Bogamia Mag

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Jacob Jiménez Lechuga (Ciudad de México, 1980) es artista visual. Se educó en la Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas donde luego fue profesor adjunto. Continuó sus estudios en el 17, Instituto de Estudios Críticos, y en el seminario de psicoanálisis del Dr. Néstor Braunstein. Exhibe desde hace más de una década. Estuvo representado por la Galería Punto y Línea, del Estado de Oaxaca. Recientemente expuso en la Galería Alicia Brandy, de Argentina, y en Ar(t)cevia, de Italia. Se ha desempeñado como conferencista (Claustro de Sor Juana, Colección JUMEX, Feria Internacional del Libro del Palacio de Minería) y como cartonista editorial.

“This is a fragment of an excercice I did about a year ago. It’s acrylic on wood and I took the picture with my cellphone.” Jacob Jiménez

Acrylic on wood. 50 x 40 cm. 2009. It’s entirely done with palette. by Jacob Jiménez

Acrylic on Illustration board. 12.4 x 9.3 in. 2009. by Jacob JimĂŠnez


Italia Ruotolo was born in Naples Italy . She did literature studies and later she graduated at the Fine Arts Academy of Naples. For many years she worked as a goldsmith and designer. This had great influence in her painting way always in search for the preciousness of the matter. Her works have many influences as many references there are in her artistic ideals ranging from classical art to art nouveau and pop art . Her source of inspiration is the world that surrounds her, but her art is not realistic in the strict sense, quite the contrary is a journey into a parallel world where the real figure acts as a provocateur triggering surreal reactions . In her art there is not distinction between high and low cultural level,because she’s awared that the man lives in a myriad of sensory stimulation and is himself the product of continuing contradiction between what is real and what is mere appearance or mere fiction. We find echoes of these contradictions in her work in constant search of a balance between true and false and past and future...

Photo: Claire Street Art

Featured Artists: Mario Algaze Jacob JimĂŠnez Italia Ruotolo Claire Street Art Stephanie Rodriguez Team bogamia Carlos Huete Art Director Ximena Zamudio Creative Director

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