November 2017
t: 01454 300 400
Photo compe The Bradley Stoke Journal would like to thank everyone who entered this year’s ‘Autumn in the Stokes’ photo competition in which we asked readers to record the beauty of the season in the Five Stokes area (Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke, Stoke Gifford, Stoke Lodge or Harry Stoke. We received a fantastic response, with more than ninety photos being submitted over the four-week period for which the competition was open (1st to 29th October). The full set of entries may be viewed on our Facebook page in the album ‘Autumn 2017 in the Stokes’.
Choosing the prize-winners from so many fantastic entries has been a difficult task, but the editor’s decision is to award first prize (£30) to Dawn Thompson for photo #1 taken near the Three Brooks public house, Bradley Stoke; second prize (£20) to Jurij Babicev for photo #2 taken in the Three Brooks Local Nature Reserve, Bradley Stoke; and third prize (£10) to Katie Hurrell for photo #3 taken near Farley Close, Little Stoke.
Rated Outstanding by Ofsted
FREE Grant Funding
Commended entries also shown on this page are: #4 by Thomas Probert; #5 by Caroline Murray; and #6 by Kate Boonzaaier. All three were taken in Savages Wood, Bradley Stoke.
for 2*, 3 & 4 year olds subject to eligibility criteria
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Email: bradleystoke@happydaysnurseries.com
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