Things To Know About Psychometric Testing

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Things To Know About Psychometric Testing

Psychometric testing is a methodical and scientific way of describing your characteristic behaviour using convenient assessment tools. The type of testing chosen depends on your purpose Psychometric Test. There are several tests available each addressing a different facet of your character and behaviour. However, taking a wide range of tests could be helpful when taking a broad approach to personal development and understanding. How you approach your personal development will depend on your individual needs. You will probably want to focus on improving in areas in which performance is weak. On the other hand great advances are made in achieving goals when strengths are identified and enhanced. Psychometric testing can assist in choosing the approach that will deliver the most benefit. Common Psychometric Tests There are many factors which influence each individual's character. Many hours of research and testing have been put in place by experts in the field of psychometric testing while they developed the assessment tools we use today. Improvements have been made to the tests over time but the underlying principles remain the same. Many employers routinely ask their employees to undertake personality tests in a bid to enhance workplace productivity. They are also regularly used during recruitment. The tests available include: Career Test The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Keirsey Temperament Sorter are good examples of comprehensive career personality tests. They identify the candidate's personality type and act as a guide for choosing a suitable career. Aptitude Test Aptitude tests give information about performance in particular tasks, jobs or fields of study. They are well suited to assisting students decide on which courses to take. Personality Test Personality tests aim to describe aspects of behaviour of an individual which remain relatively stable over time. A commonly used test is the DISC profile which describes the balance of four basic behavioural types. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) EQ measures the candidate's ability to identify, understand and control their emotions as well as how aware they are of the emotions of those around them.

Intelligence Quotient (IQ) IQ assesses intelligence using a series of tests that challenge the candidate to solve mathematical, logical and linguistic problems. Rorschach Inkblot Test Candidates are asked to describe inkblots and the responses are analysed with psychological interpretation.

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