1 minute read

Hey ads, you made the Cannes Lions unmissable!

To come here has taken a lot of people a lot of work. The writers of this ad for example. They had a lot of late nights, early mornings, plenty of coffee (and the odd rosé drunk if the truth be told), to get to this point of writing this cover-page ad.

But before the copywriter even began – or the Creative Director decided to go with this rather reductive layout; apparently minimalism is strikingly beautiful – there were missed planes, lost phones, many insightful conferences, crash meetings in the kitchen backstage, cancelled appointments, discussions about what creativity actually is, drinks in bars, pizza on the beach, failed quest for party bracelets, sunsets and rises, cable spaghetti in the control room, shaking hands, and involuntary overnight stays on the beach.


RTL AdAlliance wants to thank all the creatives, the winners and the others, the ads and the Croisette for all the fun times.