Boulevard Magazine, Okanagan, January/February 2021

Page 63


s winter takes hold, many of us have more on our minds and more on our to-do lists. Add to that the nervousness of our current pandemic reality, and some may feel a sense of fear in the air. Fear of the unknown, fear of new structures and systems, and for many, the fear of cold and flu season coupled with an aggressive virus that we still know so little about. However, one promising area of exploration is that of preventative measures as related to immune function and predispositions. While there is still minimal conclusive evidence on specifics that can ward off or diminish the effects of COVID-19, experts agree that a stronger baseline immune system doesn’t hurt, and even aside from this particular virus, tried-and-true methods for natural and safe immune support are beneficial in warding off various bugs that pop up in the colder, darker months. The following are some seasonal finds that not only contain nutrients to boost and support immune function, but taste wonderful and warm the soul on so many nourishing levels. (Please note that while I am a trained and certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, this is not intended to be medical advice for any ailment, especially COVID-19, and is meant to simply offer some sources of ingredient inspiration that perhaps also provide an additional advantage of natural and non-invasive immune support.)

You Expect More and So You Should


Root vegetables are a strong staple in the culinary rotation. Carrots, parsnips and beets in their many gorgeous shapes, sizes and colours are delicious roasted and made into salads or side dishes, puréed into soups, or simply enjoyed raw, whether that’s shaved, grated, spiralized or even juiced. They are nutrient-packed powerhouses, boasting a wide array of immune-boosting benefits. For example, carrots have a high concentration of an antioxidant group called carotenoids, specifically beta-carotene, a precursor to active vitamin A, which is responsible for many immune-based perks. There are a number of studies that support this, including one out of the Institute of Nutritional Physiology in 2003 that showed the advantageous effects of carrots (specifically carrot juice) on immune function. And it’s not just the orange-hued ones! For those like myself who enjoy the visually diverse delights of multi-coloured produce, you will find immune assistance in the purple, red and yellow varieties as well. Similar to carrots, beets come in a cornucopia of stunning assortments and offer a multiplicity of superb nutrients. Equally rich in antioxidants, including carotenoids, beets provide a comparable set of immune advantages, in addition to their remarkable ability to aid in gentle natural detoxification—another key component to healthy immune function. Humble little parsnips also contain disease-fighting antioxidants such as quercetin, kaempferol and apigenin, which may enhance immunity and protect against infection. They also offer up jackpot levels of vitamin C—25 per cent of the daily recommended amount in one serving, in fact. This crucial vitamin plays a central role in immune function, and according to multiple studies, including one conducted by Anitra C. Carr

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