PWH Q3 2019

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P R O F E S S I O N A L W O M E N I N H E A LT H C A R E ® • W E C R E AT E L E A D E R S


PWH® 2019 Leadership Summit Highlights


DEVOUR: Nashville is a Top Destination for Business and Fun



TECH TRENDS: Techy Terms and 3 Trends on the Rise HIDA Legislative Update

Dynamic Partners Drive Leadership and Success

Nancy Wobig (left) is a Senior Director at both Mayo Clinic and Vizient. Lindsey Sheeran (right) serves as Senior Category Manager in Supply Chain Management at Mayo Clinic.

p.6 Issue 3 • fall 2019



pg. 3


pg. 4-5

MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Nancy Wobig, Vizient and Lindsey Sheeran, Mayo Clinic

pg. 6-9

DEVOUR Nashville – Top Destination for Business and Fun pg. 12-13 PWH® AWARD WINNERS

pg. 14

TECH TRENDS Techy Terms and 3 Trends on the Rise

pg. 15


pg. 16-17

CORPORATE PARTNER SPOTLIGHT B. Braun Medical - Boosting Participation

pg. 8

PROMOTIONS SPOTLIGHT Cheryl Rickard, McKesson Medical-Surgical

pg. 18


pg. 9


pg. 18

pg. 10

HIDA LEGISLATIVE UPDATE HIDA Members Head to the Hill to Talk Tariffs, Taxes and More

pg. 19

pg. 11


pg. 20


Connect Staff and Volunteers CHAIR & VICE CHAIR OF PWH® MARKETING COMMITTEE Natalie Martin, Director, Creative Services, NDC Eryn Marx, Senior Marketing Manager, DUKAL EDITOR Rachel Bailey Penwan Communication Inc.

ART DIRECTOR Brent Cashman Graphics Manager, BOCdesign, Inc. EDITORIAL & CIRCULATION MANAGER Michelle Rydberg Executive Director, PWH®

CHAIR of PWH® PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Susan Kaiser, Media and Communications Manager, Corporate Communications, Midmark FOOD & TRAVEL EDITOR Jackie Jones Director of Dental Sales & Marketing, NDC

PWH® MISSION & PURPOSE PWH® is an organization dedicated to ongoing professional leadership development for women and men in healthcare businesses. We are a member organization providing a national voice and progressive leadership for women in healthcare. Our goal is to reach all women in our industry and empower them in their personal and professional lives. We are also committed to integrated leadership development and gender equity for all individuals within the industries we serve. Our mission is to empower women to lead and succeed. Our vision is a health care industry equally led by women.


fall 2019 • Issue 3 •


Help a Sister Out “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Female leaders have the ability to accomplish amazing things when they lean on each other. This is especially important in today’s business landscape considering different generations are rapidly entering the industry. For the first time, four distinct generations are in the workplace together – we have the baby boomers, gen Xers, millennials and gen Z –, the latest generation to enter the workforce – which was dynamically highlighted at the 2019 PWH® Leadership Summit – just in case you missed it!

What fascinates me is that each generation has different defining characteristics and strengths, which also means we always have something to learn from each other. To quote our PWH® Advisor and Board Member, Suzanne Lord, “It’s a gift. Keep learning from each encounter.” She’s right. The more we surround ourselves with diversity, including having people of different ages around us, the more effective we are in coming up with new ideas and achieving higher levels of greatness in all aspects of life. We are living in an era that has stirred a surge of vocal pride with, for and among women. However, we are still hearing stories about women who say they are not getting support from other women in business. This may not be the case for everyone, but if you find this to be true in your situation, ladies, know this… it is time to support each other in the workplace. We have asked men to do so, and we need to do so. Women are struggling to be positive, supportive and respectful of each other in our successes. This should not be a huge gap placing distance between us. As a woman, I know that we are our worst critics. It’s just so nice when another female (older or younger

– doesn’t matter her secular rank) approaches you and provides input, advice, collaboration and the opportunity to learn. We all have insecurities. It’s human. Our insecurities can make us worry that we are not good enough for that role, that next step, that decision, or to even walk up to someone at a networking event to introduce ourselves. Sometimes jealousy gets in the way too, and it prevents us from celebrating our female peers. It’s important to support our work-sisters because we need each other. I have been fortunate to align with so many women within my organization, PWH® and within the industry who have supported me and my growth. Here are some steps that have helped me over the years: 1. Select one woman in your organization who you would like to know better and ask her to lunch. Pick her brain. 2. Mentor someone and become a mentor. 3. S ponsor someone. Proactively seek out one woman and be her advocate. This is different than being a mentor. Speak up on her behalf. Be her light. You will gain back.

Women are powerful allies for each other. There is an army of women who are rising up – both the generation behind you and in front of you. When a woman helps another woman, we all win. When women celebrate each other’s accomplishments, we are all lifted. When we team up and collaborate on ideas – we win BIG. This is why – we gain different perspectives from different generations and from each other. So ladies, help a sister out. Try these three steps. I want to hear from you. Send me your best practices – and together, let’s change the world!

Cheers! Rachelle Ferrara PWHv Chair 2019-2020 • Issue 3 • Fall 2019 3


Highlights from the 2019 PWH® Leadership Summit

June 3–5, 2020 | Minneapolis, MN


The 2020 PWH® Leadership Summit will be held at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Minneapolis. (Save the date: June 3-5, 2020)

This year’s Summit attracted 200 attendees and the support of 23 sponsors.

One of our top-rated sessions this year was titled “Make Way for Gen Z” and featured the father and son team, David and Jonah Stillman.

Several men attended this year’s Summit. Men can also join PWH® year-round as associate members.

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The 2019 PWH® Leadership Summit partnered with World Vision®, a non-profit organization providing kits designed to help women struggling with poverty and disease, recovering from natural disasters or escaping violence.

Shown here left to right: PWH® Past Chair Julee Prefer, Cardinal CEO Mike Kauffman and Institute for Gender Partnership™ Founder and CEO Rayona Sharpnack. Kauffman joined Sharpnack on stage for a general session on Gender Partnership to share what he’s learned from their partnership as he strives to uncover gender parity blindspots in his organization.

PWH® Chair Rachelle Ferrara kicked off the Summit with a warm welcome and inspiration to keep growing. PWH® can be your compass as you go.

Sara Lebens lead a breakout session titled “Mentoring in a Servant Leadership World.”

This year’s leadership panel discussed “Leading through Emerging Technologies and Disruptive Innovation.” Shown here left to right: Darren Baldwin, Cindy Kay Olson, Rodney Haas, Amy Brouhle and Moderator Scott Adams.

Attendees at this year’s Summit could choose to attend three of the ten different breakout sessions offered. • Issue 3 • fall 2019 5


Dynamic Partners Drive Leadership and Success The female leaders featured in this PWH® member spotlight drive a powerful supply chain relationship for Mayo Clinic and its group purchasing organization, Vizient. Lindsey Sheeran serves as Senior Category Manager in Supply Chain Management at Mayo Clinic. Nancy Wobig is a Senior Director at both Mayo Clinic and Vizient. In this dynamic relationship, Wobig serves as the senior leader. Together they have pioneered new solutions for contracting and made each other stronger. They have also begun to embrace resources provided by PWH® to enhance their leadership development. PWH®: What are your current responsibilities at your respective organizations? Sheeran: As a Senior Category Manager in Supply Chain Management at Mayo Clinic, my primary responsibility is to manage the medical-surgical contracting team as well as to negotiate and manage over $100 million in spend on clinical preference and commodity contracts for Mayo Clinic and Captis™.

of Enterprise Client at Vizient, who is responsible for the Mayo Clinic relationship.

PWH®: Tell us about the relationship you have developed with one another. Lindsey Sheeran How does it work? Sheeran: Nancy and I have worked together for a long time. She hired me in 2006 as a buyer in procurement, a division of supply chain management. Nancy was a supervisor at Mayo Clinic during this time. This was Wobig: I am a Vizient Nancy Wobig my first experience working employee dedicated as an onin supply chain, and I was site resource at Mayo Clinic. I very thankful to have a female leader like have been in this role for ten years. her to provide guidance as I needed it. For Mayo, I am responsible for leading Nancy eventually moved into a Vizient role the medical-surgical and laboratory dedicated to Mayo Clinic in contracting. contracting teams. We negotiate contracts After gaining experience in a variety on behalf of Mayo Clinic, Captis™ (a of different roles, including being a Vizient-supported aggregation group led by supervisor, I moved over to contracting, Mayo) and the Vizient Achieve Committed where I began working for Nancy again. Program™ for clinical preference and At first I wasn’t sure if being a contract commodity contracts. I report to the Vice Chair of Supply Chain for Mayo Clinic and sit manager was for me, but I knew that I had the right manager to ensure that I on the Mayo supply chain leadership team. would be provided the tools and resources For Vizient, I am part of the custom team I needed to succeed. Nancy has always located at Mayo Clinic, and all the Vizient been very honest with me and good about staff on site report to me. We are very integrated into the contracting teams at Mayo providing feedback, whether it is positively or negatively constructive. Her leadership Clinic. I report to Mark Ridge, Vice President


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style has enabled me to gain confidence in my role and feel empowered to keep growing in my career. The two of us have had opportunities to work together on several initiatives that have been market leading for our organization and supply chain in general. For example, we worked on a supplier scorecard that is used to rank our strategic suppliers and help manage supplier relationships. This tool has allowed us to provide feedback to our suppliers and improve performance. Nancy and I presented on this tool at several conferences for healthcare organizations. We also implemented the use of aptitude®, an online contracting platform that helps our organization improve processes and decrease contract timeline. We were early adopters of this tool that is now used by many organizations. We have been a successful duo in many ways, whether it’s partnering to strategize on a complicated negotiation, implementing a new program, fostering change or working together to tackle the next challenge put in front of us. Wobig: I have had the privilege of hiring Lindsey twice. Twelve years ago, she joined my team in a procure-to-pay role, and five years ago she joined my contracting team. Lindsey is the lead on the medical-surgical contracting team and reports to me, as her manager, even though she is Mayo, and I am Vizient. Our relationship has evolved as our jobs have evolved. When Lindsey came to the team, we had about 40 Captis members and around 100 contracts. We now have 86 members and over 200 contracts that we manage. As we have grown, the technologies and processes we use have evolved as well. Lindsey has really taken on the role of operationalizing

those improvements and keeping the rest of the team aligned and organized. As we have grown, our opportunities for attending conferences, representing Captis and Mayo Clinic at supplier exchanges, and presenting have also increased. I hope that I serve as a role model and mentor to her. She is so good at the details and the day-to-day operations. I hope I help her grow and develop as a strategic thinker and an even stronger leader. PWH®: Describe the value PWH® brings to you, your joint relationship and your organization. Sheeran: I’m fairly new to PWH®, so I’m not aware of all of the resources yet, but I am very excited to find out more. In my limited experience, I have already been able to make connections with female leaders across several other organizations. Wobig: PWH® has given us resources to help me help Lindsey. The more I can expose her to different topics, speakers and ideas, the stronger she will get. The interactions and networking with women in all areas of healthcare is invaluable as we continue to build Lindsey’s brand and strengthen her bench. This organization really supports how I think about women in leadership. I never want to lead with “I am a woman, so therefore… “I want to always lead with “I am prepared for this position. I am the best candidate, and as a woman, I bring a different view point.” PWH® helps us build and strengthen women to be prepared for leadership opportunities. Lindsey will continue to grow in her career and will be a stronger leader. PWH : What is your favorite moment about your career so far? Sheeran: My favorite moment of my career is the day that I truly realized how the work that I do on a daily basis impacts the patients at Mayo Clinic. I sat in a hospital room with my sister as she began her first ®

chemo treatment, and I looked around at all of the products that were being used. I recognized every supply in that room, and I was personally responsible for contracting many of them. I felt a sense of relief knowing that all of the products being used have been clinically validated and that the cost was fiscally responsible. In my job, I’ve always related the work that we do to Mayo’s primary value: the needs of the patient come first. Even knowing my sister’s scary diagnosis, seeing how I was able to directly impact her patient care was a surreal feeling. I’m proud to be working at Mayo Clinic. I am motivated to continue making an impact as a supply chain leader. Wobig: I have had the privilege of working for great companies in my supply chain career. I have also had many great leaders, both male and female. I have always been encouraged to think about how things are done, make changes for the better and continue to grow in whatever role I have had. I have loved the majority of the jobs I have had, but I must say, the job I am in now is my favorite! So much has changed with our breadth of providers that have access to the work we do, the relationships I have built with suppliers and distributors, and the exposure to both a world class hospital system as well as a world class GPO—I have the best of the business and the provider worlds right now! Both companies believe that the patient is at the forefront of what we do. It is a great privilege to a part of both companies. PWH®: What advice do you have for other “working duos” in our industry today? Are there any best practices that you would like to share? Sheeran: I would contribute our success as a duo to being open to all ideas and listening to feedback. I always feel that Nancy trusts my work, and she is there for

support as needed. Good communication and knowing when to escalate issues have been key factors in how we work as a team. Wobig: While I am considered the manager in this relationship, Lindsey and I work well together because we trust and respect each other and the opinions and ideas we both have. We are not afraid to be bold together and to each other. We understand that positive feedback is important, but understanding where the opportunities lie for improvement is almost more important. I believe finding the opportunities for exposure to other providers, suppliers and leadership is a great way to help someone grow. I feel I push her just outside of her comfort zone to keep her growing. PWH®: How did you hear about PWH® and why did you choose to join the organization? Sheeran: I first heard about PWH® from Nancy and another colleague who attended the annual PWH® Leadership Summit last year. They were both very energized from their experience and shared with me many things that they learned. I knew that the PWH® organization was something I had to be a part of and wanted to find the best way for me, as an employee of a provider, to join. After reviewing resources on the PWH® website, I applied for the PWH® Leadership Summit scholarship and was fortunate enough to win it! Wobig: I heard about PWH® through Anne Trieste at Vizient who then invited me to join Vizient’s PWH® group membership. I am happy to be a part of the organization because I love working in healthcare, and I love to manage and mentor my staff, which includes a large number of women. PWH® provides opportunities for them, and for me, to continually strengthen our bench and help our team become better and stronger leaders. • Issue 3 • fall 2019 7


Boosting Participation

Company Name: B. Braun Medical Inc. Corporate Headquarters: Bethlehem, PA Year Established: 1979 (US) Number of Employees: 7,000 Number of PWH Members: 36 Leadership Team: Caroll H. Neubauer, Chairman Joe Grispo, Senior VP & Chief Executive Officer & Chief Sales Officer Bruce Heugel, Senior VP Wes Cetnarowski, Senior VP & Chief Financial Officer & Chief Medical Officer Cathy Codrea, Senior VP, General Juergen Schloesser, Senior VP Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer & Chief Operations Officer Rob Albert, Senior VP Chuck DiNardo, President, Aesculap, Inc. & Chief Marketing Officer

B. Braun team members representing all levels of leadership attended the 2019 PWH® Leadership Summit.


Fall 2019 • Issue 3 •

Internal PWH® Champion: Justine Albright, Product Manager II, Chronic Care Marketing B. Braun Mission: B. Braun is committed to improving people’s health by eliminating preventable treatment errors and enhancing patient care. We are driven by innovation, efficiency and sustainability by working together to provide long-term solutions and helping change healthcare for the better. Listening, empathy and collaboration are core B. Braun values. Through ongoing communication with patients, clinicians and our partners, B. Braun develops effective products, solutions and programs that address key healthcare challenges. Products and Services: As a leader in infusion therapy and pain management technology, B. Braun takes proactive steps to enhance patient, clinician and environmental safety. Our products are designed to address some of healthcare’s most significant challenges including opioid abuse, hospital-acquired malnutrition and hazardous drug exposure.

Share why your organization became a PWH® Corporate Partner: “B. Braun is an organization with many talented female employees, and Professional Women in Healthcare® provided a tremendous networking opportunity for those employees. PWH® answered an unmet need for B. Braun and, as a result, employee reaction and participation has been phenomenal. B.Braun established a meaningful PWH® sponsorship position to showcase its talent and to assist employees in developing an effective and powerful professional network,” Scott Quilty, Corporate Vice President. Describe the value PWH® brings to your organization: “I have been the beneficiary of many letters of appreciation, so it’s clearly evident to me that PWH® has made a meaningful impact on the B. Braun organization. Commitment across our employee population for the PWH® mission is undeniable. B. Braun’s female leaders, and future leaders, are developing networks that benefit

and improve the company while providing real assistance in their daily responsibilities. We are fortunate for these talented contributors, and we are thankful for the consistent value PWH® delivers,” Scott Quilty, Corporate Vice President. Share the impact PWH® has had on your organization: “PWH® has provided a platform for the employees of B. Braun to bond in their professional growth regardless of title or experience. Scott Quilty, Corporate Vice President of B. Braun, was the first to recognize the important relationships, experience and leadership exposure of PWH® for the women (and men) of B. Braun. B. Braun supports Lunch & Learns within the corporate office for all PWH® webinars, which creates strong bonds among internal employees, and which may not happen organically due to business segments. There are now four B. Braun employees, from all levels of the organization chart that currently sit on the PWH® board. Thanks, PWH® and B. Braun!” Carmel Veron, Vice President, Critical Care Sales.

SAVE THE DATES: June 3–5, 2020 | Hyatt Regency Minneapolis Thank you to all of our Corporate Partners, Sponsors, Speakers & Attendees for making the second annual PWH® Leadership Summit a success! The PWH® Leadership Summit returns to Minneapolis June 3–5, 2020. “The PWH® Summit exceeded my expectations in every way. What a tremendous opportunity to network with and learn from industry leaders. So happy to be a part of this group and very much looking forward to next year!” ~ Pam Daigle, Premier “What I’ve gotten out of this conference has far exceeded my expectations. I would highly recommend this to other men in my organization.” ~ Don Lovre, B. Braun Medical, Inc.

Registration now open at • Issue 3 • fall 2019 9


Leadership Insights from the 2019 PWH® Leadership Summit Powered By Happy by David Gillan, Senior Vice President, Sourcing Operations, Vizient • How do you make someone feel valued? You make them feel happy. Words can make people happy. A compliment is a simple, cost-free way to make someone feel happy. • How do you drive happiness? Through peer-to-peer connections. One-on-ones enable more authentic communication versus scripted communication in group situations. • Did you know increasing happiness by at least 20% drives more success? Happiness drives more productive, more effective and more revenue generating organizations. Manage or Be Managed in a High-Tech World by Jan Lehman, President, CTC Productivity • Apply the 80/20 rule. Prioritize so that you spend 20% of your time doing what brings 80% of value, rather than 80% of your time driving only 20% value. • Email leads you down rabbit holes that use up a lot of time. Don’t let the tail wag the dog. • Due your top three priority things before you check email. • Block off the time when you are most productive each day and turn off all notifications. • Set the expectation with co-workers so they know what is ‘interruption worthy.’ • Know that each interruption costs 20 minutes. • Implement a communication protocol. How to Get a Seat on the Board by Maribess Miller, Board of Directors, Zix Corp, Triumph Bancorp and Midmark Corporation • Average pay for a mid-size fortune company board spot is $200K/year. • By 2020 – 20% of board spots will be women. • Board spot selection is a two-year process. • Getting on a board requires expertise in some area the board needs. • Top areas of expertise boards are now looking for: Cyber Security, Leadership, HR, Diversity, Technology, Digital, Risk Management. • R emember: Referrals get you to the table. Networking gets you referrals. Preparation makes you ready when opportunities arise.


Fall 2019 • Issue 3 •

• Prepare a “future state bio” to ensure you are ready when opportunity knocks. Draft your future state and then get certified in those areas. This will enable others to recognize you as a leader and expert in those areas. The Importance of Corporate and Individual Social Responsibility by Bruce Mairose, Vice Chair, Supply Management, Mayo Clinic • Storytelling creates cohesiveness and supports an organization’s foundation. • Cultivating a storytelling culture lends to a more foundational organization. • The storytelling foundation of Mayo Clinic includes valuing the concepts of stewardship, community and natural resources such that Mayo Clinic makes those three values integral to its mission. Servant Leadership by Sara Lebens, CEO, Lebens Advisory Group • A servant leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps others to develop. • A servant leader sees the person, not the uniform. • A servant leader makes you feel energized, believes in you and helps you realize skills you weren’t sure you had. • A disengaged employee who earns $60K a year costs $20K a year in lost productivity. • Of the 3.5 million employees who leave their jobs annually, half actually leave a boss or leader, not the job. • Knowing what motivates employees and having the power to help them can curb attrition. Empowering Your Team from the Ground up by K.C. Meleski, Vice President, Sales, CME • Going from sales to management means shifting from supporting customers to supporting employees. • When hiring, remember one size doesn’t fit all. • When training, provide a list of onboarding tasks, build a structured training schedule and utilize a case study method. • Managing by measurement means allowing teammates to set their goals, creating benchmarks and making sales team member rankings public. • Remember to energize middle performers most.


Interactive Online Leadership Development Courses Develop your skills and further your influence. PWH® has partnered with Katie Snapp, Founder, to offer distance learning courses with an opportunity for participants to earn Certificates in Leadership Development. Katie Snapp received outstanding reviews as a speaker at the 2019 PWH® Leadership Summit, and her webinars on the PWH® platform are some of our most highly rated and attended. Each course provides: • Three lessons delivered online over five weeks or less • Three group coaching sessions • One personal coaching session

Katie Snapp

Upcoming courses include: SEASONS OF CHANGE: INTERACTING WITH OTHERS: A PERENNIAL VIEW OF RESILIENCY & PRODUCTIVITY ENGAGING WITH THE ENVIRONMENT AROUND YOU COURSE #2 COURSE #2 COURSE #3 COURSE #3 Adjust to ups and by understanding the GreatINTERACTING leaders sense their surroundings and WITH INTERACTING OTHERS: WITH OTHERS: SEASONS OF CHANGE: SEASONSdowns OF CHANGE: organic of change. VIEW OF build productive environments. ENGAGING WITH ENGAGING THE WITH A THE PERENNIAL VIEW A cycle PERENNIAL OF Course 3 begins: 1, 2019 Course 2 begins: September 20, 2019 ENVIRONMENTENVIRONMENT AROUND YOU AROUND RESILIENCY YOU & PRODUCTIVITY RESILIENCY &November PRODUCTIVITY Deadline to register: October 18, 2019 Deadline to register:Great September 6, 2019 Great leaders sense their surroundings leaders sense and their surroundings Adjust to upsand and downs Adjust by understanding to ups and downs by understanding Member: | Nonmember: $399 Member: $349 | Nonmember: $399 the organic cycle of change. the$349 organic cycle of change. In this course you will:In this course you will: •

In this course you will:In this course you will:

• Realize the challenge • Realize of the challenge of

that you see as crucial that you see as crucial • of power • • Review how the concepts • Review of how power the concepts from others from others • Learn to coach others • Learn to success to coach others to success • • way that is easy to grasp way and that is easy to grasp•and • build upon build upon • Reinforce your personal • Reinforce bio to your personal bioand to sanity and sanity take it from drab to fab! take it from drab to fab!• • • Find out how to Role • Find Model outothers how to Role Model others and become a Role Model and FOR become others a Role Model FOR forward othersprogress, sensing forward andprogress, sensing and • Other skill-building•includes Other skill-building includes and listening openly and listening openly

Both women and men welcome! Register at • Issue 3 • Fall 2019 11

Nashville – Top Destination for Business and Fun Guest Contributor Laura Reline, Director Supplier Management and PWH® Vice Chair of Sales Manufacturing on the Corporate Partnership Committee

Nashville is, to borrow a line from George Jones, “hotter than a two-dollar pistol.” And so is the restaurant scene. Many of you have probably visited Nashville and have experienced the great southern pulled pork barbeque, Nashville hot chicken or meat and three joints. While those are good options, Nashville has grown to be a foodie town with diverse choices and flavors. Jackie asked me to provide an updated list of some of my favorites organized by location in Nashville. Don’t forget to reach out to your NDC friends while you are here! GERMANTOWN 5th & Taylor A former warehouse turned into an eclectic, well-designed restaurant with a unique menu. Don’t miss the tomato pie, fried gulf oysters, double stack burger or steamed mussels. Geist One of Nashville’s newest restaurants is set in one of the city’s oldest buildings. Originally opened in 1886 by German immigrant John Geist Sr. and operated out of a modest brick shop until 2006, the John Geist and Sons Blacksmith Shop was the city’s oldest business in continuous family ownership and operation. The building was restructured with the current brick in 1900 and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1980. You will enjoy the creative menu and drinks in a homey setting. My favorite is the quaint outdoor courtyard which features a brick fireplace in the cold months and a champagne garden in the warmer months. Rolf & Daughters An interesting name with an interesting menu. You won’t be bored here. The food is adventurous and great for sharing. Have your server guide you. You won’t be disappointed.


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Germantown Café Owned by one of NDC’s own, Natalie Martin’s husband, Jeff, is the executive chef at Germantown Café. Touted as the best happy hour in Nashville, they feature yummy appetizers and drinks for prices you can’t get elsewhere. Should you stay and dine, you will see the best view of downtown Nashville. Don’t miss the crab cakes, house salad with blue cheese crumbles and house made vinaigrette or the char-crusted steak. Von Elrod’s Beer Hall & Kitchen This hall features 36 beers on tap as well as countless bottles. The food is delicious featuring in house smoked sausages, brisket, ribs, turkey and pork. Don’t miss the deviled eggs, dry rub smoked ribs or crispy brussel sprouts. THE GULCH Virago Most people wouldn’t think to eat sushi in Nashville, but if you have a craving, this place is awesome. They have a new location on M Street. If you like rolls, don’t miss ‘The Bomb.’

Oak Steakhouse An innovative take on the classic steakhouse. Farm fresh dishes and steak, and the cheese/meat board filled with local items is delicious. DOWNTOWN Etch Owner and Chef Deb Paquette offers fresh, modern options using unique flavor combinations in a modern setting. Don’t miss the roasted cauliflower. As a bonus, a portion of the proceeds of each roasted cauliflower sold benefits Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee. The Southern Steak & Oyster A vibrant location that’s open breakfast through dinner so check the menu before you go. Also, make a reservation as this is a hot spot. Don’t miss the barbeque oysters, shrimp or fish and grits, and if you are really hungry the ‘Nudie Suit.’ Jeff Ruby’s Deemed Nashville’s best steakhouse, this white tablecloth restaurant offers delicious steak and seafood. Get a reservation and be prepared for a pricey check at the end of the meal. It’s expensive, but worth it. If you want to experience Jeff Ruby’s without the hefty tab, have a martini and an appetizer at the bar. It has a fancy art deco atmosphere with a piano player most evenings. The shrimp cocktail boasts giant prawns.

Pearl Diver More of a place for drinks than food, this island vibe location includes cabanas and a swimming pool like pit area. The palomas are excellent. Rosepepper Cantina Fresh Mexican food. THE best margarita in Nashville made with real lime juice, no sour mix here! Don’t miss the buffalo white cheese dip with chorizo and homemade chips. AIRPORT AREA The Eastern Peak JJ found this hidden gem and they serve fresh, delicious Thai food and sushi. They have a full bar with lots of local beer and wine options. If you like sashimi, don’t miss the sashimi deluxe combo including white tuna. The drunken noodles, pad Thai and the shrimp avocado salad are also fan favorites. There is also a location in Bellevue. HENDERSONVILLE (NORTH NASHVILLE) Moby Dicky’s mobydickys A locally operated, full-service restaurant offering a wide menu right on Old Hickory Lake. The restaurant features a laidback lake vibe inside and out. Sit on the patio if the weather cooperates. A family owned business, Dicky Moran, the owner, will likely be there any time you visit. Don’t miss the grouper fingers.

EAST NASHVILLE Two Ten Jack If you are looking for something different try this Asian influenced tapas spot. They feature delicious small plate options and my favorite: cocktails on tap! Don’t miss the ‘No. 2’ cocktail, a modern twist on a margarita with fresh cilantro. For food, the garlic noodles are rich and delicious.

Blossom & Cellar Door Craft Cavern Known for their fresh, authentic Thai food and expansive list of beers on tap. Don’t get in a hurry. This is the kind of place where you will see whole fresh vegetables being restocked in the kitchen, so it’s worth the wait. I recommend the pad woon sen with shrimp. • Issue 3 • Fall 2019 13


Anne Eiting Klamar Leadership Award of Distinction PWH® recognizes CEO of Concordance Healthcare Solutions Lisa Hohman as the 2019 recipient of the Anne Eiting Klamar Leadership Award of Distinction. This distinguished leadership award recognizes a woman who has experienced significant growth to become an accomplished leader in our industry, who has catapulted her career, scope of responsibility and professional development. She exudes confidence, integrity and is well respected by the industry, her peers and her subordinates. Hohman embodies what the award attempts to acknowledge. She demonstrates these characteristics and traits on a daily basis and is committed to giving back. Her self-confidence and business acumen are only foreshadowed by her passion

Concordance Healthcare Solutions CEO Lisa Hohman accepts this year’s Anne Eiting Klamar Leadership Award of Distinction at the 2019 PWH® Leadership Summit. Hohman is the second recipient of this award.

for those with whom she works. She is a leader whom others desire to follow and be mentored by. Hohman’s stewardship of her company’s success and her support and compassion for each employee and team member are beyond reproach. Her career path has migrated across the gamut of supply distribution activities, culminating in her current role as CEO of Concordance Healthcare Solutions. Not only is Hohman recognized in our industry as a distinguished and capable business leader, but those who know her personally will also tell you about her love, commitment and passion for her family. She has raised three very capable children who are all as prepared as her to “set their own sail” in this world. She is truly a deserving recipient of this award.

where you and your spouse are headed on vacation, what sports your children play and what cause you are passionate about. In fact, he’ll fly to your town to walk in the charity event with you or make a donation online when he can’t. In 2016, he helped establish the Ryan Richards Foundation in honor of his good friend ® PWH celebrates the memory of one of our founders, who died at age 40 of a rare cancer. Their mission is to help Jana Quinn, by recognizing someone in our families suffering with cancer and advance industry—woman or man—who inspires medical research in changing lives. us and leads by example. We’re happy to He was present at the very first PWH® event and continues to show his support. announce this is the 10th year of awarding Not only does he encourage all women at the Jana Quinn Inspirational Award. This Metrex to consider joining PWH®, he is also year’s recipient is Director of Distribution one of our first associate members. Pellegrino Relations and Market Development at began his career at Aso Corporation working Metrex Cris Pellegrino. alongside his father, John. He also worked for Pellegrino has been in the healthcare Bovie Medical. As the Director of Distribution industry over 20 years. Like Jana, he values Metrex Director of Distribution Relations and Market Development with the many and long-lasting relationships he Relations and Market Development Metrex, a Danaher company, he recently has made throughout his career. He treats Cris Pellegrino (right) accepts this received the organization’s most prestigious everyone with respect – whether they are year’s Jana Quinn Inspirational award to recognize his exceptional contribution a friend, colleague, customer, business Award at the 2019 PWH® to the business. Pellegrino was also married partner, or competitor. Integrity is always his Leadership Summit. He is the last April 2018, and he and his wife, Kristina, guiding principle. His attention to people is tenth recipient of this award. welcomed their first child in July. endearing. He will remember your birthday,


Fall 2019 • Issue 3 •


Techy Terms and 3 Trends on the Rise By Kim Thies, General Manager, Life Sciences at Terazo In recent years, we have seen a tremendous rise in information technology (IT) investments that promise to catapult our industry ahead… but where do we go next to maximize our technology dollars? Here are three major trends that you need to learn about today to maximize your company’s investments and to help your customers maximize their investments.

1 Date Inetegration through API Data is your gold, and you get more meaning from it through integration. Most of us have seen the value of the cloud and have or are moving there with our data and systems. How do we now bring it all together to gain meaningful insights across finance, logistics, customer data and patient/provider insights? The answer is through powerful platforms that are driven by Application Programming Interface (API). API-driven platforms allow flexibility in integration and new application growth. An API is a set of functions and procedures that allows communication and access across multiple systems, applications or other services. Building and using centralized platforms that leverage APIs can help healthcare companies rapidly establish data models, consolidate data and drive analytics across previously disparate systems (without huge investments in traditional integrations). When properly configured, such centralization can also set the framework for both legacy system retirement and the adoption and integration of future technologies.

2 IoT and Communication in Real Time Speaking of future technologies, have you heard about Internet of Things (IoT)? If not, you’re already falling behind this key trend in our industry. From the use of wifi-enabled sensors in medical devices to radio frequency identification (RFID) tracking in inventory systems, IoT enables the ability to see, process and communicate in real time. So how do we get to IoT? The key is to first look at underlying data models and systems to ensure they are ready (i.e. API-driven).

Next, take a look at what data your company needs the most, and where it will have the most impact on your customers and partners. Is it real-time sku shipping data that is currently batched? Perhaps it’s the need for deeper patient insights on the use of life-saving medical devices with the ability to intercede in emergencies? The opportunities abound, and IoT has been popping up across healthcare in fascinating ways, from implants, to waiting rooms, to tracking inventory.

3 Move from Data Overload to ML Another evolving technology is Machine Learning (ML). ML processes huge batches of data via algorithms to find deeper insights. It’s impossible to talk about data without also taking a look at ML and its potential impact on healthcare. As more data

becomes available across previously disparate data sets and in higher volumes through IoT and other inputs, the applicability of ML brings new insights to logistics and medicine alike. Google, for example, recently created an algorithm to identify cancer in mammograms, while Stanford has done the same for the skin. The future is wide open for ML, intended to reliably convert thousands of data points into meaningful insights and aids for medical providers, researchers, manufacturers and suppliers, gaining better patient outcomes and reducing the cost of care. • Issue 3 • Fall 2019 15






Instrumentation, Inc. Healthcare Healthcare Solutions Group Solutions Healthcare Solutions Group Group President Senior Director, Global Enterprise President President

B.IMCO, Braun Medical, Inc. Inc. (Aesculap) (Aesculap) B. Braun Medical, Inc. (Aesculap) B. Braun Medical, Inc. Product Manager Manager || Surgical Surgical Product Manager | Surgical Product Chief Financial Officer Specialty Products Products Specialty Products Specialty


® PWH Brasseler PWH ChairUSA Surgical PWH® Chair Chair


® International Sales PWHand EXECUTIVE PWH ® EXECUTIVE BOARD, 2018 BOARD, 2018


DUKAL Corporation B. BraunCorporation Medical, Inc. (Aesculap) DUKAL Corporation Group DUKAL Healthcare Healthcare Solutions Group Healthcare Solutions GroupSolutions Vice President, Marketing Product Manager | Surgical Vice President, Marketing Vice President, Marketing President President & Specialty & Channel Channel Management Management & President ChannelProducts Management



Operating VP, Service Line Strategy Operating VP, Service Line Strategy Midmark Corporation Midmark Corporation Midmark Corporation Midmark Corporation Media and and Communications Manager Manager Media Media and Communications Manager Media andCommunications Communications Manager




Mentoring Chair Professional Development Mentoring Committee Chair Committee Professional Development Professional Development Professional Development Committee Chair Committee Chair Owens & Minor Owens & Minor Committee Chair Committee Chair


Professional Development Professional Development Regional Connections RegionalConnections Connections Regional Regional Connections Committee Chair Committee Committee Chair Chair Chair Committee Committee Chair Committee Chair

Midmark Corporation HealthFirst Midmark Corporation HealthFirst HealthFirst HealthFirst Media and Communications Manager Media and Communications National Account Manager Manager National National Account Manager NationalAccount AccountManager Manager



CorporateConnections Partnership Regional Treasurer Treasurer Chair Corporate Partnership Committee Committee Chair Committee Chair Committee Chair Shippert Medical Technologies

Regional Connections Strategic Oversight Strategic Oversight Strategic Chair Oversight Committee Committee Chair Strategic Oversight Committee Chair Committee Chair Committee Chair



Committee ChairShippert Medical Technologies President HealthFirst Presidentof Sales, Director Director of Sales, Georgia Pacific Director of Sales, National Account Manager National Distribution/Medical National Distribution/Medical National MarketDistribution/Medical Sales Director, Great Lakes


Strategic Oversight Committee Chair Committee Chair Committee Marketing Chair Committee Chair

Director offor Sales, Coalition Independent Care Director of Sales, NDC, Inc. National Distribution/Medical COO National Director, Creative Services Distribution/Medical


B. Inc.Inc. (Aesculap) B.Braun Braun Medical, (Aesculap) Owens & Medical, Minor B. Owens Braun Medical, (Aesculap) & Minor Inc.Owens & Minor Product Manager | Surgical Operating VP, Service Line Strategy Product Manager | Surgical Product Manager Operating VP, Service| Surgical Line Strategy Operating VP, Service Line Strategy Specialty Products Specialty Products Specialties (Neurosurgery Division)

DUKAL Corporation DUKAL Corporation Owens & Minor Brasseler Medical Medical Brasseler Medical Brasseler Vice Marketing Vice President, Marketing Owens & Minor Senior Director, Operating VP, Service LinePresident, Strategy Senior Director, Marketing Marketing Senior Director, Marketing & Channel Management & Channel Management and Enterprise Sales Operating VP,Sales Service Line Strategy and Enterprise Sales and Enterprise



Mentoring Committee Chair Membership Committee Chair Mentoring Committee Chair Membership Committee Chair Mentoring Chair Mentoring Committee Chair Committee


® ® PWHChair PWH Chair PWH ® Past ChairChair Elect Mentoring Committee PWH®Past PWH®Chair ChairElect ElectPWH Chair Elect

TreasurerMedical Treasurer Brasseler Medical Committee Chair Brasseler Shippert Medical Shippert Medical Technologies Senior Director, Marketing Shippert Medical Technologies Senior Director, Marketing Shippert Medical Technologies Midmark Corporation President and Enterprise Sales President (An Innovia Medical Company) and Enterprise Sales President Media and Communications Manager






Membership Committee Chair Membership CommitteeChair Chair Membership Committee Chair Committee Membership

Fall 2019 • Issue 3 •

HealthFirst HealthFirst Coalition forCorporation Independent Care Care Midmark Coalition for Independent Coalition for Independent Care National Account Manager National Account Manager COO COO Senior Director, Human Resources COO

Strategic Oversight Strategic Oversight Committee Chair Committee Chair

Coalition for Independent Care Coalition for Independent Care COO COO


PWH® Board Advisor



® ® PWH Board Advisor ® Board PWH Advisor PWH Board Advisor Vizient Vizient Bovie Medical Senior Vice President, Senior Vice President, Vice President of Sales Sourcing Operations Sourcing Operations



® ® PWH Board Advisor PWH Board Advisor B. Braun ® Medical, Inc. (Aesculap) PWH Board Advisor Product Manager | Surgical McKesson Medical-Surgical McKesson Bovie Medical Specialty Products President, President, Vice President of Sales Extended Care Sales Extended Care Sales








Vizient Senior Vice President, Sourcing Operations

® LYLE ® ® VICKY PWH Board Advisor PWH Board Advisor PWH Board Advisor Mentoring Committee Chair Midmark Corporation McKesson Midmark Corporation Owens & Minor Officer Chief Administrative President, Operating VP, Service Extended Care SalesLine Strategy


CME CME Midmark Corporation SUSAN KAISER Chief Strategy Officer Professional Development Committee Chair

JULEE PREFER Midmark Corporation PWH®and Chair Media Communications Manager ANNE EITING KLAMAR ® CINDY JUHAS Healthcare Solutions Group PWH Board Advisor ® ® Board Advisor PWH PWH Board Advisor President Midmark Corporation

ANNE EITING KLAMAR Midmark CME BoardCorporation Chair, of Directors Chair, Board of Directors


Regional Connections


® HEATHER LLORCA-KROPP PWH Board Advisor ANNE EITING KLAMAR HealthFirst ® PWH Chair ® Past PAMELA WEDOW PWH Board DUKAL Corporation National AccountAdvisor Manager ® DUKAL Corporation PWH Board Advisor Vice President, Marketing Midmark Corporation Vice President, Marketing &Chair, Channel Management Board of Directors

& Channel Management


® PWH BoardOversight Advisor Strategic Committee Chair PAMELA WEDOW Coalition for Independent Care ® RACHELLE FERRARA Chief Operating Officer PWH Board Advisor Care Coalition for Independent PWH® Chair Elect COO

Brasseler Medical Senior Director, Marketing and Enterprise Sales

PWH LEADERSHIP ROSTER, 2018 STRATEGIC OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Suzanne Lord, Strategic Oversight Chair Sue Hulsmeyer, Vice Chair Organizational ® Leadership Development

PWH LEADERSHIP ROSTER, ROSTER,2018 2019 PWH ® LEADERSHIP Natalie Martin, Vice Chair Marketing Strategy & Brand Guidelines


Elizabeth Day-Curi, Corporate Oversight Partners Committee Suzanne Lord, Strategic Chair Chair Jennifer Ramthun, ViceCOMMITTEE Chair Strategic Partners MEMBERSHIP Sue Hulsmeyer, Vice Chair Organizational Jennifer O’Reilly, Vice Chair Sales Distribution Odra Anderson, Membership Committee Chair Leadership Development Laura Reline,McLaughlin, Vice Chair Sales Manufacturing Ashleigh Vice Chair Member Engagement Natalie Martin, Vice Chair Marketing Strategy Carmel Veron, Vice Chair Sales GPO & Brand Guidelines Shannon Trahan, Vice Chair Market Intelligence Amy Swift, Committee Liaison Eryn Marx, Vice Chair PR & Marketing MARKETING COMMITTEE

Natalie Martin, Marketing Committee Chair MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE REGIONAL CONNECTIONS COMMITTEE Eryn Marx, Vice Chair Summit Marketing Odra Anderson, Membership Committee Chair Heather Davis, Regional Connections Committee Chair Open, Vice Chair PWH Marketing Ashleigh McLaughlin, Vice Chair Member Geri Lamano, Vice Chair Regional Events Engagement Open, Vice Chair Content Strategy Shannon Trahan, OPEN, Vice Chair Vice PDC Chair LiasonMarket Intelligence

MEMBERSHIP Eryn Marx, Vice COMMITTEE Chair PR & Marketing

Ashleigh McLaughlin, Membership Committee Chair CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE Amy Denny, Vice Chair New Member Outreach REGIONAL CONNECTIONS COMMITTEE Elizabeth Day-Curi, Corporate Partners Committee Chair Katarina Ivkovic, Vice Chair New Member Experience Heather Regional Connections Committee Jennifer Davis, Ramthun, Vice Chair Strategic Partners Chair Jessica Wells, Vice Chair Member Experience Geri Lamano, ViceVice Chair Regional Jennifer O’Reilly, Chair Sales Events Distribution Amber Alexander, Vice Chair Market Intelligence OPEN, Vice Chair PDC Liason Laura Reline, Vice Chair Sales Manufacturing Carmel Veron,COMMITTEE Vice Chair Sales GPO MENTORING

Odra Anderson, Committee Chair CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE Suzy Carlino,Mentoring Vice Chair PR & Marketing Khaki Weber, Day-Curi, Vice Chair Mentor Support Elizabeth Corporate Partners Committee Chair Open, Vice Chair Mentee Support Jennifer Ramthun, Vice Chair Strategic Partners PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ODRA ANDERSON Selena Culpepper, Vice Chair Technology Jennifer O’Reilly, Vice Chair Sales Distribution Susan Kaiser, Professional Development Committee Chair Membership Committee Chair Laura Reline, Vice Manufacturing Enid Oquendo, ViceChair ChairSales Summit Programming PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE B. Braun Medical, Inc. (Aesculap) Carmel Veron, Vice Chair Sales GPO Tania Steinbruegge, Vice Chair Webinars Product Manager | Surgical Chair Susan Kaiser, Professional Development Committee Specialty Suzy Carlino, Vice Chair PRProducts &Programming OPEN, ViceVice Chair Education &Marketing Innovation Enid Oquendo, Chair Summit Tania Steinbruegge, Vice Chair Webinars PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MENTORING COMMITTEE Jessica Lucio, Vice Chair Education & Innovation SusanLyle, Kaiser, Professional Development Vicky Mentoring Committee Chair Committee Chair

REGIONAL CONNECTIONS COMMITTEE Enid Oquendo, Vice Chair Summit Programming Susan Hunter-Vinson, Vice Chair Individual Mentoring LYLECommittee Chair Heather Davis, RegionalVICKY Connections Tania Steinbruegge, Vice Chair Webinars Mentoring Committee Chair Jen Nicholson, Vice Chair Group Mentoring Geri Lamano, Vice Chair Regional Events OPEN, Vice Chair Education & Innovation Owens Minor Shelley Bache, Vice Chair &PR Marketing Open, Vice Chair Public Relations to&Corporate Partners Operating VP, Service Line Strategy Open, Vice Chair of Event Content


Vicky Lyle, Mentoring Committee Chair STRATEGIC OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE

Sue Hulsmeyer, Chair Susan Hunter-Vinson, Vice Chair Individual Mentoring Amy Swift, Vice Chair Committee Liaison Jen Nicholson, Vice Chair Group Mentoring Danni Green, PhD, Vice SUSAN Chair Inclusion & Diversity KAISER Shelley Bache, Vice Chair PR & Marketing Professional Development Committee Chair Midmark Corporation

Media and Communications • Issue 3 •Manager Fall 2019 17


Helping Even More People Succeed in Sales Management By Cheryl Rickard Sales and sales leadership has been my chosen profession for the past 20 plus years. My passion for the sales profession is driven by a deep conviction that no matter how grand a company’s ambitions are, nothing happens until someone sells something. During my career with McKesson, and prior to it, I’ve excelled as a sales professional, sales manager and sales leader. I’ve also excelled as a sales coach, sales trainer and as a recruiter and builder of sales organizations. My favorite mottos and mantras are simple ones. • “Management is doing things right. Leadership is doing the right things.” • “People are a company’s greatest asset. So, they should be treated that way.” • And finally, “When you help others to succeed, you will be successful.”

the 2019 PWH® Leadership Summit. I joined PWH® on August 9, 2018, so that I could grow and develop as a leader in the healthcare Industry. My Vice President, Deborah Haywood, believes in me and my leadership and encouraged me to take the online leadership development courses PWH® offers.

I have been with McKesson for six years. After two years as a full-time Inside Sales Representative, I was promoted to management. I now manage a team of 12 Field Service Reps. I am responsible for the growth, engagement, recruitment and training and for implementing programs and any supporting technologies. I also carry out corporate and customer initiatives, managing our engagement frequencies and reporting. In this position I also interact and collaborate with upper level management, management peers and internal team members at every level of the company.

Connect’s promotions spotlight shines this issue on Cheryl Rickard, who was recently promoted from Strategic Insides Sales Manager – HME at McKesson MedicalSurgical to Field Services Manager - East Region.

I especially embrace the values of diversity, inclusion and the empowerment of women in the workplace. Accordingly, I am proud to have been afforded the opportunity to attend

Midmark Corporation is pleased to announce that Sue Hulsmeyer was promoted to vice president, human resources and corporate communications. Hulsmeyer will be responsible for the alignment and development of the organization through communication, professional development, recruitment, total rewards, safety and change management. Read about Hulsmeyer’s unique journey to leadership in our next issue of Connect.

Welcome New Members* Sondra Adams Medline Jessica Andrews B. Braun Medical Christine Arme 3M Shellene Baines Owens & Minor Rachel Barnes-Macnamara AvKARE Christine Brooks DeRoyal Tracy Butryn B. Braun Medical Maricar Caressimo NDC


Denise Coulombe Surgo Surgical Supply Anna DeSilva NDC Suzy Eberle aptitude Daniel Eckert StatLab Annette Eckman STERIS AST Leah Fichter TIDI Anna Gable Nurse-Owned Healing Solutions

Adrienne Hamilton AliMed Liz Hargett Premier Shannon Hookanson NDC Allison Hughes Aesculap (a B. Braun Company) Jill Jaggard B. Braun Medical Christina Mintchwarner-Kopecki SEMPERMED USA Shannon Murphy CME

Fall 2019 • Issue 3 •

Reginald Newhouse PDI Healthcare Bonita Ordogne SI Medical Supply Tina Richter AliMed Debbie Roark-Mires CME Deborah Roy Vizient Sarah Schmitt B. Braun Medical Michelle Schwebel Premier Julie Seidel Share Moving Media

Mindy Shelton Medline Industries Heather Stockmo Vizient Cindy Tanski STERIS Corporation Kimberly Thies Terazo Coleen Thompson Essity Jessica Tibbetts STERIS AST * From April 23, 2019 through July 12, 2019


HIDA Members Head to the Hill to Talk Tariffs, Taxes and More By Linda Rouse O’Neill, Vice President, Government Affairs More than 60 HIDA members convened for HIDA’s annual Washington Summit in June to educate lawmakers and their staff about key issues affecting the healthcare supply chain. Distributors talked trade policy and pandemic preparedness in more than 120 Capitol Hill meetings. Conversations also included the medical device tax, government purchasing reform language included in a larger defense measure and other issues.

Tariffs Are Top-of-Mind Summit participants explained how tariffs on healthcare products create risk to the nation’s public health preparedness capabilities. Exam gloves and isolations gowns protect healthcare workers, first responders and patients from the spread of infectious diseases. Ebola has returned as an epidemic on the African continent and a single case in the United States would drive a substantial increase in demand for this protective equipment and supplies overnight. It’s important for policymakers to understand the complexities of the U.S. healthcare supply chain, so tariffs and trade policies do not unintentionally constrain preparedness capabilities, they added.

Distributors Share Preparedness Success Stories HIDA members headed to the Hill fresh from lawmakers passing the Pandemic and All-Hazards and Advancing Innovation Act (PAHPAI). This bill was a huge win for the industry as for the first time supply chain and commercial partnerships are included in legislation. HIDA members shared their experience from recent pandemics and natural disasters, emphasizing the need for improved coordination and greater elasticity in the supply chain. Summit attendees were grateful for the passage of PAHPAI, as it underscores the value of public and private sector coordination during an emergency. During a day of educational sessions at the summit, gastroenterologist and Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana thanked summit attendees for distributors’ role in disaster preparedness, adding: “I appreciate your challenges.” Food and Drug Administration Director Julia Marders praised medical supply distributors for their impressive contingency plans to keep the supply chain moving during natural disasters.

Medical Device Tax Effects R&D Distributors thanked members of Congress for the two-year moratorium on the Affordable Care Act’s medical device tax. HIDA

members explained to lawmakers the deleterious effect it had on medical device companies’ research and development efforts, and asked that the tax be repealed. Without congressional action to extend or eliminate the tax, it will take effect again at the end of this year.

E-Commerce Purchasing Portal Poses Problems Distributors cautioned lawmakers that the General Services Administration’s efforts to reform the federal procurement system leaves open the door for future inclusion of healthcare-related products on an e-commerce portal program. HIDA members asked that Congress either exempt healthcare products from purchase through this portal or greatly alter the process for their future procurement. Many healthcare products are not well-suited for procurement through the ecommerce portals. Mistaken delivery of the wrong surgical supplies or antibiotics, for example, could place patients’ lives at risk. Additionally, many medical goods require specialized handling and storage. Exposing these to the wrong environment or comingling them with non-medical freight could render them useless or even harmful, summit attendees said.

For more information on HIDA’s Government Affairs efforts, connect with us at • Issue 3 • Fall 2019 19


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