Synonyms for ‘pure water’ are smart water, handsome water and special water

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Packaged Drinking Water

Synonyms for ‘Pure Water’ are Smart Water, Handsome Water and Special Water

There are lots of confusions about varieties of water products available in market. People are often confused with the difference between mineral water, tap water, spring water, distilled water, RO water, and many more. Actually these are all the varieties of Packaged Drinking Water that are obtained after purification and filtration from a Packaged Drinking Water Plant.

Depending on the methods and techniques used to filter and purify water, different names have been accordingly issued. Such as RO Water, Mineral Water, Bottled Water, etc. So, it’s very essential to educate yourself as far as it concerns to consumption of what water type is good for your health.

Packaged Drinking Water

RO water is one which filters everything from the water and makes it very clean, but its disadvantage is that it also filters the essential minerals that our body requires. In mineral water purification process, the minerals are added to the ‘Reverse Osmosis Purified Water’ at a later stage. Bottled water is simply distilled and/or filtered water.

The bottled water is taken from various sources such as well, pond, ground water, river water, irrigation water, etc. Later this water is filtered and purified using various methods. Some manufacturers collect water from various sources and apply reverse osmosis treatment, whereas others apply simple purification and filtration methods only; in order to conserve the minerals.

Packaged Drinking Water

Though there are differences in each type of water products specified above and their purification methods, they are all together known as variants of Packaged Drinking Water. As far as it concerns to ordinary water i.e. impure or unfiltered water, following are some of the important points for consideration:

1. If you are receiving water from municipal/government sources, there would definitely be chlorine in that water. It’s bad in taste and smells badly. When we prepare food using chlorine water, the food also becomes tasteless. Chlorine keeps bacteria and viruses away from water, but at the same time an overdose of chlorine can be bad for heart and sometimes may lead to cancer also. After all it’s a chemical.

2. Even if you are not consuming the chlorine water, still the impure or unfiltered water is bad for health. The taste and odor of the water may also change when there is more than sufficient amount of minerals in the water. Our body needs minerals, but anything over the limit always reacts within the body. The water supplied by municipality or other government sources sometimes also contains a large amount of ‘decaying organic matter’.

Packaged Drinking Water

Without a Packaged Drinking Water Plant, it was not possible to have access to clean drinking water that is very important for survival. So, none can deny the importance of the water manufacturing plants. The importance of water is due to several other reasons also. It’s quite possible for a human to remain hungry for about 20 to 25 days without food, through various biological methods; but when it’s about ‘thirst and water’ a human can survive maximum up to 3-4 days only. Around 2.9 million people die due to water related issues.

Packaged Drinking Water

Everyone across the world knows that cleanliness of water is essential, but very less amount of people know about the types of water, methods of water purification and their effects on human health. For further information, contact the scientists and water industry experts of IIECL (Indian ION Exchange & Chemicals Limited).

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