Boyd Park Bulletin Oct - Dec 2011

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Boyd Park Bulletin. Volume 2, Issue 2. October - December 2011

Speech Contests 2011 Speech contests are a chance to practise communication and leadership skills under a strict set of conditions. Each contest has its own set of rules, and a points system for various categories of skills. Check out the rulebook at www.toastmasters .org/rulebook .

We generally offer four contests at Boyd Park Toastmasters: Table Topics, Evaluation, Humourous and International. This year's winners at club level were: • Table Topics: Andrew C • Evaluation: Robert G

• Humourous: Geoff D • International: Andrew C

These intrepid speakers went on to represent Boyd Park and compete against winners from four to five other clubs at at area level on Saturday 29 October. All four contestants performed admirably on the day, and did themselves and the club very proud. Next up is division and district level, and while Boyd Park will not be represented at these levels this year, we encourage you to consider attending particularly if you would like to compete in the future.

The division contest will be held on 17 March, and the district contest at the District 69 Convention in Brisbane on 4 - 6 May 2012. More details will be available during club meetings.

Bird's Eye View

Members are at the heart of Toastmasters International. Here are the structures that are in place to serve us, and provide us with as wide a range of opportunities as possible.

Finally, none of this can happen without the teams of contest officials who organise each step of the way. Judges, contest chairs, tally counters, timers, sergeant at arms... you don't have to compete to practise your skills in a club contest. So pull up a chair or a lectern - and enjoy the contests as they unfold over the year.

The Savvy Speaker's Toolkit Check out these free online resources to help improve your speaking, thinking and leadership skills.

overcoming writers' block, by Toastmaster and professional speaker Robert Green.

1. Building Skills with Style: articles on choosing a topic, developing a presentation and

2. TED Talks: watch just one of the hundreds of talks on this site and forever change the way you

view public speaking - and quite possibly the world. Science, entertainment, business and technology are all covered in talks of 3 - 18 minutes each.

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© 2011 Toastmasters International. Extract from Toastmasters International Service Chart. Accessed 15 July 2011.

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