International Review of Books Magazine - Winter 2019

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International Review of books magazine Executive Editor - Tanja SlijepÄ?ević Editor assistant - Mirna Gilman Ranogajec Graphic Designer - Mirna Gilman Ranogajec

Produced by BooksGoSocial Fumbally Exchange, Argus House, Malpas Street, Dublin 8



Editor’s letter Welcome to the new edition of International Review of Books! We have been making a few changes to the way we review your books. Gone are the three, four, and five-star ratings. In their place, we have a simpler way of rating your book. We now offer a gold, silver, or bronze seal to show visually what the reviewer thought of your work.


The layout is also different. We now have the following sections: • A general summary for context • Concise review • General thoughts on the novel As well as the above we have a section for the reader to use that allows them to offer a supportive critique. This part allows for the mention of format issues or spelling issues etc. This part of the review process is not published and shared only with the author. We hope these changes better reflect the hard work you have put into your beloved book. We also hope that they help potential readers decide on your work over others when they read the detailed yet spoiler-free review. We hope you discover your new favorite book! Tanja Slijepcevic. Reviews Editor


Ignorance is not bliss By Jerry Amernic

I had feared that young people were not up on history, but it wasn’t until I taught college that I realized how bad things were. For years I was an instructor at two colleges in Toronto where I taught everything from journalism to public relations writing to corporate communications. It was an eye-opener. The first thing that hit me was that students who had gone to Canadian schools throughout their life had a knowledge of grammar and punctuation that bordered on non-existent. So many of them didn’t know a noun from a verb, or an adjective from an adverb. And these kids wanted to be journalists! I considered them victims of a school system that had abandoned the teaching of basic grammar. Another early revelation was that any of my comments involving biblical analogies were sure to fall on deaf ears. Unless my students had attended Sunday school when they were younger – and not many had – a reference to someone being as old as Methuselah or a competition being

called a David-and-Goliath affair didn’t cut it. Who is Methusaleh? David and who? They didn’t know. But then, that is biblical history. For a long time I had this idea of writing a novel about the last survivor of the Holocaust. After all, at some point in the future there will be one last living survivor. Then one day I started writing. It was called The Last Witness and was about a 100-year-old man who is the last living survivor of the genocide that all others are measured against. He was born as a hidden Jewish child in Poland in 1939, and so, my story takes place in the year 2039. But my protagonist is living in a world that is ignorant and complacent about the past. When my agent was shopping the manuscript around the senior editor of a major publisher said he didn’t buy my premise about society being so ignorant about something like the Holocaust in one generation.



can still feel it in my bones.

So one morning I took a videographer with me and we made a video. We asked first-year students on a university campus what they know about the Holocaust and World War II. Take note that this was shot on the Friday before November 11th – Remembrance Day in Canada and other nations of the British Commonwealth, Veterans Day in the United States.

Those Belgians hadn’t forgotten what it was like to be occupied by Nazi Germany, and to this day Belgium continues to honor the Canadians who liberated the nation, while many Canadian students have little if any idea about the sacrifices made by an earlier generation. Another time I was a guest of the Canadian Armed Forces, doing talks at military bases in the former West Germany. This was in the 1980s not long before the fall of the Berlin Wall. We had a German chauffeur. His name was Herbie and he was a man in his 50s. Do the math and it’s easy to conclude that young Herbie was likely in the Hitler Youth.

Do you know who FDR was? Nope. How about Churchill? Well, there’s a statue of him but I don’t know what he did. Can you tell me who the Allies were? How about D-Day and the Beaches of Normandy? Almost all of them shook their heads. The nine-minute video has since gone viral and has been downloaded more than 100,000 times. It was shown to kick off an academic conference in Poland about the Holocaust and is in the film library at Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem.

We stopped at a traffic light in this charming little town in the Black Forest when a group of straggly, long-haired youths walked across the road. “You know,” Herbie said, and I remember his words to this day: “Hitler did a lot of bad things but he wouldn’t put up with that.”

The sad reality is that in our schools the teaching of history has largely been abandoned, along with grammar and a few other staples. For the most part young people are abysmally ignorant about history, and many of their teachers are in the same boat. It’s not their fault. It’s the fault of our school system and those responsible for the curriculum.

It’s been said that those who don’t know the past are doomed to repeat it. I really do fear for the future. [Jerry Amernic is the author of The Last Witness, other historical novels, and books of non-fiction. His video can be seen on YouTube at the following link …]

Long ago when I was a newspaper reporter I once covered the reunion of Belgian citizens who had been liberated by Canadian soldiers in 1944, and they were meeting with some of those same soldiers thirty years hence. All these people were much older, but the emotion and camaraderie at that thing was so palpable I 7

Book Summary:

Book Summary:

Business, crime, and bioterrorism combine in a plot that will need to be unraveled by tech gurus Tom and Vasili.

A story about a person who dies suddenly and finds himself in heaven and how he comes to know that he is now a guardian angel (level 1) or a spirit guide who will help other souls along their path on earth.

Review: “Part 2 of this double sized novel was good but less so that the first part. Great writing, totally unexpected twists, and seemingly deep knowledge of the technology used.”

Review: “An enjoyable, tender, inspirational and somewhat humorous at times concise story that focuses on a protagonist who dies suddenly and later finds himself in heaven.”


Book Summary:

Book Summary:

It is hate in its many forms (pride, greed, abuse) that will destroy the human race. While hate grows and is written off or simply ignored, a populism grows that brings forth leaders feed the fears of others. Religion also has a role to play as a force against hate.

When Pillar is instructed to return to her family, she is at first eager and a little excited. But once she arrives at the magic school where her cousins are principals, she is mistreated, and eventually winds up “running from demons”.


“Magic, soul eating demons, and a nest of evil just waiting to devour the world. Running from Demons offers sly wit, laugh out loud moments, and a character desperate to find herself.”


“Balogun’s voice rings out like a southern Evangelical preacher on a fifty thousand watt radio station.”


Book Summary:

Book Summary:

Lukas witnessed the brutal murder of his father. However, in order to gain his revenge, he must first master the ways of the warrior. Join Lukas on his journey as he learns to let go and embrace the life of a warrior.

In the Mississippi bayou, trouble has gone unchecked for years. Lakisha, a young woman from the Gullah lands, is joined by her friend, Jolan and his dog, Aza as they travel to Ulis, a troubled Creole town, to investigate for The Library. But the journey isn’t easy—especially when Lakisha and Jolan are separated and captured by dueling groups.



“Fabulous read, and a lot of fun! I enjoyed the book thoroughly!”

“In Gullah Girl in the Bayou, S.A. Gibson weaves a tale full of surprises and tension.”


Book Summary: Book Summary:

Meridian, stays with Raina the ex-coven member who uses black magic to keep Meridian at her side. Aiden struggles with Meridian’s absence having no idea why she really left him. The demon court has their own agenda in the fight for human souls by keeping Meridian banished, but the elemental fairy nymphs come back again to help and may be the ultimate undoing in the fight to send Meridian home.

Grace Ashton Coolidge will never forget the horror of seeing her husband, President Matthew Coolidge, gunned down by two rogue Secret Service agents on that convention stage, and she will never forget the agent who carried her to safety.



“A well-written combination of romance, political intrigue, and sex, cocooned into a perfect story with characters that come alive on the page.”

“The idea of the book is a good one, but sadly, not written to the best of its potential.”


Book Summary:

Book Summary:

Hulda van Dusen takes over as leader of the local coven when her grandfather dies. Together with her two siblings and some very unlikely friends, she must find out who wants them dead and why.

Domino and his band of friends called Spank traverse the universe to find a way to defeat his enemy and find his elusive self worth.

Review: “Odyssey is almost a buddy novel, following the travels of Domino and his band of magic friends as they try to get the seals of the elemental horsemen, which will make Domino the strongest Magica alive.”

Review: “The connection between the siblings are genuine, full of banter, uncertainty, and love. I hope that throughout books to come, the readers will have the chance to get to know all of the main characters on a deeper level.”


Book Summary:

Book Summary:

Dollard des Ormeaux and the small garrison he commands are doing everything that they can to ensure that their way of life continues, and the inhabitants are safe. But with the constant threat of attack by the Iroquois, they must band together, or be wiped out completely.

Two developers in a biotech company become embroiled in an international conspiracy and must use their technical skills and wits to escape alive.

Review: “The author exhibits good knowledge of technology and biology in the background. The protagonists are believable and likeable. The antagonists are even more believable, the kind of thing you worry you’ll see on the news..”

Review: “A fabulous read, and one full of adventure and historical fact! Wonderful read!”


Book Summary:

Book Summary:

Do You Dare? is a collection of 10 short horror stories that push the genre to the edge with tales that range from human eating beasts, to gargoyles, to dreams within dreams, that aren’t for the faint of heart.

Azalais is not prepared for the challenges that await her in the household of Domna Jordane. As she learns to navigate the upper classes, she must learn to navigate more than just simple conversation. One wrong move, and her life is over...



“A collection of 10 short horror stories that push the genre to the edge with tales that range from human eating beasts, to gargoyles, to dreams within dreams. These stories are not for the faint of heart. There is a lot of blood and gore, and if you like these kinds of stories, you won’t be disappointed. “

“This book was very powerful, and one that was hard to put down. The story of Azalais, as she navigates a world that she does not fully understand will leave the reader wishing for more, yet content.”


Book Summary:

Book Summary:

The main characters meet at university in the late 70s, instantly falling in love. They have some family drama, no sex before getting married (which never happened), and he dies suddenly of aggressive cancer. It ends with her meeting him again, or his ghost, at a bar.

The story is an autobiography and a true memoir of the everyday life of an american spy in the CIA. He recounts his adventures and the many risks he took while serving his nation.

Review: “A delectable read interspersed with humor and wit of the true story of the everyday life of an American spy in the CIA and how he survived his travails, trials and tribulations as part of his occupation.”

Review: “The story itself is entertaining enough, really sweet actually. The only original thing about it though, is the ending. However, it is more realistic than a “happily ever after”-ending.”


Book Summary:

Book Summary:

In the spirit of Kafka and Hunter S. Thompson, James Hanna presents twentyone tales of darkness, wry humor, and cryptic light. Most have been published in various parts of the internet or perhaps even in a different universe.

A collection of poetry highlighting the history, culture, and geography of the Antilles.

Review: “Schiller presents her love story to the three islands of the former Dutch West Indies in this collection of verse and art. The poetry is unintimidating and very well supported by the watercolor art of Skaidra Zayas. Ships and slavery, sugar and starlit skies pepper this collection of history and natural beauty.”

Review: “Enjoy this book leisurely. Don’t rush. Savour the humour. Meet Sam the Poontang Man, a good Christian father and son, hover in brothels and don’t believe a thing Nixon says!”


Book Summary:

Book Summary:

An epic Science Fiction adventure that spans ten years in the life of Nash X. Korpes, a technician with an agenda

When a nuclear scientist wants to defect out of North Korea, a dedicated team is sent to bring her out. The rest of the world is focused on the events that are unfolding in Iraq, and the operation to rescue the scientist are deemed perfect, at least on paper.

Review: “The book spans ten years in his life, and incorporates several character developments. Keeping track of everyone takes a lot of concentration, but is worth it as the world comes to life with Nash’s work, love life, and family.”

Review: “Dive into the secret world of espionage, secrets, and nuclear weapons during a daring rescue attempt. While the world watches another scene unfold, stealth is the only thing that can save the day...”


Book Summary:

Book Summary:

In the second installment of the Shadow Sword series, the fast-paced political web grows to epic sizes. Kaell awakens in a body not quite his own. Val Arques is forced to play a dangerous game of cat and mouse, after being sold into slavery.

Protagonist, Bret Lee, a professor at the University of Maryland, has worked for the CIA in the past on many dangerous missions due to his expertise and knowledge but is now retired. All that is behind him now. Or is it?



“Ghost of Africa is an exceptionally well thought out, beautifully crafted, expertly executed novel that will have you at the edge of your seat as you root for the good guys and scorn the brutal Kunga, leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA).”

“The Seer King stays true to the Epic Fantasy genre, weaving an intricate web of political treason, life and death mind games, twist and turns on nearly every page. A series worthy for fans of Game of Thrones and The Name of The Wind. 18

Book Summary:

Book Summary:

A tired and disillusioned warrior, Cayden, is offered a job rescuing a young runaway. Simple and profitable, except it turns out the girl has a rare gift for healing and a talent for trouble.

British psychologist Neel Burton examines the interference between ourselves and the world. Our belief that we interpret the world in accurate terms is much like that of the prisoners in Plato’s cave.



“With intriguing characters and interesting world, this book sets the foundation for what looks to be an interesting sword&sorcery series.The plot is engaging, with a good balance of twists and turns that present more challenges for the characters, allowing them to grow. In all, an easy, enjoyable and fast-paced story. Recommended for sword&sorcery fans.”

“Burton demonstrates to the reader the all the interference in our thinking, much of it unrecognized, and guides the reader to unlearn, discover, and return to wholeness. It is a journey out of Plato’s cave of reflected imagines and the discovery of the ideal.”


Book Summary: A fascinating glimpse at the clandestine world of undercover policing and how one detective with assist from his partner brought down one of the world’s largest LSD operation in the United Kingdom.

Review: “Steve Bentley played by the rules for a good part of his career as a police officer, yet when chosen by his supervisor to work as an undercover detective to infiltrate a large LSD drug ring, he did everything but follow rules...�


Book Summary:

Book Summary:

This is a story of coming to terms with the afterlife and it is a very thoughtful and thoughtprovoking read.

P.I. Tom Logan is asked to help investigate a murder that happened at the same location in which he is currently having his second try at a honeymoon. A famous actress got pushed off a cliff in the Grand Canyon. He, along with his wife and newfound acquaintance, start to collect clues, but the local authorities take over before he can finish.

Review: “I have not read all the books in the series. Thus, I was not witness to Marion and Flynn’s story. However, the author did a great job in this book when telling their stories. It tells how love does conquer all. That these two people will find a way for their love to shine. It’s in the words, in the flow of the story, and in the dynamics of the narration. This book tells of the deep and moving love story between these two.”

Review: ““Murder in the Cards” was a proper mystery novel. It felt like I was reading one of Agatha Christie’s books or playing a round of Cluedo. The way everything was connected and how even minute details played such an important part was both creative and impressive.” 21

Book Summary:

Book Summary:

A gripping true story of a teenager who is diagnosed with cancer and who is helped by her elder sister who acts as her mother, friend, philosopher and guide.

The story is about the life of a dog who was a country dog initially but after it was adopted by a lady, it became a jet setting dog travelling around various places by flight along with the lady.

Review: “An incredible, wonderful, raw and true story of two sisters, one of whom is diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) or liver cancer when she is a teenager and the other is an adult who is at the crossroads in her life and who is now acting as her mother, friend and guide. A tragic tearjerker that in the end leads to the death of the younger sister diagnosed with cancer.”

Review: “The story is a heart warming true account of the life of a maltese dog in first person as if the dog is talking to us. The story revolves around the childhood, adult and the golden years of the dog as it jetsets around various places in America with its owner.“


As a condition of his parole, Billy is assigned to government drug enforcement unit in Boston, but soon makes a gruesome discovery of the unit’s true mission. Approached by a secret underground dissident group planning to overthrow the authoritarian world government, Billy joins them to end the demonic reign of tyranny only to discover the shocking details of what is really taking place.

Memoralbe line from the book: “How fortunate I am to experience this... how very small and insignificant it makes me feel. Henley, Grover and I discuss at great length how seeing just a small portion of the Universe has given us a profound and spiritual appreciation for our own short existence.”

Book Summary: Billy Russell’s career as a narcotic officer abruptly ends when he cold-bloodedly executes the man who committed a heinous crime against him. Sentenced to 20 years hard labor in total isolation from the outside world, he’s suddenly, and without explanation, released on parole 5 years early. Returning to society, he learns that an isolated nuclear attack spread primal fear of a nuclear holocaust allowing Autocratic billionaires to seize control of the world. But their faulty economic policies have caused rampant poverty, crime, disease, and drug addiction.

Review: “Eastwood’s experience as a screenwriter and filmmaker certainly comes through in this novel. The pacing is mostly well done and the descriptions of environments are among the best I’ve ever read.”


about an unknown man, a man who wants to claim his wife, Sadie. He knows he’ll fight to keep her for himself, but should he deny her a chance at happiness? Sadie doesn’t understand why she’s been dreaming of a man she’s only seen in pictures. She’s in love with her husband, Marc, but she starts to have memories of being married to this sexy stranger and memories of events that have never happened.Both men love her, but will she break Marc’s heart and choose a husband she’s never met?

Book Summary:

MEMORABLE line from the book:

How can a woman choose between her two sexy husbands? After a time anomaly appears, pilot Captain Dave Amsted researches the strange distortion. He begins to remember a woman he’s fallen in love with but never met. He’s frantic to find the wife he knows is out there, only to find her married to another man. Can he convince her she is the one who completes him, or will he have to give her up to the husband she’s in love with? As the owner of KenSpec Labs, Dr. Marc Kensington knows about the tears in time. After a sustained rip, he starts having dreams

“Tel turned to Sadie and smiled. “Lucky girl.””

Review: What to do when you suddenly find yourself married to, and in love with, two hot guys? Take advantage of the potentially marvelous situation of course!, I like the way the author has thought when writing this novel, but there is room for improvement. The intimate scenes, however, need no fixing, they are steaming hot as is!


Review: “In ‘Unlikely Soldiers’ author Deb McEwen follows the adventures of Guy Halfpenny and Michelle Warbutton from the challenges of their civilian lives through the rigors -both physical and emotional - of basic training in Britain’s 1970’s army. Michelle – Mouse, to her friends – has a happier family. Yet the revelation of old scandals makes her realize she doesn’t really know her parents at all. For Mouse, too, the Army seems the perfect escape. Eventually, her life and Guy’s become entwined.

Book Summary: In a small Welsh village, naïve teengager Michelle Warbutton is devastated by a shocking family secret. Forced to rethink her future, she longs to see the world. In Yorkshire and already world-weary, Guy Halfpenny is desperate to escape his miserable life. Both have limited choices.

Unlikely Soldiers’ isn’t a story in the traditional sense. There’s no protagonist, no antagonist, no central conflict to bind our young soldiers together. Rather, it reads more like a shared memoir. Yet somehow Author McEwen manages to create characters we come to care about. The situations they find themselves in feel completely real; the problems they face as they struggle through basic training(not to mention some of the solutions!) are achingly familiar even to readers with no military background. Overall, an engaging read for adults across the age spectrum.”

MEMORABLE line from the book: “Guy couldn’t reconcile the fact that this mess of a human being was the best mate he’d been bantering with a few hours earlier.”


Review: “With his tongue firmly in his cheek, (I hope) Lawrence J Switzer takes readers on a train journey where interesting characters tell tales of life, afterlife, death, nuns, unicorns, the mystery of bagels, the brown fox and See Spot Run. He spares no one, not Donald Trump, the Pope, the Devil, history, or, for that matter, Mormons, Jews, the Irish, Christians, Steven Spielberg and rainbow bagels. The Rabbi can’t explain rainbow bagels and urges you to write to the Pope directly.... address supplied. No need for a stamp.

Book Summary: Twelve strangers, two ghosts, and the Devil--while sharing a long railroad journey--concoct a storybook of tales and trifles as hours of blank pages unfurl ahead of them. Not since Chaucer’s pilgrims hit the road with tongues wagging have travelers had this much babble and gabble to share with their fellow wayfarers.

I’ve sniggerd my way through Hell, the train ride, beautifully illustrated, and stories told with such ironic wit, it was almost like watching an American version of a Monty Python show with pot. Nothing is sacred here, American history is told with pictures and conspiracy theories that will blow your mind.

MEMORABLE line from the book:

Take your time with this book. The Devil is around all the time, so be careful when you are offered temptations - he loves red apples....”

“Once, when the heating system in Hell broke down, Hitler complained so persistently about the cold, the Devil had to knit him a sweater.” 26

MEMORABLE line from the book: “For Elizabeth and Pamela, for which there are no substitutions.”

Review: “The Complete Foods Substitutions Handbook by Jean B. MacLeod is a good reference material that can be recommended for those who are vegetarian, those who are on a diet, those who have certain allergies, or those who simply want to eat healthy food.

Book Summary:

Due to the wealth of information it contains, I truly believe that it can also be used for educational purposes or for those who simply enjoy cooking. I was really happy to find that I can make my own ketchup and even almond milk by following its instructions at home. Aside from which, I found that it has a wide range of recipes that include various seasonings, oils, creams, wines, sauces and other condiments. I have also noted various fruit, meat and vegetable substitutes. “

The Complete Foods Substitutions Handbook by Jean B. MacLeod is an alphabetical listing of food substitutes for those want to seek information for various alternatives that can be used for low-sugar, low-fat, lowsalt, gluten-free, lactose-free, or vegan foods. It is like a handy recipe book where there is a detailed list of ingredients as well as corresponding measurements that one can use in concocting the needed food substitute. There are various listing with very simple recipes.


MEMORABLE line from the book: “One weekend, without warning, Red could not remember our home address. His short term memory loss was obvious, and his grammar and comprehension were declining. Weeping like a baby, he declared, “Something is wrong with my brain.””

Review: “Dementia: The Journey Ahead: A Practical Guide for In-Home Caregivers by Susan Kiser Scarff and Ann Kiser Zultner is an informative manual in caring for those who have developed dementia. What makes this different than other books on the subject is that it is deeply personal and not a clinical reference guide. The poetry of Virginia Pasquarelli punctuates the chapters adding personal feeling to a serious topic. Scarff begins with the life of her husband, Red. Red was a former fighter pilot, an avid sailor, and an MBA graduate who started his own consulting and partnership investing corporation. A long successful marriage takes a sudden turn when Red develops dementia. The downward spiral of his cognitive abilities is documented and used to help teach others how to care for their loved ones.. “

Book Summary: Dementia is a degenerative disease that can go for years without being diagnosed. Patients often have a long life ahead with a declining ability to take care of themselves. The decline takes many forms and increases in severity with time. From the inability to control behaviors to the failure to control their body, the disease is devastating. The personal needs of the patent are essential but also the needs of the caregiver must be considered.


Review: “With a steadily growing pace this surprisingly mature and beautifully written story will draw you in and not let go until you reach the final page. It masterfully fits the misfits together, catches you unawares with plot twists entwined with enchanting equine moments and tops it all off with a hint of supernatural mythology. With trust being a major theme throughout the book, you would expect to see complex characters, betrayals and noble quests to prove oneself, which Trovillion does deliver. However you also get their deep dark secrets, their demons and struggles. You get to know many of them on a very personal level, whilst having to guess the motives and stories of some, told through hints and from others’ point of view.

Book Summary: Regina Hamilton is a teen faced with a near impossible challenge to become fully independent before her mother is released from prison in a few months. It’s a gruelling task to take on without help, but having been betrayed before by people she loved, Regina finds it hard to trust anyone.

Throughout this whirlwind we’re kept grounded by the gorgeous nature of horses, the peace and calm they bring, the answers to your questions found in their deep dark eyes.”

MEMORABLE line from the book: “How do we trust if we’re afraid? By believing in what cannot be taken away.”


story of murder, vengeance, and love lost. The novel explores what can take all of us to the edge. 2018 Mystery and Mayhem Award Winner, D. J. Adamson wins again with this novel, taking the reader into the darker side of humanity by observing the consequences created by choices. It’s a twisted ride that will keep the reader thinking beyond the book and with the hope Adamson will have a sequel to this novel soon.

MEMORABLE line from the book:

Book Summary: At the Edge of No Return, psychological thriller, brings four characters to the edge of falling toward darkness or light.

“What is “quantum consciousness” ?”


Has Elvis Colt, a serial killer, rolled the dice too many times; the Reverend William Meeks lost any chance for salvation; Jack Goodman, forever stuck at Horizon’s End; and behavior psychologist Dr. Georgia Jeningson made a fatal decision when trying to right a wrong which she can never take back?

“From the outset,this is a good book. However, it needs a proper proofread, and in my opinion, a reclassification. It is not a thriller, more a mystery bordering on cozy, with an interesting paranormal twist called Jack.”

At the Edge of No Return offers more than just another


Review: “Whether you believe in aliens, supernaturals, advanced species, or gods and goddesses of myths and legends, or belong to those who demand hard proof to believe anything, it is of no matter when reading this story. Reading experience remains strong. Patterns and several plot lines intertwine to create a complex romantic story of two fated souls, overcoming all the obstacles and challenges thrown in their way. Margaux is a decent, sensitive and emotional woman, maturing in front of the reader’s eyes as her story jumps to retrospective and back to present times. One can see all the damage in her life she has to cope with, and it’s a heavy load, yet she puts herself together again and again. Strong and determined, even the strange occurrences in her life do not make her go crazy. Byron is equally interesting hero, maybe a bit idealized but no less charming and attractive with the exposure of his soft side. Emotional yet strong, he is a perfect match for Margaux – and the alien forces know it as well. This very complex story, despite minor inconsistencies, develops at a steady pace, uncovering gradually the secrets of the past and intended future.”

Book Summary: Fate is unavoidable, especially if led by the extraterrestrials. Margo and Byron could have talked a lot about it. No matter how far their ways distance from each other, no matter how much their decisions affect their lives there is always the higher force bringing them together. Secrets to be uncovered. Stories to be untold. One simply cannot avoid the black, alien eyes.

MEMORABLE line from the book: “Just wait a little longer.”


MEMORABLE line from the book: “They found her there thirty minutes later, staring unseen into the distance, almost in a trace-like state.”

Review: “Marie-Claire does not know who she is. She does not remember anything beyond bumping her head and laying down in the Church where it is warm. When she wakes up, she is in an orphanage run by nuns. There she settles into a life of day to day, wondering if she will ever be adopted, and what the future will hold for her. When a chance encounter brings a new life to her, she embarks on a glittering journey as an ambassadors daughter. Easily able to learn languages, she is able to adapt to the surroundings that they find themselves in. She immerses herself in art and ballet, expressing herself and searching for her past. When her father is stationed in Russia, she is invited to join one of the premier ballet schools and there begins her journey into the life of a ballerina. As time progresses, along with her skills, she discovers that her father is being blackmailed by a few members of the KGB. Angered, she storms out of the school, refusing to go back. After explaining to her parents why she made that decision, they back her up and send her back to Paris to study art.”

Book Summary: When the young Marie-Claire wakes up in Rome, she has no idea who she is or how she got there.Her tale of adversity starts in the biting cold, her past unknown and her future uncertain. Our heroine gets adopted from the Marcigliana orphanage by a French diplomat, initiating a journey of self-discovery across postWorld War II Europe.


MEMORABLE line from the book: “For many years, we have sent our treasure abroad while Iranians at home were going hungry. That stops tonight.”

Review: “If you are interested in modern warfare and/or the complexity of war in the |Middle East you will enjoy this book! In his latest novel, Ted Halstead, has taken on the complex issue of war in the Middle East and imagined a convoluted story of how one of its major players (Iran) hopes to increase its power and riches by waging war on Saudi Arabia. Set against the backdrop of mind blowing politics, rank and file militia, unwieldy terrorists, and a complex network of spies in a society with extreme traditional norms Halstead keeps the reader from becoming lost in the confusion by using the technique of having his characters explain the convoluted history of each faction in their narratives.”

Book Summary: In Ted Halstead’s latest novel, The Saudi-Iranian War, the Ayatollahs of Iran plan to overpower the Saudi royal family and prove their mettle to the Western world but the scheming, double crosses, spying, eagerness to enter paradise, war and destruction is not limited to them. Every player in the Middle East is represented in this book including a variety of nationalist terrorist groups both real and imagined, along with the inevitable Russians and Americans.


Review: “This book is told from the point of view of Rebecca Wiseman – who; as an old woman is recounting her memories of a romance that took place between her and a man called Sol Gottesman in the 50’s. Even though Rebecca would be considered an independent woman for someone in her generation, she fell hard for Sol – and had to move forward once things had ended. In this novel, the reader gets a glimpse of things like status and even smaller ones of religion – also of how things were less rushed and simpler. The story was well told – and I ended up liking Rebecca as a character as well as a narrator; despite the fact that she fell apart when things went wrong. There was a lot of balance going on in all aspects in this book.

Book Summary: Montreal, 1951. Rebecca Wiseman, 18, a bright college student, lives with her workingclass parents. At a local dance, she meets a handsome young man but has little hope of seeing him again. When Sol Gottesman asks her on a date, her joy mingles with disbelief when she learns he is the son of a wealthy businessman.

The author also had a way of humanizing a lot of the characters as well. Out of all of the characters, Ezra was the most unlikable. One thing I will say is that I found Ezra interesting as a character – what made him the way he was?”

MEMORABLE line from the book: “How many of my memories of 1951 are real and how many are only the imaginings of an old woman?” 34

Review: “Christianity: Successful Failure by Tim Spiess is a different look at one of the world’s largest religions. In today’s world of megachurches, splintering denominations, and ultra-rich preachers, Spiess puts out a different message. There is a quote I have heard, and it has stuck with me for some time: I haven’t known many Christians, but I have known many Paulians. Christianity, one would think, would follow Jesus’s teachings, but Paul wrote most of the new testament. On many social issues, it is Paul’s or other apostle’s words that are used. What is missing is what did Jesus said.

Book Summary: A look at the failings of Christianity as a whole despite its popularity in numbers of followers. Christianity: Successful Failure is a controversial book on returning Christianity to the words of Jesus.

Spiess sets the stage for the reader to follow his lead. He questions many commonly held beliefs and backs his arguments with the “red words.” Some points are controversial like the take on other religions, including Judaism, and on the Bible itself. There are plenty of topics that will bring up strong feelings or at least make one rethink their positions. This would be an excellent book for a group read and discussion.”

MEMORABLE line from the book: “The Bible you had even had my words in red letters, thus setting them apart, but you ignored me just the same.”


MEMORABLE line from the book: “All those who love their flesh shall never come into my Presence and know of my Holy Kingdom and my Love.”

Review: “The Final Warning is a brief overview of bible passages from the New Testament comparing the way the world is now and all the prophecies foretold that are warning us that the end days are nearing. The author uses both scripture and opinion to show both believers and nonbelievers the end is at hand.

Book Summary: The Lord God gives and releases His Word to the Prophets to bear and carry in the Earth until His purpose is fulfilled. When the Prophets of God prophesy the Lords Judgment, then the Angelic Angels of the Most High God are released to enforce it, executing His Judgments in the Earth. Time Is of a Lesser, and Days of an Ending

As stated in the good book, the end has been at hand since death of Christ. Indeed, evil is becoming viewed as good, where as what is good is being viewed as evil in the carnal world. The end is upon us.”


Review: “The courageous protagonist at the center of this gritty adventure is Áed, a young man with a mysterious past and a dangerous secret: the ability to generate fire. He lives in the Maze, the dismal city rife with violence and poverty, with his partner, Ninian, and Ronan, the orphaned boy they had taken in. Following a devastating tragedy, Áed breaks out of the Maze and looks for a better life in the legendary White City. Nothing goes according to plan, and Áed finds himself in danger, especially when he starts to understand his powers and identity. The title says it all, really. It doesn’t take Holmes’ deduction skills to guess who Áed really is. While the secret heir journey to discovering his legacy may not be new ground in fantasy fiction, the execution of Radcliff ’s story sets it apart from others in the genre. It blends LGBT themes, chosen family dynamics, and darker moments (including torture) into an exciting and wholesome tale. The characters care for one another, making it hard for readers not to fall in step with them. Radcliff doesn’t shy away from showing grittier realities of combat and hero’s journey and there are moments of darkness and loss, suggestive descriptions, and intense twists.”

Book Summary: The courageous protagonist at the center of this gritty adventure is Áed, a young man with a mysterious past and a dangerous secret: the ability to generate fire. He lives in the Maze, the dismal city rife with violence and poverty, with his partner, Ninian, and Ronan, the orphaned boy they had taken in.

MEMORABLE line from the book: “His body seemed to shine with internal light, and great tongues of fire leapt from his fingers into the air. Spellbound, he raised his hands and watched the flames surge and rage with every beat of his heart.” 37

MEMORABLE line from the book: “He knew now he’d never stop running. Not until Louis Gray was in the ground.”

Review: “Montauk mayhem is a relatively short and dramatic read that contains elements of conspiracy theories, spy world, special training programs, and mystery. Suspense and tension are gradually building over the whole book, keeping the reader focused on the plot, having him guessing and second-guessing the next twist or turn. Fast plot development is even more sped up by switching the two lines, representing different points of view – from Glenn’s (and Robin’s) perspective vs. the special program and facility employees’ perspective. The joining element, Robin’s son Michael, is the trigger for action and drama, as well as the fuel to the emotional side of the story. Dark atmosphere dominates the pages – from tension and despair due to Michael’s disappearance, through animosity between the chief and Glenn, to outright violence.”

Book Summary: The book follows the story of Glenn, a former Delta soldier trained to be an assassin in a special program. Escaping his torturers, he is now hiding in Montauk, only to be tangled in the same net again - this time through the kidnapping of Michael, son of the waitress named Robin who works with him and is his occasional lover. Now it is up to him to decide whether to save his life and run, or try to break into the facility and save Michael (and other kids).


Review: “She said. He said. is a thriller the likes of which I’ve not encountered before. It starts off by throwing you head first into the complex world of corporate affairs and dealings to show you the background of the main characters. Martin Ruff is a successful businessman who turns anything he touches into gold, a loving husband of 35 years to his wife Lauren and a father to their two grown sons. The ‘Boys Club’ consists of Peter Maroney, Dawson Craft, Eddie Carr and Jeremy Costas - all partners of the company Martin had just joined after being worn down by Peter’s persistence and a promise of a whole lot of money. And Alexandria Plummet, another co-worker, but one who turns Martin’s world upside down. Casual attraction turns into casual flirtation which turns into friendly dinners and long phone calls. I loved the character building which was to the point to begin with, adding subtle layers as the plot evolved. As for the actual story itself, at times I found myself grinding my teeth in frustration, but in a good way - I was fully immersed in it, rooting for the ‘good guys’ and cursing the opposition only to be shocked by the next plot twist to reveal another angle to my black and white view of the situation.”

Book Summary: She said. He said. is a deep dive into corporate world where money matters more than the people in it and whose word wins against the other may come down to who’s got deeper pockets.

MEMORABLE line from the book: “It’s unrealistic to believe you can control all the circumstances around you all the time.”


his forced retirement. Hotel/casino manager John Cusamano schemes to find the money and run away with the love of his life, his boss’s wife.

MEMORABLE line from the book: “Lately she’d had the thought that he reminded her of a slinkie - not real useful, but it would be fun to watch him tumble down the stairs.”

Review: “Witty, well written crime caper with characters you will remember for quite a while.

Book Summary: Time is running out. With the pending implosion of the grand old Las Vegas hotel/ casino, the Desert Palace, an eleven-year-old mystery of stolen money remains unsolved. Newspaper reporter Nedra Dean feels the pressure to use every means she can to make this dramatic moment in Las Vegas history her biggest scoop, one she hopes will catapult her to big-time journalism at CNN.

This should be a movie. It will be a blockbuster!”

Celebrity maitre d’ Eduardo only wants to reconcile his estranged family before


despite her lowly status. As the attraction between them grows, Lord Driscoll is torn between his need for a wife of means and his heart.

MEMORABLE line from the book: “Do you think I’m cursed? Tut-tut silly child. Of course you’re not. It’s just one of those things.”

Review: “This is the story of a girl who finds herself. She finds herself in faith, in love, in family. But more importantly, Faith finds herself in faith in herself first and foremost. Faith in Ar… is a Cinderella story. It reads like a fairy-tale. It is written very smoothly, like a good cup of tea. Faith is very likeable character even though she is trying her best not to be liked and loved. She is surrounded by a very colourful bunch of people who are united by one purpose – serving God and being loved by God. Faith family and friends are trying their best to show Faith love and support. But she must come to all realisations herself. And when she does…”

Book Summary: South Wales, 1905. Faith only believes in the certainty of pain and suffering. Born with a club foot and harboring a dark secret, the barmaid can’t escape her sinful past. But after the country’s religious revival puts her out of a job, hope sparks when a handsome aristocrat gallantly offers her a second chance. Lord Geoffrey Driscoll fears his estate will run out of money before he can find a suitable bride. However, the devout nobleman can’t keep his mind off the stunning redhead


they formulate a hypothesis of how Hunter’s ability with memories works, but the more they uncover, the bigger the danger grows.

MEMORABLE line from the book: “The one thing you can count on in life is feeling pain.”

Review: “Challenging theme with a range of maybe controversial issues meets brilliant execution from the pen of someone truly skilled with words. With just a few sentences, the reader stands no chance, being pulled deep into the story, with interest piqued and hungering for more until that hunger is satisfied. Simple and understandable language that makes the story flow smoothly is combined with scientific passages, perfectly drawing a line between the description and the main plot.

Book Summary: The line between sanity and insanity is thinner than we usually realize - though for Hunter, it can’t be more obvious. Not remembering the past 16 years of his life is only the beginning of that. Haunted by scenes full of pain, abuse, violence, and cruelty, spiked by sexual experiences, Hunter can’t have a minute of peace unless he gets the scene out of his head. However, no one can know and understand his secrets. Not until he meets Jasmine, the only friend he has, a girl with brilliant mind and dark secrets. Together,

This stands out double in Jasmine’s character. Each reply makes it crystal clear which character is speaking, the voices being as distinctive as the characters themselves.”


MEMORABLE line from the book: “Cognac and moonlight and dolphin seduction myths turned out to be a potent combination.”

Review: “The storyline has potential; an Englishman and an American woman meet in the Amazon jungle. They are both trying to help the native population fight the invasion of greedy people and companies but in two very different ways. Their personalities and emotions are bound to clash, creating a fire between them. Add a cruel and coldhearted mercenary to the mix, and the story could quickly become a great story. Sadly, in my opinion, that is not the case in this book.

Book Summary: Christian and Dianti are both in the Amazon jungle helping the natives fight against companies invading their land in search of wealth. Even though they disagree on which is the best way to help, they stand together against mercenaries and corrupted companies. While working together, the chemistry between them is slowly building.

None of the characters have depth, making it hard to form a connection to them as a reader. Sure, you get better acquainted with Christian, Dianti, and even Kees Wijntuin, but still only on a superficial level. The attraction between Christian and Dianti isn’t believable; it feels flat and not at all like the steadily growing fire it is supposed to be.”


MEMORABLE line from the book: “I realized that life is just like a butterfly on a flower: we must enjoy it while we can because it will soon fly away, never to return.”

Review: “A poignant coming of age story of a young anorexic male who was leading a great life until he started suffering from anorexia nervosa which began to completely destroy his life until he was just a few feet away from death. However, ironically, the turning point for the author comes about when the Grim Reaper a.k.a. Death helps him during one of his encounters to come out of his morbid anorexia nervosa state. The chance encounter with the Grim Reaper makes him realize that life is very important and we should lead a happy and enjoyable life. He begins to change his mindset and from then onwards, he is on the path to self-recovery and recovers his health. Factually, the story highlights that more than 90% of the diagnosed anorexia cases are female but it also affects males and his case is a unique case which he wanted to highlight in the form of a story so that other people in the world would be benefited and gain hope to come out of this disease.”

Book Summary: An emotional and touching story of a young male who was having a great life till he started suffering from anorexia nervosa and it began to completely destroy his life. The story highlights how he underwent great sacrifices and suffering to overcome this disorder as the disease is seen more as a mental block that is very difficult to overcome and which then affects the physical body leading to disastrous consequences.


Review: “Captain Jericho Mannion is in desperate need of funds. While he has in the past enjoyed a thriving business, lately, he is sinking deeper into debt. But when a group of men from a University ask for passage, and the ability to ship some containers, at a very large price, he does not hesitate. While he is not told of the contents of the crate, they seem to be guarding the contents quite carefully. But money talks, and so the group and the cargo are taken on board. After they sail, there are a series of mysterious disappearances. Passengers and crew members either vanish into thin air, or are found dead in horrific ways.

Book Summary: A routine voyage becomes a trip of terror for a handful of passengers and crew members when their ship is haunted by something not from this world. As they work together to make it out alive, some on board are only bent on one thing.. and it could cause the deaths of everyone else aboard.

As Captain Mannion starts to investigate, the trail leads back to the mysterious cargo, and the group of men on board. Now, he and his trusted crew must use their knowledge of the ship and every ounce of strength they have to get the remaining passengers safe to their destination, while battling an being that they have no idea how to kill or find. Time is running out, but there are more secrets on board than what is lurking in the cargo hold...”

MEMORABLE line from the book: “Know is a bit too strong a word. Call it a gut feeling - not very scientific, to be sure.”


Review: “The premise of Mindclone centers around Marc Gregorio, a science writer who volunteers to have his brain scanned after a series of failures. His mindclone was the only one that succeeded. At first, his clone wakes up essentially paralyzed, unsure of where he is, how he got there, or if he’s even alive. Once he discovers that he only a copy of Marc, Adam, as he calls himself, is actually a ‘brain’ that lives in a computer and that’s where the story begins. The intention is to create a business where people can store their thoughts, their lives in a sense, and have loved ones access these clones once they’re dead. Friends and relatives would be able to interact with the deceased, at least through a computer as though they were Skyping.

Book Summary: Mindclone tells the story of the first successful upload of a human mind to a computer. It’s a tangle of science, espionage, love & redemption, told partly from the point of view of the entity, whose only connection to the world is through the internet.

When Marc finds a girlfriend, Adam becomes jealous since he can no longer feel what Marc is feeling even though they love the same woman.

MEMORABLE line from the book:

There is enough here for everyone. It is a science fiction story swathed in real science, folded into corporate espionage, and draped in a love story with a killer ending.”

“Still, it’s hard for me to shake the conviction that I am Marc Gregorio, that my body, my self, my physicality, has been stolen, ripped from me, and is being used by an imposter.”


In this memoir, she tells the story of their journey and how their love and dedication for each other kept moving them forward. Filled with the joys, disappointments, and struggles of a couple, The Early Years narrates how the love of the heavenly Father was the continuous thread that bound Carringtons life together.

MEMORABLE line from the book: “I desire to have a wife who loves me and being happily married, to have a big loving family, to be able to make a decent living, and to give my family a good life and to live a good Christian life myself as an example for them.”

Book Summary: Author Rachel G. Carrington lays no claim to lofty jobs, higher education, nor grand accomplishments except for a love-filled, multifaceted, family-oriented, povertyto-plenty life. In The Early Years, the first in a series, she shares her story. As a young teenager, just entering high school in the small town of Denton, Kentucky, Carrington planned to attend college and become a teacher. With coursework geared toward college attendance, she was offered a lucrative scholarship that would help her to attain her goal.

Review: “A beautiful, romantic and maritorious autobiography of a woman from a small town in Kentucky, US who was perceived as a rebel during the conservative 1950s period in America and who took incredibly bold and extraordinary decisions to fulfill her dream of marrying the man of her choice and the tribulations she underwent till she finally realized her aspirations.”


weight loss regime. Form what I have read it would also be great for those going to university or leaving home for the first time and striking out on their own. This is by far one of the better cookbooks I have ever worked from and I have a large selection ranging from Chef Ramsey to Ms Lawson. This book is a no-mess, cut the fluff, straight on attitude to cooking that tells you what you need to know clearly and with a beautiful image added to show you what your end result should look like. I made the Chicken Breast with Vegetables for myself and it was absolutely delicious. I did substitute the carrots with green beans as carrots and myself don’t gel too well. But that substitution was perfect and took nothing away from how good it all tasted.

Book Summary: Discover 55 delicious, supereasy keto casserole recipes that you’ll want to make over and over again

I will be trying the Cauliflower Salami Casserole next and I can honestly say I have never been this excited to start a weight loss plan in my life. I have tried all the big ones out there and they never worked. Why? Too complicated to follow, but with the help of this book I look forward to being a slimmer me.

Each recipe is specifically designed to stay within the keto diet guidelines and to satisfy your cravings, and boost your energy levels.

Review: “This book is not only for those currently on the Keto healthy eating plan or even those, like myself, who are interested in taking the first steps to a healthy

Meat eaters, seafood only, or even vegetarian, all are catered to in this great recipe book.”


Determined to get to the truth, Jude takes increasingly dangerous risks, failing to see the deadly secret that’s festering in the town as well as the self-destructive secret she keeps from herself.

MEMORABLE line from the book: “With every new piece of information she gathered, more colors in the Rubik’s Cube snapped in line and her horror grew.”


Book Summary:

“Even though it’s the third book in this series, it was the first one I read. However, even without reading the first two, the character introductions and story building were so brilliantly done that not for a moment did I think myself lost and thinking I’d need to know what happened beforehand. As for the book, I found the plot to be intricate, revealing new layers as our protagonist gathered more information herself, taking me from painful cruelties against animals to dealings even more sinister, if that’s possible.”

When a young investigator, suddenly vanishes from an undercover assignment, his mentor Jude Brannock risks blowing both his and the agency’s cover to look for him. Jude’s investigation takes her to a small farming town in Vermont where she is faced with evidence that her trusted pupil might have perpetrated an elaborate con job on her and is, in fact, working for the target of their undercover operation – a biopharmaceutical company testing on animals. She soon learns that she’s not the only one furious at the young man. 49

Review: “Man Mission: Four Men, Fifteen Years, One Epic Journey by Eytan Uliel is a story that in many ways will surprise the reader and easily receives four out of five stars. When I began the story I expected a purely male-centric view of life and a very macho approach. What I got was far more inclusive look into a man’s psyche than I would have expected. The story follows the main character from his early years in college, through his early struggles and then into the start of midlife. It is about two mates in college that decide it would be fantastic to take an annual vacation that includes not only bazar food but also something outdoorsy and the easy friendship they strike up over this idea. It wasn’t until three years after college that this idea became a reality and the idea of the ‘Man Mission’ became a reality.

Book Summary: Man Mission is a book about the life of Eytran Uliel. It is based and circles around his journey’s, or Man Missions, with his friends. His changing views, life, and the struggles that go with each are all wrapped together by the journeys he’s had with his friends.

The rest of the book is an interwoven mixture of their lives, the good and the bad, with the focus of the book being on the trips they take together, the bonds that keep them friends. It becomes an insightful look into the friendships men create and the support they lend to each other. The struggles and triumphs of their lives become part of the man mission as they struggle to determine what it means to be a man in this day and age.”

MEMORABLE line from the book: “I’d done my best to take care of everyone else in my life, sacrificing so much of myself in the process.” 50

new dream, which eventually involves selling her share of Leather and Lace to me or whoever replaces her.”

Review: “This is an easy to read, humorous in places novel, that deals with real life issues in a lighthearted way. The quaint Cologne setting is cosy and makes the characters and their big dreams stand out more. In particularly New Age Groceries which seems to be at the heart of the novel and allows the characters to grow, such as larger than life Janna who always seems upbeat and driven, perfectly matched to her laid back husband Richard who compliments her personality perfectly.

Book Summary: Shelby and Janna have a dream. Currently working at New Age Groceries in a quaint little town, they are working towards something bigger that they’ve both had their minds on since their early years as friends, but sometimes people change, sometimes dreams change, throw in new relationships, marriages and unexpected children then life doesn’t always go to plan.

Although I liked Shelby, sometimes she annoyed me with her outdated ideals and her constant questioning of herself but also how quickly she accepted Shane and his son, two strangers, coming into her life and house. Her sketchy past could definitely have been touched on more because it didn’t quite fit with how she was portrayed regarding her mistrust of men and relationships, poor Shane often seemed to have been given mixed signals which would surely put most men off or make them feel extremely insecure.”

MEMORABLE line from the book: “Janna’s just pulled the rug out from underneath me. She has a 51

what’s too overwhelming or horrific to handle. All the defense mechanisms work to protect us. The heaviest hitter is denial. Max’s brain injury made it even easier for him to shove those memories out of his head.”

Review: “What a well written and professionally carved out story. Switching back and forth between first person Narrative in Dr Pepper Hunts case, to third person point of view with all the other characters, a really original way to write which kept me interested as I’ve not come across it many times before. Opening on a quiet street in Rock Springs, Wyoming sets the scene for the tragic murder of Stacey Hart, a woman whose family suffer from events of the past and now of the present. The descriptive way the author brought the various places alive, really brought them out in my imagination and I found the character of Beau Antelope to be smart, mysterious and strong, definitely my favourite and I’d love to find out more about his life. The pace of the story was just right, never slow and I was hooked from the beginning. Did the builder do it? Or was it the Husband-to-be?”

Book Summary: A young woman has been murdered in Rock Springs, Wyoming and it falls to Sheriff Beau Antelope & Doctor Pepper Hunt to try and solve the tragic case which leads to a wasps nest of secrets, lies and abuse from the most shocking source. Plenty of twists and turns, keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout.

MEMORABLE line from the book: “Absolutely. The human mind has creative ways to deal with



Book Summary: In just over two months, June Gallagher’s life has turned upside down; it will take a lifetime to resemble “normal” again. This is her story about overcoming the mystery of an undiagnosed disease, accusations of child abuse, and keeping her young family on an even keel while battling school and hospital officials. Her son’s life is on the line--she is determined to save him. A story of a family ripped apart by overzealous hospital and social workers when all they needed was help.

Review: “Mother’s Child took me by surprise. It started off with a road accident and an accidental hero. I thought the story would go along those lines. However, the story was about parenthood, misplaced dedication and persistence and criminal faith in your own abilities and power. The book held me in places but in places I had to skip pages and pages of text as the words did not add to the dynamic of the story, rather the opposite. I tried to identify with parents of the two sick children. Being a mother, I understood their actions most of the time. And I saw everything that parents did wrong. That’s the benefit of being outside the story.


I believe author did a great job with the characters. Painting a picture with the message ‘it could happen to anyone’. Slightly dysfunctional family does not mean bad parents. Lack of knowledge does not give anyone right to judge or to call names or verdict. Mother’s Child is very colorful and emotional picture of our modern world that gone crazy and overboard with most of the rules and limitations. I was left heartbroken and furious at the end of the book. Who is to blame? Who will be responsible? Poor parents and older sister were put through hell only to be left to their own devices. No apologies. No compensation. Only their own grief and pain.”

Book Summary: Home World, by Bonnie Milani, is a masterfully told tale. It is the story of a man predestined to rule and his fight to break free from a future he has no say in. As the novel begins we meet Jezekiah, his character comes across as selfish, conniving and manipulative, but as the story moved on that image faded and in its place was a man who simply wanted to live his life how he wanted, with whom he wanted, and without the burden of ruling. The main characters in this book were well developed, each with their little quirks that allowed the reader to connect with them, both the good and the bad. The author had crafted such intricate and personable characters that it was hard not to feel some sort of connection to them, or to relate to them in some way.Descriptions of the environment and locations were beautifully descriptive, allowing the reader to paint the scenes in their mind’s eye, places that even in the future were little islands of paradise and that even in their beauty, they could be deadly.

MEMORABLE line from the book: “After reaching out into the stars, man still considers Earth to be home. Jezekiah Van Buren, heir to the title of ‘Ruler of Earth,’ has a plan to rid himself of the burden and pressure of it and allow him to live out the rest of his life in peace and normality.”


Review: “Every other science fiction novel I have read has been set either out in deep space or on some lonely godforsaken planet in some remote corner of some distant universe that no one has heard of. It was refreshing to see an author bring that sort of adventure, danger, exoticness and futuristic reality to our own world and sew it so neatly together. I really enjoyed this book and would highly recommend it to lovers of science fiction and those who want to step away from reality into a sometimes frightening and dangerous world of the future.“

Book Summary: Luxy Ara Starr very purposely goes by Lucy Little. Her true name is only a connection to the famous father she’s never met, and the twin brother who was stolen from her before she could ever truly know him. Encapsulated in the warm embrace of her family, which includes her mother, the man she calls her dad, and her little sisters, twins themselves, Lucy only has two things on her mind: what to study when she heads off to university and how much longer she can ignore her feelings for her best friend, Jace Neil. Abruptly, her list of worries grows longer when her biological father contacts her with an invitation to meet faceto-face for the first time since she was six months old, and to meet her longlost brother too. Not only that, but it seems that Jace’s other best friend, Richard Reeves, has taken a sudden and exceptional interest in little Lucy. Stuck between the family that’s always loved her and the family she’s never known, between the boy who’s always been by her side and the man who might see her true self more clearly than anyone else, between a chaotic past and an uncertain future, can Lucy transform this rocky road into her path to happiness?


Review: “I found this book light and fun. However, the main plot and supportive plot lines are put together very haphazardly and confusing. What is the main story? The lost twin brother? Or choosing a lover? Also, the book’s last pages confuse reader even more. Another story-line is added, another hoop and a loop. Whatever for? I, for one, really wanted to know whom the girl chooses. However, I was left wanting. The characters in the book are well-defined. One can easily see them and hear them talk. The feelings, thoughts and emotions, however, do not match the images. Young girls speak like adult women. Young boy calls his girlfriend ‘luv’ all the time.”

Book Summary: Beyond the end of the Second World War, after the Japanese surrender, the fighting never ceased in China … This is the fourth historical novel in the Warramunga series by Greg Kater. The events take place during 1946 when former army officer, Jamie Munro, and educated half-aborigine, Jack “Jacko” O’Brien, who head the Commonwealth Investigation Service in Darwin, are asked by Colonel John Cook, a senior commanding officer of MI6, to go to China and assist in the investigation of a drug cartel who are believed responsible for killing one of his operatives along the Yangtze River. During the recent war, Jamie and Jacko had worked in intelligence operations with Colonel Cook during the desert campaign in North Africa, as the Afrika Corps threatened Egypt, and later in South East Asia in the aftermath of war.

Review: “‘Conflict on the Yangtse’ brings back Mr. Kater’s post- World War II swashbucklers Jamie Munro, a former British Army officer, and Jack ‘Jacko’ O’Brien, a halfaborigine and all action op-for-hire. In this adventure, the fourth in Kater’s Warramunga series, it’s 1946. The world is still wrapping up the aftermath of the greatest war humanity has ever seen. It was a time that offered organized crime


in the Far East an irresistible opportunity to expand their operations. When a M16 agent is killed investigating an opium operation in a lawless stretch along the Yangtse, the Brits recruit our heroes to clean up the ring. And so Jamie and Jacko shrug off the resigned protests of their oft-neglected wives. Ignoring the determined protests of Jacko’s halfsister (and full aborigine) Sarah takes somewhat greater effort.. ‘Conflict on the Yangtse’ is wellresearched. The writing is clear and uncluttered; the story is told in true British ‘stiff upper lip’ fashion. Fans of post-war China should find it a highly enjoyable read. “

Book Summary: Bec Robertson is starting over. She’s broke, recovering from breast cancer, and lives in a rundown cabin in northern New Mexico. Her husband is deployed in Afghanistan as a chaplain, and can’t stand to touch her. The people she meets, her villagers, are batty if not wacko, and her hawk Amelia can’t keep up with the mice. She lives next door to a dubious veterans’ center. As if she hasn’t invented enough problems for herself, she has a love/hate connection with an unstable Marine. Being Bec is tough, but survival is in her bones – and she lives under the numinous skies of New Mexico.

MEMORABLE line from the book: “Everyone else was embarrassed by disease, turned off by its aftermath”

Review: “This story hits too close home for me. I felt what the main character felt. I know her pain. That is why the story was so believable for me. Bec is recovering from breast cancer. She is starting her life anew. She is broke, unloved and uncared for. Her husband is hiding behind numerous doors of duty, military and religious calling. He is an ostrich hiding his head in the sand. He comes across as whiny weak child-man.


Bec is the one to carry to load of family, home, responsibilities. That is on top of recovering from the last chemo and growing her hair back. Bec moves to a cabin left to her by her mother. The life in the cabin is way too hard for a sick woman. Bec wants solitude. She gets it. But with solitude comes the world. The author has done a great job creating such un-pretty and believable characters. They are hard to like. They are hard to understand. They do not fit in anywhere. They are people.”

Book Summary: The Mattigan kids don’t believe in things that go bump in the night. After all, their dad is famous for proving such things are impossible. But, when their long-lost Grandpa Joe shows up with his Mysterious Monsters journal, begging for help, the siblings find themselves drawn into a search for Bigfoot. Along the way, they’ll have to deal with meddling babysitters, suspicious psychics, a YouTube disaster, and their furious father. To solve this mystery, Maddie, Max, and Theo must rethink what’s possible — and make lots of peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

MEMORABLE line from the book:


“Sigh,” Marcus said. “And I apologize in advance for my children’s lack of funny bones. They were removed after a tragic accident with a car full of clowns. Very sad. Hilarious, though.”


“Being a lover of all things paranormal and supernatural the love for such things has passed from myself to my children, so I was over the moon to have been given the option of reading and reviewing this book. My son is not much of a reader even though I encourage a lot, but after the first chapter, he was hooked. I pretty much had to pry it from his hands as he slept having fallen asleep while reading it under the covers of his bed with his torch as a reading light. I give this book a resounding 5-star I believe it deserves it.”

Book Summary: After her husband is abruptly removed from her life as she knows it, Ari sets off to a new land to finish what she started, buy the home she had intended to purchase many years ago with her husband, Santos. But once she arrives, it appears that more than one person has their heart on the house, and will stop at nothing to keep it from her. Meanwhile, Ari falls instanly in love with the head man at the bank, Avinash, and his rival, Kash is set on destroying their growing relationship.

MEMORABLE line from the book: “Why is it that when someone tells you not to do something, you seem compelled to do the opposite?”

Review: “Vida Blue is full of so many characters, it is often hard, especially right at the beginning of the novel, to keep track of who is who, specifically becuase most of the main character’s names start with A: Ariande (Ari) Avinash (Avi), Anjali, and Akash (later referenced only as Kash, making things a little easier on the reader),


Vida Blue is a strange triangle of Instalove and a weird relationship between Avinash (the main male protagonist) and his assistant, Anjali. But, despite their close-ness and love-like interactions, the main character Ari doesn’t let that stop her and instantly proclaims her love for Avi despite how much she claims to love her husband, Santos, who is in jail. Meanwhile, Ari is dead set on completing a purchase she started with her husband years ago. I’m unclear if someone has been renting the house all this time, or if the house has been sitting vacant. Regardless, the original purchaser (who bought the home,and lost it due to an unfortunate accident nearly thirty years ago) is dead set on doing whatever it takes to keep it out of the hands of the American, Ari.”

Book Summary: An FBI agent must decipher clues that link to seven stops across the nation’s capital and arrive at a final destination before midnight where she must atone for her past sins.Kate Morgan’s life is derailed when Phillip Barnes makes his attacks on the nation’s capital personal. Five letters and Thirteen Across are ominous signs. When you murder a killer’s family there are consequences to those actions. Barnes reveals an unfolding puzzle—a charted course—one that expires at midnight. Solutions and destinations expose seven stops, seven sets of clues, and secrets. To assist with the investigation, the FBI brings in real-life puzzle master, Will Shortz, to riddle out stops, while Kate works the frontlines to save victims and track down Barnes.

MEMORABLE line from the book: “A month ago, the news broke on government-sponsored, illegal human research trials. Those events had put the entire intelligence community on edge, with the White House at the center of the controversy.”

Review: “In this book you end up following two or three main characters with a few minor characters slotted in throughout the book, and that takes place in Washington DC. From the start – you know who the villain is, and as you go through the book


you slowly start finding out why he’s doing the things that he is. There was sufficient world building and descriptions in this book, along with character development. The plot is enticing – which keeps you reading. For me, the main characters were the most interesting: Kate Morgan; Philip Barnes and Rachael Pratt. Out of the minor characters that were introduced, Will Shortz was the most interesting. Philip ends up being one of those characters that has a mixture of qualities – he’s one of those meticulous sort of people and who is very intelligent – but has gone off the rails a little bit. Not only that, he has been trained to work with some dangerous objects, especially for someone who is seeking revenge like he is.”


After a 35+ year career as a C-Level executive in three of the world’s largest advertising agency networks (Young & Rubicam, Interpublic Group, and Chiat/ Day) M.G. decided to connect the dots of his adventurous, rewarding life by writing a few books based on real stories, real people, real events.

Today, M.G. ranks among the top 3% of all Amazon authors, with a broad range of reader and editorial reviews. “Thanks to Books Go Social’s professional creation and management of my marketing and advertising assets, I am free to do what I do best—write books, make presentations, and create engaging blogs.

“I’m not a mass-market science fiction or paranormal kind of guy!” he chuckled. “I now write for an audience of one, so mentally prepared for the inevitable pompous critical comments.”

Manhattan-born M.G. Crisci is the critically-acclaimed author of twelve books inspired by real events, a former Fortune 500 senior executive, an internationally-recognized expert in the field of consumer behavior, a thought-provoking East-West social commentator, and an award-winning journalist. M.G. has been elected to Who’s Who in the World 23 times for his business, literary, and cultural contributions. amazon page:

To my surprise, my first book, Save the Last Dance, became a critical and commercial success. The San Francisco Literary Review called it “a perfectly crafted ode to love.” “It’ s now 12 years and 12 books later,” said Crisci. “The diversity of my voice and genres continues to confuse traditional publishers. But my writing approach is pretty simple: Stories that entertain. People you’ll remember. Literature that matters.” Despite crossing multiple genres, all my stories are based in whole or part on truth.”


Author to Author Interviews – Kathy Denver, Belfast expanding my own horizons as an author. When asked the most interesting reaction she had received from one of the readers of her novels, she said, “I had one reader email me and they were a little amazed after reading one of my short supernatural horrors that I was female. He said I had the literary voice of a man. Well, I guess growing up three older brothers rubbed off!”

Kathy Denver, says she has been writing for years. “As a teenager, it began with non-published fanfiction that was based on my love for StarTrek and that progressed to non-related short stories of ghosts, witches and monsters.” When her six-year-old son tried to play an online game that was infested with viruses, she lost months of research and the first 60,000 words. “That stopped my writing for a few years, but then began again and to my delight, published my first novel, Forest of Ancestors.” Kathy says, “I’m an accidental author, who due to necessity wandered into cover design, and found a home as reviews editor at The International Review of Books. Working with a team devoted to supporting self-published authors opened my eyes to the possibilities for

As for the near future, Kathy said, “Life, as well as my work with The International Review of Books has temporarily put a stop to my writing but that will be changing soon, as I will be collaborating with an author I admire. So exciting times ahead!” When discussing her relationship with BooksGoSocial advertising and marketing organization, she remarked, “It is an amazing asset to any self-published author who wants to take their writing from hobby to authorpreneurship, from rough draft to finished product. Additionally, it is a community of writers willing to assist another with their work. This is my Amazon Author Page where you can find all of my published work: UK: US: 64

Author to Author Interview – Patricia E. Gitt, New York She remembers beginning her first novel “CEO” while navigating her career and wondered what if she aimed higher than Executive VP of her company. This began a journey to learn the craft of fiction, so very different from the who, what, when, why and where of business writing. That first novel t ook 25 years to write in between a demanding schedule of career and grad school, all while making sure that her heroine was strong, prepared for her position, and of course achieved her place in the corporate men’s club. Patricia E. Gitt began writing novels featuring strengths of the women she had worked with during her career as an executive in public relations. She says, “I wanted to read novels featuring the qualities that made them successful, and how they balanced dynamic careers with their private lives.”

Patricia has been an active member of BooksGoSocial community which she says has fostered new friendships and new skills. Website:

Patricia earned her B.S. from the University of Vermont, and her MBA from Fordham. During her career as an executive in public relations, she served as Chapter President of American Women in Radio and Television, and was listed in editions of “Who’s Who of American Women”, “Who’s Who in Finance and Industry”, and “Who’s Who in Professional and Executive Women.


Author to Author – Maile Hulihan, Boston maximum spoiling. She was a good and clever girl. She used us as her tools just like sea otters use stones to crack open abalone shells. I started to wonder why dogs had become our best friend, sticking with us through the best and worst times, but also manipulating us to do their bidding. And about the true intelligence of animals and the ways they communicate with each other.

After a career as a journalist, editor, and publishing executive, I finally had the time to write what I wanted to write. I like highconcept stories—ones that are instantly relatable. Yet, my head was stuffed with business tactics and the underhanded characters that thrived in the competitive world of commerce. No clear narrative appeared. Then we got the puppy our son had begged for since he was five years old. Falling in love with our dog, Cassie, changed our family’s lives-- all in good ways. We frolicked, we snuggled, we took long walks. Soon, she had trained us to cater to her every need. That’s when I understood she had been studying us, learning our foibles and how to exploit them to get 66

As I did scientific research, I learned how animals and nature interact, and the unique and worrisome roles that people play. I started thinking about all the women I know who’ve been thrown curveballs and whacked them into home runs. I didn’t want my heroine to be alone on her adventure so I gave her a sister whose desires weren’t quite aligned with her sibling’s. Soon, I had plots for a series of books. The first book begins with a shocking betrayal that propels a woman to Hollywood to make her dog a starlet. High concept, right? Trinity of Bitches in Hollywood, the first book in my series of madcap novels, will be published soon, followed by Trinity of Bitches in London and Trinity of Bitches in Shanghai. Sign up for my email newsletter to find out when. You can do that at www.



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