BRANDED Magazine: The Catalyst

Page 31


TY GRAHAM Switching it up to stay inspired. Variety is his spice. Instagram: liftedthought Age: 29 Instagramming for: 2 years

How would you describe your photography style?

Do you have a favorite photo you’ve taken in Calgary?

I would say I’m more of an urban or landscape photographer. However, I am always trying to challenge myself with new things. I started shooting portraits this summer and I really enjoy it. I’ve also had the opportunity to shoot my first look book with local brand 6Streets Clothing. Fashion photography has always been something I’ve been interested in, so working with them is a great way to break into it.

I haven’t shot Calgary in for awhile, but I really like this one peace bridge photo. I know, I know – the “typical peace bridge photo,” but I feel like I added a little twist to it and got lucky with the sunset with the moon in the background. I walked around with a friend for a few hours and we just stumbled across the photo opportunity – it wasn’t planned at all.

How does photography impact your life?

Do you see photography in your future?

Since I got into photography I see the world differently. I see the details in everything. I let my surroundings inspire me. It’s a much better way to live. It inspires me to want to see the world and not from a tourist point of view. When I used to travel, I would just go out or shop – but now all I want to do is explore.

It’s tough to say. Right now I work as a construction project coordinator and I’m used to the steady income. So, right now it’s just a side hustle. If I could ever turn it into a career and get out and do it everyday of course I would. Getting up and doing something you’re passionate about is the dream and the ultimate goal.

What sort of photography would you like to pursue as a career?

How did you get into photography?

For a career I think I would enjoy fashion or marketing photography. I’ve always been into fashion so it’s a natural fit. I will be opening a web page this winter too and selling limited edition prints. It’s the biggest compliment when my work is displayed in someone’s home.


I actually grew up in a family of photographers – my mom and sister are both photographers. It’s always been around me. When I was younger, I actually loved to draw, that was my thing. When I was a kid I didn’t like photography because my mom was always trying to take pictures of me. My sister developed a unique style and I really admired that. She gave me my first camera when I was 27, a Nikon D80– it sat there for about two months because I didn’t know how to use it, then she started giving me pointers. It’s been just over two years and I now shoot a Nikon DF. We’re a Nikon family.

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