A scratchy sound recording of Edison plays in darkness : "The first words I spoke in the [pause]… original phonograph. A little piece of practical poetry: Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow and every where that Mary went the lamb was sure to go." After a moment, another copy of the same recording begins; then another, and another - a million phonographs playing. The sound reaches a crescendo, then fades quickly away. Edison is heard from a seat in the audience. He is an old man, dressed characteristically in a rather coarse three-piece suit, broad-brimmed hat, and with a white handkerchief knotted around his neck. The only incongruous touch in his appearance is the radio microphone with boom that runs along the side of his face (no effort should be made to conceal it).
Edison: The firstwords I spoke in the… original phonograph. Alittle piece of practical poetry:
Flute1,2 (Picc) Oboe1,2 Clarinet1,2 Bassoon1,2 Horns1,2 Trumpet1,2 Trombone1,2 Tuba Timpani Percussion Percussion Glockenspiel Marimba Harp Edison Violin1 Violin2 Viola Cello Bass
MusicbyRobertS.Cohen LibrettobyHerschelGarfein
[He turns to face the conductor, who seems confused:] I'm here. Out here. [Soft and deep, an exaggerated basso:] Helloooo. [For this last word, he has pulled the boom of his radio microphone closer to his mouth.] I invented that word, "hello." Alexander Graham Bell- that bastard! - wouldhave us all saying"Hoy hoy." [Vigorously:] Hello! [Now he indicates the microphone to the audience:] This is a little marvel, isn't it? [He turns back to the conductor:] Acouple ofchords, Maestro!
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass Mar-yhadalit - tlelamb,lit - tlelamb,lit - tlelambMar -yhada...
2 2
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 6 6 6 6 5 Lit- tlelamb! Moderato 3 Trgl. div. div. div. div. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 Lit- tlelamb! 6 6 6 6 3
Some people call that cheating. I call it invention. My invention! The carbon microphone: patent ThomasA. Edison. [Pause] I wish I'd thought of tying it to one's head.
I was talkingabout the day I made the phonograph…
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 7
G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. 8 Tempodicarnivale Well,
feeling:] theday I madethe phonograph…
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 11
Onthe rit. pizz. dayImadethephon-o-graph... a tempo 14 5
[He has begun to make his way to the stage.}
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 15
unis. (ricochet) unis. (ricochet) ThedayI sangforthefirstre - cord-ing. 17 Tambourine 6
[Edison stops dead, believing he has heard someone in the audience shout something. He cups his hand to his ear and glares as if at a specific person in the audience.]
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 19 Isang, rit. (quasi operatic) 20 "Mar
yhadalit-tlelamb."lit-tlelamb." VeryFreely (hard mallet) Sm.Susp.Cymb.
a tempo 21 1. 1. pizz. 7
Whenwas it?! [Pause. Considers.] The phonograph? Eighteen… eighteen seventy-seven?… November?…
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 23
1. Tambourine 2. 8
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 27 9 9 Andmyma- look it up! 9 9 molto rit. Med.Susp.Cym. (Medium mallet) arco chinecaughtwavesfromthe Broadly 28 air.andturnedthemin-to 9
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 30 some - thingyoucouldholdinyour hand. "Mar-yhadalit-tle rit. 1. 1. Solo pizz. 10
[ Again, Edison thinks he hears a heckler in the audience:] Yes? Why that song?!
[Angry:] I don't know!Alittle piece of practical poetry! Mary...! Mary...
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass lamb." 33 MenoMosso 1. Trgl. Tutti pizz.
rit. Tamb.
G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. 36 1. a tempo 1. pizz. pizz. pizz. 11
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 37 molto rit. 38 3 Mar-y…Mar-y VeryFreely BellTree a punta d'arco a punta d'arco a punta d'arco arco sul tasto sul tasto arco Stil-well… Mary…! 3 grayeyes,beau-ti - fullive-ly 12
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 41 sadgrayeyes, 3 3 six - teenwhenwemet,twen-ty 1. ninewhenshe rit. ord. ord. ord. 13
[Lost in thought, begins to sing to himself:]
[In an unconscious gesture, he slowly removes his hat to reveal a full head of neatly combed white hair.]
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
a tempo 44 sul ponticello sul ponticello sul ponticello sul ponticello sul ponticello 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 fleecewaswhiteassnow… rit. 14
Oh yes. My hair turned white at twenty-three. Hard work… no time for sleep.
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass
46 Piumosso 1. 1. ord. ord. ord. pizz. pizz. con sord 1. 15
I met her in the fall;we married on Christmas day... LOOK IT UP!
[Not missing a beat, he has snapped out of his reverie and pointed preemptively at theimaginary heckler in the audience.]
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 50
1. Trgl. Solo arco 4 4
2 4 4 poco rit. 16
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass Beau-ti-fulgrayeyes atsix - teen, Unpocomenomosso 54 Tutti deadattwen-ty-nine. 55 Trattenuto sub. sub. sub. sub. 5 5 twen - ty-nine.Oh rit. 17
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass Mar yOh 57 a tempo 1. arco Mar y. Mar y rit. 18
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass Mar-yStil-wellEd-i-son.Oh Rubato 60 Mar - y (one stand) a punta d'arco Reflectively 62 1. (one stand) a punta d'arco 3 19
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 65 ord. (one stand) 3 3 1. Tutti Tutti ord. Tutti rit. 20
[He shakes off his melancholy. Now with new vigor:]
Let me start again. You have come to hear about...
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass
69 Tentative pizz.
G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. 70 71 Inventing! 1. con sord The Edison invents! 21
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass mi - cro-phone! 73 senza sord 1. pizz. The accel. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco pho - no-graph! 2. Ofcourse!Themo-tion cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco 22
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 77 pic - ture! Themo-tion Tamb. pic - ture! 1. 1. simile arco And 23
sub. cresc. poco a poco
cresc. poco a poco sub. cresc. poco a poco
sub. cresc. poco a poco
cresc. poco a poco sub. cresc. poco a poco
cresc. poco a poco
cresc. poco a poco
cresc. poco a poco
cresc. poco a poco Tambourine
cresc. poco a poco
sub. cresc. poco a poco
cresc. poco a poco
[He is near the concertmaster. He switches the concertmaster's stand light off and on.]
sub. cresc. poco a poco
sub. cresc. poco a poco
sub. cresc. poco a poco
cresc. poco a poco sub.
arco sub. cresc. poco a poco
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 81 this:
molto accel.
And SnareDr. sub. simile 24
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 83 that! B.D. 6 6 6 6 6 6 14 14 Allofthem! Sm.Susp.Cymb. (hard sticks) 25
[With a boyish pleasure, he has pointed to stand lights and ceiling lights which begin to twinkle on and off in a lovely, dancing display which is musically accompanied by the orchestra. Edison turns his back to the audience, contemplating this. When the orchestra has concluded, he remains silently facing upstage for a moment, then he turns back to the audience:]
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
85 Celestial Trgl. BellTree 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 26
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 87 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 27
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 89 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 28
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 91 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 29
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 93 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 30
[Edison comes downstage and confronts the heckler in the audience.]
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass
95 March CrashCymb. B.D. Sir! con sord 31
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 100 Yes, you, sir. Let me ask you something. 1. sub. 1. pizz. pizz. Didyou 32
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass thinkthatallin-ven - tionssuc 105 ceed? Most SnareDr. fail!Ifyou 2. Vibraslap arco sub. arco sub. fol - lowyourdreamata 33
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 110 break-neckpaceYoucan simile simile simile countonyourdreamtoex plodeinyourfaceButin ven-torslivebya stub-borncreed:On-ly 34
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 115 thoseun-a-fraidto fail… Woodblock suc - ceed. B.D I loved my failures. I did. 118 Trgl. CrashCymb. (edge) 35
Theywere a grand parade through my life.
"Edison's Fascinating Failures!"
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 120
arco div. 36
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 125 unis. 37
There was the Light-O-Matic radio It was neither light nor automatic
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass
131 sub. sub. sub. sub. sub. sub. sub. B.D Harmon mute Slide whistle 38
Ah!My ear trumpet - the telescopophone. It weighed 80pounds.
with it, one could hear a cow chewing grass
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass
137 sub. sub. unis. unis. But
toPicc. sub. Tambourine CowBell sub. pizz. sub. pizz. sub. pizz. sub. pizz. sub. pizz. sub. 39
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 143 sub. two-fifths of a
grass 3 6 3 6 3 3 6 3 6 6 6 Picc. 2. 1. arco arco 146 Trgl. Thenthere was the Electric Pen! senza sord. 1. sub. arco arco arco 40
mile away - gently chewing
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 148 6 And
151 (snare on) SnareDr. div. 41 Concretefurniture... impractical
there were others:
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 152 6 theelectromotograph 6 6 unis. theharmonic engine… 42
I almost forgot: the ElectricVote Recorder yes! the Electric Vote Recorder -
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass
157 sub. B.D pizz. pizz. 43
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 161 3 my veryfirst patent. It would record with perfect accuracy theintended votes of the public. cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco 3 3 toFlute Tamb. CowBell cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco pizz. div. cresc. poco a poco 44
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 166 cresc. poco a poco 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 2. Flute 3 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 45
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 171 Useless! 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 15 15 15 3 6 3 6 3 6 arco unis. arco arco 46
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 175 Adagio 1. rit. Iad-mit: sub. VeryFreely 177 sub. sub. sub. div. sub. sub. div. noneofthesewasgreat. Noneoftheseev - er 47
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 180 changedathingin an-y-bod-y'slife. 1. Mar-ywouldsay,"You'll ten. poco rit. ten. ten. div. ten. unis. ten. ten. ten. ten. 184 doit,Tom, a tempo unis. unis. 48
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 185 some - daytheworldwillsee."You'll 1. div. div. doit,Tom, some - daytheworldwill 188 see.Butjust sub. toPicc. sub. sub. sub. sub. sub. sub. sub. sub. sub. sub. sub. sub. sub. 49
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 189 nowit's beau-ti - fulout-side.It'sbeau-ti-fulout Picc.2. side.Takeawalkwith ord. ord. me.Takeawalkwith rit. div. div. 50
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass me." dolce Andante 193 1. dolce 1. dolce Trgl. pizz. pizz. And wewouldwalk. toFlute 51
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 196 …"Oh,look!" 197 2. Flute (As Mary) "Mmm." (As Edison) 52
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 199
1. Med.Susp.Cym. (soft mallet) (As Mary) "Mmm." (As Edison) unis. unis. "Theysaythiswin-terwillbeharsh." con sord (As Mary) arco 53
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 202 "Harsh…" (As Edison) "Solet'sen-joythiswhilewecan" 1. (As Mary) 2. "Cer-tain-ly." poco rit. (As Edison) div. 54
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass sub. Unpocomenomosso 205 1. sub. 1. sub. sub. sub. unis. sub. sub. sub. sub. sub. rit. 55
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 6 6 6 6 6 6 "Thatcreekyoufellinonce" 207 a tempo (As Mary) div. sul tasto div. sul tasto div.sul tasto sul tasto 6 6 6 6 6 6 "Ah." (As Edison) Glissando Glissando 56
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 209 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 "Youkissedmeaf-ter-wards" (As Mary) unis. ord. unis. ord. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 "Isee."... 9 rit. (As Edison) unis. ord. ord. arco 57
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass Butsoonwe'dpassaglade 211 Broadly andcrossarise senza sord pizz. 213 3 andsud-den-ly,amostmag-ni - fi-cent Piumosso 58
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 214 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 sight: accel. Trgl. 215 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Wires! cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco
cresc. poco a poco 59
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 216 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 Tel - e - graphwires! a2 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 cresc. poco a poco 60
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 218 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 Wires! cresc. poco a poco 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 3 Theretotheretothereandofftothehor 61
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 220 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 i - zon! pizz. 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 Here's beauty! 3 6 6 6 3 6 6 6 221 cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco Hi-Tom Low-Tom cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco 62
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 222 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 cresc. poco a poco pizz. 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 Here's efficiency! 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 6 6 6 cresc. poco a poco 63
Here's a vastnation communicating with itself. Can you imagine? Can you?
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 224 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco div. 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 6 6 6 arco cresc. poco a poco 64
From the time I was a boy! To pass the Port Huron railway station and see those wires in the air?
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 226 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 65
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 228 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 GlassChimes (shake) 229 6 6 6 5 5 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 Theretotheretothereandoffto 6 6 (let ring) sub. sub. sub. sub. BellTree (reflectively) sul ponticello sub. sub. sul ponticello sub. sul tasto sub. sul tasto arco
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 230 6 6 3 5 5 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 whoknowswhere? 6 6 6 3 6 6 6 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 3 6 6 Whoknowswhere? 6 6 6 rit.
At ten, I taught myself Morse Code. I practiced with a spoon, or the cover ofa book.
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 6 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Maestoso 232 sempre detache ord. sempre detache div. ord. sempre detache ord. ord. unis. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 a2 68
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 234 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 (hard rubber) 6 6 6 6 T!Dash 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 CowBell simile 69
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 236 6 6 6 6 O!DashDashDashM!DashDash 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 TOM!TOM! 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 70
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 238 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Alldash - esnodotsTOM 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 239 6 6 6 6 Alldash - esdash - ingTom - thatwasme! 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 toPicc. 71
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 240 6 6 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Alldash - esdash - ingTomthatwasme 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Picc.2. toFlute 72
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 242 Flute 2. unis. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 73
cresc. poco a poco
cresc. poco a poco
sub. cresc. poco a poco
cresc. poco a poco
cresc. poco a poco
cresc. poco a poco
cresc. poco a poco
cresc. poco a poco
cresc. poco a poco
cresc. poco a poco sub.
cresc. poco a poco
cresc. poco a poco
cresc. poco a poco sub.
cresc. poco a poco
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 244 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 andIwould 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 6 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 beagall - ant 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 cresc. poco a poco
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 246 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 6 6 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 knight 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Sm.Susp.Cym. (Medium mallet) 3 ofthee - lect - ric O + molto allargando 75
dim. poco a poco
dim. poco a poco
dim. poco a poco
dim. poco a poco
dim. poco a poco
dim. poco a poco
[Spoken in the breathless manner of a 14 year-old boy:] Tom Edison! Boy inventor!
dim. poco a poco
dim. poco a poco
dim. poco a poco
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6
key! Piumosso 248 1. 1. div. 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6
I read about duplex telegraphy - the dream of sending messages in both directions over one wire!
I want to invent that! But first I have to be a telegraph operator!
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 250 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 unis. dim. poco a poco dim. poco a poco 77
I get my first job at 14 at Micah Walker's shop. His shop has the Western Union desk over [he indicates a distant part of the stage] there
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 252
6 6 6 6 78
I sell [very fast and trailing into inaudibility] rifles, jewelry, dominoes, sheet music, watches, pencils, thermometers, sewing notions, machine oil…[etc.]
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 254 I work over…[glumly:] here. molto rit. 255 Jaunty Trgl. pizz.
pizz. 79
[He is listening intently to the orchestra:] How to get over…THERE,dot dash dot, dot Well…!
I spend five years as an assistant operator, and then I achievemy greatest ambition: I pass all thetestsand become a full-fledged telegraph operator! [Pause. A letdown:]
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 258
Woodblock 260 [Gradually maturing as he speaks:] I leave home Trgl.
pizz. (one stand) arco (one stand) arco 80
Nightshift telegraph operator. First in Fort Wayne, then Indianapolis, then onto Cincinnati, Boston.
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 263
Well, it suits me. I teach myself to sleep very little. Days Ispend at the public library, reading engineering books, or in my room taking apart old relays
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 267 7
1. 1. 268 Picc. 2. 82
I believe I can solve the duplex problem! And, I'm making a good living - onehundred twenty five dollars a month.
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 270
7 83
I'd be living comfortably ifI weren't spending everything on equipment.
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 273
Tutti 7 1. 84
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass I need much more money, true financing for my ideas. 276 Tutti pizz. arco 85
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 279 1. pizz. arco 86
Every night I find myself back at the telegraph key, doing my job, but pondering this finance question.
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 282
dim. poco a poco dim. poco a poco dim. poco a poco dim. poco a poco dim. poco a poco molto rit. 87
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 285 (Soft Sticks) (Scape with Stick) Med.Susp.Cym. 286 Alldash - esdash - ingTom
(with yearning) arco ord. div. ord. 88
[Spoken to himself as he does figures:] …a thousand to set up a demonstration line...
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 287
con sord 1. 89
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 288 ...four hundred to produce… Alldash - esdash - ingTom toFlute 90
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 290 6 that'sme!andIwill 91
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 291 6 6 beagal - lant Flute 2. 92
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 292 6 3 knightofthee - lec tric pizz. 93
Suddenly I knowhowI can make money quickly! Of course! The stockmarket! [Pause.]
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 9 key!
293 1. 94
[Scornfully, to the audience:]
No, not investing! I start a stock quotation service.
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 294 9
295 Agitato toPicc. Trgl. pizz. 95
I find backers. I work with a small Boston firm called Kidder, Peabody [Accelerating now:]
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 296
cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco Picc. 2. 96
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 299 Hi-Tom Low-Tom Trgl. I open a factory: the Newark Telegraph Works. cresc. poco a poco 7 7 7 toFlute 97
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 302 6 6 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6
make perforators, transmitters, telegraph typewriters. Flute arco div. 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 98
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 7 7 sub. 305 cresc. sub. cresc. sub. cresc. sub. cresc. sub. cresc. cresc. sub. cresc. cresc. cresc. Woodblocks cresc. sub. cresc. cresc. cresc. sub. cresc. sub. cresc. sub. cresc. sub. cresc. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 I start the News ReportingTelegraph Company.
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 307 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. SnareDr. (snare on) cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 3 3
We take onworkers - I interview operators, punchers, a sixteen-yearold girl named Mary Stilwell.
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 309 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 3 3
cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 3
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 311 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. div. cresc. div. cresc. cresc. cresc. arco cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 3 3 3 3 5 6 6 Hi-Tom Low-Tom
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass Sheis [He stares ahead as if seeing her for the first time.] Freely 313 (reflectively) po - e - try.Ithinkof po - e - try. 1. 1. rit. unis. 5 5 Unpocopiumosso 316 toEnglishHorn con sord 1. con sord con sord con sord pizz. pizz. 103
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 317 5 5 2. EnglishHorn rit. 104
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 3 Adagioespressivo 320 sempre legato senza sord. sempre legato senza sord. senza sord. molto espressivo arco Solo pizz. 3 3 Emerson! 105
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 323 3 Ifa 324 3 mancanwritea 3 bet - terbook.Ifa 106
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 326 3 mancanpreachabet - ter 3 ser - mon,or 3 buildabet - ter pizz. Tutti arco 107
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 329 3 mouse - trapthanhis 1. 3 neigh bor. 2. arco 3 Ifa 108
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 6 mancanwritea 332 1. 1. Solo espr. div. 6 bet - terbook.Ifa 6 6 mancanpreachabet - ter 109
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 335 6 6 6 ser div. unis. arco 6 mon,thoughhe buildhishouseinthe unis. 110
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 338 woods,theworldwillmakea 1. beat - enpathtohis 7 7 door.ThoughI 7 1. 1. Tutti 111
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass mademyhouseinthe 341 woods, Mar y cametomydoor. div. div. 3 Iwasbuild-inga 1. 112
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 346 bet - termouse - trap, no - thing more,a 1. bet - termouse-trap,no-thing rit. 113
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass more, a tempo 350 con sord 2. pizz. 10 10 Med.Susp.Cym. (let ring) a2 allarg. unis. 114
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 6 6 6 Broadly 352 a2 unis. arco 6 6 6 115
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 354 6 6 6 6 6 6 116
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 356 6 6 6 6 6 6 117
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 358 6 6 6 6 6 6 div. 6 6 6 6 6 6 118
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass AndasI 360 1. 1. (one stand) div. (one stand) (one stand) pizz. sawitthrough, Thispro mised 119
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 363 thing came true.A arco 366 live - ly,sad,gent - le, MenoMosso 2. 1. con sord 1. con sord con sord 1. Tutti Tutti Tutti Tutti 120
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 367 charm - inggirl - Agrey-eyed po-emmadeapathtomy door.Agrey-eyed ord. po - emmadeapathtomy 121
I married her three months later. Our first child arrived as I was working on the quadruplex telegraph --that's two messages simultaneously in each direction--
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass door. TempoPrimo 371
14 con sord Solo Little Marion Estelle... poco rit. con sord 122
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass And the day she was born, I said: ...we called her Dot.... 375 Unpocomenomosso Tutti div. div. 123
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 3 Mary,Ipro - miseyouthatfromnowonIwilltakemymealsat Moltorubato 377 Chimes (chant-like) home.And,fur-ther, 124
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 379 3 3 Iwillworkon - lydaysandstayhomenightswith rit. 125
I was successful now. I had a business and a lab. Professors and politicians wouldvisit the Wizard of Menlo Park.
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass Dot. 380 Jaunty 1. 1. senza sord. pizz.
I began to noticea change in Mary. Often, she keptto her room.
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 384
2. 2. 2. simile 127
[Shouting cheerily up imaginary stairs, ushering forward an imaginary visitor:]
"Mary, come down and meet the Japanese ambassador…" [Pause. He hears nothing.]
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 387
1. TempleBlocks Trgl. simile 128
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 390 rit. 391 Ah.She's… MenoMosso con sord 3 notfeel - ingwell. 129
Afew years later,Thomas Jr - Dash we called him --came along. And the day after he was born I said:
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass
393 1. 1. Solo 130
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 3 Mar - y,Ipro - miseyouthatfromnowonIwilltakemymealsat (let ring) Moltorubato 397 Chimes (chant-like) Tutti div. ord. 131
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 398 home.And,fur - ther, 3 3 Iwillworkon - lydaysandstayhomenightswithDotand molto rit. (let ring) molto rit. 132
But a racewas on: the race to produce electric light.
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass Dash.
400 Agitato Trgl. Glock. pizz. pizz. cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco HighMed.Tom LowMed.Tom cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco 133
knewthe answer was much simpler:
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 403 Around the world, inventors were pursuing grand, foolish visions. cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco I
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 406 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 theright filament arco div. 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 would solvethe whole problem 135
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 408 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. Woodblocks cresc. cresc. SnareDr. cresc. cresc. cresc. sub. cresc. sub. cresc. sub. cresc. sub. cresc. sub. cresc. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 3 3
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 410 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. a2 cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 Hi-Tom Low-Tom
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 3 3 Will-iamLes-liewasbornineigh-teensev-en-tyeight (let ring) Moltorubato 412 Chimes unis. div. 3 5 3 Andthedayaf-terhewasbornIsaid: [Pause.] Nothing. I was at work G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P. 138
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 415 Moderato 1. pizz. (one stand) con sord unis. 1. 1. 139
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 418 Afrag-ilefil-a-menttolightthe con sord 2. (one stand) fu - ture. 140
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 421 Afragilefil-amentthatmeansso 1. con sord div. Tutti much. 6 6 13 13 Afrag-ilefil-amentthat 6 senza sord. Tutti ord. arco 141
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass quiv - erslikeathread, 424 div. div. div. strunga - crossthevoid, Wait - ingforasurgeof 142
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 427 cur - renttomakeit blaze. 428 Afrag-ile rit. 143
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass fil-a - ment: some - times a tempo 430 lifeislikethat.So slend-er.Poised 144
I had bought us a finethree-story clapboard house, just a brisk walk from my laboratory. Mary was diagnosed as suffering from nervous exhaustion.
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 433 Wait - ing.
senza sord. senza sord. senza sord. pizz. 434 (Stick) Unpocopiumosso toPicc. Sm.Susp.Cym. B.D sub. sub. 1. Trgl. 145
I would run over to see her once every day.
[He immediately shifts to the impatient Edison of those days, running to the foot of the stairs and shouting:]" Everything all right, Mary?" "Mary!" [He strains to hear. Pause]
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 436 (Stick) PiccoloTrp. 1. Sm.Susp.Cym. B.D sub. sub. 1. Trgl.
Picc. 2. 1. 146
Shall I call the nurse?" [Pause. Very angry now:] "Mary! [A frustrated cry to himself:] Ah!" [He shifts back to the present:]
And I'd be out the door to the lab. I was experimenting with carbon filaments,copper, platinum.
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 439
7 7 toTrp. Flute2. pizz. 147
I slept little, ate when I could, stayed all night at the lab on Christie Street.
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 441
senza sord.
poco cresc.
a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco div. cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco 148
cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco
poco a
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 443 7 14 And one morning I knew I had it: Trp. unis. 149
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 3 444 (rim shot) SnareDr. (hard mallet)
Sun shine! pizz. pizz. 150
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 446
Sun shine! 1. pizz.
Sun shine!fromafragilefil-a-ment. 1. 151
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 448 14 14 9 9 152
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass Sun shine!fromafrag - ile 449 fil - a - ment. 153
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 451 Moon light inalit - tle globe! 154
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 453 Star light atyour 1. 1. fin-ger-tips!The 155
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 455 worldwillnotbedarka 10 10 gain! 156
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass Sun shine! fromafrag - ile 457 1. arco arco arco div. fil - a - ment. div. 157
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 459 Moon light inalit - tle globe! 158
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 461 Star light atyour fin - ger - tips!The 159
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 463 worldwillnotbedarka gain! rit. 160
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass Itwas Unpocopiumosso 465 1. 2A - M,ona div. pizz. 161
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 467 coldOc - to - bermorn-ing, Itriedtogetwordto 1. 162
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 469 Mar y: 163
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 471 ComeseewhatI'vedone! 1. 3 Comeono - vertoChrist - ieStreet! 164
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass Leavethe 473 div. ba biesa - sleepand 165
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 475 comeseewhatI'vedone, AllthosenightswhenI 166
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 478 3 could - n'tcomehome. Allthosenightsthatyou pizz. 167
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 480 3 sleptonyourown. Allthosenightsthatwe 168
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass lost. 482 senza sord Itwas toPicc. 169
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 484 2A - M,ona pizz. Picc. coldOc - to - bermorn - ing, 170
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 486 Itriedtogetwordto Mar - y: 171
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 488 ComeseewhatI'vedone! 3 3 3 3 Comeono - vertoChrist - ieStreet! 3 172
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 490 Leavethe ba - biesa - sleepand 492 comeseewhatI'vedone, arco 173
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 493 AllthosenightswhenI 174
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 495 3 could - n'tcomehome. AllthosenightsthatI 175
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 497 3 workedonmyown.Pur cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. div. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. 3 su - ingadreamof 176
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass Star light! arco arco 499 177
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 501 Moon light! 9 9 178
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass Sun shine! 503 sempre marcato sempre marcato sempre marcato 179
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 504 180
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 506 sempre marcato 181
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 508 10 10 10 10 10 182
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 509 sempre marcato sempre marcato sempre marcato sempre marcato sempre marcato sempre marcato sempre marcato 183
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 511 sempre marcato sempre marcato sempre marcato sempre marcato sempre marcato 184
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 513 Med.Susp.Cym. 185
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 514 Trgl. CrashCymb. 186
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 515 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 a2
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 516 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 517 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 518 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 519 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 9 9 9 9 9 Hi-Tom Med.Tom Sm.Susp.Cymb. 191
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass Trgl. CrashCymb. B.D div. 521 Med.Tom Hi-Tom 192
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 523 193
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 525 CrashCymb. 194
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 527 allarg. 195
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass MenoMosso 528 Flute2. div. div. div. 1. 196
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 530 unis. 197
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 532 198
dim. poco a poco unis.
poco a poco dim. poco a poco
poco a poco
(hard mallet)
poco a poco 199
poco a poco
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 534 dim. poco a poco
dim. poco a poco unis.
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 536 rit. (like a music box winding down) (like a music box winding down) (like a music box winding down) (like a music box winding down) Butitwas rubato 200
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 2A - M,andI Menomosso 539 1. sata - loneNeara lit - tleglobeona bench.Iwrote 201
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass downthetime,AndI 543 con sord 1. div. heldmybreath,ThenI div. threwaswitch,Anda molto espressivo con sord div. frag - ilefil - a-ment rit. Med.Susp.Cym. div. div. 202
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass glowed,AndI a tempo 547 thought: the worldwillnotbedarka rit. Med.Susp.Cym. div. 203
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass gain Moderato 550 1. con sord con sord pizz. unis. unis. unis. con sord unis. molto rit. 2. 204
[He suddenly moves downstage. He speaks with vigor and confidence, unafffected by the music around him. And yet, something seems to die in the pauses between his declarations.] Four years later, I had electrified Lower Manhattan and the center of London. [Pause.] I was buildingpower stations in nine countries. [Pause.] I traveled the world for the Edison Electric Light Company.
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass
Reflectively 553 (one stand) (one stand) 3 (one stand) 205
And with allthese successes, there was always a dread about Mary -- a dread of not having doneenough. ...a dread of walking into a hotel or anoffice to find atelegram waiting for me. Handed to me by a smiling, helpful person.
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 558 3 3
Tutti Tutti Tutti con sord rit. 206
[The lights are beginning to fade. As Edison seeks to recover from his outburst, his eyes move to the place in the audience where the imaginary heckler sits.]
In fact, I was in NewYork City whenI was handed the telegram [Angrily:] I was twohoursaway, TWO HOURS...
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass
MoltoSemplice 562
1. semplice semplice semplice
[He now speaks to the imaginary heckler with a calm acceptance and no trace of remonstrance:] I knowexactly when.August ninth, 1883.
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass 566
AndIthought...The I remember rit. 568 con sord Oboe worldwillnotbedarka a tempo 1. 1. con sord div. pizz. pizz. 208
[In silence, the sound recording of Edison is heard again:] "The first words I spoke in the… original phonograph.Alittle piece of practical poetry…" [The lights fade to black with a last chord in the orchestra.]
Fl.1,2 (Picc.) Ob.1,2 Clar.1,2 Bsn.1,2 Hrns.1,2 Trpt.1,2 Trb.1,2 Tuba Timp. Perc. Perc. Glock. Mar. Harp Edison Vln.1 Vln.2 Vla. Vcl. Bass
gain! 2/2/05 senza sord. senza sord. senza sord. div. senza sord. div. senza sord. senza sord. arco 209