Artjw45y7w45om yoga usa november 2015

Page 34

om body



Down Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

On the next exhale shift your body up and back in your down facing dog. Establish a connection to mother earth with both hands and feet and at every exhale melt deeper in your heart. Bend your knee if your hamstring are tight so you can release tensions from your lower back. Inhale lift your right leg up, keep your hips squared to the ground and move your foot in between your hands.

Lunge Pose (Anjaneyasana)

Lower the back knee on the floor, dig into your hips, your front knee can move over your toes. Inhale engage core and lift your hands in a prayer over your head. Stay in touch with your inner fire and on the exhale move your ribs away from your hip and visualize your heart shining to the sun.

7 Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)

Bring your hands back to the ground to frame your front foot. Inhale press your palms on the floor and exhale kick your front leg back into a three leg down dog. Engage your core and on the next inhale bring your knee into your chest to start then bring it on the floor inside your right wrist. Square your hips with the ground . Connect to your core, open our heart and find your pigeon pose. Maintaining a strong connection to your core will help you to stabilize your pelvis and protect your lower back


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