, which are energy hotspots in feng shui, are decorated with red and gold-colored paper banners with messages, such as “happiness,” “long life” and “wealth.” It is also Chinese tradition to hold a family gathering on New Year’s Eve. However, the gathering must be limited to 8 or 9 guests based upon numerology. Noodles are usually served as they symbolize longevity. Monetary gifts are given to children in auspicious red envelopes. Although the Chinese New Year is not typically celebrated in the West, think about how you might incorporate some of these traditions into your New Year. The New Year is a time to consider what is and what isn’t working for you. It is the perfect time to declutter. Clean out your closet physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Our clothes say so much about who we are and what we express into our world. Consider whether you have a new message. And like the Chinese tradition, the New Year is a great time to clean your home. No need to wait until spring. Start 2013 with a clean slate. Sweep away what no longer serves you to allow space for what you want more of in your life. After cleaning home, consider space-cleansing, using sage or a Smudge Spray. In doing so, set the intention to clear away any old or stagnant energy. Follow this by blessing your home with a mantra or prayer to help bring in happiness and prosperity for the upcoming year.

Tisha Morris is a feng shui consultant, energy healer, yoga instructor, and author of Feng Shui Your Life (Turner Publishing).

The perfect gift, locally made!

NOW OPEN Sunflower Café

a Vegetarian Farm-to-Table Restaurant by Kristianna Zack-Simmons Nestled in the Berry Hill area of Nashville is a café whose time has come. Sunflower Café is an allvegetarian farm-to-table restaurant promoting a healthful and nutritious lifestyle in Nashville. Their gourmet dishes serve a variety of eaters ranging from vegan, gluten-free sensitivities to a children’s menu that takes a healthy approach to kids’ favorite dishes. This is no ordinary lunch spot. The Sunflower Café chefs and cooks arrive bright and early each morning to prepare the homemade dishes that will be served for lunch that same day. The farm fresh bar consists of hot and cold selections all thoughtfully prepared and artfully displayed. These freshly prepared dishes contain organic, locally grown and biodynamic seasonal vegetables from local farms including Long Hungry Creek Farm, Delvin Farms, Bells Bend Farm and Real Food Farms. In keeping with their mission of promoting a healthy, nutritious lifestyle, Sunflower Café offers homemade Kombucha tea on tap, an abundant selection of gluten-free vegan desserts and an Oogave soda machine, the only one of its kind in the city of Nashville. With their meals, guests enjoy drinking organic sodas sweetened only with agave nectar. The Sunflower Café is the creation of partners Laura Yazdian and Gabrielle Middlestaedt. It was their shared dream to create an atmosphere where conscious and mindful eating could be cultivated that brought them together. They both held a vision of a place where the community is served wholesome, healthy and nutritious food that is better for the planet and a cornerstone for a healthy lifestyle. Their dream and vision is now a reality and a blessing for the community of Nashville. Sunflower Café is open for lunch Monday thru Saturday 11:00am-2:30pm and is located at 2834 Azalea Place, Nashville, TN (37204). (615) 457-2568

Sara Smith

master gardener

WINTERGARDENINGTIPS For most gardeners, the garden never stops growing. Year round, there is always something to be done and our work is never quite finished. This time of year though, there is frost to worry about as well as pesky critters. Here are some helpful hints for your winter garden:


I often get asked whether extreme temperature swings will harm or kill ornamental plants. In general, the answer is “no.” Plants have a genetic ability to sense atmospheric changes and adjust in advance of them. While warm winter temperatures do induce growth spurts and flowering, cool temperatures will slow down the growth rate. The time plants are the most vulnerable is in the Spring when periods of warm weather increase, and there are several nights with temperatures well below freezing. While plants generally will survive hard winter freezes, blossoms on winter-flowering plants such as camellias, plum or cherry trees are not quite as lucky. When their buds are swollen and blooming is imminent, a hard freeze can damage the buds. The damage isn’t always seen immediately but can show up in the form of brown spots on the petals once they bloom. It may also cause entire buds to drop off the plant, and fully open flowers may turn a sickly brown or fall to the ground. Cover any plants that have buds and/or open flowers with an old sheet or a commercially available frost cover. Plastic is not recommended as it can quickly create an oven effect when the sun shines on it.

Here’s to a healthy, thriving start to a spring garden...

Water Correctly

Even during the winter, plants need to be watered about one inch per week. If you are not sure how much water your plants are getting, purchase a rain gauge or set out open tuna cans in your flower beds to gauge the amount of water your plants are getting. Watering should be done in the morning so plant leaves have time to dry and avoid foliar diseases. Know the watering requirement for your plants as some plants need more or less than the average of one inch per week.

Winter Animals

Be sure to have squirrel guards on your bird feeders. If squirrels are frequent visitors to your garden they will eat your bulbs that you so painstakingly planted. To keep deer at bay, it is always helpful to change up which deer repellent you use and remember to re-apply according to directions. Placing fist-size nylon bags of Milorganite organic fertilizer on 24-inch stakes camouflaged in the plants also helps to deter deer.

Raised Beds

If you want to plan ahead for 2013, consider using a raised bed where the soil warms quicker and will stay warmer because of its limited space. Plus, protection is easier due to the clearly defined areas around your garden. This past summer, my elderly mother used a raised bed for her vegetables, and she loved it because it was much easier for her to maintain as she could sit in a chair to pull weeds.

Plants are Different

Pay attention to each plant’s needs. When a plant needs “full sun”, that means sun all day, not just morning sun. Make sure plants have good air circulation around them. The key to having a healthy, thriving plant is to place the plant in the right place with appropriate cultural conditions.

Weeds and Mulch

During the cold winter days, herbicides do not work as well so the old-fashioned way (pulling the weeds) works best. Applying mulch to your beds will tremendously help with keeping weeds away as well as help to keep root temperatures stable. Using too little mulch won’t protect your plants or keep the weeds away. Using too much mulch can do more harm than good. So be sure to check with your local agricultural center as to what they recommend for the mulch depth.

The Girls Landscaping was established in 2004 and is owned and operated by Sara Smith, Master Gardener. We specialize in all aspects of landscaping and landscape maintenance.

Tammy Roth

human development expert

The Power of

Neurofeedback One of my downfalls as a psychotherapist is that I like to see people get better. Fast. Patience has never been one of my virtues. While I was still in graduate school, I was seeking training in alternative healing methods such as EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) because I believed there were more direct routes to healing than talk therapy alone. Over the years, I’ve added more and more techniques dealing with chakras, meridians and the olfactory system to name a few. All of this to say I have a lot of tricks in my bag.

“It’s also very beneficial for peak performance and simply helping you to be on top of your game.” I had never encountered a healing technique as fast, thorough and sustainable as neurofeedback, an exciting technology that utilizes the intelligence of your own body, central nervous system and brain to regulate itself. It is a perfect blend of tapping into advanced technology yet relying on the brilliance of your own inner-knowing to find balance. This leads to real health and makes for a happy over-achieving therapist. Neurofeedback is a painless, non-invasive process where electroencephalogram (EEG) sensors are placed on your scalp to get an EEG read. Your brain is then provided


immediate data on how it is performing through visual, auditory and tactile feedback. The brain is rewarded for improving performance and it then reorganizes itself based on the instantaneous information it’s receiving which leads to a calm, flexible and resilient brain. With continued sessions, the brain creates new neuropathways and let’s go of the old patterns. The changes then become sustainable. All of this is done without the use of medication and without the side effects commonly associated with medications. It takes an average of 20 sessions for lasting change to occur.

“if any medication had demonstrated such a wide spectrum of efficacy, it would be universally accepted and widely used” This process can be used to address anything the brain and central nervous system control. It helps with anxiety, depression, trauma, sleep issues, ADD/ADHD, migraines and headaches, OCD, seizures, PTSD, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, PMS and menopause symptoms, digestive disorders, TMJ, chronic fatigue and addiction/alcoholism. It can even slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease. It’s also very beneficial for peak performance and simply helping you to be on top of your game.

Frank Duffy, MD, Neurologist, Head of the Neuroimaging Department and of Neuroimaging Research at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School Professor, conducted an independent review of the literature on neurofeedback for Clinical Electroencephalography (2000). He summarized his findings as follows: “The literature, which lacks any negative study of substance, suggests that EEG biofeedback therapy should play a major therapeutic role in many difficult areas.” In my opinion, if any medication had demonstrated such a wide spectrum of efficacy, it would be universally accepted and widely used. With advances in neuroscience, we are discovering the brain has amazing capacities to heal, change and regulate itself. And with a little nudge from technology, the changes occur at a rapid pace. Neurofeedback is currently being offered in Nashville by a variety of licensed health care providers. There are also a variety of neurofeedback systems in use. They vary slightly in their approach, but most ultimately end up with the same result. And, while I make light of talk therapy, I will say that your relationship with the neurofeedback provider is one of the most important aspects of the treatment. Rather than laboring over picking the right system or training, I recommend finding a technician that you trust and feel comfortable with…then let the brain balancing begin!

Tammy Roth, LPC-MHSP, currently serves as the director of neurofeedback services at NeuroClarity (a service of the Oasis Center). She has more than 10 years of clinical experience, as well as 15 years of corporate organizational development experience. She earned two master’s degrees from Vanderbilt University, both focusing on human development.

Kandace Groher

urban heirloom artist

This time of year I, like many, tend to get a little nostalgic reflecting on Christmases past. Each year as my family and I trim the tree, I am taken back to the Christmas that my grandmother gifted me a most precious heirloom; the Memory Stocking. Each year, from Thanksgiving to New Year’s, the Memory Stocking adorns our living room mantel.

make a

y r o m e M g n i k c o St

The stocking is crafted from family heirloom fabric and embellished with antique jewelry, tatting and a handkerchief. This is not just “a stocking.” It tells a story of generations of women in our family- my mother’s and grandmother’s style through fabric from each woman’s wedding; my great-grandmother’s and great-great-grandmother’s skilled hands in the tatted adornments; and an embroidered handkerchief once carried in days-gone-by. Each piece of the stocking has meaning. Each story documented in my grandmother’s pen on a simple note tucked inside for me to cherish. The small pieces used in my stocking may have otherwise been long lost or cast away as scraps. Instead, they were saved and joined together to make a beautiful heirloom. After the birth of my daughter, and many years after receiving my Memory Stocking, my grandmother gave my small daughter a nearly bare one. Just as before, inside was a note listing the few items used to make the shell of the stocking and a request…that I add to it throughout her life. So, I diligently collect family heirlooms to carry on the tradition of the Memory Stocking for my own daughter, and perhaps one day, her daughter.


To make your own: The shell 1 Trace an existing stocking to create the template. 2 F old lining fabric in half (right sides together), and cut lining from template.

3 F old exterior fabric in half (wrong sides together), and cut exterior from template.

The design 1 P rior to assembling, design the front of the stocking. There is no particular tutorial for this part. Use your imagination with the pieces you have collected. Some suggestions: Create a quilt-like design from vintage fabrics; use an heirloom broach, buttons or earrings to embellish the stocking; attach a scrap of fabric or lace. 2 O nce the front design is complete, attach the lining to the exterior (right sides together) stitch at the top and press seam open. 3 C reate a loop with a piece of ribbon (or stitched fabric) and pin to the lining (facing inward) on the heel side of the stocking, just above the seam, joining the exterior to the lining. 4 W ith the exterior and liner opened out, lay stitched front liner and exterior to the back liner and exterior (right sides together) leaving a 2-inch space open to turn. 5 Turn stocking right side out and close the opening. 6 Top stitch around the top opening of the stocking. 7 Add any additional embellishments.

Now it’s time to enjoy your unique heirloom stocking for many years to come!

Since moving to Nashville six years ago, Kandace Groher has completed two college degrees, started a creative arts business and has begun a family with her husband. Kandace is fortunate enough to have a grandmother who patiently and consistently worked to teach her the heirloom arts- sewing, crocheting, food preservation, applique and embroidery. She sees a great need for women, like herself, to have a creative outlet and a safe learning environment for carrying on these dying arts.

Teri Pugh

massage therapist, Reiki master & Certified Holistic Life Coach

Yellow Brick Road We’ve all heard of it – The Yellow Brick Road. It’s the road that’s supposed to lead us to our ‘happily ever after’. We may find ourselves questioning from time to time if this road really exists. Speaking from my own experience, it does and it can be a lovely journey, full all of great events, love, memories, friendships and opportunity. Now I’m not saying there aren’t road blocks and unforeseen potholes along the way. But if we have tools to correct our steering and maintain focus, we are better able to navigate through the unexpected hazards. Believe it or not, it will become a much more pleasant journey and less of a doom and gloom highway.


I’ve personally experienced my share of potholes, caught myself moving through life too fast at times and yes, even been involved in a few unexpected emotional wrecks along the way. Looking back I wonder at times, “How in the world did I survive?” I’ve learned through the years to be grateful for the obstacles and lessons. Through developing awareness, being brutal honesty with myself and a willingness to heal from my past, I’ve gained a healthier outlook on not only my life but on who I am as a person and what I wish to make of my life. I’ve acquired the tools that help me stay focused and navigate around those potholes, remain patient at the road blocks and even steer clear of those emotional wrecks. Yes, there are times I come up one but there’s no rubber necking and no residual whiplash these days. I simply slow down, acknowledge it, process through it and keep moving forward.

It ’s life

The Yellow Brick Road is full of traffic congestion, potholes and crossroads where we have to make a choice in the direction of our lives, but it’s equally rich in rest areas, beautiful scenery and wonderful opportunities. If you’ve found yourself at one these road hazards, here are some suggestions:

Slow down

Take a minute to really get to the core of the issue.


Allow yourself to just “be” – don’t act or react… just process.

Reach out

Reaching out for help is not only a courageous step but a loving step in the right direction. We open ourselves up to the opportunity for obtaining the tools and the foresight that will help correct our steering.


Make a choice

We have a choice, sit idle in the traffic or adjust our mirrors/ perspective. Grab your favorite shades, roll the windows down, crank those tunes, and put your car into drive – proceeding forward into the direction you choose. Life can become overwhelming at times, but knowing how to take care of ourselves, our hearts and our energy are key factors in making the very most of our situation and life. There’s a Yellow Brick Road out there pointed in the direction of your happiness. Are you ready to begin the journey?

Teri’s path to wellness and mindful living began over two decades ago. During that time, she became a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, mentor to youth and Hospice care volunteer. In order to help people process their losses and regain direction, Teri became a Certified Holistic Life Coach and Grief Recovery Coach. Caring and compassion are everyday staples in Teri’s life.

Acknowledge your role in any situation and reflect on how you got here. Then visualize the direction you want to go and map it out.

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Dr. Brian Hooper


coach, psychotherapist, ordained Lutheran pastor


one can give you

1 2 3

Accept who you are, where you are. You may not have the past you wish you had, made the choices you wish you’d made, or had the family or education that might have made self-esteem more natural. But here you are. Look into the mirror of your life (and a literal one when you have a chance) and say, “I acknowledge and accept you.” Take a look at anything that you are doing that is detrimental to your own good and write those things down. Here are some common ones: drink too much, get over my head in debt, date emotionally unavailable people, blame others, fail to get organized, etc. Choose one of the items you’ve listed and make a list of everything you can think of to make changes that will help you to stop that one behavior. Make sure to include ideas that will take you to the opposite, more positive behavior. For instance, if you are always missing opportunities because you are missing appointments, you might sort through and discard a pile of paper scraps and transfer



You have to build it


the important notes onto a calendar.

4 5

With each accomplishment, take a few moments to relax and note how this feels in your body. Enjoy the subtle feeling of being a bit lighter. Note the sense of accomplishment. Imagine how this organization expands into all areas of your life. Keep a growing list of each accomplishment. Watch the list of accomplishments grow even as the list of needed changes diminishes. With each accomplishment, you are building your reputation with yourself, “I’m organized,” or “I take care of my body,” or “I only choose to be in healthy relationships,” or whatever your desired goals may be. No one but you can give yourself the gift of self-esteem. It begins with the foundation of self-acceptance and is handcrafted from there. And while you build it, it’s always fine to ask for help when you need it.

Dr. Brian Hooper is a coach, licensed psychotherapist with a psycho-spiritual integration orientation, and ordained Lutheran pastor with over 25 years in parish and university ministry.

Jo’an Shannon

proactive health care visionary

PUr I F Y Y OUr B OD Y 22

Purification, also known as detoxification, dates back hundreds of centuries. It has been an important and necessary approach to avoiding illness in many cultures throughout time. As early as 1400 BC, there were discussions of civil rules for cleanliness, prevention of disease and community health issues. Food supplies were grown, picked fresh and stored properly; they were not created in chemical laboratories and preserved with chemicals that many of us cannot pronounce, let alone understand what dangers may be associated with their consumption. Diseases were dealt with specifically, with instructions on cleansing and purifying the body to rid the body of the disease. Our bodies are innately intelligent, and we are designed to heal ourselves if everything is properly aligned and balanced. It is possible that biological burdens such as vaccinations, viruses, bacteria, metals, parasites and medications are the burdens that need to be removed. We need to examine what caused the weakness in the first place. It could have been an injury, deficiency or an environmental toxin. The body requires high-quality nutrients to rid itself of its toxic burden. For centuries, humans had the capacity to properly detoxify impurities from their system, but it is different today. We are exposed to external toxins every day including, but certainly not limited to, pollutants, pesticides and chemicals. Internally our bodies produce waste byproducts as a result of normal metabolic function. Although the body is designed to rid itself of these toxins naturally, it can become overburdened. The human body needs assistance and intervention in this effort due to the assault on our energy and immune systems. Purification offers additional support to expel natural toxins and minimize your weight, which is important to maintaining your health and vitality. Food cravings are often caused by deficiencies in nutrients. Some nutritional support products like Standard Process are easily absorbable and contain all of the trace minerals and nutrients that you require to reduce cravings.

Toxins can contribute to a wide range of conditions, including stuffy head, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, digestion, other gastrointestinal problems, food cravings, weight gain, reduced mental clarity and low libido. A purification program can have a significant, positive effect on the biochemistry of the body while allowing natural toxins and byproducts of daily metabolism to be eliminated. By participating in a purification program, you may notice improved weight management results, increased energy and vitality, better digestion, less bloating, clearer skin, shinier hair, better sleep, clearer thinking and the disappearance or lessening of past conditions. I recommend the Standard Process Purification Program. It is not a diet. It is a program that helps you live a healthier life by purifying, nourishing and maintaining a healthy body and weight. This purification program emphasizes supplements and whole foods, particularly fruits and vegetables, while limiting high-calorie, refined foods and saturated fats. Nourishing yourself with nutrient-rich foods will provide the complex combination of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are needed to protect the body and promote optimal health. Detoxification is safe when monitored by a knowledgeable healthcare provider. In my wellness and nutrition response practice, I scan your body using the Ulan System and applied kinesiology for over 500 toxins, food allergens, parasites, and more without taking a drop of blood, x-rays or conducting any invasive testing. If an organ needs any support, I am able to prioritize what it needs and set nutritional doses accordingly. I use organic nutrients available only to authorized highly trained practitioners. These methods nutritionally support the body so it can do what it was designed to do. My focus is on disease prevention and accelerated evidence-based repairing of the body. I am a hands-on, proactive visionary with over 20 years of experience in various stages of health care delivery and the training of those who now deliver health care with ease. I help clients obtain measurable results quickly in their health and emotional well-being.

doTERRA (CPTG) Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils represent the safest, purest, and most beneficial essential oils available today. They are gently and skillfully distilled from plants that have been patiently harvested at the perfect moment by experienced growers from around the world for ideal extract composition and efficacy. Experienced essential oil users will immediately recognize doTERRA’s superior quality standard for naturally safe, purely effective therapeutic-grade essential oils.


Holistic Metaphysical Life Coach, Spiritual Adviser, Professional Music and Visual Artist, Writer & Public Speaker


Peaceful Balance for Rebirth Winter is a delicious time of frosty festivity with family and friends. The hustle and bustle certainly seems to increase a bit. Some step out with loved ones to circle around large dinner tables and big decorated trees, feasting delightfully and exchanging gifts merrily. Our post-modern lifestyles may quicken us, moving us frenetically to fulfill the numerous social expectations of the winter season. Meanwhile, the natural and quiet calm of long winter nights and the sacred solitude that is meant to accompany them is not often observed gracefully – if at all. While the frantic pace presses on around us, the earth is calling us to look within. The Winter Solstice (December 21) corresponds to the dark moon and represents a withdrawal of energy. This space of rest is necessary to maintain first in order to ultimately create and manifest anew. It is an essential time of contemplation. Contrary to the popular trends of our western culture, wintertime is naturally the most auspicious time to fast, meditate and chant to energize the decisions made at the Fall Equinox. Taken as a whole, the natural mode of Winter Solstice provides a way to review past performances, to consider potentialities and explore possibilities. It is in this deep still place of the mind where visions of the future reside. As the nurturing child of spring sleeps deep in the earth, celebrations held that are focused on peace, giving and rebirth are key. A clear vision of where we are going is essential to create the future of love and sustainability we seek. We can always balance doing this beautiful internal work of envisioning a magnificent future, alone in solitude and unified with spiritual kin. We can silently meditate and reflect, holding gratitude in our hearts for the many choices made that have led to a bountiful and abundant harvest and that will continue to lead to more prosperous seasons to come. All in all, naturally taken as a whole, winter is a time for deep insight and to dream big and free in order to manifest the future we truly want with actions founded in the eternal present.


Sylvanus Weathersby IV


Peace through Retreat, Recovery and Discovery Mother Earth is now entering her yearly phase of winter. This is a time when the energies of the planet are being harvested, internalized and consumed to begin preparations for the renewal, regeneration and resurrection of spring life forces. This is a season when the Earth says, “Time out,” and all living beings residing on her must retreat and rest. All of us have gone through our own levels of pain, joy, ignorance, love, imbalance and harmony all year long and now is the time for recovery. It is very important to take the time during this season to incubate and relax, giving ourselves an opportunity to reflect on the past year and be thankful. Perhaps we can make being thankful a priority. When we give thanks, we honor those who have enriched our lives and we gain insight to not only our lives but the lives of those around us. If we decide to use these inner visions for the betterment of humanity and for peaceful means, we can transform and manifest our desired reality on this planet. When this is realized, a new actuality will last eternally throughout the enduring lifespan of humanity. This is why unity and extended soul family gatherings during this time of year are imperative for the expansive spiritual growth of not only us, but every living being on the planet. When we gather together with one focus and that focus is engrained in matters of the heart for the betterment of humanity, all of the power and light of the Universe is available for our usage. Let’s attempt to use this time wisely. Let’s prepare for a wonderful and magnificent new beginning in the year to come.

writer, public speaker & personal Cancer Conqueror

Elizabeth Randles

intuitive reader, intuitive life coach, writer & energy healer

Embracing Change The funny thing about change is that it can truly transform you. While this may sound scary, embrace change for what it is. Change is transformative – change is what makes us who we really are. It is the driving force behind forward movement and living extraordinary lives. It is the one inevitable experience that we all share. There is no escaping change. Many people express their hate and apprehension of change and how it is something to be feared and dreaded or dealt with as a burden. But what if we embrace change? Yes, EMBRACE it.


“ How can I shift my perspective and ask the Universe how I can benefit from this transformation?”

Welcome it with open arms and allow it to guide us as we reform our lives? As humans, we all experience a multitude of changes, and in many ways, those changes and our life paths merge. Changes in our jobs, in the way we see life, in the direction our country is heading, even in our relationships with others are occurring at such a rapid pace. It sometimes feels as though situations are beyond our control. Rather than viewing it as something to be avoided, why not look change directly in the eye and take it for what it is – an opportunity to expand who we are. We all come into this life as souls searching to learn lessons and fulfill roles. What if the lesson is learning to deal with change in an alternative manner? What if the purpose is to perceive change as the transformative, positive force it is rather than something negative?

Think back to times in your life when changes that were heartwrenching and difficult at the time led you toward a new and improved you, even in just a small way. You may not have realized the benefit at first, but looking back, the positive change is obvious. I remember when my first serious relationship ended. I literally thought my life was over. I wanted to crawl into bed for the rest of my life and not come up for air. However, the ending of that relationship was the beginning of a better, enlightened me and the best thing that could have happened to me. It certainly didn’t feel like it at the time, but as I healed and moved forward, I came to realize that transition made me stronger and more certain who I am. I survived, kept moving forward and can now look back at it as a time when dreaded change transformed and bettered who I am.

So ask yourself, when you view change in a negative light, “How can I shift my perspective and ask the Universe how I can benefit from this transformation?” When you embrace change as a transforming, positive force, your whole life perception will greatly improve, and as a result, you will reap knowledge of life experiences. EMBRACE change! What you discover may surprise you.

Elizabeth Randles is an intuitive reader specializing in Channeled Writing, an intuitive life coach, writer and energy healer.

Jazzy Sdlihc

writer, poet & photographer

Inspire a Child+Change a Life

In a world of constant change and the need to focus on the future, we may overlook our past and the importance of how it shaped who we have become today. Think about when you were a child. Did you have a role model or a mentor? It may have easily been a parent, a friend, a family member or even a favorite teacher. They played a crucial role in shaping your life in a positive manner. Knowing where you come from allows you to get back to the basics. So inspire a child and change a life...

In today’s society, a lot of children don’t have community structure and family support. An overwhelming number of single-parent homes due to absentee parents, divorce and death exists today. In our public school system, there is an increasing number of students in classrooms. This may leave a child feeling left out or overlooked. Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBS) understands the impact of mentoring a child and has proven themselves as providing a foundation for a child’s success. They have been mentoring youth for over 100 years. Founded in 1904, BBBS is the largest and oldest youth-mentoring organization in the United States. They have roughly 400 agencies in 50 states, 5,000 communities across the country, and services for more than 225,000 boys and girls ranging from the ages 5-18. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Middle Tennessee became effective in 1969. Since that time, they have mentored thousands of our community children. The goal is to change more lives each year. Considering that we were once kids, we know the importance of having positive relationships. Even through teenage years, when peer pressure is more prevalent, it is still critical to have someone to talk to and hang out with on a one-on-one basis. Big Brothers Big Sisters mentors children as young as five years old, providing self-confidence and self-worth at an early age. Their mission is to help children reach their full potential through support, one-toone relationships with measurable impact. BBBS will match you with a child that shares similar goals and interests. This method allows you to plan outings and engage in activities that you both enjoy. Here are some general activities that you could do as a mentor: go to a sporting event, take a walk in the park, help with homework and school projects, and talk and share inspiring ideas.

“ The quality time that you spend with a child can last a lifetime”

The overall premise is to promote and increase self-confidence by developing and maintaining positive relationships with family, friends and teachers. This will teach a child to be and do their best. National research and personal testimonies show the powerful effect that Big Brothers and Big Sisters has on the children they mentor. The quality time that you spend with a child can last a lifetime. Please contact your local Big Brothers Big Sisters to find out how you can become a mentor and other ways to support.

Healing Comes to You

Jazzy Sdlihc is a Nashville writer, poet, and photographer. She is also a wife and mother of two children. She’s been writing since she was eight years old. Her goal in life is to spread love, peace and awareness.

Holistic House Calls provides healing services to people who find it convenient to have holistic educators and practitioners come to where “they are” and also those who are unable to easily go to an appointment outside their home, hospital room or hospice setting. Our dedicated and well-trained staff provides high-quality care and compassionate support.


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Health Food/Supplements


Georgia Copeland imparts energetic healing in her infused honeys and brittles, so that the treats carry light and healing power. All goods are handmade and infused with the intention of the healing they bring.

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Georgia Copeland

Going Inward.. Moving Forward

certified Divine Intervention practitioner

It’s so easy to talk about ourselves. With the gained popularity of traditional sit-chatand-go-home therapy over the past few decades, we excel at finding and labeling our “issues” and sharing them with friends as if we’re trading cards. It’s as if we take our needles and thread and sew a big “D” for “Daddy Issues” or “I” for “Insecure” onto our sweaters and think we’re done, then wonder why we can’t leave those habits behind. Our healing doesn’t stop with the finding of new labels for ourselves. It begins. There’s no better time than now. These quiet months are such a sacred opportunity to rip the letters off our sweaters and start living a label-less life. I saw an interview with Jaggi Vasudev, an Indian yogi, where he said that you’ve found the guru with whom you’re supposed to study when you meet the one who makes you so uncomfortable with yourself that you want to run out of the room. Not so many years ago, I would do anything other than spend time being with or being aware of myself. There were fingernails to paint and drawers to organize, friends to call and miles to drive. I had been through years of traditional therapy and knew all there was to know about myself...and everyone else. Yep, I could tell you every issue that I and everyone else had within minutes- in the therapy lingo, to boot! I had figured it all out, but all I had were the words. Labels. Letters on my sweater that simply defined the “problems” rather than solutions. The album of my “professional analysis” was on repeat in my brain. My spiritual teacher (the one that used to make me want to run out of the room) uses this metaphor, and I love it. The song I played was, “I have _______issues. I am _______. I have _______ issues. I am _______.” It wasn’t until I began to turn down the volume on this self-labeling, this illusion of self-knowing, that I had a chance to learn that I could actually change my behaviors and that I am more than my “issues.” Sometimes we forget to take action. We forget that analyzing a problem in our minds is not the same as making a real shift in our lives. If we can get to know our issues, we get to know ourselves. But do you want to only live there? You are more. The universe is one of action. To alter a pattern, the trajectory of a meteor, there is an action, a catalyst. The same is true for us, and it’s time to go deeper. Waking up with a different song in your head, or saying the words it takes to set healthy boundaries, or not picking up the phone when a troublesome person in your life calls - these are all examples of going deeper and getting past your self-imposed labels. Getting honest with ourselves about what hang-ups we struggle with is the first step to real healing, but don’t let your record start skipping. Take action to change the behaviors that feed these hang-ups. Each one you take is a step toward new freedoms.

Georgia Copeland is a certified Divine Intervention practitioner under the study of Master Healer Elaine Davis in the lineage of the Mayan Curanderas. She lives in Nashville and enjoys using these tools to help clients return to their natural, awesome state as beings of light. She is so grateful for her growth, continued learning, and her teacher and colleagues. Because she enjoys the meditation and creativity of crafting things with her hands, Georgia has taken her healing into physical form with Georgia Makes healing treats that include healing honeys and candies, all infused with intention.

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