PWH Summer 2020

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P R O F E S S I O N A L W O M E N I N H E A LT H C A R E ® • W E C R E AT E L E A D E R S

PWH® is Here for You Chair-Elect Vicky Lyle thanks the PWH® COVID-19 Task Force for helping provide resources to PWH® members and the industry


INSIDE: p.5 p.6 p.8 p.10


Hang in There! How to Expand Self-Coping Resources


Kelsey Koesters and Jody Dobson Help Each Other Grow


Defend Yourself from Cyber Threat Amidst the Impact of COVID-19


The Importance of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Issue 2 • Summer 2020



Pg. 3-4

WELLNESS Hang in There! How to Expand Self-Coping Resources

Pg. 5

DIVERSITY Pg. 10-11 The Importance of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion PWH® TASK FORCE Thank You, PWH® COVID-19 Task Force

Pg. 12-13

MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Mentors and Mentees Help Each Other Grow Kelsey Koesters and Jody Dobson

Pg. 6-7


TECHNOLOGY Defend Yourself from Cyber Threat Amidst the Impact of COVID-19

Pg. 8-9

HIDA UPDATE HIDA Offers Resources: Education on COVID-19, Medical Device Sterilization and More PWH® NEW MEMBERS

Pgs. 14-15 Pg. 16-17

Pg. 17


Connect Staff and Volunteers PWH® MARKETING COMMITTEE CHAIR Natalie Martin, Director, Creative Services, NDC

EDITOR Rachel Bailey Penwan Communication Inc.

ART DIRECTOR Brent Cashman Graphics Manager, BOCdesign, Inc.

VICE CHAIR, DIGITAL MARKETING Kristy Spairana, Associate Account Manager, B. Braun Medical Inc.

EDITORIAL SUPPORT Kristen Corbin, GPO Sales and Marketing Manager, NDC

EDITORIAL & CIRCULATION MANAGER Michelle Rydberg Executive Director, PWH®

FOOD & TRAVEL EDITOR Jackie Jones Director of Dental Sales & Marketing, NDC

PWH® MISSION & PURPOSE PWH® is an organization dedicated to ongoing professional leadership development for women and men in healthcare businesses. We are a member organization providing a national voice and progressive leadership for women in healthcare. Our goal is to reach all women in our industry and empower them in their personal and professional lives. We are also committed to integrated leadership development and gender equity for all individuals within the industries we serve. Our mission is to empower women to lead and succeed. Our vision is a healthcare industry equally led by women.


Summer 2020 • Issue 2 •


Times Like These For several, 2020 set out to be a year of vision, self-reflection and a time to look to the future. Our world was suddenly rocked when an infectious virus exploded on a global basis and changed our lives and businesses with an everlasting impact. Shortly afterward, civil unrest swept across the country, opening our eyes to diversity and inclusion on a whole new level. Many of us are faced with significant changes in 2020: furloughs, layoffs, reductions in force, role changes and ongoing uncertainty. Our work environment transitioned to the home, which opened

up new paths of communication and required great patience (and use of the unmute button). As a leader, how are you navigating through times like these? Has our new world strengthened your leadership attributes? It’s times like these that call for leadership with great strength, empathy, vision, trust, patience, calmness and resilience. Let’s explore resilience. In a recent discussion with a friend, I learned that there is a difference between endurance and resilience when leading through turbulent times. Endurance simply means

Rachelle Ferrara • Issue 2 • summer 2020 3


to obtain the power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way. What comes to mind is a swimmer enduring a head – on current, while becoming exhausted from the effort but completing the course. While resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties and spring back into shape quickly, resilient leaders maintain a positive attitude, vision and a strong sense of opportunity during periods of turmoil. When faced with ambiguity, a resilient leader finds a way to move forward and avoid getting stuck. Our new world will require leaders who are positive, thoughtful, risk-takers and those who demonstrate resilience. Being resilient as an individual and as a leader, requires that we support all stakeholders, associates and team members as we readjust to the new novel economy.

As we navigate these uncharted waters, our collective endurance will strengthen and our resilent capacities will be honed until we all become a fine tuned PWH® member. Many of us have had an opportunity to reflect on our work-life balance, company culture, value proposition (as an essential solution) while remaining grounded as leaders. Times like these require us to be a champion of change, embracing courage and vision about where the organization is going. Strong leaders need to communicate powerfully, remain coachable and possess the ability to build

positive and trusting relationships while developing others. If we follow these steps, we will be perceived more positively within our organizations, teams, relationships and families. Professional Women in Healthcare® is committed to providing advanced career development to support your essential leadership attributes. We want to hear from you and learn how you have been thriving in our new world. Let’s create a dialogue around your desired areas of development and how PWH® can assist you and your organization to achieve these goals. One of my favorite artists, Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters, speaks out lyrically about Times Like These: It’s times like these you learn to live again Its times like these you give and give again Its times like these you learn to love again Its times like these time and time again… Our world will continue to change and evolve, that is for certain. As we navigate these uncharted waters, our collective endurance will strengthen and our resilent capacities will be honed until we all become a fine tuned PWH® member. I’m looking forward to the challenges and rewards the future holds! Cheers, Rachelle Ferrara PWH® Chair 2019-2020


Summer 2020 • Issue 2 •


Hang in There! How to Expand Self-Coping Resources By Rachel Bailey, PWH® Connect Editor Many of us lost a lot this year. We may have lost resources, team members or our own jobs. We may have lost friends and family and the freedom to connect with people in ways we are accustomed. All of these losses affect the integrity of our self-worth. When we lose people that we care about or when we experience some kind of restriction, we lose part of our identity. Since many of us are highly invested in our careers, when we lose aspects of it, we lose aspects of ourselves. We perceive these losses as threats to our sense of self-esteem. According to Dr. Claude Steele, a social psychologist and provost at Berkeley, because humans are inherently motivated to maintain their sense of self-worth, threats to it cause fear, anxiety or confusion. A reaction to this fear and anxiety can distort our perceptions, including our ability to think rationally. For example, even though the loss of one aspect of our identity is small compared to the whole of our identity, our distorted cognition may cause us to perceive that the threat is bigger than the whole of us. We may also temporarily forget how it is that we typically cope and resolve problems. However, Dr. Steele’s research in education and its application in health communication research, proves that people are highly flexible. That is, we can handle a threat in one aspect of our life so long as we can reassure ourselves in another. When we sufficiently reaffirm our sense of self-worth, we decrease the perceived size of the threat and increase our ability to cope. As our fear or anxiety goes down, our ability to think and act clearly and rationally goes back up. It sounds simple, but to reaffirm our sense of self-worth is not necessarily easy. It is not a matter of just looking in the mirror and giving ourselves a wink. We must internalize what it is that we value about our identity. Research indicates that certain interventions can bring about this internalization. An experience of what you truly value about yourself can emerge through these interventions, usually in the form of writing. This is because writing is an active cognitive experience. When we write, we are forced to make sense of what we are thinking, 1

or hearing or otherwise passively experiencing. Writing for two to three minutes about the last time you helped a colleague or solved a significant problem at work helps you internalize your virtuous self-conception. This subjective reminder of self-worth helps reduce the negative effects of identity threat. Rather than just say the following to yourself, you experience it: “I lost 20 percent of my income, but I’m a highly skilled supply chain analyst, and I am capable of solving problems that affect a lot of people.” As you experience the virtue of this much larger aspect of your identity, your ability to think critically about next steps increases. Rather than act irrationally, or otherwise not in your best interest, your increased self-coping resources help you determine a logical plan of action and implement it. You will not magically materialize your mortgage payment. But you will likely find yourself getting remarkably creative about how to earn it.

S herman, D. K. (2013). Self-affirmation: Understanding the effects. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 7(11), 834–845. Also see Claude M. Steele. (2010). Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Can Affect Us and What We Can Do. W.W. Norton and Company. • Issue 2 • summer 2020 5


Mentors and Mentees Help Each Other Grow This issue we spotlight mentee Kelsey Koesters and her mentor Jody Dobson. Both women work for different organizations. Jody is helping Kelsey save time and emotional capital as she navigates challenges to advance in her career. Kelsey is helping Jody consider fresh ideas and be more thoughtful in the way she approaches different situations. Below is a closer look at each of their perspectives.

Mentee’s Perspective Kelsey Koesters, Associate Marketing Manager, Midmark Corporation

What is your background, current company affiliation and position? I am currently an Associate Marketing Manager for Midmark Corporation, a clinical environmental design company that enables a better care experience for the medical, dental and animal health markets. I work with the anesthesia and monitoring product lines within animal health.

career. I was lucky enough to quickly connect with a mentor at a distribution company, Jody Dobson.

What have you learned from you mentor? In our short time together, Jody has provided the guidance and motivation I need to work towards my mentoring goals. Her advice has helped me navigate through challenges as well as opened my eyes to areas of improvement. One of my favorite takeaways from Jody thus far is that every interaction you have is really an opportunity to make a positive impact on others. I am looking forward to what is yet to come on our mentoring journey.

What has worked with you and your mentor? Why has the relationship been successful? In our initial introduction, we discussed my goals for the relationship as well as any expectations. Open communication and flexibility have been keys to our success. As we are still building our mentoring relationship, each time we meet, we touch on current events, reconnect on my mentoring goals, and discuss any previous or new topics of conversation. This structure has allowed us to be flexible with our time together while learning and growing along the way.

One of my favorite takeaways from Jody thus far is that every interaction you have is really an opportunity to make a positive impact on others. I am looking forward to what is yet to come on our mentoring journey.

Why were you seeking a mentor? What was your goal? Being a young professional in the industry, I was seeking a mentor to help me navigate challenges and improve my soft skills. Additionally, I was looking for advice on how to advance in my


Summer 2020 • Issue 2 •

What is your take on the value of mentorship?

One of my previous mentors always used to say the key to success in life is to “Add Value. Build Relationships. Create Opportunities.” A mentor can assist you in adding value by helping you improve your knowledge and skills. By adding more value, you will build more relationships. With more solid relationships, you will create more opportunities personally and professionally.

Mentor’s Perspective Jody Dobson, MBA, Vice President Business Development Health Systems, McKesson Medical-Surgical

What is your background, current company affiliation and position? I am Vice President of Business Development for McKesson Medical-surgical and have been a member of PWH since almost the beginning.

Why were you seeking a mentee? What was your goal? I have a desire to help someone and to help women navigate corporate America. When you have worked in this industry for a while, I believe that you have an obligation to help others, particularly aspiring women executives.

What have you learned from your Mentee? I like to hear Kelsey’s fresh perspective on business situations.

I like her optimism and her openness to discussing a variety of ideas. I like to jointly explore topics and vet out appropriate responses to business challenges. It helps me, as well, be more thoughtful in the way I approach different situations.

What has worked with you and your mentee? Why has the relationship been successful? Kelsey is receptive to ideas and input. She wants to know about experiences that may help her save time or emotional capital when meeting business challenges. She is articulate and bright. She is at such an exciting time in her life and career that it is refreshing to consider her perspective. I really admire Kelsey for taking the initiative to instigate mentoring. It takes a level of maturity to ask for feedback and help, which I respect. Our conversations are not lectures. They are dynamic discussions. We don’t solve problems. We discuss all the options and the subsequent pros and cons of each response. Kelsey decides which direction to take based on a reasoned approach, and sometimes we just talk about “girl stuff.”

What is your take on the value of mentorship? I really appreciate the opportunity to get to know Kelsey. I hope that we are friends for a long time.

About the PWH® Mentor Program How can PWH® members get involved in the PWH® Mentoring Program? Your first step is to visit the mentoring page on the PWH® website ( At the bottom of the page, there is a link to click to join the program. You will be asked to fill out a questionnaire (which should take five minutes or less) and from there you will be contacted by the PWH® Mentoring Committee. We will speak with you and get to know you better before connecting you with a mentor. We make an introduction for you and your match and provide some tips and recommendations to get started. You can also contact the Vice Chair of the PWH Mentoring Committee Eryn Marx at How does the PWH® Mentoring Program work? Once you are matched with a mentor, it is up to you to make the most of it! As a mentee, you need to take the lead in connecting with your mentor. They are here to help you!

As mentioned above, we provide some tips and recommendations to help nurture the relationship. Communication is so important! Set expectations. Determine how often you can both commit to speaking. Let each other know your preferred format for communicating (email, phone calls, texts, in person meetings). Make clear what you want to accomplish from your mentoring relationship. The PWH® Mentoring Committee can provide support and guidance as needed if you have questions about what to do. We are developing additional resources and periodically reach out to mentors and mentees to see how everything is going. We also want to hear from you - please provide us feedback! This program gives you the ability to connect with people in our industry that you might not be otherwise able to meet. Take advantage of this program as a PWH® member benefit – you won’t regret it! • Issue 2 • summer 2020 7


Defend Yourself from Cyber Threat Amidst the Impact of COVID-19

By Loren Morgan, VP of Global IT Security, Owens & Minor

As the COVID-19 pandemic has evolved, tactics used by malicious actors in cyberspace have increased. A quick polling of my peers within the Cybersecurity industry shows a significant increase in fraudulent activity related to supply chains and social engineering. Both of these areas focus on the ‘human factor’ and less on technology vulnerabilities. Malicious actors can create realistic fraudulent websites that promise the quick delivery of difficult to find items such as protective gear or disinfectant related items. Even more alarming is the number of victims who fall for this type of fraud.


Summer 2020 • Issue 2 •

You can incorporate some basic steps to prevent becoming a victim: > Order from known sources when ordering online. Perhaps even establish a familiar point-of-contact to check in with prior to placing your order. > If the prices are too good to be true, they probably are. If you are ordering products to help in the war on COVID-19, it is not likely that prices have gone down since the pandemic started.

> If the website contains several misspellings or improperly uses words, it is not likely a site from a reputable vendor.

discussing yesterday…” With this technique on the rise, you should take steps to defend yourself.

> Contact the manufacturer and ask if the vendor is an approved reseller for their product.

Defend yourself from fraudulent access to your e-messaging by: > Not providing user credentials in ANY responses to ANYONE. Your IT Team should not reach out for any reason to get this information.

> If you are going to chance it, place a small order first. > If the email address used to contact the vendor is hosted on free domains such as Gmail, Hotmail, MSN, etc., that is a dead giveaway. A reputable company should host their own email. A little research can tell you when the domain was established or if the email address was recently created. Social engineering by malicious actors is another growing area of concern as tactics are becoming more advanced in this space. Through social engineering and some basic credential stealing techniques, actors are becoming very savvy in how they commit fraud. Actors that secure your user credentials using low tech methods are now viewing instant messaging content stored in your account to gain intelligence. Leveraging information allows the actor to know your style of communication, who you communicate with routinely, and other information that only you and whoever you have instant messaged should know. This technique permits the actor to reach out to an unknowing victim posing as you, under the guise of your email address and using words very similar to how you communicate. Most of these messages start with, “As we were

> Requests via email or ‘pop-ups’ for your credentials for account renewals, software updates, email upgrades, etc... should be forwarded to your IT Cybersecurity Team. Do not provide your credentials. > The Help Desk will never call you and ask for your credentials or ask you to type an IP into your browser. > Lastly, if available, ask your IT Team how to get enrolled in MFA (Multifactor Authentication). With this capability deployed on your account, even malicious actors cannot use your user credentials. As malicious actors are focused on targeting the segment between the chair and the keyboard, they are becoming craftier in their approach. These actors understand that everyone is infinitely busier due to COVID-19, and they are searching for an opportunity to take advantage of you when your guard is down. Please remain diligent, escalate when unsure and ‘think before you click’! • Issue 2 • summer 2020 9


The Importance of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion By Dannellia G. Green, PhD, Founder & Chief Strategy Officer SAGEsse Consulting and Enid Oquendo, Sr. Director, Strategic Partner Integration, Concordance Healthcare Solutions

Dannellia G. Green


Enid Oquendo

Summer 2020 • Issue 2 •

It can be said that a country, community, or company can “survive” having less than one hundred percent of its human capital engaged. Indeed this is and has been the case for centuries. However, most would agree, and there are examples that support the statement, that in order to “thrive” with regard to business success, organizational impact or social change, maximizing engagement of the people involved is critical.

In our world today, we are in the midst of a movement that may be characterized as being the most diverse of its type based on race, ethnicity, gender orientation and socio-economic status. Some are of the opinion that this has accelerated the movement’s cause in terms of the political and social progress because of inclusiveness. In the context of human capital, we think of diversity as having representation from a wide range of differences and similarities. Equity complements that representation by extending fair and just treatment, roles and responsibilities. Inclusion is yet another dimension for maximizing engagement in that it takes the form of ‘proactive’ measures derived from an elevated self-awareness and authentic respect for differences in others. PWH® has embarked on an effort to embrace gender diversity such that men who buy-in and agree to advocate for our mission and vision (to empower women to lead and succeed such that the healthcare industry might be equally led by women) can demonstrate this commitment by becoming associate members of the Professional Women in Healthcare® organization. This is a bold move for our historically female membership and will likely meet with some challenges or things that we will need to figure out along the way. And yet, executing our mission and realizing our vision will involve our male cohorts; hence, by being proactive, we position ourselves to thrive and accelerate towards our goals. In the current climate, many companies and organizations are issuing public statements of their position regarding racial equality, awareness and cultural inclusion. With INCLUSION being a core value of PWH®, we are committed to equity, parity and justice. We are compelled to emphasize these commitments in, to and through our membership. In this moment, as the light shines on race-based health disparities, discriminatory employment and pay practices, as well as racial injustice, we seek to be a greater force for the betterment of all people

around us by promoting a culture of Healing through Equity, Inclusion and Justice for All. Other entities that we join include Cardinal Health, Proctor & Gamble and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Cardinal Health, which facilitates conversations about racism and social injustice among employees at all levels, hosts an internal library of relevant resources, and works with its African American Resource Group and its D&I Council to identify opportunities for engagement and progress. Proctor & Gamble seeks to open dialogue by engaging its leaders in town hall conversations with the organization’s internal departments and through the release of race and bias video content designed to promote hearing

In the context of human capital, we think of diversity as having representation from a wide range of differences and similarities. Equity complements that representation by extending fair and just treatment, roles and responsibilities. and healing. The W. K. Kellogg Foundation is a relevant and meaningful resource for guidance and workshops that others can leverage in order to encourage courageous conversations and to promote engagement which increases the contributions of and from all. PWH® can be a trusted resource for the healthcare industry specifically as it relates to education, awareness and actionable intelligence. As we support systems, institutions and leadership models that encourage equitable representation of women in healthcare, the sharing of our knowledge, thoughts and experiences can be instrumental in driving our industry forward.

Our committee would like to hear your thoughts about how we can become a greater force for promoting diversity, equity and inclusion as it relates to our mission and vision. Your response may be directed towards PWH® in general or in relationship to our member companies or both. Email your contributions to: • Issue 2 • summer 2020 11


Thank You, PWH® COVID-19 Task Force By Vicky Lyle, VP Industry Associations, Owens & Minor and PWH® Chair Elect




Healthcare Solutions Group President

B. Braun Medical, Inc. (Aescula Product Manager | Surgical Specialty Products

PWH® Chair

The first half of 2020 has brought about a significant amount of change to our industry. Healthcare HEATHER LLORCA-KROPP providers shut down elective surgeries to focus on ® PWH Past Chair COVID-19 patients, transforming their hospitals to manage the pandemic, and implementing telehealth in weeks. PPE DUKAL Corporation manufacturing plants went to around-the-clock production, Vice President, Marketing and other manufacturers outside the industry were shifting & Channel Management to create PPE products. Many companies shifted to a remote workforce, and conferences and tradeshows were canceled or delayed. Some businesses completely shut down, and


Summer 2020 • Issue 2 •FERRARA RACHELLE ®

Membership Committee Ch

VICKY Vicky Lyle,LYLE VP Industry

Associations, Owens Mentoring Committee Chair ® & Minor and PWH

Owens & Minor Chair Elect, and PWH® COVID-19 Operating VP, Task Service Line Strat Force Chair


others were so busy that they had to put their 2020 goals on hold to focus on the pandemic. PWH® recognized that we had members across the industry that were either overwhelmed or were simply sitting on the sidelines until access to customers was made available again. We made the decision to cancel the 2020 PWH® Leadership Summit, as it was the responsible thing to do given the situation, but we wanted to do something to help our members and the industry as a whole. We quickly established the COVID-19 Task Force to put together a plan to deliver virtual content with topics that would help our members through a time of drastic change both professionally and personally.

I saw a team of women quickly move into action, committed to come up with various ways we could help our members and at the same time, figuring out their own new world of working at home. As the Chair Elect for PWH®, I took the lead to form the committee and couldn’t have asked for a better team. We had a cross-functional team from various committees across our organization. We met weekly and came up with a content calendar to include both professional and personal development webinars, relevant blogs, and networking coffee chats for members. Most of our content was available not only to members, but also to nonmembers. It was a way for PWH® to give back. Like most organizations, PWH® had to make some drastic changes very quickly. Creating the COVID-19 Task Force was one of my greatest experiences. I saw a team of women quickly move into action, committed to come up with various ways we could help our members and at the same time, figuring out their own new world of working at home. These women truly care about our members and our industry. I want to personally thank each one of them. I know our members and our industry will continue to benefit from the support and resources this team has went above and beyond to provide. THANK YOU!!!


> Michelle Rydberg, PWH® Executive Director, has been with PWH® since 2015 and has over 20 years of experience working with non-profits.

> April Shomper, Director, Events Strategy and Marketing, Vizient, and PWH® Summit Committee, VC Content

> Kristy Spairana, Associate Account Manager, B. Braun Medical Inc. and PWH® Marketing Committee, VC Digital Marketing

> Valeriya Stoyanova, Associate Director of Supplier Relations, Concordance and PWH® Professional Development Committee

> Jessica Wells, Sr. Director, Events Strategy and Marketing, Vizient and PWH® Membership Committee, VC Member Experience

heck out the PWH® Resource Series at C • Issue 2 • summer 2020 13



RACHELLE JULEE PREFER FERRARA ® PWH Chair ® PWH Chair GatewayMD, LLC Group Healthcare Solutions President Strategic Advisor



B. Owens Braun Medical, & Minor Inc. (Aesculap) IMCO, Inc. Product Manager | Surgical Operating VP, Service Line Strategy Chief Financial Specialty Products

HEATHER LLORCA-KROPP VICKY LYLE RACHELLE FERRARA VICKY LYLE ® VICKY LYLE PWH ®Past Chair Mentoring Committee Chair PWH ®Chair Elect Mentoring Committee PWH Chair Elect Chair


PWH® Chair Treasurer Brasseler Medical Committee Chair PWH Chair Committee Chair Shippert Medical Senior Director, Marketing Healthcare Solutions Group Shippert Medical Technologies Midmark Corporation Healthcare Solutions Group and Enterprise Sales President Midmark Corporation (An Innovia Medical Company) President Media and Communications Manager President Media and Communications Manager President

ELIZABETH DAY-CURI HEATHER DAVIS HEATHER LLORCA-KROPP LLORCA-KROPP ALLISON THERWHANGER HEATHER DAVIS HEATHER ® Corporate Partnership HEATHER DAVIS Regional Connections Treasurer PWH® Past Chair Regional Connections Committee Chair PWH Past Chair Committee Chair Secretary Shippert Medical Technologies DUKAL Corporation Committee Chair DUKAL Corporation

President Vice President, Marketing HealthFirst HealthFirst Vice President, Marketing HealthFirst Director Account of Sales, Manager & Channel Management National National Account Manager & Channel Management National Manager National Account Distribution/Medical



Committee Chair PWH® Chair Elect Strategic Oversight PWH Chair Elect Committee CorporateChair Partners Committee Chair Brasseler Medical Committee Chair Brasseler Medical

Director offor Sales, Coalition Independent SeniorCare Director, Marketing NDC, Distribution/Medical Inc. Senior Care Director, Marketing Coalition for Independent National COO and Enterprise Sales and Enterprise Sales COO Vice President, Supplier Management

al al



ALLISON THERWHANGER Summer 2020 • Issue 2 • Treasurer Treasurer



DUKAL B. BraunCorporation Medical, Inc. (Aesculap) Healthcare Solutions B.Healthcare Braun Medical, Inc.Group (Aesculap) Solutions Vice President, Marketing Product Manager | SurgicalGroup President Product Manager | Surgical President & ChannelProducts Management Specialty Specialty Products


gies gies

B. Braun Medical, Inc. (Aesculap) NDC, Inc. Product Manager | Surgical Director, Creative Specialty Products


DUKAL Corporation Owens & Minor Brasseler Medical Owens & Minor Vice President, Marketing Owens & Minor Operating VP, Service Line Strategy Senior Director, Marketing Operating VP, Service Line Strategy & Channel Management VP,Enterprise Industry Associations and Sales



Membership Committee ChairCommittee Chair Marketing


PWH Past Membership Committee Chair ® ® PWH PastChair Chair PWH Chair Membership Committee Chair

p p


Membership Chair Mentoring Committee Chair Membership Committee Chair




Mentoring Committee Chair Professional Development Mentoring Committee Chair Owens & Minor Committee Chair

KBK Communications Operating VP, Service Line Strategy Midmark Corporation AccountManager Manager Media and Communications


Professional Development Membership Committee Chair Regional Connections Committee Chair Committee Chair Committee Chair Membership Committee Chair B. Braun Medical, Inc. (Aesculap)

Braun Medical, Inc. (Aesculap) Midmark Corporation B.Aesculap Inc. (A B.Braun Company) Product Manager | Surgical HealthFirst Product Manager | Surgical Media and Communications Manager Product Manager | Surgical Specialty Products National Account Manager Specialty Products

Specialties (Neurosurgery Division)


Mentoring Committee Chair Strategic Chair Oversight Strategic Oversight Committee Chair Committee Mentoring Committee Chair Committee Chair Owens & Minor HealthFirst Midmark Corporation Owens & Minor Operating VP, Service Line Strategy Coalition for Independent Care National Account Manager Operating VP,Resources Service Lineand Strategy VP Human COO

Corporate Communications


SUSAN KAISER KAISER Strategic Oversight SUSAN Professional Development Committee Chair Professional Development Summit Committee Chair Committee Chair Committee Chair Coalition for Independent Care



Midmark Corporation Midmark Corporation Midmark Corporation Media and Communications Manager Mediaand andCommunications Communications Manager Media Manager


Regional Connections Regional Connections Committee Chair Committee Chair














Brasseler Medical Senior Director, Marketing and Enterprise Sales

Midmark Corporation Media and Communications Manager

PWH® Chair Elect

Professional Development Committee Chair





PWH Medical BoardTechnologies Advisor, Summit Shippert Healthcare President Solutions Group Preferred Solutions, Inc. CATHY DENNING President ®


PWH President ® Board Advisor PWH Board Advisor

Vizient Vizient SeniorBOARD, Vice President, PWH ® ADVISORY 2018 Senior Vice President, Sourcing Operations ELIZABETH DAY-CURI Sourcing Operations Corporate Partnership HEATHER LLORCA-KROPP PWH Board Advisor, CPC ® CATHY PWH PastDENNING Chair Committee Chair


CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE ® Regional Connections ODRA ANDERSON PWH ROSTER, 2018 PWH ® LEADERSHIP LEADERSHIP ROSTER, Committee Chair Membership Committee Laura Reline, ChairChair 2018 B. Braun Medical, Inc. (Aesculap) HealthFirst

Jennifer Ramthun, Vice Chair C-Suite Relations

Product Manager | Surgical National Account Manager STRATEGIC OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE STRATEGIC OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Specialty Products Jennifer O’Reilly, Vice Chair Partner Optimization

Suzanne Lord, Strategic Oversight Chair Suzanne Lord, Strategic Oversight Chair Carmel Veron, Vice Chair GPO Engagement Sue Hulsmeyer, Vice Chair Organizational ® Sue Hulsmeyer, Vice Chair Organizational PWH LEADERSHIP ROSTER, Kimberly Courteau, Vice2018 Chair Distribution Engagement Leadership Development Leadership Development SUZANNE LORD Natalie Martin,Tina Vice Richter, Chair Marketing Strategy Vice Chair Manufacturer Engagement Natalie Martin, ViceLYLE Chair Marketing Strategy VICKY Strategic Oversight & Brand Guidelines STRATEGIC OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE & Brand Guidelines Mentoring Committee Chair Rebecca Benga, Vice Chair Provider Engagement Committee Chair Amy Swift, Vice Chair Committee Liaison Suzanne Lord, Strategic Oversight Chair Owens & Minor Amy Swift, Vice Chair Committee Liaison Coalition for Independent Care


Georgia Pacific PWH Board Advisor DUKAL Corporation JANIS DEZSO JANIS DEZSO Vice President, Marketing Director ® of Sales, Market Sales Director Vizient PWH Advisor ® Board &National Channel Management PWH Board Advisor Distribution/Medical ®

PWH ® ADVISORY 2018 SeniorBOARD, Vice President, Bovie Medical Bovie Medical Sourcing Operations Vice President of Sales Vice President of Sales


Sue Hulsmeyer,COO Vice Chair Organizational

Natalie Martin, Chair

Odra Anderson, Membership Committee Chair ® Natalie Martin, Vice Chair Marketing Strategy Odra Anderson, Membership Chair Beth Clifford,Committee Vice Chair PWH Marketing & Brand Guidelines Ashleigh McLaughlin, Vice Chair Member Engagement CATHY® DENNING STRATEGIC OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Ashleigh McLaughlin, Vice Chair Member Engagement Kristy Spairana, Vice Chair Digital Marketing PWH Board Advisor ® PWH Board Advisor Amy Swift, ViceStrategic Chair Liaison Shannon Trahan, Vice Committee Chair Market Intelligence Suzanne Lord, Oversight JANIS DEZSO Shannon Trahan, ViceKAISER Chair MarketChair Intelligence RACHELLE FERRARA SUSAN JOAN ELIASEK Maxine Milazzo, Vice Chair Social Media Vizient ® ® ELIASEK Vizient ErynHulsmeyer, Marx, Vice Chair PR & Organizational Marketing JOAN PWH Chair Elect PWH Sue Vice Chair Professional Eryn Marx, Vice Chair PR Development & Marketing ® Board Advisor PWH Board Advisor ®Vice Senior President, Group Senior Vice President, MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE PWH Board Advisor Committee Chair Leadership Development Brasseler Medical Bovie Medical ODRA ANDERSON Sourcing Operations McKesson Senior Director, Marketing Sourcing Operations, and COE Midmark Corporation Odra Anderson, Membership Committee Chair REGIONAL CONNECTIONS COMMITTEE Vice President of Sales Analytics McKesson Natalie Martin, Vice Chair Marketing Strategy Membership Committee Chair REGIONAL CONNECTIONS COMMITTEE and Enterprise Sales President, Media and Communications Manager Ashleigh McLaughlin, Chair President, & Brand Guidelines Ashleigh McLaughlin, Vice Chair Member Engagement Heather Davis, Regional Connections Committee Chair B. Braun Medical, Inc. (Aesculap) Extended Care Sales Heather Davis, Regional Connections Committee Chair Extended Care Sales Katarina Ivkovic, Vice Chair Product Manager | Surgical Amy Swift, Vice Chair Committee Liaison Shannon Trahan, Chair Market IntelligenceNew Member Experience Geri Lamano, ViceVice Chair Regional Events JANIS DEZSO Geri Lamano, Vice Chair Regional Events SpecialtyELIASEK Products JOAN Eryn Marx, Chair PR & Marketing Amy Denny, Vice Chair New Member Outreach OPEN, ViceVice Chair PDC Liason PWH®® Board Advisor ® OPEN, Vice Chair PDC Liason PWH Board Advisor PWH Board Advisor MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE SHARYL GARDNER Bovie Medical Jessica Wells, SHARYL GARDNER HEATHER DAVIS Vice Chair Member Experience ® McKesson ALLISON THERWHANGER PWH Advisor McKesson Medical-Surgical ® Board Odra Anderson, Membership Committee Chair Vice President of Sales REGIONAL CONNECTIONS COMMITTEE CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE PWH Board Advisor Regional Connections Amber Alexander, Vice Chair Market Intelligence CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE President, Treasurer President, Midmark Corporation AshleighDavis, McLaughlin, Vice Chair Member Engagement Committee Chair Heather Regional Connections Committee Chair Elizabeth Day-Curi, Corporate Partners Committee Chair Midmark Corporation Extended Care Sales Shippert Medical Technologies Elizabeth Day-Curi, Corporate Partners Committee Geri Lamano, Vice Chair RegionalChair Events Extended HealthFirst VICKY LYLECare Sales Shannon Trahan, Market Intelligence Geri Lamano, ViceVice Chair Regional Events President Jennifer Ramthun, ViceChair Chair Strategic Partners Jennifer Ramthun, Vice Chair Strategic Partners National Account Manager Mentoring Committee Chair JOAN ELIASEK Eryn Marx, Vice & Marketing OPEN, Vice ChairChair PDCPR Liason Jennifer O’Reilly, Vice Chair Sales Distribution Jennifer O’Reilly, Vice Chair Sales Distribution PWH Owens® &Board Minor Advisor SHARYL GARDNER Laura Reline, Vice Sales Manufacturing Operating VP, Service Line Strategy ErynChair Marx, Chair Laura Reline, Vice Chair Sales Manufacturing ® JUHAS McKesson CINDY PWH Board Advisor REGIONAL COMMITTEE CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE CINDY Carmel Veron,CONNECTIONS Vice Chair Sales GPO ®JUHAS ® President, Carmel Veron, Vice Chair Sales GPOChair Mentor Support PWH Board Advisor PWH Board Advisor Khaki Weber, Vice ® Midmark Corporation PWH Board Advisor Heather Davis, Regional Connections Committee ELIZABETH DAY-CURI Elizabeth Day-Curi, Corporate Partners CommitteeChair Chair Extended Care Sales Suzy Carlino,SUZANNE Vice ChairLORD PR & Marketing Suzy Carlino, Vice ChairAlbright, PR & Marketing CME Justine Vice Chair Mentee Support Corporate Partnership CME PWH ® EXECUTIVE BOARD, 2018 Geri Lamano, Vice Chair Regional Events CME Jennifer Ramthun, Vice Chair Strategic Partners Strategic Oversight Committee Chair Officer Chief Strategy Selena Culpepper, Vice Chair Technology Committee Chair OPEN, Vice Chair PDC Liason Jennifer O’Reilly, Vice Chair Sales Distribution PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE






SHARYL GARDNER Director of Sales, SUSAN KAISER ® PWH Board Advisor CINDY JUHAS National Distribution/Medical Professional Development


PWH Advisor ® Board PWH Board Advisor CME Midmark Corporation PWH Board Advisor

Healthcare Solutions Group Media and Corporation Communications Midmark Midmark Corporation Midmark CorporationManager President Chair, Board of Directors Chair, Board of Chair, BoardDirectors of Directors



Laura Reline, Chair Sales Manufacturing Susan Kaiser, Vice Professional Development Committee Chair Susan Kaiser,COO Professional Development Committee Chair CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE ODRA ANDERSON Carmel Veron, Vice Chair GPO Enid Oquendo, Vice Chair Sales Summit Programming Enid Oquendo,Odra Vice Chair SummitChair Programming Anderson, Membership Committee Chair Chair Elizabeth Day-Curi, Corporate Partners Committee Suzy Vice Chair & Marketing TaniaCarlino, Steinbruegge, VicePR Chair Webinars Tania Steinbruegge, Vice Chair Webinars B. Braun Medical, Inc.Vice (Aesculap) Tania Steinbruegge, Chair Webinars Jennifer Ramthun, Vice Chair Partners OPEN, Vice Chair Education &Strategic Innovation OPEN, Vice Chair Education & Innovation Product Manager | Surgical Jennifer O’Reilly, Vice Chair Sales Distribution PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Jessica Lucio, Vice Chair Education & Innovation


Laura Reline, Chair Sales Manufacturing Susan Kaiser, Vice Professional Development Committee Chair MENTORING COMMITTEE MENTORING COMMITTEE

HealthFirst DUKAL Corporation Vice President, Marketing National Account Manager Vice President, Marketing ANNE EITING KLAMAR & Channel Management & Channel Management ®

PWH Board Advisor

PAMELA WEDOW Midmark Corporation


PWH®Board Board Chair, of Advisor Directors SUZANNE LORD ®


Carmel Veron, Vice Sales GPO Enid Oquendo, Vice Chair Chair Summit Programming Vicky Lyle, Mentoring Committee Chair Vicky Lyle, Mentoring Committee Chair Susan Kaiser, Chair Suzy Carlino, Vice Chair PR & Marketing Tania Steinbruegge, Vice Chair Webinars Susan Hunter-Vinson, Vice Chair Individual Mentoring Susan Hunter-Vinson, Vice Chair Individual Mentoring April Shomper, Vice Chair Content OPEN, Vice Chair Education & Innovation Jen Nicholson, Vice Chair Group Mentoring Jen Nicholson, Vice Chair Group VICKY LYLE Mentoring PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Shelley Bache,Erin ViceMentoring Chair PR &Committee Marketing Hyatt, Vice Chair Hospitality Chair Shelley Bache, Vice Chair PR & Marketing Susan Kaiser, Professional Development Committee Chair MENTORING COMMITTEE


PWH Board Advisor CME HEATHER DAVIS ® Corporation PAMELA WEDOW Regional Connections Midmark PWH Board Advisor PAMELA WEDOW HEATHER LLORCA-KROPP ® PWH Board Advisor Committee Chair Chair, of Directors PWH®Board Past Chair PWH Board Advisor DUKAL Corporation ®

Natalie Martin, Owens & MinorMarketing Liaison

Enid Oquendo, Vice Chair Summit Programming Vicky Lyle, Mentoring Committee Chair VP, Service Strategy KimOperating Thies, Vice ChairLine Summit Sponsors Tania Steinbruegge, Vice Chair Webinars Susan Hunter-Vinson, Vice Chair Individual Mentoring


OPEN, Vice Chair Education & Innovation Jen Nicholson, Vice Chair Group Mentoring Shelley Bache, Vice Chair PR & Marketing

Sue Hulsmeyer, Chair MENTORING COMMITTEE PWH Board Advisor Strategic Oversight Amy Swift, Vice Chair Committee Liaison Vicky Lyle, Mentoring Committee Chair RACHELLEChair FERRARA SUSAN KAISER Committee Coalition for Independent Care ® Danni Green, Vice Chair PWH Chair Elect Susan Hunter-Vinson, Vice ChairDevelopment IndividualInclusion Mentoring& Diversity Professional Coalition for Independent Care Chief Operating Officer Committee Chair Brasseler Medical Elliott, Vice Chair Organizational Leadership Development COO PAMELA WEDOW Jen Nicholson,Brooke Vice Chair Group Mentoring Senior®Director, Marketing PWH Board Advisor and Enterprise Sales

Corporation Shelley Bache, ViceMidmark Chair PR & Marketing

Media and Communications Manager • Issue 2 • summer 2020 15


HIDA Supports Lawmakers’ Efforts to Strengthen Strategic National Stockpile By Sharon Cohen, Communications Director, HIDA

Increasing supply chain elasticity, improving U.S. production of PPE, and partnering with the private sector to replenish supplies leads to a better prepared America. Strengthening the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) will enhance the nation’s medical supply chain and its elasticity. A new bipartisan bill introduced this spring in both the House of Representatives and the Senate is designed to do just that. It builds on the work HIDA and its federal partners have been collaborating on during the last several years. “Creating a continuous and elevated level of demand for key preparedness products requires a strong private/public partnership,” said HIDA VP of Government Affairs Linda Rouse O’Neill. “HIDA applauds these lawmakers’ efforts that continue to improve our nation’s medical products supply chain.” The measure was introduced in April as H.R. 6531 by Reps. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) and Jackie Walorski (R-IN) amidst the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic. Shortly thereafter, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) with support from Sens.


Summer 2020 • Issue 2 •

Michael Bennet (D-CO) and Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) led the effort on the other side of the Hill with the introduction of a companion bill, S. 3827. H.R. 6531 was folded into the broader HEROES Act that the House passed mid-May. Although the HEROES Act probably will not become law in its current form, Congress is continuing negotiations around the next coronavirus response package and certain provisions likely will reappear in future legislation. The Medical Supplies for Pandemics Act of 2020 amends a 2019 preparedness bill and underlying public health service act. It also authorizes $500 million annually through fiscal year 2023 to implement a supply chain flexibility manufacturing program that would create incentives for U.S. manufacturers to improve supply chain elasticity. The program would be charged with: > Creating incentives for manufacturers of medical supplies to diversify production and enhance supply chain elasticity

> Establishing and maintaining domestic reserves of critical medical supplies like personal protective equipment and diagnostic tests; and > Working with distributors of medical supplies to manage domestic reserves held by the Strategic National Stockpile by refreshing and replenishing supply stocks. The legislation is designed to ensure the U.S. is better prepared to avoid shortages of critical supplies and to create a reliable domestic reserve of lifesaving medical equipment so the nation is ready for the next crisis, Rep. Walorski said. Rep. Dingell noted that modernizing the stockpile and the medical supply chain is key to ensuring frontline healthcare workers and first responders have adequate supplies of PPE. HIDA and its members have been working with SNS and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response

(ASPR) for years. HIDA and its members have provided executive-level subject matter experts to share commercial supply chain manufacturing capacity, challenges, and industry requirements for ancillary products in the SNS. The SNS has hosted multiple workshops and tabletop exercises with HIDA that have led to better communications and collaboration among manufacturers and distributors in responding to emergencies and disasters. The Medical Supplies for Pandemics Act builds on language included in the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act (PAHPAI) that President Trump signed into law in June 2019. PAHPAI formalizes public/ private partnerships to ensure continuity during a disaster, which addressed understanding product availability for medical countermeasures and market capacity as well as identifying substitutions and alternative products.

Welcome New Members* Adrienne Ainsworth Advocate Aurora Health Alison Baier Premier Tara Bain Premier Jacqueline Ball Midmark Corporation Shanti Bandaru Premier Callie Barber ME Margaret Barker Vizient Inc Sophia Barnes Premier Ruth Bauer Sekisui Diagnostics Erica Blight Sekisui Bernadette Boeckmann O&M Halyard, Inc. Meghan Brown Crosstex Marcia Burgest Premier Kelli Cabuno Premier Sara Campanelli Premier Amy Cochran Repertoire Brandy Copeland Vizient

Bethany Downs Premier Krista Durst McKesson Med Surg Brooke Elliott Premier Lisset Esqueda Byram Healthcare Rebecca Ferreira Sagamore Sales & Marketing, Inc. Georgia Fisher Symmetry Surgical Christi Fortenberry Symmetry Surgical Ericka Freeman Premier Jessica Gafgen Premier Aimee Gallo Premier Genevieve Giovannone Sekisui Diagnostics Cindy Gitter Georgia Pacific Stacey Guthrie NDC, Inc. Jennifer Hansen Premier Valerie Hanson-Jones Premier Zane Hendrix Premier Carl Henshaw Vizient

Hyun Henton Premier Flora Horvath Premier Katelyn Howerton Medline Industries Jeff Jochims Owens & Minor Kim Johnson Premier Nancy Kailas Excelerant Consulting Erica Klein Premier Jacqueline Kleinau Cardinal Health Jenna Kolker Premier Kathy Kovalic B Braun Becky Leavitt Premier Jaime Lugibihl Molnlycke Madeline Lukomski Medline Industries Valita McCall McKesson Kelly Merkel Owens & Minor Jennifer Miles Vizient Stephanie Miller Medline Industries

Crystal Moore Premier Stephanie Muir Midmark Corporation Ashley Murphy McKesson Jennifer Nordentoft Medline Industries Ashur Novick Vizient Thu Phan Premier Julie Polak Minnich Premier Elise Prete-Adams Premier Leah Rapmund Midmark Corporation Meghan Reasons Premier Jacquaya Reel Premier Susan Revell Ecolab Yolanda Rhodes Premier LaToya Richardson Premier Kaleigh Richardson Sagamore Sales & Marketing, Inc. Allie Setter Medline Industries Megan Shull Premier

Elizabeth Smiley Premier Leann Spadaro Premier Austin Stonecash Premier Courtney Talbot Medline Industries Tamara Thornton Owens & Minor Milkenzie Tremblay Premier Michael Walker Owens & Minor Carletta Washington Premier Kelley White KBK Communications Emily Wilburn Wilburn Medical USA Ella Williams Premier Alanna Williams Premier Lauren Wolfe Provista Kayla Woodall Premier Melissa Zier McKesson Medical-Surgical * From February 26, 2020 through June 19, 2020 • Issue 2 • summer 2020 17


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