BPSA US Pathfinder Handbook

Page 54

The Fisherman’s Knot – This knot is used to tie together two wet or slippery lines, also sheets or blankets in case of fire.

With the running end of each line tie a thumb knot round the other and then pull them together. It should be noted that the running ends must lie alongside the standing ends, as in the reef knot. If this is not done the knot will not pull up fair. Fig. 9 is correct and fig. 10 wrong.

Fig. 9 Right.

Fig. 10 Wrong.

Fig. 11.

Fig. 11 shows the completed knot. This knot should not be confused with the fisherman’s bend or hitch.


Firelighting. Lay and light a wood fire in the open, using not more than two matches, natural tinder to be used whenever possible.

The mistake usually made by a Tenderfoot is to start with too large a fire. Sufficient wood should first be collected and kept at hand. A very small fire should first be made and lighted, and, when thoroughly alight, small pieces added from time to time, gradually increasing the quantity and size of the pieces. A fire should not be lighted in a hollow where there is no wind, but at a point where a fair amount of wind can reach it. When the fire is fairly alight place some logs at the back of it, that is, at the side opposite from which the wind is coming, then lay a channel by laying some logs on each side of the fire, leaving only an opening towards the direction from which the wind comes. Care should be taken not to lay the fire against the trunks of growing trees, and also that branches are not taken from growing trees, unless express permission has been given by the owner of the ground to do so. Turf should be removed and laid aside, to be replaced afterwards.


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