Ramp School of Ministry 2014 catalog

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TABLE OF CONTENTS WHO WEARE ...................................................................................... 3 LETTER FROM KAREN WHEATON ................................................................... 5 LETTER FROM CASEY DOSS ........................................................................ 7 RSM SCHOOLS ..................................................................................... 9 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................ 10 SCHOOL OF MINISTRY ............................................................................. 11 PASTORAL LEADERSHIP ....................................................................... 12 INSTRUCTORS ................................................................................. 13 MISSIONS AND EVANGELISM .................................................................. 14 SCHOOL OF MUSIC ................................................................................ 15 INSTRUCTORS ............................... . ................................................. 16 LETTER FROM CATHERINE MULLINS ........................................................... 17 SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS .................................................................. 19 INSTRUCTORS ................................................................................ 20 STUDENT LIFE .................................................................................... 21 FINANCIAL INFORMATION ........................................................................ 23 MISSION STATEMENT ............................................................................ 26


ALETTER FROM KAREN In the Fall of 1998 I heard the voice of God in my spirit say. "I want you to work with the youth of your community." Little did I know what was contained in that one statement! Out of the woods of North Alabama God wanted to raise up leaders who had a voice to a generation. God wanted to transform the lives of thousands through a handful of young people named Chosen. Together we prayed, worshipped, and learned of God. The more we sought Him. the more we Found Him ... and the more our lives would be Forever changed. I dreamed of giving other young people the "Chosen experience." I dreamed of taking other hungry seekers and providing an atmosphere where they could saturate themselves in the presence of God. I wanted thousands to discover and Fulfill God's purpose For their lives.

Thus. the Ramp School of Ministry was born. RSM is an opportunity For you to join the mission of awakening. It's an invitation to join our quest to climb the mountain of the Lord. Just like Chosen. you'll learn how to walk consistently in relationship with God. Your life will be built on a sure and unmovable Foundation. You'll understand God's word and make it a part of your daily life. Your life will never be the same as you have encounters in God's presence. And you'll develop lifelong relationships with other seekers just like you. I believe you have been "chosen" For this moment! The door is open. Come and join us at RSM. and experience the eternal adventure of seeking God!!! Sincerely.

Karen Wheaton. Founder and Senior Leader



ALETTER FROM CASEY Dear Prospective Student. First. let me say thank you For your interest in the Ramp School of Ministry. We cannot adequately express how excited we are at the possibility of you joining our ranks and sharing in the mission of awakening. I know First-hand what it Feels like to sense the seeds of destiny deep in your bones. but not knowing where to go or what to do about it. I understand having to wrestle with the thought that God certainly could not use you to change the world because of your Family situation. where you came From. or your past history. But I've also learned that the rumblings of greatness divinely deposited into someone cannot be quenched, regardless of pedigree or previous struggle, if you will simply say yes to the journey God has laid out For you. Sometimes the most unlikely cases can be His greatest weapons. This is what RSM is all about. We take students just like you From all over the nation. awaken them to purpose. equip them with wisdom and revelation. and then

send them to Fulfill their assignment. Our school is a Forge where the Fire of God and the hammer of His word mature you into everything He has designed. He wants to test you and train you, so then He can get glory out of you. Always remember. preparation time is never lost time. The unprepared set themselves up For a lifetime of mediocrity. The prepared set themselves up For a lifetime of excellence. I hope you hear it loud and clear. There is something great on you ... what are you doing about it? Hence our invitation. Come consecrate a season of your life with us. and let God transform you into a world changer. It's who you are.


Casey Doss.


GENERAL REQUIREMENTS RSM's core curriculum introduces you to the lifestyle of presence and purpose. You learn to live daily in God's presence by Focusing upon the biblical principles of discipleship. As you develop the disciplines of devotion, your walk with God becomes a deep well From which comes revelation and refreshing. Our core classes also release your potential by identifying your gifts and crafting your leadership. As your potential is released, your purpose becomes more and more clear. You leave RSM with clarity and intentionality, ready to change the world. First Year Courses

• Foundations of Identity • A Spiritual Formation • Honor and Authority • The Making of a Leader ·A Kingdom Worldview • Simple Devotion • Principles of Purpose • Grace and Truth • Old Testament Survey • NewT estament Survey • Believer's Authority ·Faith 1 • How to Be Led by the Spirit of God • Financial Planning • Revival History

Second Year Courses

• Jesus is Better: An Exposition of Book of Hebrews ·The History of Israel and the Identity of the Church • Next Generation Leader • Ecclesiology • Hermeneutics • Eschatology 1: The Hope of New Creation • Eschatology 2: The Power of Resurrection • Culture of Honor • Pneumatology ·Faith 2 • Blood Covenant • Foundations of Prayer ·Theology ·Attributes of God: Knowledge of the Holy ·Church Media



PASTORAL LEADERSHIP The pastoral leadership major equips you For leadership roles in the body of Christ. You'll learn how to interpret the Word of God, how to develop and deliver sermons, and how to lead God's people with integrity and honor. You will participate in a wide variety of classes From church strategies to eschatology. We understand that pastoral works places a demand on every sphere of your life. Our aim is to prepare you spiritually, mentally, and emotionally For the challenge and privilege of leading God's people. Pastoral Leadership Courses

• The Anointing • History of Israel and the Identity of the Church • Ministry Ethics and Etiquette • Preaching Lab • Eschatology: The Hope of New Creation • Foundation of Apostolic Leadership • Church Media and Marketing • Church Strategies • Hermeneutics • The Covenant • Practical in Church Administration ·The Feast and Prophetic Fulfillment • The Tabernacle • Ecclesiology ·Theology


INSTRUCTORS Karen Wheaton Founder and Senior Leader

Casey Doss RSM Director

Jason Adair Instructor

Micah Wood Instructor

Brian Beasley Instructor

Karen Wheaton is the Founder and visionary of the Ramp. She invests Faith. vision. and hunger For God into the RSM students.

Casey Doss is the RSM Director and lead pastor For Ramp Church. He calls greatness out of students. inspiring them to never belittle the destiny God has For them.

Jason Adair serves on pastoral staff at Ramp Church. He ministers out of a rich deposit of Faith and deep knowledge of the word.

Micah Wood is the Director of Strategy at the Ramp and serves on pastoral staff at Ramp Church. His classes emphasize the principles of walking with God.

Brian Beasley serves as the student pastor at Ramp Church. He leads prayer. classes. and outreaches with a passion For evangeIism.

Joe Reeser Instructor

Samuel Bentley Instructor

Rusty Nelson Guest Instructor

RJ Matthews Guest Instructor

Joe Reeser is the Chief Operating 0 Fficer at the Ramp and serves on pastoral staff at Ramp Church. His classes include topics ranging From leadership to healthy bible interpretation.

Samuel Bentley is the Chief Financial Officer of the Ramp and serves on pastoral staff at Ramp Church. He teaches kingdom principles in both the Financial and devotion arenas of life.

Rusty Nelson is the Senior Pastor of the Rock Family Worship Center in Huntsville. Alabama. He teaches pastoral leadership From years of wisdom and experience.

RJ Matthews is the Senior Pastor of Kingdom Vision International Church in Columbus. Mississippi. He imparts a passion to lead dynamic. impacting churches.


MISSIONS AND EVANGELISM The evangelism and missions major puts the right tools in your hands to win the lost. It imparts First and Foremost a passion For souls. Then. it teaches you to articulate and demonstrate the gospel. Whether you Feel called to domestic or Foreign missions. you'll understand how to impact any cultural context. Plus. you'll get plenty of hands-on experience through weekly outreaches and annual mission trips.

Missions and Evangelism Courses • Revival History • Evangelism. Philosophies. and Methodologies • Fundamentals of the Gospel • Missions Team Building • Practical Evangelism Outreach • Cross Cultural Ministry

ALETTER FROM CATHERINE The purpose of the Ramp School of Music is to equip a generation of musicians and singers whose hearts are in Full pursuit of the presence of God and whose lives reflect the character of Christ. Our desire is that each student encounter the presence of God and in doing so. discover the unique purpose that God has For their individual lives. Every musician and singer is unique. Our heart is to empower students with the skill-set needed to release the song that resides on the inside of them. Throughout history. music has played a significant role is shaping culture. God designed the human heart to be moved by sound. In this day and age. God is looking For singers and musicians who will push back the darkness with new songs that set the captives Free, turning a generation's gaze toward the beauty of Jesus and the Finished work of the cross. Your voice and sound matters to the heart of God and plays an integral role in releasing His unshakable kingdom on the earth.

out your Full potential. By addressing topics such as music theory. song writing. and the logistical side of worship leading. you will be sent out with the skills needed to Fully Flourish in your calling. We believe that Christ-like character is irreplaceable in the life of any musician; therefore. we put a large emphasis on purity. holiness. and consecration unto the Lord. We also spend a large portion of the school year immersing each student in biblical views concerning praise and worship. Through an enormous amount of hands-on training and practical teaching. our goal is to prepare each individual to Fully succeed in the task God has called them to. We are so excited to partner with you and see the Fullness of God's plan For your life. Welcome to the joy of creative community and song writing. Welcome to the pursuit of God's presence. Welcome to the Ramp School of Music. Sincerely.

Our goal is to raise up skillful musicians that bring people into radical encounters with Jesus through creative expression. Music shapes culture and thereFore has the power to shift culture. The Father responds to the sound of His children. You are irreplaceable. Your sound is backed by heaven and has the power to shift culture. It is time to set your sound Free. At the Ramp School of Music. our desire is that you would be immersed in a creative community. bringing

Catherine Mullins. School of Music Director


SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS The Ramp School of Performing Arts equips you to advance the kingdom through dance, drama. and theater. It empowers you to be a performing artist that is skilled in your craft. In the school of performing arts. you'll Find a safe place to explore artistic expression without Fear. Through multiple productions. you'll have an opportunity to explore the world of dancing. singing. acting. and media production. As you learn to grow in your gifts and operate in boldness. God can use your life to shape culture. change history. and advance His kingdom.


School of Performing Arts Courses • Creative Process and Choreography 1 • Stagecraft Production and Lab • Prophetic Dance • Fighting Fear and Finding You • Leading Your Team • Business of the Arts • Dance in Ministry • Ballet Technique • Choreography 2



Lindsey Doss

Samuel AI-Hagal

Charlton James

School of Performing Arts Director

School of Performing Arts Associate Director

Guest Instructor

Lindsey Doss serves as School of Performing Arts Director and choreographer For Chosen. She is passionate to empower students as dancers and artists that use their gifts For the kingdom of God.

Samuel serves as School of Performing Arts Associate Director and co-choreographer For Chosen. He trains students to overcome intimidation and use their art to change the world.

Charlton James is a professional actor and distinguished Faculty member at the University of North Alabama. He teaches the principles of stage performance and the psychology of acting. 20

STUDENT LIFE Hamilton will become your "home away From home." At RSM. you'll Find a Family and a place where you belong. One of the key dynamics to your RSM experience is beyond the classroom. It is the relationships that will never leave you. 'The Ramp School of Ministry is the place where you will Find the Friends you have been looking For your whole life ... the Friends that understand who you are and what you're all about. For the First time in my life. I Found Friends that wanted to burn For God the way I did. Not only did we bond at bonfires. movie nights. picnics. and holiday parties. but we were also unified by prayer and seeking God. Because we watched each other grow spiritually. an inseparable bond was created. After graduating RSM. I can honestly say that the students who I graduated with are. and will always be, my closest Friends." - Cassie Muller. RSM alumni. Recruitment and Student Life Director

Student Life Groups Each student is placed in a Student Life Group. In that group. you'll connect with a student leader who will take personal responsibility For you while you're here at RSM. Your leader will water the seeds God is sowing into you. He or she will care For you with encouragement and accountability. You'll have someone who will walk with you through the challenges and celebrate with you at the victories. "Student Life Groups are an integral part of what we do as a school. We believe the mandate of RSM is not only to impart information through the classroom environment. but to also provide care. encouragement. and accountability through relationships. A crucial element to the developmental process of a RSM student is community. Student Life Groups provide our students with the opportunity to connect with each other. go deeper in God, and sharpen and utilize their leadership." - Casey Doss. RSM Director



Cassie Muller

Leigh Smalley

Dallen Ansley

Recruitment and Student Life Director

Administrative Assistant

Student Life Director

Leigh Smalley is the person the makes everything work. She serves RSM with the heart to see the mission of awakening. equipping. and sending happen in each student.

Dallen Ansley is the problem solver. He leads student life by pastorally connecting with students and handling conflict resolution.

Cassie Muller creates an environment at RSM where meaningful relationships are Formed and students grow together in God.



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