Body Mind Spirit Guide 2017 February

Page 28

Coenzyme Q10: An Antioxidant Powerhouse! By: John Chetcuti Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a nutrient that helps convert food into energy. It’s a powerful antioxidant and it’s found in almost every cell in the body. Antioxidants fight particles in the body known as free radicals, which damage cell membranes and cause disease. Scientists believe free radicals contribute to the aging process, as well as a number of health problems, including heart disease and cancer. Antioxidants, such as CoQ10, can neutralize free radicals and may reduce or even prevent some of the damage they cause.(1,2,3) As our levels of CoQ10 naturally decline with age, we can replenish them by taking supplemental CoQ10. While everyone can benefit from taking CoQ10 supplements, they are especially important for people with cardiovascular concerns, and for those who take cholesterol-lowering statin drugs which further deplete the body’s CoQ10 stores. (2,3) Some studies suggest that CoQ10 supplements, either by themselves or with other drug therapies, may help prevent or treat the following conditions:

High Blood Pressure Several clinical studies suggest that CoQ10 supplements may lower blood pressure. However, it may take 4 to 12 weeks to see any change. (1,3) High Cholesterol - People with high cholesterol tend to have lower levels of CoQ10, so supplementation has been proposed as a treatment. It can also restore CoQ10 levels that have been depleted by statin drugs. (1,2,3) Diabetes - CoQ10 supplements may improve heart health, help normalize blood sugar levels, and help manage high blood pressure in people with diabetes. (1,3) Heart Surgery - Clinical research indicates that introducing CoQ10 prior to heart surgery can reduce damage caused by free radicals, strengthen heart function, and lower the incidence of irregular heart beat during the recovery phase.(1) Alzheimer’s Disease - There are preliminary indications that CoQ10 may slow the progression of dementia in Alzheimer’s patients.(3) Parkinson’s Disease - Some research indicates that

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