Boca Raton Observer MAY 2009

Page 142


Photos by Janis Bucher


Alene Too hosts designer camila alves’s muxo event Boca Raton fashionistas gathered at Alene Too In Boca Raton for a meetand-greet with model and purse designer Camila Alves, whose MUXO line of bohemian-style handbags were the hit of the afternoon. 1/ Camila Alves 2/ Debbie Weisman and Maryann Morgan Fried ebbie Weisman, Elizabeth Levine, 3/ D Alexandra Tanner and Sue Tanner 4/ L izzy Schwartz, Liz Pack and Helena Goldglantz ebbie Weisman, Camila Alves 5/ D and Lizzy Schwartz 6/ Sonya Wood and Lesley Gross 7/ Jessica Kraft, Bob Kraft and Camila Alves





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6 T h e B o c a R at o n Ob s e r v e r


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