Transformational Yoga by Swami Vidyanand - Srdjan Jovanovic

Page 66



Shashankasana (child pose)

Kneel on the mat, and clasp your hands behind your back, holding your right wrist with your left hand. Inhale, then lean forward so that your forehead comes down to the mat, keeping your hands behind your back, and your buttocks resting on your heels.

Physical body

Strengthens the spine and back, opens the muscles in the legs, makes the digestive system and sex organs healthy, gives better skin, helps reduce PMS and Menopause related issues, increases generation of new cells, generates the 90% latent energy in Mooladhara and Swadhisthana

Prana body

Stimulates Apana Prana, Samana Prana and Maha Prana

Mental body

Calms the nervous system, gives peace and mental clarity

Psychic body

Induces peace and balance

Spiritual body

Stimulates all 7 chakras and Kundalini Shakti

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