Bon Secours Cancer Institute 2012 Annual Report

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welcome Many lives have been touched — and sometimes

palliative care and hospice services. Survivorship is

completely transformed — by the good help of Bon

our goal for every patient diagnosed with cancer

Secours. Our skilled surgeons, nurse navigators and

— and national statistics demonstrate that 66% of

cancer specialists provide unparalleled healing and

cancer patients survive five years or more. Our ability

hope to patients and their families. With one in two

to attack cancer with the best science, team and

men and one in three women at risk for developing

technology has allowed Bon Secours to provide good

cancer in their lifetimes, the advanced diagnostics,

help for all in need.

treatments and supportive care provided to Bon Secours patients are more important than ever.

We’re proud that the values we live by each day at Bon Secours Virginia Cancer Institute extend beyond what

Bon Secours Hampton Roads Health System offers

is simply required. We place each individual with cancer

comprehensive cancer care programs for lung/chest,

and his or her family at the center of our attention,

colorectal, prostate, breast and gynecological cancers.

treating them with compassion, dignity and respect.

Our locally and nationally recognized physicians and therapists use state-of the-art equipment to diagnose

Good help is world-class programs. Good help is

and treat cancer and to save lives. This includes the

expert care. And good help touches all of us. We

latest low-dose 64 slice computerized tomography

encourage you to take a few minutes to get to know

(CT) units, PET/CT scanning units, the da Vinci® Si

us better by reading more good help stories in the

Robotic Surgery System, the Varian® True Beam linear

following pages and by visiting our website or calling

Since 1824 in Paris, when the Sisters of Bon Secours left the safety of their convents to care

accelerator, and interventional radiology suites among

our cancer resources.

for the sick in their homes, good help has not only been our name, it’s been our calling.

others. These innovations help our clinical teams

Today, the Bon Secours Virginia Cancer Institute continues this focus with a mission to

provide more precise diagnosess and treatment plans, shorten treatment times and enhance patient comfort. Once patients enter our cancer institute, they have

provide seamless, comprehensive, interdisciplinary, evidence-based cancer treatment, as Michael K. Kerner, CEO Bon Secours Hampton Roads Health System

full access to the entire spectrum of care for cancer patients and their families. This includes outpatient infusion centers, lymphedema clinics, cancer resource centers, oncology nurse navigators, as well as



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well as support and survivorship programs for individuals with cancer. We work each day to serve our patients and their families through a compassionate, world-class staff, extraordinary care and convenient, state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment facilities.

Sister Patricia M. Heath, SUSC Senior Vice President of Sponsorship Bon Secours Hampton Roads Health System


Good help is compassionate. Good help is innovative. Good help is Bon Secours.


3/26/13 4:54 PM

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