Botany 2020 - Virtual! Program Book

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Especially for Students Use hashtag #Botany2020, #BSASciComm, #iamabotanist when posting on social media. Botany 2020 Virtual Job/Networking Board Looking for a job, a lab to complete graduate school in, a post-doc, or even just some friends? Sign-up and look through our virtual networking board! Botany 2020 Slack Watch out for an email with more information about a Botany 2020 Virtual! Slack! Monday (July 27th) Careers in Botany Luncheon - 12:00-13:30 US EDT Organized by: Min Ya & Shelly Gaynor Wonder what you can do with a degree in botanical/plant sciences? Join us for our virtual career luncheon. You will be able to meet and chat with our panelists, learn about their careers in academia (research-focused and/or teaching/liberal arts), NGOs (gardens, museums), publication, government, private sector/industry (and more!), and get to know the options for your future career and how to prepare for them! SciComm Celebration Day - 16:00-17:00 US EDT Organized by: Min Ya & Shelly Gaynor We are going to feature 16 fantastic SciCommers throughout the day on the 27th on all official BSA social media platforms (Twitter: @Botanical_, Facebook: Botanical Society of America, Instagram: botanicalsocietyofamerica). Join us later that afternoon for a a SciComm Celebration Day Mixer at Botany 2020 - Virtual! conference platform. Make sure to join and connect with all the featured SciCommers! Ace it! - Practice your Presentation, Get Feedback, Give a Better Talk -12:00 - 15:00 US EDT Organized by: Dr. Bruce Kirchoff “This interactive workshop is for anyone who wants to present clear, easily understood technical talks. You will learn how to focus on your most important result, the presentation skills that help you connect with your audience principles of good slide design, and how to use clear visuals to support your talk...“ See more information. Student Social - 19:00 - 22:00 US EDT Organized by: Min Ya & Shelly Gaynor All students welcome! Come hang out and stay connected while social distancing, and we will have random breakout rooms to facilitate networking! Wednesday (July 29th) Tips for Success: Applying to Graduate School - 13:00 - 15:00 US EDT Presented by: Anna Monfils This workshop is a panel discussion designed to introduce undergraduate students to the specific requirements for applying to graduate programs in plant biology. Topics include considering a graduate degree, becoming a competitive applicant, establishing a timetable for application, picking a mentor, preparing a strong application, the campus visit, and funding options. Panelists will include both current graduate students and faculty experienced in mentoring and graduate admissions. -17-

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