Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secret to Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro

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Boost Your Network Marketing SecretsIncome:To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro

Beauty, Health Niches


A Step-by-Step Guide for Network Marketers Wellness,

The gap between your present and your desired future is a journey.

Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro The information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

2 Kim Barefoot lived in her RV with her three children and Kevin, her husband. She called herself a ‘stay-in-RV-mom.’ Kevin worked as a firefighter and his income was the sole household income. This worked quite fine for the couple until their second son arrived, a small laughing bundle of joy. By the time Kim had her 3rd child, Olivia, it became clear they needed an additional income source. Her social media feed spoke of the everyday challenges of homeschooling the kids, cooking and entertaining a toddler who had just learnt to walk. Kim enjoyed staying home and taking care of her family. In early 2012, Kim quit her full time job when her son was one-year-old. Years prior, a colleague had told her about network marketing and unfortunately, at the time, her first impression of networking marketing wasn’t too positive.

Let’sdo. jump right in. Seven Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro. Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro The information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

This is a great success story and with time and, more importantly, action, it can be yours. At the heart of Kim’s story is a lot of what ‘she did’. As a network marketer, you may already have been exposed to several marketing and sales strategies. However, the question is — how many have you implemented? For instance, if you need to contact 20 people five days a week in order to make your business a success — are you reaching out to those many people?

After Olivia’s birth, Kim thought maybe it was time to revisit the idea that could provide a second income for the household and still allow her to be the mother she wanted to be. Kevin still had his doubts, but Kim was driven and had faith.

She signed up with a skincare brand and began selling. For an introverted person like herself, reaching out to people was painful in the beginning. But she made a target — every week she would strike a conversation with at least five people in her neighborhood. Kim soon realized that she can’t keep leveraging her small circle of loving friends. They often bought her products or became members because they were her friends. “I need to bring in new customers,” she thought. The key is to build trust, she learnt. “I was always looking for tips from new or experienced moms, so it became easier to connect and bond with them over a common struggle. Being a mom, I loved learning from them. Only after building rapport and talking for weeks with another mom, would I share the products, and somehow when I did, theyalways bought my products. I recruited about 10% of those women to join my team eventually,” Kim confided.


This is why the Bonkind Team wrote this strategy guide — to help you make a plan and follow it step by step. Print the guide. Write down what strategy you will be implementing this week. And then do it. Success belongs to those who

When Kim became more active on Facebook, she began sending friend requests to friends of friends. “But you can’t be creepy. I was usually sending compliments. For example, if I liked somebody’s comment on my sister’s post, I would send a friend request to that person and include a compliment in the message,” she adds.

Today, Kim is a top earner in her team. Not only is she a homeowner, she also fulfilled her lifelong dream — she bought a holiday RV in 2018.

run the day or the day

Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro The information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

“Either runs you.”

Jim Rohn

2. The work that actually does lead to sales more: Is it phone calls, events, networking, social media live broadcasts, offers on your blog posts/website?

Measure results of your tracking & adjust where needed.

Create a Daily Method of Operation (DMO) — and stick to it

By tracking your hours and revenue, you should be able to determine —

Step 1

1. The optimal number of hours for the highest return. Maybe five hours per day is your optimal number of hours.

01 5 Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro The information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

How to create and implement DMO?

Tracking: Hours and sales

Step 2

First, decide on your working hours for your networking business, and track the hours. List all the tasks you do during your work hours. Keep adding more working hours and see if your sales increase. If they do not, you are either doing grunt work — tasks that do not push your sales — or you are not doing correct work.

An important question to ask yourself is — how many hours are you willing to commit to growing your business? If you commit 10 hours a week, the sixfigure result may come in a span of 4-5 years. If you commit for 20-30 hours a week, it may happen within a few months. Either way, you need to create what is called a daily method of operation (DMO) because just spending 20-30 hour without a plan won’t yield results.

First, decide on your working hours for your networking business, and track the hours. List all the tasks you do during your work hours. Keep adding more working hours and see if your sales increase. If they do not, you are either doing grunt work — tasks that do not push your sales — or you are not doing correct work.

New = Reach out to X number of new people per week

Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro The information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes.


ChecklistDMOtools:DMO If

Print the provided checklist and stick it on your desk. Every close of the week — review it against your work. Observe the results of the activities for two weeks. Adjust your DMO based on results.

You can use accountability tools like to track your hours and tasks. At the end of the week, look at your paycheck, look at your hours. Are they growing simultaneously? They should. If not — review what you are doing and make necessary changes.

you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

Follow-up = Follow up X number of prospects Content Creation = New announcement, Value Once you’ve completed a task, check it off. You feel accomplished!


Socia Media Content




Daily Method of Operation check list

Copyright August 2022 bonKind Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro

For Print. Be as detailed as you can: How many people? What will you say? What`s your core message? What value do you offer? Why is your product ideal for this person and their lifestyle?

3. A cool demonstration of something you tried and worked, e.g. an interesting way to apply dry shampoo you sell so hair stays cleaner longer.

If you have an active online networking business, you may have or want to create a website or a blog. You can use your blog to share your own or your customers’ experience with the products you sell. Sell the lifestyle along with the product.


Create content around some of these prompts:

Entertain & Empower — How to combine the two?

Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro

The information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

Link to other useful resources

4. Your customers’ motivational testimonials’ through a video/a post/ a blog

People don’t really buy products, they buy value, they want solutions to their problems. This is particularly true for products that are sold via networking, blogs, or online content. Also, understand how online customers really function — they want to feel empowered and/or entertained. Customers want the buying process to be an experience of dopamine and learning. Creating value can lead to sales.

Create your content monster list


To avoid burn-out, never attempt to create everything yourself. Delegate tasks to hired freelancers from (for as little as $5). You could create useful resources and links to other blogs. On some days, you can simply share an article on social media on your profile link, a post that resonates with your values or is related to the products you are selling.

Commit to creating value

If you think of five stories from each of these prompts, you will have a list of 20 topics. Get into the habit of jotting down learning/entertainment ideas on the go — it may be your pocket diary or your phone notes. Put those ideas in an Excel or google spreadsheet — you now have a monster list of content ideas.

1. What can you teach your customers through online resources?

2. Think of unique product tips, hacks, self-help, empowerment, e.g. adding cinnamon to a tea you sell to enhance the taste.


Google Trends (For trending topics)


(For graphic creation like gifs, memes)

CreationContent Tools:

(For emailing list)

Moz Keyword Explorer (For competitor keywords)


Grammarly (For quick editing)

9 Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro The information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

When you ask your followers to visit that link, you are still adding value. e.g. sharing a bonKind blog about how bamboo extract promotes hair growth and linking it to a conditioner that contains bamboo extract Customers today don’t want to buy blindly. They want to know how your product will help them get to their solution. Sharing of articles and other content helps them feel that they are making an educated choice when they buy your product. Something to note though : don’t overdo it. Don’t share hundreds of articles on why protein is good for you. Overwhelming the customer also gets you the opposite results. They get into decision paralysis and will likely answer “let me think about it” if they are overwhelmed with information.


(For graphic creation like social media posts,ebooks

Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro The information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

Zig Ziglar & John Hayes, Network Marketing for Dummies

“Network marketing isn’t expensive. Unlike most other business opportunities, the start-up costs are low, almost less than $500 and often under $100.”

Pro Tip:

Buy ads, or promote your blog or social media posts to drive leads. Invest in your business. Need Capital? Take part in the BonKind competition and win $500. It’s practice, refer and win! Competition from 1st September — 2022.

Sales Strategy — how to create a sales funnel?

Step 1

Capture leads

0311 Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro The information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

Think big, and go big. Your network marketing business has the potential to grow exponentially if you have a solid sales plan. Remember how we talked about creating a content monster list and value generation for your targets? Sales funnel strategy will help you use and repurpose already existing resources to win leads and sales

Create and feed your sales funnel

Create a blog. Setting up a WordPress blog is free. Link to it from your social media profile links. Your blog can offer a ton of free content or resources or even resource links. Create a form where your visitors can sign up to receive your email list. Put that form under every testimonial blog post. Share your content and products to your audience through email. This will create an emailing list of those interested in your stories or products. This is an audience that already loves you or loves stories. If you already have an email subscriber list, use it! Sending regular emails to your subscribers is a powerful way to grow your business.

Step 4 Keep feeding managingfor leads in

New2 Lead Has50 Potential Sales-Ready100 scoreLead WarmColdHot Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro The information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

Upsell and downsell


Step 2 Filter hot and cold leads

NEVER stop nurturing new relationships. Even though you began making a 6-figure income, your networking must continue. Make a goal of growing your email list monthly and annually. Have targets say 500-1000 subscribers in 3 months. Keep feeding your sales funnel through emails, social media posts, and blogs. It is suggested to do all three.

sales funnel KajabiActiveCampaignsLeadPagesMailchimpClickfunnels


Step 3

Once you have the list of hot leads, offer them some more free content, resources, and tips that reinforce the usefulness and need of your products. In short, keep them engaged with your awesome information or learning. Then send them a more expensive or a more valuable product or service listing the absolute benefits. Those who bought discounted products are likely to buy more expensive or valuable products or services, too. You may now downsell to those who did not respond to the discounted offer. Give them a combination of products or services at a slightly discounted price for a limited period. That way, you are using both hot and cold leads.

One of the best ways to test who is truly invested in your products is to offer the least valuable or the least expensive product first. Send out emails or post a special announcement on social media about the special offer of the lower priced products. You can offer a discount too. Keep track of who buys. Those who buy are your hottest leads.

Leads Enter Funnel

Go to Pinterest and create a board with images that match your vision. You can also create a physical vision board using images cut out from magazines and Thenewspapers.worksheet

Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro The information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Network Marketing Professional

“Effective network marketers have a clear vision and passion for that vision. They know what they want to achieve, where they see themselves in their business organization. Everything they do, every activity they perform, is driven by that vision.”

Pro Tip on How To Create Your Vision:

on the next page will also help you plan and map out your vision and goals.

For Print. Be as detailed as you can:

How do you want to feel


Short-term goal

Long-term goal

Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro

Copyright August 2022 bonKind

My Goals & Vision


For Print. Be as detailed as you can:

My Goals & Vision

Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro

Copyright August 2022 bonKind


A related step to sales funnel creation is knowing what you want to achieve. Even if you do not use any online accounting tools, you may simply maintain a Google Excel sheet to keep a tab on your revenues. Start with monthly targets so you don’t feel pressured to make sales but eventually move to weekly sales targets. After all, if you are investing more than 20 hours per week on your network marketing business, you might as well measure those hours in terms of revenue.

Create revenue targets

04 Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro The information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

Step 2

Boost Your To Like A

Step 1


Step 3


Determine your target revenue figure

Sales Strategy — how to create a sales funnel?

Implement targets and budgets

If you have begun the sales funnel process and are using an online tool, the tool will have a section for cost and profit. Even if you are recording your sales figures in an Excel sheet, you can create these two columns to monitor sales leads, sales, costs and profits. This kind of analytics will give you valuable insights into which of your marketing efforts are working and which are not, so you may modify your strategy and earn more profits. For example, you are passionate about helping women recover physically and mentally post pregnancy, and your blog offers free and paid resources, you can identify which of these resources get more traction than others. Based on this analysis, you may start offering affiliate products that sell better.

You may already have a figure in mind when you began network marketing. Make sure your targets are SMART : Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Now divide those targets into short-term goals and category-wise goals. For instance, If you are starting out with a target of $150,000, for the year, how much of that is from inbound marketing (blogs, resources, webinars etc) and how much is from other marketing efforts like personal visits, participation in local events, social media posts etc. Now determine your monthly target. Finally, determine how many customers you will need to sell to and the actions you need to take in order to reach these targets .

Network Marketing Income: Secrets


information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

Once you have identified which products or services are selling more, you can set aside a portion of your income to advertise those products or set aside extra time for selling those products. Monitor results of your ads or organic marketing closely. These insights will teach you about your next steps

Hitting 6 Figures

Identify traffic and leads

Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro


If you have answered YES to any one or more of these questions, it is time to take action. Look around you — your community, your church, your circle of acquaintances. You will always find something or someone to help.

The information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

While today’s network marketing is a lot about networking online and attracting buyers’ attention towards your business, there’s a lot of potential in offline activities as well.

Do people confide in you?

Are you part of a small community that may benefit from your experience?

Maybe there’s a small mom-and-pop store that needs help with marketing or operations, or a children’s nursery that needs a facelift.


Create revenue targets / lend a helping hand

Do you have a heart for reaching out and helping people?

Do people find you trustworthy?

Create content around some of these prompts:

Contact churches, senior centers, orphanages or other non-profits and offer to organize a fundraiser for them, once a week or a month. Create a special catalog of products that may be relevant to that specific group. offer 20% of your commission to go towards the church, shop or community establishment you are fundraising for. This is still a huge win, you are walking away with 80%. You can also give away certain free products to try at the fundraiser. Once people have used all your products at home, they likely will reach out to you for more if they like the products. They become recurring customers who love supporting you because you have done something great for the community. This is better than a one-on-one sale, isn’t it?

1. garage sale where people bring their old tools, children’s toys, old clothes etc to donate to orphanages. 2. bake sale & homemade food auction — proceeds go to a cause 3. fundraiser to help a struggling mom and pop store

Specialspecialpre-orcatalogderproducts:222-555-3333fundraisereditionfornorthcarolinabaptistchurchskincareforyou 20% of proceeds go to community church 25 september Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro The information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

Encourage people to buy products relevant to them and pass on the catalog to other co-workers, family or friends. Others may be open to joining your team. It’s a win-win.

Some ideas could be:

Organize one of your own. Give out free small samples of the products you sell

How to leverage a fundraiser?

One of the reasons to organize a fundraiser is to make people ‘see’ your products and your business. Those partnering with you — church, senior center, school — must feel they are getting a great deal or considerable donation for the cause. Use Canva to create attractive flyers saying things like — “Special Fundraiser Edition For North Carolina Baptist Church”.



Attend fundraisers and offer to help

Follow up

Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro

The information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

Make a list of people you gave away some products for free. Gently reach out to them in two weeks’ time and ask if they need more. They may have misplaced your visiting card or phone number, so when you reach out, you come across as someone who cares.

You may also find a lot of fundraisers already happening around your community or church. Make sure to attend as many as you can every month and offer to volunteer. The trick is still the same. Give out your visiting card,poster and catalog to anyone you meet, and organically share about what you do and what you sell.

Kindness to the people you love, the world around you and, more importantly, yourself. We have various resources to help you along your wellness journey. Welcome to the bonKind Community bonKind@bonKindoficial bonKind Official Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro The information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

The bonKind Way

Use social media to grow your business06

Attraction post:

1.Yay! I won the ‘networking marketer of the year’ 2.Thisaward.product is great! It makes your hair long and shiny!

For example. Billboard post:


You can include a picture or video of you applying the product and a picture of your healthy hair.

You don’t need to be an awesome blogger or a great content creator to grow your business as a network marketer. Remember, you are here to sell and build relationships. You can simply share facts about your niche. If you are passionate about hair care, just re-share a great video on hair care tips that you have liked. Learn to leverage on other people’s content — but that content should be linked to your interests or your mission. Give your own spin to the re-shared post. You are welcome to use Bonkind content that’s all about wellness, fitness, health and financial empowerment.

Attraction marketing

When you blatantly flaunt what you have achieved or done today, say, you got a manicure; you are acting like an advertising billboard. However, when you simply create curiosity as a result of what you have done today, without saying it blatantly, it is called attraction marketing. Attraction posts on social media are more likely to generate sales and revenue than billboard posts.


1.12 months of scheduling, planning, replanning, messing up, falling and getting back up paid off. And now they think I am the best marketer! Hard work and support really does yield 2.Changesuccess.isso necessary. A month ago, my hair was really weak and dull. I lost so much hair every time I brushed it. First, I switched to a comb instead of a brush (a bonKind tip!) and began using [the product you sell] now look!

How to leverage social media for your business?

Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro

The information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.




You don’t have to create many social media posts. One post a day to start off, a few posts every week is a great frequency. But some of these posts can be simply the content others created that resonates with your values. When you reshare content, you also build, as you are not only talking about yourself all the time to credit shared content.

best research

real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes

Marketing Income: Secrets




the contents

in developing

Boost Your Network To Hitting Like A Pro

Bonkind has developed a series of wellness and health content related to beauty, hair care, fitness, etc. This content is available for free. Check out this content and see if it is something you too empathize with. Check our content on our Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn page. Tag us, and we will with your content as well

Reshare content

the completeness

to apply ideas mentioned

publisher make no representation

Use bonKind’s content

to the readers’ abilities to implement

Social media etiquette

ebook. The information



the book,

circumstances. The author


bonKindbonKind@bonKindoficialOfficial @bonKindofficia

The in this ebook is not intended as their and efforts this This is a ‘how-to’ that will require are subject and specific and or with to or of of this in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish in you take full for your

6 Figures


accuracy, applicability

a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used

Follow up with people who engaged with your original post or a reshared post. Ask for permission to share product links with prospects when you DM/text them on social media.

The bonKind blog posts are written with this network marketer in mind. Our posts contain useful information, particularly in selling the skincare/haircare/nail care niche. Everyone’s skin and hair is different, there can’t be a one-size-fits-all approach. We provide guides, relevant facts and scientific based information to make selling less daunting. As a network marketer, you need this knowledge to understand your customers’ needs so that you can match them with the right products. Share our blog posts with prospective customers. It may tip them over to purchase your products.

The bonKind Way — Beauty Wellness

Welcome to the bonKind Community bonKind@bonKindoficial bonKind Official Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro The information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

While the products that you are selling may already be offering holiday discounts, you can make a difference by offering free resources and value-additions to keep getting traffic to your website.


How to create and leverage your holiday sales calendar?

1.June and July: Plan the calendar at this time — themes, relevant products, frequency of your posts, content types, 2.Augustetc.


Best times

Have a holiday calender and sales strategy07

To keep a steady six-figure income, your sales funnel should run throughout the year. Create an annual holiday sales strategy spread through the year leveraging important days such as New Year’s, Valentine’s Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas etc. Your content should talk about these holidays — tips for buying gifts, listicles for the best discount online sales, holiday dressing tips etc. Now place your products strategically and organically in your content e.g. Mothers day bundle consisting of top products that women love to buy from you. You can include a discount as well.

to September: Use this time to produce holiday assets such as video, images, and other digital assets. 3.November and December: Time to leverage the holiday season. Your Thanksgiving and Halloween marketing must start in October and Christmas sales from

Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro



Monthly calendar table

April Fools Day #AprilFools

Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro


Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Third Monday of January) #MLKDay


1 May Day International#MayDayWorkers Day #IntWorkersDay World Asthma Day (First Tuesday of May)

National#WorldAsthmaDayTeacherAppreciation Day (first Tuesday of the first full week of May) #ThankATeacher International Firefighters Day #InternationalFirefightersDay Mother’s Day (Second Sunday of May) #MothersDay International Day of Families #FamilyDay Love a Tree Day #LoveATreeDay Memorial Day (Last Monday of May) #MemorialDay #MDW


Chinese New Year (Varies Each Year)

World Consumer Rights #InternationalDayofHappinessInternational#NationalLetsLaughDayNationalSt.#EqualPayDayEqual#WorldConsumerRightsDayDayPayDay(VariesEachYear)Patrick’sDay#StPatricksDayLet’sLaughDayDayofHappiness

Global Day of Parents #GlobalDayOfParents World Environment Day #WorldEnvironmentDay National Cancer Survivors Day (First Sunday of InternationalBestJune)#NCSD2022FriendsDay#BestFriendsDayChildren’sDay(Second Sunday of June)


January AprilMayJuneMarchFebruary 2120171



Get to Know Your Customers Day (Third Thursday of National#GetToKnowYourCustomersDayJanuary)HuggingDay#NationalHuggingDay

National Stress Awareness Month

Black History Month

Mardi Gras (Varies Each Year) #MardiGras National Read Across America Day #ReadAcrossAmerica & #DrSeuss National Be Heard Day #NationalBeHeardDay International Women’s Day #BeBoldForChange Popcorn Lover’s Day (Second Thursday of March) #PopcornLoversDay

World#ChildrensDayBloodDonor Day #GiveBlood Juneteenth (Freedom Day) #Juneteenth Father’s Day (Third Sunday of June) #FathersDay First Day of Summer (Varies between June 20-22 each year)


For Print. Here are some fun and conventional holidays you can create content around and capitalize on. You don’t have to create content or specials for all these days. But when you do, try to link it to your products.’

New Year’s Day #NewYearsDay

Copyright August 2022 bonKind


World Autism Awareness Day #WAAD World Health Day #LetsTalk National Siblings Day #NationalSiblingsDay National Pet Day #NationalPetDay National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day #PJDay Get to Know Your Customers Day (Third Thursday of April) ArborWorldNationalEarth#GetToKnowYourCustomersDayDay#EarthDay2022PicnicDay#NationalPicnicDayBookDay#WorldBookDayDay(LastFridayinApril.Mayvary

by state) #ArborDay International Dance Day #InternationalDanceDay National Honesty Day #NationalHonestyDay

Monthly calendar table

For Print. Here are some fun and conventional holidays you can create content around and capitalize on. You don’t have to create content or specials for all these days. But when you do, try to link it to your products.’

Copyright August 2022 bonKind Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro


International Coffee Day #InternationalCoffeeDay World Vegetarian Day #WorldVegetarianDay International Day of GetInternationalWorld#WorldSmileDayWorldWorldWorld#InternationalDayOfNonviolenceNonviolenceAnimalDay#WorldAnimalDayTeachersDay#WorldTeachersDaySmileDay(FirstFridayofOctober)MentalHealthDay#WorldMentalHeathDayDayoftheGirl#DayOfTheGirltoKnowYourCustomersDay(ThirdThursday of October) #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay United Nations Day #UNDay Halloween #Halloween


September#DayOfEncouragementNational#NationalGrandparentsDayDayofEncouragement15-October15:Hispanic Heritage Month

National#RespectForParentsDayDaySonsandDaughters Day

November 2725242019141121



World Vegan Day #WorldVeganDay National Stress Awareness Day (First Wednesday of November) #StressAwarenessDay Veterans Day #VeteransDay World Diabetes Day #WDD International Men’s Day #InternationalMensDay Universal Children’s Day #UNChildrensDay Thanksgiving Day (Fourth Thursday of November) National#ThanksgivingDayof Listening (the day after Thanksgiving) Small#DayOfListeningBusinessSaturday (Last Saturday of November) #ShopSmall

September 5: Labor Day (First Monday of September) #LaborDay Stand Up To Cancer Day (Second Friday of September) #KissCancerGoodbye National Grandparents Day (First Sunday of September after Labor Day)

World AIDS Day #WAD2022 International Day of Persons with Disabilities #IDPWD Human Rights Day #HumanRightsDay Christmas Day New Year


October 2826222115121195

Independence Day (United States) World Emoji Day #WorldEmojiDay Get to Know Your Customers Day (Third Thursday of #DayOfFriendshipInternational#GetToKnowYourCustomersDayJuly)DayofFriendship

Jule 3021174

December 31251031

Respect for Parents


4. Gift wrapping services: In case you deliver the products from your home instead of direct from the brand warehouse, you can offer to gift wrapped the products or use attractive hampers to package the products as an extra service for the holiday season. Your customers get products that are already gift wrapped for their family and friends.

Holiday your products, marketingLeveragecollectionsemail

1. Exclusive sale offers: Reward your customers who purchased products worth a certain amount. Give them special discount codes if they make their sales ahead of the season.

2. Greeting customers on holiday events: Just greet your customers on the day of the holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving. That will prompt them to make purchases in the coming important days.

3. Last reminder before the deals expire: Some days before the holiday sale ends, do send reminder emails with countdown timers.


Some tips

2. Create a tracking sheet. You cannot earn better unless you measure your Usesuccess.Email

The information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

Regardless of the type of your product, you can always give them a holiday 1.flavor.Marketing posts designed with a holiday feel.

Here are some ways to do your email marketing right

services like Mailchimp to automate your holiday email marketing. Announcing the holiday season products ahead on time always works. Here are some ways to do your email marketing right

Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro


Use GrowthPersonalHolisticstoriesReal-lifeyouproductthesell

Bonus Tip Commit to bettering yourself

If you are selling skin care, it will sell so much easier if you actually maintain good skin. Customers often get persuaded by a zero to hero type of story. Share a good story of “my skin has improved because of my products.” You don’t have to have perfect skin, but good skin helps that’s why it’s important to strive for holistic wellness. Sharing your struggles and successes in your skin care journey is a real testament, and definitely helps, especially if you are selling to neighbors and friends who know you. Authenticity wins all the time. Tell your story in an honest, simple way. Practice your story over and over, until you have it down pat. Make your story a part of your sales presentation and see if your sales improve. Likely, that will be the case.

Again authenticity helps. If you are struggling to lose weight, share your story of how your products have helped you with your journey. And the story sounds that much more believable if it is true. But you need to take care of yourself in all areas of your life. It will make you a better functioning person, marketer, and also prevent burn-out. Bonkind offers a ton of free resources on self-care tips, routines and guides to this every day. Use some of those resources to better yourself and to help your target customers.

Boost Your Network Marketing Income: To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro

Being a mom and a businesswoman is hard. However, if you grow and better yourself in the process, you will create a credible example and goodwill among your buyers. For instance, Celine Dion is the face of L’Oreal. Celine Dion takes care of herself - skin, hair, fitness. Many aspire to be her and so they do what she does and they buy L’oreal products. In the same way, you are the face of your brand, so you should look the part and your customers will definitely see the benefit of purchasing the products you sell them. Celine has a large team to help her look the way she does, and not all of us have similar resources. But making an effort to embody the values of the products you sell will help add authenticity to your sales pitch.



information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.


Bonkind has developed a series of wellness and health content related to beauty, hair care, fitness, etc. This content is available for free. Check out this content and see if it is something you too empathize with. Check our content on our Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn page. Tag us, and we will with your content as well

How to yourself?better

Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro

For Print. You can use this tracking sheet whenever but it is also great for tracking if your specials or holiday bundles are doing well.

Sales Tracking Sheet

Copyright August 2022 bonKind

Date Item / Products Sales amount Profit Comments


As a network marketer, you spend most of your day indoors, working hard to sell your products. You may also be taking care of your family and not have enough time to attend to your health & wellbeing. An online search may leave you confused about how to stay fit and healthy as you run your business. That’s where we come in. We provide workout routines, yoga guides. We also share healthy recipes for delicious meals, smoothies and snacks.

The bonKind Way — Wellness

Welcome to the bonKind Community bonKind@bonKindoficial bonKind Official Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro The information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

Start small, have


Repeat We will be allrootingsupportingsuggesting,here,andforyoutheway! Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro The information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

Final thoughts


You need to get up and achieve. For that, we suggest creating your own ‘implementation blueprint’. Use and follow the materials, print-outs, tools and tips we have suggested. Keep these quotes, tables and templates pinned to your bedroom, study room wall or your home office. Unless you live out what you have planned, you cannot convince others to join the bandwagon.

Implementing a great network marketing plan is like starting out at a gym for the first time. You start small — say, a 30-second plank; 50 jumping jacks. Increase the reps steadily over the week and measure your results.It’s the same for building a successful 6 figure network marketing business! a plan Take action and achieve your goals steadily and tweak

We are committed to your financial wellbeing. We offer you amazing sought after tips and strategies to achieve your network marketing goals. Look forward to our next ebook with more guides, tips and resources. The bonKind Way — Financial Wellness Welcome to the bonKind Community bonKind@bonKindoficial bonKind Official Boost Your Network Marketing Income: Secrets To Hitting 6 Figures Like A Pro The information in this ebook is not intended as a substitute for paid professional advice or consulting. The authors and publishers of this ebook have used their best research and writing efforts in developing this book. This ebook is a ‘how-to’ guiade that will require real efforts from the readers for the results to come, and the outcomes are subject to the readers’ abilities to implement and specific circumstances. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability or the completeness of the contents of this ebook. The information in this book is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas mentioned in the book, you take full responsibility for your actions.

Copyright © August 2022 Bonkind We control the copyright and other intellectual property rights in this ebook. Subject to the license below, all these intellectual property rights are reserved.

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