February 2018
t: 01454 300 400
Schools Bank staff help out at local school
welve willing volunteers from the Bradley Stoke offices of TSB Bank recently spent two days helping to build a chicken coop at Wheatfield Primary School. With partners at TSB actively encouraged to volunteer in their local community, Chloe Mitchell, TSB finance manager, parent and governor at the school, volunteered her team. In November last year and again in January, the team from TSB spent two days at the local school. Led by John Morris, chair of governors, the group constructed and fox-proofed a large enclosure within an unused woodland area by the school car park. They cleared the space and built a chicken coop and run ready for the chickens’ arrival. The school has recently started holding a quarterly ‘grounds
volunteering day’. The next one will be on 24th February. On the day, they’ll put the finishing touches to the coop and also finish off a special seating area for the children. The chickens will move into their new home in early spring. Phil Winterburn, headteacher said: “We are so grateful to the volunteers from TSB who have enabled us to transform an area of the school that was tired and unused. Without their help and effort, we simply wouldn’t have this provision for the children and our wider community. We look forward to welcoming our chickens and sampling the batch of Wheatfield free range eggs!” The volunteers also spent time helping to improve security around the outside of the school, following a few issues over the festive period.
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