Lusaka en

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Local pastors and churches were overjoyed: they received 384,110 decision cards for follow-up, signed by people who had turned to Jesus for salvation during the CfaN Campaign.

Lusaka, Zambia

There Is Electricity in the Air! O

ver 80,000 people were in attendance at the first meeting of our Great Gospel Campaign in Lusaka/Zambia. Two days later, more than three times that many gathered. Expectancy was high from the beginning and Daniel wrote: “It seems as though the air is charged with electricity!” Several local pastors stated repeatedly how extraordinary the church participation was. One top bishop said that in the past they struggled just to get a couple hundred churches to work together. But for this Campaign, more than 1,000 churches were participating. That is a miracle in itself, and a testimony to the credibility and trust CfaN has in Africa. We pray that one of the lasting impacts of this Campaign would be ongoing church unity. On the second night, Daniel preached on the Blood of Jesus

and broke the power of witchcraft curses. He encouraged people to bring all of their idols, fetishes, charms, amulets or “juju” – especially talismans given to them by witchdoctors – to be burned that night. That is exactly what happened in Acts 19. As Daniel preached, a witchdoctor came forward with a big white bag full of paraphernalia and placed it in the drums to be burned. It caused quite a stir in the crowd. But that is the kind of interruption we welcome! On Sunday night, the last meeting, the crowd grew to 250,000 and many miracles took place. In addition to the hundreds of thousands who heard the Gospel on the Campaign field, Radio Christian Voice broadcast the meetings live all across the country. Testimonies of changed lives have flooded in from all over Zambia.

The National Stadium could not seat more than 60,000 people – an area too small for our Gospel Campaign. So we held the event in the stadium parking lot.

As we prayed, a mad man who sat on the ground eating dirt suddenly came to his right mind. When he came on the platform, he was covered in dust from head to toe. But he declared the wonders of God with such enthusiasm, one pastor on the platform said, “He’s preaching!” The people were beside themselves with joy! It was like something right out of the New Testament.

The Lord healed a woman who was deaf for five years. Our translator knew her personally, and was able to confirm her testimony.

This woman was unable to walk, so people had to carry her to the Campaign meeting. But she testified that, after receiving prayer, she could walk perfectly. A 7-year-old little girl who had never heard or spoken was healed on the first night. Daniel counted out loud for her, and she repeated after him. It was a precious moment.

For two years this woman sat in a wheelchair, unable to walk. But Jesus Christ healed her on the third day in Lusaka.

A woman totally deaf in her right ear was completely healed.

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