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The Book of the Earth

Description : January 1, 2000, a Shinto monk fresh off the plane from Japan delivers an ancient, world-saving scroll to the UN, only to discover that on January 1, the United Nations is closed. Wise in the ways of the universe but unschooled in the ways of New York, the monk, the most balanced man in the city, manages to attract all the mostdistracted, least-balanced people around: Chrissie Luna, the metaphysical makeup artist with the ticking biological clock, Reverend Y, the African-American ex-heavyweight contender turned spiritual leader of the Church of Apocalypse, Profanity-Allowed, and Karl-Heinz Retter, the suicidal Swiss dwarf dog-walker with dreams of world hegemony&#8230 The prophecy said that the scroll would be unveiled when the time was right, when things couldn&#8217t get much worse. The question was, how much worse did they have to get?

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