Outcome Measurement in Brain Injury

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About the Authors

Noelle E. Carlozzi, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at the University of Michigan. Dr. Carlozzi’s primary expertise is in measurement development and validation. In particular, much of her recent research has focused on improving measurement of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) for individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and Huntington disease (HD). Dr. Carlozzi received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Oklahoma State University in 2005 after which she completed a Clinical Neuropsychology Fellowship at the Medical University of South Carolina, and a Research Fellowship at Indiana University. Dr. Carlozzi can be contacted at carlozzi@med.umich.edu. Anna Kratz, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Michigan. Dr. Kratz, a clinical psychologist, conducts research on health related quality of life, including chronic pain and cognitive problems, in individuals who have chronic medical conditions. She is also a collaborator on a proposed study to develop a measure of health related quality of life in caregivers of people with traumatic brain injury. She has worked clinically to provide assessment and care to veterans who have experienced traumatic brain injuries. Dr. Kratz received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Arizona State University in 2009. Dr. Kratz can be emailed at alkratz@ med.umich.edu. David Victorson, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Medical Social Sciences at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. His research has focused on improving health-related quality of life in oncology, rehabilitation, neurology and other chronic health conditions. Specific interests include developing patient reported outcomes, symptom management support interventions using health information technology, and behavioral/psychosocial stress reduction interventions. To contact the author, email: d-victorson@northwestern.edu. Pamela A Kisala, MA, is a Research Associate in the Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes and Assessment Research in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Michigan Medical School. Ms. Kisala holds an M.A. Degree in Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences from Columbia University and a B.A. in Psychology from Rutgers University. Prior to her work at UM, Ms. Kisala was a Research Coordinator in the Spinal Cord Injury and Outcomes and Assessment Research laboratories at the Kessler Foundation Research Center in West Orange, New Jersey. To contact the author, email: pkisala@med.umich.edu. BRAIN INJURY PROFESSIONAL


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