Newsletter May 2016

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Brampton Manor Academy News “Outstanding” (Ofsted 2012) Success through Effort and Determination Dear Parent/Guardian I am delighted to inform you that the construction of our Sixth Form building extension is now well under way and on track to be completed by the end of July and ready for occupation on the 1st of September. There is a lot of excitement among our students about this building because it means that we will be able to offer more places to students wanting to join our highly successful sixth form and school. I am also pleased to inform you that the recent admissions data produced by the Local Authority again shows that we are the most oversubscribed school for admissions into year 7 in September 2016. Although we are admitting 360 students (30 more than last year), the number of first preferences was almost three times this figure! We will continue to look for ways to expand the school (without compromising on our standards) in order to accommodate more students and families. The GCSE and A level examinations are now fully underway and, so far, the feedback from the students has been positive. As you know, we have not allowed the students to go on study leave as such. Instead, each GCSE and A level student has been issued with an individualised timetable showing the lessons they must attend in the lead up to each examination. Can you please support your child by asking them to show you their timetable and encouraging them to attend all the revision sessions? These last minute tips/sessions can sometimes make all the difference between a pass or fail. Can I take this opportunity to bring your attention to some forthcoming events:  RED Awards 12 July  Bramptonational 29 June It would be nice to see you at these events and we will send you reminders nearer the time. Thank you for your ongoing partnership with the school. Dr Dayo Olukoshi, OBE, Executive Principal Sport Relief 2016 During PE lessons students walked, jogged and ran around the sports field in order to raise money for Sport Relief. The students did an amazing job collecting sponsorship money and raised an incredible £883.61. In addition to the money that was collected for non-uniform day, Brampton Manor raised a combined total of £2,857.98 This was a magnificent effort from everyone involved and the money raised will have a life changing impact on disadvantaged people both here in the UK and across the world. Thank you to every student who collected sponsorship money and a special mention goes to the below students who raised the most money: 1. Angel Amissah Sousa 7M - £85 2. Angel Leparporit 10P - £75 3. Ben Southcott 10N - £71 4. Zachary Akintoye 9H - £54 Mr G Cohen, Teacher of PE

Issue 29: May 2016

Important Dates Back to School on Monday 6 June 2016 Year 10 Practical Exams: 6 to 10 June 2016 Year 8 Ebac Exams: 6 to 10 June 2016 Year 9 Ebac Exams: 7 to 14 June 2016 German Trip: 9 to 12 June 2016 Year 10 Exams: 13 to 24 June 2016 Year 10 Art Exams: 27 to 30 June 2016 BRAMPTONATIONAL: Wednesday 29 June 2016 Year 10 Art Exam: 27 June to 1 July 2016 Year 7 Parents Evening: 5 July 2016 Barcelona Trips: 5 to 8 July INSET DAY: 7 July 2016 (school closed to students) Year 12 Work Experience: 11 to 15 July 2016 Yrs 7, 8 & 9 Trips: 11 July 2016 Year 7 Induction Day: Monday 11 July 2016 Red Awards: Tuesday 12 July 2016 Year 11 Prom: Wednesday 13 July 2016 Sports Day: 14 July 2016 Year 13 Prom: 14 July 2016 Summer Break: Monday 18 July to Wednesday 31 August A Level Results Day: Thursday 18 August 2016 GCSE Results Day: Thursday 25 August 2016 Term Starts: Thursday 1 September 2016

Brampton Manor Academy has been nationally recognised for its exceptional 2015 performance by the Schools, Students and Teachers network (SSAT). Educational Outcomes data analysis from SSAT has shown that the school is in the top 10% of non-selective schools nationally for high average grades achieved by students and the top 10% nationally for progress made by pupils between their key stage 2 results at primary school and their key stage 4 results. A third award recognises the school’s success in enabling pupils to fulfil their potential. Sue Williamson, Chief Executive of SSAT said: ‘It’s my great pleasure to commend Brampton Manor Academy on their excellent 2015 performance, and to have the opportunity to highlight and share their great work at the SSAT Educational Outcomes celebration evening. I have the privilege of visiting a lot of schools and I am always impressed by the creativity of teachers in engaging and inspiring their students. ‘I hope that SSAT’s Educational Outcomes awards will highlight the professionalism, commitment and hard work of the leaders, teachers and students at Brampton Manor Academy. Recognising and sharing successes like this is at the heart of SSAT’s mission, so I’m delighted to congratulate Brampton Manor Academy on their achievement.’

Brampton Manor Academy, Roman Road, London E6 3SQ

020 7540 0500

Year 10 Charity – Caritas Anchor House I am proud to announce that Year 10 have successfully raised a substantial total of £1,100.25 for their chosen charity Caritas Anchor House. This charity supports over 200 people each year and aims to create sustainable solutions to homelessness in the UK. Caritas Anchor House is a residential home for single homeless people who are in need. The aim is to equip people with the skills to enable them to never fall back into homelessness again, thus creating a strong ethos of growth for the individuals who enter their residential centre. All pupils took part in raising money for this chosen charity and I am delighted with the enthusiastic approach they took. The generosity of the Year 10 pupils was a key factor in this charity fund raising as most of the money was raised through donations from students themselves and their friends and family. Of course there was also the obligatory cake sale which also raised vital funds. Below are the totals for each form. As you can see a special thanks and congratulations must go to 10T and Mr Ibrahim who raised over half the total amount! Mr Badat (Year 10 Progress Leader) B




















Total Y9 Student Accepted on the prestigious Imperial College London Engineering Summer School! Mahanoor Syed in Year 9 has applied and successfully been accepted on the very prestigious and highly competitive Imperial College London Engineering Summer School for girls! The summer school will run from July 18 to July 23 and will aim to promote the breadth of Engineering disciplines available to girls in year 9 who have a keen interest in Engineering, Science and Maths. Mahanoor will get to work with current undergraduate mentors and develop her subject knowledge in topics such as aeronautics, bioengineering, civil engineering and computing! She will also get a first-hand insight into the world of University study and have opportunities to build links with fellow participants and student mentors through the summer school. Well done Mahanoor and good luck! We look forward to hearing about your exciting experience and will soon update you all on her Imperial adventure! Miss Patel, Teacher of Computing


Year 8 Indoor Cricket Season The year 8 indoor cricket team had an excellent season in the winter and spring terms making it to the semi-finals of the Essex Cup. The team won six fixtures in a row including victories over Langdon, Lister, Stratford and Oaks Park. Making the semi-finals gave the pupils an excellent opportunity to play at the Essex County Cricket ground. Unfortunately, the boys could not quite overcome a very good William Edwards team. The boys had an excellent run in the cup and hopefully can replicate this form in the summer term. Mr Oliver, Teacher of PE Year 8 are supporting Newham Foodbank, a local charity that supports local people. During the summer term Year 8 students will be collecting donations for the charity and would love your support. Please visit http:// to find out more about the organisation. Thank you. Miss Meadows, Progress Leader for Year 8. Miss Meadow, Year 8 Progress Leader Newham General— On Friday 29 May, a group of six pupils visited Newham General Hospital as part of the ongoing Year 7 community project. The chosen pupils performed short readings from either the text they are currently studying in English or their favourite short story or novel. Reading aloud to a group of elderly patients and staff, the afternoon served as a fantastic opportunity for Year 7s to meet and speak to members of the local community - whilst also showing off their impressive public speaking skills! The project aims to continue throughout the summer term with the next group of students working with patients to produce arts and crafts to be displayed at Bramptonational. Miss Cadman Beaumont, Teacher of English

Borough Athletics 2016 The PE Department took a strong athletics squad to The Terence McMillan Stadium earlier this term with hopes of bringing home as many medals as possible. With that in mind, our students turned up ready to compete in both track and field events and put in their best performance to date. We had a good start to the day with all eight of our relay teams qualifying for the finals after running exceptionally good times in the heat races. The Year 9 Girls’ Team then went on to win their final and bring home the Gold medal for Brampton Manor. Other highlights of the day included Ismail Haxhiaj winning Gold in the Year 7 1500m; Sarah Ongwena winning Gold in the Year 8 Shot Put; Victoria Etingoff winning Gold in the Year 8 1500m; Melissa Rybicki winning Gold in the Year 9 High Jump and Elizabeth winning Silver in the Year 10 Triple Jump. It was especially nice to see all students cheering on and supporting each other which made the day even more enjoyable for all. Well done to all students that competed! Miss Farley, Teacher of PE Cooking Club This half term in Cooking club we have made some great dishes. We have made apple and sultana crumble; macaroni cheese and then Mr Rahman came and helped us make some really tasty homemade chicken and chips, which we all enjoyed very much. Some of the students that attend cooking club regularly told me their favourite dishes that they have made so far… Jhundon Mendi in Year 8 said that he really enjoyed the ratatouille, Advika Rengaraman in 7N and Teddy Driver 9M both absolutely loved the homemade chicken and chips and Fatoumata Yabou in Year 8 said that she liked the Chicken kebabs because they were really yummy! After half term we're going to be making (...and eating!) some more amazing foods. We have a few more spaces in cooking club at the moment so if you would like to come along, just go to T1 after school on a Thursday. Miss Middleton, D&T Teacher

Year 8 & 9 Girls Netball The Year 8 and 9 Netball teams have both successfully become Newham Borough Champions after winning all of their games during a Newham Tournament. The girls beat Chobham, Eastlea, Langdon, Plashet, St Angela’s, Stratford, Sarah Bonnell and Forest Gate School to win the title. As a result of their amazing achievement twelve girls were scouted by an Essex County coach and selected to trial for the Essex Met Netball Team. Congratulations to all the girls who have been committed to training and playing throughout the year! Miss Henry, Teacher of PE Jack Petchey Speakout: Brampton win Newham Finals for the second year running! Congratulations to Zhareen Syed who wowed judges and spectators at the Newham regional finals of the Jack Petchey Speakout Challenge at Chobham Academy. Performing an articulate and moving speech on the power of words, Zhareen won the competition, beating 22 competitors from schools across Newham and impressing a judging panel of seven, including representatives from Comic Relief, the Wellcome Trust, the BBC and more. Her confident delivery and inspiring message blew the audience away! Brampton was well represented throughout the evening, with last year’s Newham winner Titas Zydelis hosting the event and flawlessly introducing the speakers. We look forward to supporting Zhareen in the grand final, where she will compete against the other London finalists in July. If you would like to support Zhareen please ask Miss Sinnett for further details of the event, and please do watch her amazing speech which is available on the Speakout website: Miss Sinnett, Teacher of English

Drama Trips On Friday 15 April, a group of Year 9, 10 and 11 students visited the Old Vic Theatre in central London to watch a performance of The Caretaker by Harold Pinter. The play, first performed in 1960 and now enjoying a highly-rated revival, starred Timothy Spall (Peter Pettigrew in the Harry Potter films) as darkly comic tramp Davies, who is invited to make his new home in a squalid London flat, occupied by two mysterious brothers. The student’s behaviour was impeccable throughout the three-hour long play, which dealt with the manipulative power -play between the three characters over who should stay in, and who should leave, the flat. A stand-out moment was a touching monologue delivered by the character of Aston, a handy-man whose stay in a barbaric 1950s mental institution has scarred him mentally and physically for life. The performance showcased the characterisation skills of some top-performing West End actors, providing inspiration for current and future GCSE Drama students to develop their own practical performances. Ms Lindsay, Teacher of Drama On Wednesday 11 May, Year 7’s were lucky enough to go to Theatre Royal to see the fantastic performance of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Students were very excited from the offset about seeing this production, this is a tale that many students know well and they were eager to see it performed live. The set throughout this performance wowed the audience with it spectacular designs of Charlie’s house, Wonka’s chocolate room and of course the glass elevator. When Charlie revealed he had found the golden ticket the Year 7’s gasped with excitement. A thoroughly enjoyable trip with fantastic behaviour from all Year 7’s. Miss Bason, Teacher of Drama On Wednesday 4 May, Year 8 students visited The Cambridge Theatre to see Matilda the Musical. Inspired by Roald Dahl’s classic, Dennis Kelly brought Matilda to the stage with impressive sets, talented young actors and fantastic and the fearsome Miss Trunchbull. Students loved the show and were exceptionally behaved throughout, even though, as Matilda says, “sometimes you need to be a little bit naughty!” Miss Cartwright, Head of Drama Year 9 performance Auditions for DNA took place last Friday and the turnout and talent from the Year 9 students was absolutely outstanding. Students know this play well as they have been studying it in their Drama lessons. Each group were asked to perform an extract between characters crazy Cathy, second-in-command Richard and the evil leader John Tate. Ms Lyndsey and I were astounded by the talent of the students, who all performed to the best of their ability. The cast has now been chosen and rehearsals are well under way. We are very much looking forward performing to an audience very soon. Playwriting Club The submissions for the National Theatre New Views playwriting competition are now all in – eight Year 10 students successfully submitted their 30 minute scripts on a current issue of their choice to the competition. Many congratulations to Zhareen Syed 10O, Lauren Metcalf 10O and Kaiesha Melloy 10T for their play ‘We Are The Normal’, who out of 329 entries nationwide have been long-listed for the competition! The winners of the New Views competition will have the chance to have their own 30 minute play professionally staged by the National Theatre. All the students have worked incredibly hard this year and should be really pleased with their achievements. The standard of writing has been incredibly high, and the Drama Department have chosen to include extracts of the scripts written by Brampton students for the competition in Year 9 drama lessons after half term, in recognition of the hard work and talent of these student writers, and to inspire entrants for National Theatre New Views 2017! Upcoming Trips Wicked – Year 8 – 18 May 2016 The Victoria and Albert Museum – Year 9 – 23 May 2016 The Suicide – Year 10 – 24 May 2016 Remember to check the Drama display board for upcoming trips, news and casting calls! French Trip to the British Film Institute, Ciné-Mini pour les jeunes On Friday 4 March, a group of 25 students took part in an enriching trip to The BFI in Southbank, central London. In the morning session, they watched a range of short films, focusing on cultural themes which foreground the experiences of young people in France, all of which were explored and discussed with the French presenter. There were also several interactive activities for students, who were very enthusiastic and made great contributions in French (special praise to Maryam!). In the afternoon they were introduced to ‘Neuilly sa Mère’, a very popular French movie which the students really enjoyed. The event was conducted predominantly in French and students were encourage to speak in the language, which was for them a great opportunity to extend their vocabulary. ‘It was a really fun way to learn French! I would love to go again next year! Fantastique!’ Salim 9O. Miss A. Renciot, Enrichment coordinator for French

Cine español para jóvenes: Spanish cinema for young people. A KS3 Spanish Study Day On Tuesday 1 March, 30 year 9 Spanish students had the opportunity to attend two day long, cinema workshops held at the BFI Southbank. The event was hosted by Nicola Fahidi, Head of MFL at Immanuel College, Bushey, and a researcher for BFI Education into the use of short films in MFL teaching. The event was very rewarding for students and teachers alike as the screenings helped boost the students’ Spanish vocabulary and opened them to Spanish culture. The short films and following activities were very engaging and interactive and increased the motivation of using films in the classroom. During one of the short films shown, Fahmid Ahmed (9A), Ayan Abdulkadir (9A) and Luqman Hayat (9B), had the chance to go onto the stage to showcase their Spanish language skills by dubbing with their voices one of the short films as part of one the many interactive activities. Needless to say, there was a roar of applause after their contribution. Overall, the experience was highly rewarding and it provided the students with a well-deserved chance to hear the language in an authentic context and enjoy the process of foreign language learning. Teachers also learned a lot as we will bring these teaching ideas into the classroom to boost student’s curiosity and motivation for language learning and culture. Mr Martos Rus, Teacher of MFL

French, German and Spanish Plays This half term we welcomed Onatti Productions to Brampton to perform their plays in French ('Les Garçons' "the boys"), German ('Zwillinge' "Twins") and Spanish ('Primera Cita "First Date") for years 9 and 10. As ever, the students were involved in the performances - and produced some excellent language in a fun atmosphere. The performers were particularly impressed with our students' energy and understanding of languages, and the students were pleasantly surprised with how much they could understand. They even interacted with the actors during the play and, at times, outperformed them! Miss Garrett, Head of German

Rocket Science Students in the Brampton Manor Farm club are currently taking part in an exciting experiment, ‘Rocket Science’, working alongside the European Space Agency and The Royal Horticultural Society. In July 2015, two kilograms of Rocket seeds were sent into space to the International Space station with UK Astronaut Tim Peake, with the seeds arriving back on earth in March. Packs containing 200 seeds, information posters and wall charts were then sent to participating schools across the UK. Rocket Science at Brampton Manor currently involves our students spending 35 days analysing the growth and development of two batches of seemingly identical rocket seeds. However, one batch of seeds has spent time in space with Tim on the International Space Station, orbiting the Earth at 17,000mph. As part of the experiment, students have planted each individual seed into its own planting module; created labels from milk bottles to label the 200 seeds; helped to water the plants; counted the number of seeds that have grown each day displayed as a percentage; measured the different heights of the growing plants and from these results made predictions as to which batch of seeds have been into space. Brampton Manor will then be invited to input our results into a national online database so that results can be compared across all schools in the UK. The aim of the experiment is to enthuse young people about science and horticulture and provide the European Space Agency with key insights into some of the challenges of growing food in space. The project is now among the biggest mass science experiment conducted in UK schools. Brampton Manor Gardening Club—School Gardening Awards Thanks to all the hard work of our students in the Brampton Manor Gardening Club, we have now received a Level 2 Award in the Royal Horticultural Society’s ‘School Gardening Awards’. To achieve a Level 2 Award is an outstanding achievement by our students who have had to learn how to prepare soil, sow and plant different seeds, and water growing plants by understanding how to use a range of gardening tools to achieve this. We will now work towards the Level 3 Award which includes carrying out a mini project based upon wildlife in the garden. Summer Competition Students are also taking part in the London Children’s Flower Society ‘Summer Competition’, which involves growing and caring for a range of vegetables, herbs and flowers at school and home. Students have each taken a plant home to grow, chosen from a range of herbs and salad including Sweet Basil, Lettuce and Chives. Other plants including Sunflowers; Poppy; Courgette and Tomato have also been grown in school by the Gardening Club as part of the competition. In late June the London Children’s Flower Society will then send Judges to our school in order to judge each students efforts in growing and caring for their plants and they will then be awarded a certificate from the society. Best of luck to everyone participating! Ms Dalton, School Farm and Grounds Assistant

Historical Drama for Year 7 This summer term the Year 7 History and Year 7 Drama clubs have joined forces to act out some of the most dramatic moments in world history. So far, subjects have included the story of Thomas Becket – the Archbishop of Canterbury cruelly and perhaps unintentionally sent to his death by his one-time best friend Henry II – and the Siege of Antioch, a crucial and bloody battle in the First Crusade. “It’s really creative,” said Ula in 7T, “and you get to meet lots of new people.” Combining Drama and History has given everyone an opportunity to further explore the Year 7 History curriculum too. “It’s like revising but in a more fun way,” said Maryam in 7N. Drama/History club runs every Thursday after school in D2 and is open to any Year 7 student. See Miss Bason or Mr Durbin for more information. Mr Durbin, Teacher of History

Y7 Trip to Boulogne, France On 30 April, a group of 42 students and four members of staff (Miss Edmond, Miss Reddey, Miss Renciot and Mr Souris) had the amazing opportunity to travel to Côte d’Opal, Boulogne, France for three days. On Friday, we visited a local Boulangerie (bakery) where we made some croissants which we tasted afterwards! Délicieux! On Saturday in the morning, we explored Nausicaa aquarium and we explored the shark tank as well as the tropical lagoon. We also watched a very entertaining Sea Lion show! Later, we visited a chocolate factory where we had a demonstration of the production of chocolate and its origins. We also tasted samples from a myriad of delicious flavours and textures. On Sunday, our last day, we visited a local sweet factory were we also had a demonstration on how to make sweets. Some of us even had the chance to try making sweets ourselves. We all tasted the sweets at the end! Then, we went to a crêperie where we prepared and made our own crêpe (pancake) using a French recipe. To conclude our trip, we spent the afternoon on the beach of Côte d’Opal where we had a lot of fun! Miss A. Renciot , Enrichment Coordinator for French

The Art department have been working after school with Religious Studies on a piece of work that incorporates religious iconography with beliefs and street art techniques. Working under the guidance of ex street artist Mr O'Gorman, Jordan Anyiri; Maria Rischitor; Simran Dhillon; Hashir Moaz; Edona Lushja and Muhriz Tauseef created a master piece to go on display in the RS department. The piece will first be displayed in the end of year Newham show at UEL showing off the excellent work students at Brampton Manor can produce. Mr Scott, Head of Visual Arts Year 7 Kent Trip—In March the year seven cohort were fortunate enough to attend an overnight residential at the Kingswood Centre in Kent. The students were lucky enough to participate in a range of activities. Salima Sessay said, “The Kent trip was an amazing experience because we got to do once in a lifetime things like Fencing and abseiling. We got to connect with nature and chat to people we would never have got to know. The trip showed us that fun things can happen off a computer screen! An experience I’ll never forget”. Mrs Bhunjun, Year 7 Progress Leader Junior and Intermediate Maths Challenge Success 2016 The UKMT Junior and Intermediate Maths Challenge are highly respected national competitions run by the UK Mathematics Trust. The UKMT Maths Challenge encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, and fluency in using basic mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems. Year 7 and year 8 pupils at Brampton Manor Academy achieved three gold; 24 silver and 46 bronze certificates in this year’s UKMT Junior Maths Challenge. Over 240,000 pupils from across the UK sat the Junior Maths Challenge with roughly the top 6% receiving a gold certificate; the next 13% silver and the next 21% bronze. A special mention goes to Tazwar Mashud who achieved a Gold award and an award for the Best in Year 7. Also to Lifeson Njoku for achieving a Gold award and the Best in Year 8. Both Tazwar and Lifeson came best in the Academy for the Junior Maths Challenge. Year 9 and year 10 pupils who took part in the UKMT Intermediate Maths Challenge achieved three gold, seven silver and three bronze certificates. Hashir Butt achieved a Silver award and the Best in Year 9. Nadir Miah achieved a Gold award including Best in Year 10 and Best in the Academy. Pictured below are just some of our Gold Award winners: Jabir Salek, Tazwar Mashud, Ermeyas Girma and Nadir Miah. Well done to all the Mathletes! Miss Charvanathan, Teacher of Maths Year 7 Gold Winner Tazwar Mashud Year 7 Silver Winners Tahmid Hussain Amaani Uvais Jemima Begum Nailat Jahan Jameela Ahmed Fayzan Kashem Hamza Choudary Nilay Dedhia Tahmin Rahman Mahir Uddin Smiul Islam Nadim Hussain

Year 8 Gold Winners Lifeson Njoku Jabir Salek Year 8 Silver Winners Bianca Muntean Romero Featherstone Mohammed Miah Suffyan Mahmood Umar Nadeem Aqib Ahmed Thag Thillairajah Annesha Rasheed Kuljeet Singh Alfie Tyrrell Prashant Paul Ricky Sandhu

Year 10 Gold Winners Nadir Miah Ermeyas Girma Dillon Cox Year 10 Silvr Winners Raja Khan Zhareen Syed Marwa Albusaidy Year 9 Silver Winners Hashir Butt Jordan Anyiri Maria Rischitor

Year 9 Charity – RAMP Year 9 students have been involved with a charity operating out of Manor Park: RAMP – Refugee and Migrant Program. Students have made presentations in assemblies to make students aware of the plight of RAMP and how residents and students can assist this local charity. Year 9 students have donated canned food and dried fruits to develop a ‘food bank’ and we hope to branch out to other year groups in the Summer Term, leading up to a whole school ‘You can – bring a can’ day. Mr Campbell, Year 9 Progress Leader

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