Bolles Lower School Curriculum Guide Serving Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 5
Our educational philosophy begins
with the belief that great students
become great leaders. We strive to educate each child within the four
educational quadrants that achieve
maximum growth and potential in
each of our young learners. — Associate Head of School
Mike Drew
The lower school curriculum is sequentially designed with an emphasis on the total development of our students’ academic, social, emotional and physical needs. The curriculum is based on hands-on learning, emphasizing activities that teach the importance of exploring and experimenting. The School values an enriching experience for our children, which promotes self-confidence and a love of learning.
Pre-Kindergarten LANGUAGE ARTS •D evelop print awareness, phonemic awareness, alphabet knowledge, oral comprehension strategies and skills, vocabulary and listening strategies MATH • Explore number awareness, number patterns and relationships, measurement, geometry, special concepts and algebraic thinking • Group objects according to attributes • Develop an understanding of number meaning through the use of extensive manipulatives SCIENCE •D evelop an understanding of seasonal pattern and cycles through exploration of senses and a collection of observational data •U se observations from media and the natural world to describe patterns about what all living things need in order to live and grow SOCIAL STUDIES •D evelop concepts in the areas of weather, all about me, family, community, community helpers, holidays and people and places in our world
•D evelop communication skills by sharing of ideas and thoughts with the class as well as develop the skill of waiting their turn WORLD LANGUAGE • I ntroduce the Spanish language through the use of simple songs, finger plays, puppets and various hands-on materials •D evelop greetings, numbers to 10, family names, colors, nouns, simple food words, simple phrases •E xplore cultural experiences from Hispanic cultures around the world FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS — MUSIC •D evelop a repertoire of simple songs based on folk and traditional songs and rhymes • Identify and feel the pulse of a song •M ove to the beat of a song and identify the mood of a song FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS — DRAMA • Learn to work in groups to develop and use imagination, public speaking and critical thinking skills through the use of creative dramatics, readers theatre and vocal interpretation • Develop and practice public speaking techniques
FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS — STUDIO ART •D evelop creative expression using school materials •P articipate in imaginary and dramatic play in daily classroom activities PHYSICAL EDUCATION • I dentify body parts, explore different ways to move the body and different positions the body can take • Develop concepts of space, time and force • Manipulate large- and medium-sized objects • Follow simple verbal directions • Learn to respect one another’s feelings LIBRARY • I dentify librarian, helpers and location of easy section •U se proper behavior, listening, sitting and enjoying stories and follow library procedures •E xhibit proper check-out procedures, care of books and return of materials • I dentify parts of a book and use listening skills and viewing skills while observing different materials •D evelop an appreciation for literature and storytelling •B egin to develop skills in self-awareness, relationships, decision making and safety awareness TECHNOLOGY • Introduction of computer basics •R ecognize and use the letter, number and symbol keys • I ntroduce word processing through Microsoft Word, drawing and graphics, peripherals, presentations, internet, curriculum-based websites and electronic references • Introduction to internet safety
Kindergarten LANGUAGE ARTS • Develop print awareness •D evelop phonemic awareness through oral blending, segmentation of word parts and rhyming, decoding and sight word recognition • Develop emergent reading and writing skills •B egin development of comprehension skills and strategies •D evelop study skills, listening and organizational skills •D evelop a foundation of independence in reading appropriate level books •P ractice communicating using oral and written processes MATH •C ontinue to explore number awareness, number patterns, measurement, geometry, algebraic thinking and relationships •D evelop strategies for answering questions, rote counting, count to tell how many, recording numbers, ordinal numbers, two- and three-dimensional shapes, patterns, logic, measurement, addition and subtraction, place value and positions •B e able to communicate mathematical ideas, work in cooperative learning groups and understand mathematical terms SCIENCE •D evelop an understanding of forces and interactions by building and manipulating simple machines •D evelop awareness of objects through floating, sinking and magnetism •E xplore the interdependent relationships in ecosystems: animals, plants and their environment
SOCIAL STUDIES •D evelop concepts on how people grow and change, communities, holidays, black history, U.S. Presidents and U.S. flag
the use of creative dramatics, readers and vocal interpretation •U se vocal and facial expressions for characterization
•D evelop ways to communicate thoughts, show independence, organization and responsibility and working in a classroom community
• Develop stage presence
•C ontinue to introduce the Spanish language through the use of songs, finger plays, puppets and various hands-on materials
•R ecognize the different styles and periods of art
•D evelop greetings, numbers to 20, family names, colors, nouns, simple food words, weather expressions and simple phrases
• I dentify and recognize two- and threedimensional forms, forms and styles of art
•D evelop and practice public speaking techniques
• Use appropriate art vocabulary
•E xplore cultural experiences from around the world
• Apply elements of art to their work
•E xperience and label the beat and sing songs with a steady beat
• I dentify body parts, explore different ways to move the body and different positions the body can take
•E xperience and label melodic direction and respond to hand signals
• Use a variety of media to create art projects
• Develop concepts of space, time and force
• Experience major and minor music
• Manipulate large- and medium-sized objects
• Use expression to show the meaning of a song
• Follow simple verbal directions
•P erform singing games and simple dances from a variety of cultures
•L earn to respect one another’s feelings and practice good sportsmanship
•L earn to work in groups to develop and use imagination and critical thinking skills through
• I dentify librarian, helpers and location of easy section
•U se proper behavior, listening, sitting/enjoying stories and follow library procedures
• Begin to develop quick recall of addition and subtraction facts, practicing number bonds daily
•E xhibit proper check-out procedures, care of books and return of materials
•E stimate time and calendar as part of daily number routine
• I dentify parts of the book and use listening skills and viewing skills while observing different materials
• Introduce model drawing
•D evelop an appreciation for literature and storytelling
•L earn to communicate mathematical ideas, work in cooperative groups and understand mathematical terms
•D evelop skills in self-awareness, relationships, decision making and safety awareness TECHNOLOGY • Introduction of computer basics •R ecognize and use the letter, number and symbol keys • I ntroduce and develop skills using word processing, drawing and graphics, peripherals, presentations, electronic references, curriculum based websites and internet • I ntroduction and development of internet safety
Grade 1
• I ntroduce concept of multiplication and division
SCIENCE •E ngage in the exploration of waves, light, sound, properties of matter, weather, seasons and climate •U se of engineering design model to test solutions and answer questions •U se appropriate tools to gather information about the patterns and cycles that might impact weather and change states of matter •E xplore and observe the characteristics, diversity and life cycles of insects • Develop a scientific vocabulary SOCIAL STUDIES
•R ead a variety of genres of literature and develop decoding and encoding skills
•E xplore the areas of school life, family life, shelter, work, neighborhoods and communities, map skills, holidays and our country
•D evelop and practice spelling words and begin to develop understanding of words used in context
•E ngage in discussions about citizenship and values as well as being respectful to workers from all walks of life
•D evelop and practice the writing process using a variety of styles
•D evelop ways to communicate ideas orally, in written expressions and through presentations
• I ntroduce and practice writing concepts, writing mechanics, DeNealian and sentence structure as well as grammar and usage
•D evelop and practice a variety of comprehension skills and strategies
• I ntroduce a more extensive vocabulary using simple dialogues and numbers to 100
•C ontinue to develop and practice listening, organizational and study skills
•E mphasize expressions as they develop and grow vocabulary
•D evelop fluent execution and coordination of independence in reading appropriate level books
•E xplore cultural experiences and customs from Hispanic cultures around the world
•D evelop skills in number awareness, place value, money, adding and subtracting and measurement
• Create rhythm patterns and invent melodies
•C ontinue to develop and practice previously learned Spanish vocabulary and skills
•D istinguish between beat and rhythm and read and write patterns
• Accompany songs using instruments • Develop a singing voice • I ntegrate music with literature by creating accompaniments FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS — DRAMA •L earn to work in groups to develop and use imagination and critical thinking skills through the use of creative dramatics, readers theatre and vocal interpretation
•C ontinue to develop skills using word processing, drawing and graphics, peripherals, presentations, electronic references, internet and spreadsheets •C ontinue to use the computer as a tool to enhance learning through curriculum integration in the classroom • Understand the importance of internet safety
•U se vocal and facial expressions for characterization
Grade 2
• Develop stage presence
•D evelop and practice public speaking techniques
•R ead a variety of genres of literature centered on specific topics
•D evelop and practice spelling words and vocabulary words
• Understand basic art terms • Apply basic principles of design •G ain an understanding of warm and cool colors, similarities and differences and line structure as well as recognize textural qualities • Use a variety of media to create art projects PHYSICAL EDUCATION • Continue competency in managing body •E xplore different ways to move body and different positions the body can take •D evelop concepts in space, time, force, eye-hand and eye-hand-feet coordination and follow simple verbal directions •S how good sportsmanship and teamwork in games and activities LIBRARY •C ontinue to review skills learned in previous grades • Identify and locate collection of materials • I dentify, re-shelf, alphabetize and organize books and other library materials •C ontinue to develop an appreciation for literature and storytelling •D evelop skills in self-awareness, relationships, decision-making and safety awareness TECHNOLOGY • I ntroduction and review of computer basics and keyboarding
•C ontinue to develop and practice the writing process using a variety of styles • I ntroduce and practice writing concepts, writing mechanics, DeNealian and sentence structure as well as grammar and usage •D evelop and practice a variety of comprehension skills and strategies •C ontinue to develop listening, organizational and study skills •C ontinue to build independent fluent execution of appropriate level reading MATH •M astery of addition and subtraction facts as well as multiplication by 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 •D evelop skills in place value, money, adding and subtracting with and without regrouping, measurement, geometric and fractional concepts •N umber routines that include time, calendar and estimation • Use models to solve word problems •B e able to communicate mathematical ideas, work in cooperative learning groups and understand mathematical terms SCIENCE •P lan and carry out investigations to answer questions or test solutions by using both the scientific method and the engineering design model
•D evelop an awareness and understanding of Earth’s place in the universe using models, text and media • Develop a scientific vocabulary •U se appropriate tools and scientific instruments to gather information about land, water and plants • Engage in the study of minerals and rocks SOCIAL STUDIES •D evelop an understanding about the Earth using map and globe skills •E ngage in discussions on the continent, country, state, county and community •E xplore the areas of governing bodies, America today versus years ago •D evelop ways to communicate ideas orally, in written expressions and through presentations WORLD LANGUAGE •C ontinue to develop Spanish speaking skills introducing some written skills •C ontinue to develop previously learned vocabulary also involving dialogues and songs
•D evelop written journals about family, hobbies and preferences •E xplore cultural experiences and customs from Hispanic cultures around the world FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS — MUSIC • Identify accented beats and group beats • Sing high, middle and low in music • Identify and play unpitched instruments •C reate/improvise rhythm patterns and melodies using known symbols •P erform and/or listen to a variety of songs from different cultures and historical periods FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS — DRAMA •D evelop critical thinking, character development, structure concepts, line interpretation and imagery by using creative dramatics, mime, poetry reading and interpretations and small, in-class scenes •U se vocal and facial expressions for characterization • Develop stage presence •D evelop and practice public speaking techniques
FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS — STUDIO ART • Understand the use of basic art terms • Apply basic principles of design •G ain an understanding of warm and cool colors, similarities and differences, line structures and recognize textural qualities • Use a variety of media to create art projects PHYSICAL EDUCATION • Continue competency in managing body •D emonstrate teamwork in the performance of group activities •S how good sportsmanship and teamwork in games and activities
•L ocate information using the automated card catalog • I dentify, re-shelf, alphabetize and organize books and other library materials •C ontinue to develop an appreciation for literature and storytelling •C ontinue to develop skills in self-awareness, relationships, decision making and safety awareness TECHNOLOGY •C ontinue to review computer basics and keyboarding skills
•D emonstrate flexibility, strength, speed and agility
•C ontinue to develop proficiency in word processing, drawing and graphics, peripherals, presentations, electronic references, internet and spreadsheets
•D evelop eye-hand and eye-hand-feet, skip alternating legs, hop, run backwards and gallop
• I ntroduce digital photography and Adobe Photoshop
•C ontinue to use the computer as a tool to enhance learning through curriculum integration in the classroom
•C ontinue to review skills learned in previous grades • Identify and locate collection of materials
•U nderstand the importance of internet safety
Grade 3
•E ngage in a study of motion, designs, magnets and chemical tests
•R ead a variety of genres and make ageappropriate level selections
•E xplore Jacksonville’s history both past and present
•P ractice and develop a variety of comprehension skills and strategies
•E ngage in discussions about communities, geography, manufacturing, U.S. government, map skills and large cities in America
•P ractice writing concepts, writing mechanics, cursive, sentence structure as well as grammar and usage
•L earn the 50 states and their abbreviations using a U.S. map
•D evelop and practice spelling words, vocabulary and sight words
•D evelop ways to communicate ideas orally, in written expressions and through presentations
•C ontinue to develop and practice the writing process using a variety of styles
•D evelop strategies to work effectively and efficiently in small groups
•C ontinue to develop listening, organizational and study skills
•D evelop higher level of reasoning skills through shared inquiry of rich literature MATH •M astery of addition and subtraction skills using multi-digit numbers • Quick recall of multiplication skills (0-12)
•C ontinue to develop Spanish speaking skills with a greater emphasis on reading and writing •C ontinue to develop vocabulary in the areas of greetings, colors, manners, numbers to 100, weather, simple sentences, personal belongings, food, days, rooms in the house and animals
•D evelop skills with multiplication and division, whole numbers and place value as well as develop fractional understanding and use measurement skills to define two-dimensional shapes
•E xplore cultural experiences and customs from around the world.
•N umber routines that include time, calendar, estimation and temperature
•R eproduce melodies alone and sing in harmony with a group
•B e able to communicate mathematical ideas, work in cooperative learning groups and understand mathematical terms
•P lay unpitched percussion instruments correctly
• I dentify the tempo of a piece of music as largo, andante, moderato, allegro or presto
•P lan and carry out investigations to answer questions or test solutions by using both the scientific method and the engineering design method • Develop scientific vocabulary •D evelop ways to communicate findings both orally and in written expressions •U se appropriate tools to collect quantitative and qualitative information on animal behaviors, adaptions, habitats and role in ecosystems
FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS — MUSIC • Identify music with two, three and four beats
• Create new verses to songs
•L isten to orchestral music and identify instruments • Integrate cultures and curriculum FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS — DRAMA •D evelop critical thinking, character development, structure concepts, line interpretation and imagery by using creative dramatics, mime, poetry reading and interpretations and small, in-class scenes •U se vocal and facial expressions for characterization
• Develop stage presence • Develop and practice public speaking techniques FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS — STUDIO ART • Understand basic art terms • Apply basic principals of design •R ecognize all primary and secondary colors, intermediate hues, changes in value and intensity, textures and patterns, likenesses and differences and characteristics of art • Use a variety of media to create art projects PHYSICAL EDUCATION • Continue competency in managing body •D emonstrate teamwork in the performance of group activities •S how good sportsmanship and teamwork in games and activities •D emonstrate flexibility, strength speed and agility •C ontinue to develop in the areas of catching, kicking, striking, dribbling and rolling LIBRARY •C ontinue to review skills learned in previous grades • Identify and locate collection of materials
•C ontinue to use the computer as a tool to enhance learning through curriculum integration in the classroom • Understand the importance of internet safety
Grade 4 LANGUAGE ARTS •R ead a variety of genres of literature focusing on specific topics and make level-appropriate selections •D evelop a variety of comprehension skills and strategies • Master spelling and vocabulary words •T horoughly practice the writing process and written skills using a variety of styles •C ontinue to introduce and identify parts of speech, usage and mechanics •C ontinue to refine and develop listening, organizational and study skills •C ontinue to develop a higher level of reasoning skills through shared inquiry of rich literature •D evelop strong independent readers and critical thinkers
•L ocate information using the automated card catalog and begin basic research skills using a variety of references
•U se parts of a book to locate information, use appropriate reference sources and identify numerical arrangement of library materials
•C ontinue to develop and have quick recall on division skills
•C ontinue to develop an appreciation for literature and storytelling •C ontinue to develop and demonstrate skills in self-awareness, relationships, decision making and safety awareness TECHNOLOGY •C ontinue to review computer basics and keyboarding skills •C ontinue developing skills in word processing, drawing and graphics, peripherals, presentations with an emphasis on PowerPoint, electronic references, digital photography, Adobe Photoshop and internet use
•E xpect quick recall of addition, subtraction and multiplication skills
•U nderstand the systems of: units of measure in relationship to area and perimeter, place value to the millions, linking money with decimals, division, multiplying by two digits and connecting decimals and fraction concepts •B e able to communicate mathematical ideas, work in cooperative learning groups, collect and analyze data, and use and understand mathematical terms SCIENCE •P lan and carry out investigations to answer questions or test solutions by using both the scientific method and the engineering design model
•D evelop ways to communicate findings both orally and in written expressions • Develop scientific vocabulary •D evelop models to observe and investigate movements of matter among plants, animals, decomposers and the environment •A pply scientific ideas to design, test and refine devises that convert energy from one form to another using electrical circuits
dramatics, mime, poetry reading and interpretations and small, in-class scenes •U se vocal and facial expressions for characterization • Develop stage presence • Develop and practice public speaking techniques FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS — STUDIO ART • Understand basic art terms
•D evelop models that allow students to ask questions and predict outcomes relating to Newton’s Laws of Motion
• Apply basic principles of design
• I dentify colors with regard to emotional affect, using warm and cool colors
• Develop a true understanding of Florida and its history • I nvestigate and explore Florida’s Native American tribes, colonization of Florida, Statehood, wars, economic changes, tourism and railroad •C ommunicate ideas orally, in written expression and through presentations • Continue to develop map skills •L earn to work effectively and efficiently in small groups WORLD LANGUAGE • Review Spanish greetings, colors, classroom objects, family, commands, number to 100, days, months, weather, body parts, food words, clothing, animals, songs and action verbs •E xplore cultural experiences from various Hispanic countries FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS — MUSIC • Identify strong/weak beats •C ompose and arrange music within specific guidelines • Listen to, analyze and describe music • I dentify and perform the dynamics of a piece using correct terms •D evelop a deeper understanding of music and how it relates to different cultures, historical eras and curriculum FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS — DRAMA •D evelop critical thinking, character development, structure concepts, line interpretation and imagery by using creative
•G ain an understanding of human proportion in renderings
• Use different viewpoints in creating work • Use a variety of media to create art projects PHYSICAL EDUCATION • Continue competency in managing body •D emonstrate teamwork in the performance of group activities •S how good sportsmanship and teamwork in games and activities •D emonstrate improvement in flexibility, strength, speed and agility • Follow more complex rules and instruction LIBRARY •C ontinue to review skills learned in previous grades • Identify and locate collection of materials •L ocate information using the automated card catalog •U se parts of a book to locate information, use appropriate reference sources and identify numerical arrangement of library materials •C ontinue to develop an appreciation for literature and storytelling •C ontinue to develop and demonstrate skills in self-awareness, relationships, decision making and safety awareness TECHNOLOGY •C ontinue to review computer basics and keyboarding skills •D evelop proficiency in word processing, drawing and graphics, peripherals,
presentations, internet, spreadsheets and databases
•D evelop ways to communicate findings both orally and in written expressions
•C ontinue to use the computer as a tool to enhance learning through curriculum integration in the classroom
• Develop scientific vocabulary
• Understand the importance of internet safety
•A pply scientific ideas to design, test and refine devices that convert energy from one form to another using electrical circuits
Grade 5 LANGUAGE ARTS •R ead a variety of genres of literature while making level-appropriate selections •M aster spelling and vocabulary words and use multiple strategies to develop vocabulary • Utilize a variety of comprehension strategies •T horoughly practice the writing process using a variety of styles •C ontinue to introduce, identify, connect and apply parts of speech and their correct use to the writing process •C ontinue to refine and develop listening, organizational and study skills •C ontinue to develop a higher level of reasoning skills through shared inquiry and collaboration •C ontinue to develop independent readers and critical thinkers MATH •M astery of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills with quick recall •F luent in addition and subtraction with fractions and decimals and long division procedures •U nderstand place value to the billions, units of measure in relating two-dimensional to threedimensional shapes and properties
•E ngage in experiences that explore the chemical process within human nutrition
•E ngage in the study of microscopic organisms using the appropriate tools to collect observational information •C onduct investigations that make observations and generate measurements that identify materials based on their properties SOCIAL STUDIES • Explore the American expansion • I nvestigate and explore the origins and purpose of the original colonies and how they influenced current life •U nderstand the framework of the Constitution, the war to independence, geographical expansion and the various wars in our country •C ommunicate ideas both orally, in written expression and through presentations • Continue to develop map skills • Learn to work effectively in a group situation •E ngage students in complex lessons via The World Peace Games WORLD LANGUAGE • I ncrease vocabulary and expressions in Spanish •D evelop conversational skills in the areas of: likes and dislikes, personal opinions, school subjects, favorite pastimes, personalities, physical characteristics, months, weather expressions and time
•B e able to communicate mathematical work in cooperative learning groups, collect and analyze data and use and understand mathematical terms
•E xpand ability to conjugate simple Spanish verbs
•D evelop reading simple sentences in paragraphs
•P lan and carry out investigations to answer questions or test solutions by using both the scientific method and the engineering design method
•E xplore cultural experiences from various Spanish countries
FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS — MUSIC •P ractice recognizing from soft to loud, allegro, presto, lento, legato and staccato
•R ead and notate rhythms from flashcards and charts
•D emonstrate improvement in flexibility, strength, speed and agility
• Sing expressively
• Follow more complex rules and instruction
• Listen to, analyze and describe music
•S tudy relationships between music and other arts and disciplines
•C ontinue to review skills learned in previous grades
• I dentify and use information found on automated card catalog
•F amiliar with parts of stage, stage terminology, character development and analysis • Develop stage presence •U se improvisational skills, mime techniques, class scenes, creative dramatics and trade games •U se vocal and facial expression for characterization • Develop and practice public speaking techniques
• I dentify cross-references and locate materials •D evelop an understanding of plagiarism, copyright and validity of information and apply while using a variety of reference materials •C ontinue to develop an appreciation for literature and storytelling
• Understand the use of basic art terms
•C ontinue to develop and demonstrate skills in self-awareness, relationships, decision making, safety awareness and chemical use in society
• Apply basic principles of design
•G ain an understanding of human proportion in renderings
•C ontinue to review computer basics and keyboarding
• I dentify colors with regard to emotional affect, using warm and cool colors
•D evelop proficiency in word processing skills, drawing and graphics, peripherals, presentations, electronic references, internet, spreadsheets, digital photography, Adobe Photoshop and databases
• Use different view points in creating work • Use a variety of media to create art projects PHYSICAL EDUCATION • Continue competency in managing body •D emonstrate proficiency in non-locomotor and locomotor skills •S how good sportsmanship and teamwork in games and activities
•C ontinue to use the computer as a tool to enhance learning through curriculum integration in the classroom •U nderstand the importance of internet safety
The Bolles School is the only internationally recognized school providing the greatest variety of high-quality educational offerings in Northeast Florida for grades Pre-K to 12.
(904) 256-5030