Boris Wolff Making a synth out of found material

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making a synth with (found) plaster and digital synthesis connect to teensy circuit

Teensy controller make a mold

conductive thread Make a mold using for example clay, Take any shape you want to create your instrument with and cast it in the clay.

connect your circuit to an audio device

Mix plaster with water




Take a microcontroller (preferably a teensy duino since it has a lot of touch sensors implemented) and connect your plaster casts to it.

Get yourself a bowl and fill it with the right amount of water needed to cast your mold into plaster. add plaster to the bowl with a ratio of 2:3 untill you see little islands create on top of the water. then mix it with a spatula.

Connect your micro-controller to a sound device and you can start coding and testing while receiving feedback. (coding works best with the teensyduino and pjrc liberarys.step by step coding guides can be found on the webside)

(be carefull! the moment you mixed the two the procces of hardening begins)

pour the plaster mix into the mold

start exploring the code Pour your plaster mix into your mold and wait untill the plaster is solid as a rock (you can check if the plaster is ready by gently pressing your nail in it, does it leave a mark? wait i little longer.

if(touchpadfoam > (baseTouchValue +300)){ waveformMod1.amplitude(0.5f); }else { waveformMod1.amplitude(0.0f); void calculateWaveform(AudioSynthWaveformModulated &waveform) { if(WaveformPot < 250){ waveform.begin(WAVEFORM_SINE); } else if(WaveformPot > 250 && WaveformPot < 500){ waveform.begin(WAVEFORM_SAWTOOTH); } else if(WaveformPot > 500 && WaveformPot < 750){ waveform.begin(WAVEFORM_SQUARE); } else { waveform.begin(WAVEFORM_TRIANGLE); } touchpadfoam = touchRead(A8); touchpadgroot = touchRead(A9); touchpadklein1 = touchRead(A1); touchpadklein2 = touchRead(A2); touchpadklein3 = touchRead(A3); touchpadbrick = touchRead(A5); waveformMod1.frequency(350.0); waveformMod2.frequency(300.0); waveformMod3.frequency(300.0); waveformMod4.frequency(400.0); waveformMod5.frequency(500.0); waveformMod6.frequency(450); waveformMod1.begin(WAVEFORM_SINE); //foam waveformMod2.begin(WAVEFORM_SQUARE); //groot waveformMod3.begin(WAVEFORM_SINE); //klein1 waveformMod4.begin(WAVEFORM_SINE); //klein2 waveformMod5.begin(WAVEFORM_SINE); //klein3 waveformMod6.begin(WAVEFORM_SAWTOOTH); void calculateWaveform(AudioSynthWaveformModulated &waveform) { if(WaveformPot < 250){void calculateWaveform(AudioSynthWaveformModulated &waveform) { if(WaveformPot < 250){void calculateWaveform(AudioSynthWaveformModulated &waveform) {

keep exploring your self made instrument, try out new code, frequencys and maybe vcv rack since you can recreate everything done in that application with the pjrc librarys keep on going untill satisfied.

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