brief 2 : guardian G2 illustration

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Concept: To produce a series of illustrations based on titles from G2 2010. In addition to this it was neccessary to emulate the production process on a small budget as closely as posible. Audience: Younger readers of G2 between the ages of 18+ Tone: humourous, interesting, weird, communication

Jonny Packham | OUGD303 FMP |

PRODUCT Twelve illustrations were produced, with three from the first four months of 2010. A back catalogue of images were created to then apply to a small berliner format. (G2 publication format.)

All images were first hand skaetched using referance imagery, and then post development, worked up in illustrator as a technique improvement excercise in using the software to illustrate effectively.

Jonny Packham | OUGD303 FMP |

APPLICATION(01) Covers were printed on newsprint to exact specs. CMYK halftone was also emulated manually using adobe photoshop, bitmap, monotone and channel splitting. The Moire pattern (see bottom image) became the most important part of a successful emulation of product for this brief.

All twelve illustrations were put across the G2 format, to exact specifications, aside form the typeface used by the guardian due to sourcing issues. It became neccessary to give the G2 cover a new look based on the aesthetic of the images, hence the use of typeface: Code.

Jonny Packham | OUGD303 FMP |

APPLICATION(02) Top left: All twelve publication covers fanned out. Bottom left: A small selection of the most stand out and successful covers. Right: Macro shot of a successful moire pattern.

Jonny Packham | OUGD303 FMP |

RANGE In addition to producing stand alone covers, it was neccessary to bind all illustrations together in one place. This was achieved in the form of a proposed quarterly supplement (think of it as a artist’s digest) for G2. The supplement would feature 3 months worth of amusing, interesting and strange article titles with corresponding illustrations.

Top left: Proposal for G2 quarterly illustrative supplement. Top right: Special edition quarterly mini prints / post cards. Bottom left: A transition page from the publication, including a snippet from the illustration’s related article, and a full bleed, reformatted version of the illustration. Bottom right: proposal for all quarters of G2 2010.

Jonny Packham | OUGD303 FMP |

Left: New look illustrated G2 inside the Guardian. Right: Opening up the stodgy old guardian to get to the best bit.


Jonny Packham | OUGD303 FMP |

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