Flagler Parent - March 2018

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outcome, you will want to finish what you started. Too often, we pressure ourselves to finish something because we think we should rather than because we care. Being an adult means being responsible for things we sometimes don’t want to do. Why not create a bucket list to help you prioritize your longterm dreams alongside your daily responsibilities? You have enough time to complete the want-tos in your life, as well as the have-tos.

10. Take care.

I need you to go talk to your teacher about that; I need you to pick up some milk on the way home.Others are usually happy to help, when you clearly express what you need. Those who can ask, receive help more swiftly.

4. Trust. Luck experts use visualization to see themselves as already successful at whatever they wish to be, do or have. Trust means getting into imagination mode and staying there until positive feelings kick in. Trust is like faith. You have to practice it to keep it. And you also have to protect it from those who might dismiss your deepest desires as silly, frivolous or wishful thinking. Remember what Walt Disney said, “Faith. Trust. And pixie dust.” 5. Enjoy. What is the point of living if not to enjoy life? If your family of origin had self-defeating beliefs, it may take some practice before you start to believe happiness is allowed into your life. Some families have handed down the belief that we are here to sacrifice our happiness for the sake of others. But we all deserve to enjoy life whether others choose to or not. Look for the shortcut from what you are doing right now to what you’d rather be doing right now, and then take it. You have personal choice; be sure to use it. 6. Allow. Receptivity is a skill that can be learned. And thank goodness, because not everyone is born with the proclivity. Expect good things to come to you and watch

them come. People who are skillful at allowing know how to delegate, stay in their own lane, and attract good things. They keep a little extra space in their lives that fills in with support, surprises, and delights. Become patiently magnetic if you want to attract more into your life and watch good things flow in.

You may think luck is out there, somewhere, beyond where you are. But that’s not true. Luck comes from within. The seeds of luck are planted when you take excellent care of yourself. Luck is what happens in response to the self-love you gave yourself recently. Being hard on yourself drives luck away. So if you are pushing, striving, or over-extending, stop, pause, and then go back to the top of this list and begin again. You will be lucky again before you know it, because good fortune is only as far away as how lucky you feel in this moment.

7. Flow.

The key to flow is getting in and staying in the moment. The past is over, the future is not in your control, and the world keeps spinning no matter what you do today. How you spend the present moment is the most powerful way you can affect your future. So relax, be in the moment, and enjoy what you choose to do. You may be powerless over most things in the big picture, but you have your hands on the steering wheel in your own life. So what are you waiting for? Flow for it.

Lucky Charm Scavenger Hunt Four-leaf clover

8. Learn.

Horseshoe (prongs up)

What if you tried to be lucky and ended up unlucky instead? There is probably a life lesson in there somewhere. Take time to talk the experience over with a supportive friend. Focus on the choices you made, not anyone else’s. Were you positive? Were you constructive? Did you feel happy and focused without being pushy or result-oriented? Luck is what happens, when you are cheerfully optimistic rather than fearfully willful. 9. Follow through. Following through is different than focusing on outcomes. When you care about the

Dolphin • Found penny Ladybug • Rabbit foot Numbers 7 & 8 Dragonfly • Wishbone Pig • Dream Catcher Rainbow with a pot of gold Acorn • Elephant Eggs • The North Star Cricket • Bamboo Red lantern • Aces MARCH 2018 11

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