t: 01454 300 400
October 2018
In Brief
Nursery supports local foodbank
Flowerbeds for Bradley Stoke roundabouts
his year, Ambourne House Day Nursery has chosen to focus its fundraising efforts on a local charity, North Bristol Foodbank, writes deputy manager Jenni Greenow. Over the summer, we held a family fun day where we raffled off prizes donated by companies within the local community. We have also held non-uniform days where staff have donated food items or money towards our charity. Between the staff and families, we raised an incredible £180, which we used to donate over three trolleys of food items. North Bristol Foodbank were overwhelmed with the donation and, along with us, would like to thank not only all of the companies who donated raffle prizes, but also all of the children, parents, families and staff who helped us raise such a fantastic amount for this cause.
The town council looks set to approve and fund the creation of flowerbeds on two of the town’s most-viewed roundabouts. The idea has evolved through a strategic planning topic named ‘Beautification of Bradley Stoke’. Subject to final approval once further quotes for the work have been obtained, two beds will be created on each of the Patchway Brook (Aldi) and Savages Wood (Tesco) roundabouts. An initial quote from Ambience Landscapes, the council’s current grounds contractor, has come in at £1,240 to create the beds, with an ongoing maintenance charge of £2,500 per annum. The programme would consist of “summer and winter bedding and the associated works, ensuring they are cut to a good level and not overgrown, encroaching on drivers’ vision”. Planting licences will need to be obtained from SGC.
L-r: Jenni from Ambourne House and Matt from North Bristol Foodbank with food and toiletry items donated by the nursery; Tracey with more donations.
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