IronDresses Magazine

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APR 2020 |Â ISSUE NO. 1


STRENGTH IN FEMININITY Celebrating 7 Years Strong

FEMALE EMPOWERMENT 6 Strategies to Leverage Your Leadership Potential




IronDresses table of con tents

04 Founder's





06 What is


08 IronDresses


12 Wear-A-Dress


14 Meet the Team 16 Leadership Seminar



22 DreamGirls Camp 24 Glam Squad

30 New Books




CHERELLE JOHNSON Cherelle Johnson is the creator and founder of IronDresses. With a passion for women of all denominations and backgrounds to embrace their unique self, Cherelle believes that true beauty is seen in a woman living her dream and journeying in her purposes, all while demonstrating her strength in femininity.

“Strength and honor are her clothing

manipulated, I desire to illuminate

and she can laugh at the time to

God purposes and celebrate our

come” (Proverbs 31:25) When I

opportunities. I believe that a

think about IronDresses, I see

woman embracing her femininity -

women living free! I see ladies

her God-given identity- is the

being who the Lord created them

anchor to her strength. In this she

to be without regret. Proverbs

can withstand pressure and

31:25 is my life scripture and the

pursue success. The IronDresses

scripture that motivates our

woman embraces sisterhood with

vision “Strength in Femininity”.

an open arm and personifies

IronDresses is an invitation for

Proverbs 31:10-31. She does not

women to be the best dressed;

have to strive to be a super

and the wardrobe that matters

woman because she’s completely

most is the one worn inwardly. In

dependent on our supernatural

a society where femininity has


been minimized and

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"Who can find a wife of noble character? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will not lack anything good. She rewards him with good, not evil, all the days of her life. She selects wool and flax and works with willing hands. She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from far away. She rises while it is still nightand provides food for her household and portions for her female servants. She evaluates a field and buys it; she plants a vineyard with her earnings. She draws on her strength and reveals that her arms are strong. She sees that her profits are good, and her lamp never goes out at night. She extends her hands to the spinning staff, and her hands hold the spindle. Her hands reach out to the poor, and she extends her hands to the needy. She is not afraid for her household when it snows, for all in her household are doubly clothed. She makes her own bed coverings; her clothing is fine linen and purple. Her husband is known at the city gates, where he sits among the elders of the land. She makes and sells linen garments; she delivers belts to the merchants. Strength and honor are her clothing, and she can laugh at the time to come. Her mouth speaks wisdom, and loving instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the activities of her household and is never idle. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also praises her: “Many women have done noble deeds, but you surpass them all!� Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord will be praised. Give her the reward of her labor, and let her works praise her at the city gates."

Proverbs 31:10-31


IronDresses is a Christ-centered organization committed to living in the strength of femininity. We are a movement with a goal to restore women of all ages to by empowering true identity and establishing dreams! This is accomplished by exploring and celebrating our strength that is housed in our femininity.That’s right ladies, as we explore who God created us to be, we will find that being a woman is not a side note to our identity. Being a woman is the main event! We are identified by God, characterized by the strength in our femininity. Formally, IronDresses Inc. is a 501 (c)3 empowerment enterprise that equips women by teaching virtues of feminine strength, hosting conferences, facilitating retreats and leadership seminars. IronDresses Inc. is also a brand of programming and curriculum for women's groups & organizations. Why the name IronDresses? Iron is a solid metal chemical element that is everywhere! It is the most common element in the whole planet. It’s used to build the world around us, as well as keep plants and animals alive. The chemical symbol for Iron is Fe.I think it's cute that the symbol for iron is Fe, the same English letters that separate the sexes:

male and female. Iron represents strength and Dresses denotes femininity. I love our logo and I’ll never forget the day it was first on paper! When I was writing my book, IronDresses, I had a clear picture of the image that represented the message. I did not have the graphic design skills, but I knew people who did. Brad Jones and I were in graduate school together and while at the library working on our thesis papers, I explained my vision to him. Without question, he drew the image on a piece of notebook paper, that I still have today. When I saw that sketch, I knew that this was the start of something big and I am in awe of how it has blossomed from that point. The logo is strategically designed with meaning. There are no lines separating the woman and the dress because they are one. The “Dresses” of IronDresses represents femininity and the “Iron” of IronDresses represents strength. The border of the woman is the lowercase letters “f” (backwards) and “e”. FE is the atomic symbol for iron, which is a solid metal chemical element that is everywhere! It is the most common element in the whole planet. It is used to build the world around us, as well as keep plants and animals alive.

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“Sometimes the confidence in what is visible does not include the courage I actually need to navigate who I can become”

IronDresses Conference The IronDresses Conference was ID’s inaugural event, serving as our annual celebration of womanhood. Each year’s conference theme was inspired from a chapter of the book IronDresses. With varying themes, there are signature aspects of the conference that every woman looks forward to: Dynamic speakers circuit, leading ladies vender showcase, and our famous panel discussion. With a diverse audience, ages ranging from 18 to 80, the goal of the conference is to embrace our identity as being a mother, daughter, sister and wife. The conference team, initially led by Chaka Burnett, has evolved as we have grown. What was once an organization at-large lead event now has a locally led experience with the hopes to start other IronDresses conferences in various locations. On Friday evening, we kick off the conference with an Identified Banquet; this is your chance to dress to impress. On Saturday morning we start bright and early with Praise & Worship, Empowerment Sessions, and a Leading Ladies Showcase during lunch. We conclude our conference time with our dynamic Q&A Panel discussion.

"My first ID conference in 2017 was a whirlwind of an experience! Not only was the very first time attending, but I had the honor of being invited to speak and share as well. I am a feeler, and I remember most how things felt for me. The place was electric with worship and a hunger for God! The sisterhood was genuine. I met some ladies for the first time, and I felt like I had known them for a while. And the ID conference felt SAFE. A safe place to let down my guard and be real with God, and to receive what I needed from Him." – Pastor Denedriane Dean

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2014 IDentified 2015 Be Lovely 2016 Dress for Success: A Wardrobe for Worship 2017 Dresses for Life 2018 Elements of Sisterhood 2019 Well Women 2020 Busy Resting

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"Being a part of the IronDresses Conference has literally changed my life. For the very first one, Cherelle TOLD me to write a song. I had never written a song...ever. I was so nervous and insecure. Feeling completely inadequate and out of my league, sitting at my kitchen table feeding a fussy baby, I began to sing "A warrior in white, that's what You see...A warrior in white, that's what I'll be." The melody and words spilled out of my heart like they were waiting for an opportunity to escape. That has been my experience with the ID Conference. It has been an avenue through which the Lord continues to shatter the glass ceilings in my life." - Angel Moseley

“I have attended the last two ID conferences and several ID events. Every experience is rich and engaging and always includes amazing keynote speakers, uplifting stories and testimonies of women just like me. Each ID event includes a different topic each year and is always inspirational. We each have our own struggles and different experiences in life; therefore, it is nice to hear from other like-minded ladies at each conference. We all walk away feeling encouraged, empowered and with a little more excellence under our belts from each conference or session together. I always gain a few new friendships too! I highly recommend attending IronDresses conferences and events!” – Dawn Flowers

"In 2012, I had the opportunity to grow closer to [Cherelle] as she began IronDresses, Inc. and wrote her first book “IronDresses: Strength in Femininity”. Little did I know, in 2012, that I would be an IronDresses conference speaker in 2019 because of the encouragement that I received to know God and to walk as His chosen vessel. I am incredibly grateful for the love that God has shown through Cherelle and the IronDresses’ team to provide a network of support for women to be who they are called to be. I have been blessed by this year after year and I am excited to see what more God has in store for and through this ministry!" – Maria McDonald

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“Believing beyond” is a decision to relocate your soul from ScarCity to Dream City where the motto is “Now to him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us.”

Ephesians 3:20

WEAR-A-DRESS WEDNESDAY Fashion is a large part of cultures around the world and I believe that a dress is a sect of clothing that screams femininity. Simply because a person had a vision for a style, it goes on the runway and is considered haute couture. I would love for the Word of God to govern the lives of women in such a way that when it is exposed on this runway of life, we give our all to make sure we are fashionably dressed for the season...the season that God

How Do I Participate? 1. Wear a Dress on Wednesdays 2. Take a picture 3. Share the picture on social media 4. Include the hashtag #strengthinfemininity or #irondresses

has created for us. Wear-a-Dress Wednesday is our weekly celebration of our womanhood. A dress or skirt outfit screams femininity and we want to give you a reason to live out loud. Wearing the Dress does not make you feminine: it

Embrace it. Empower it. Enjoy it!

is simply because God created you in His image! 12 | IronDresses

IronDresses Signature Dress Clothing For The Confident Woman The IronDresses Signature Dress is a classic Aline style and will flatter any woman's figure! The IronDresses' logo is a style of empowerment for all women. Make sure you order your timeless piece today and be a part of this powerful movement of women uplifting each other.

$50 Renee's Boutique LLC

IronDresses for me provides women the encouragement needed to fully embrace the feminine component of their design. God intentionally made us female and there is a beauty to behold in that.


Savana Koteita Dream Girls Camp

Sara Eggleston Administration

Theresa Proctor Business Coach

Meet the Team Chaka Burnett Conference & Retreat

Avenlea Howard Social Media

Stephanie Boateng Intern - Event Coordinator (LLS, IDP)

Bola Hill Marketing

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“It’s been an distinct honor and pleasure to be involved with IronDresses from the beginning. It’s hard to describe the gift that was offered in being able to support someone else’s dream. We’ve watched it grow and expand past what our little group ever envisioned. We’ve seen God do the most amazing things with our little steps of faith. I look forward to the continued growth and recognition of more things that we could only ever have dreamed.”


"Serving on the IronDresses Team in the early years of forming and developing was such an enriching experience. I thoroughly enjoyed working on events for women but what was most significant to me was the spiritual, professional, and personal development from being on the team. Our team meetings helped me to be more thoughtful about the "why" of our work and how it influenced me personally."


"I have been blessed to be on the IronDresses Incorporated Team and Conference Planning Committee. IronDresses is so much more than a movement. It's a feeling, it's tangible, a way of being. To carry the mantle of Femininity with strength and beauty as women is something that we are born to do, and IronDresses helps us all realize, live in, and walk out that call!"


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Leadership The ID Leadership Seminar, formerly known as ‘Beauty & Business Seminar’, is an opportunity to engage with leading ladies across various entities. Our goal is to increase our confidence and competence to lead in various spheres of influence. During this event we identify and overcome obstacles, clarify vision and strategize the next steps for business and/or leadership success. At one of our seminars, you can expect: Impartation of courage and competence to be the best you Custom tips and techniques on becoming a dynamic leader Insights on delivering heartfelt presentations and sharing a compelling vision Increased confidence to lead in your sphere of influence Engagement and networking with other leading ladies

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Seminar Each Leadership Seminar will feature an ‘Amplify Your Voice’ master class because effective communication is vital for leaders, no matter the platform- preaching, teaching, canvassing, writing, presenting, fund raising, team building or vision casting. These seminars are designed for women who desire to live their dreams, gain more from their passions or hobbies, and/or increase business revenue. Are you thinking about starting your own business? Do you need a boost of motivation to be a better executive in your current position? Would you like to network and connect with other ambitious Leading Ladies? If yes, this event is for you! Connect with local women as you learn how to mobilize your passions, grow your business, and live your dreams. You will leave with new connections with other passionate local ladies, a clear vision and goals for our next steps in business, tips and tools to grow your business, local partnership opportunities, and more!

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“Sometimes, we can’t wait for permission, an invitation, or approval from others when we are living undiscovered. As long as we are affirmed by God, defining our action will be His pleasure.”

"This leadership seminar exceeded my expectations. Prior to coming to the event, I didn’t really know if this kind of event was for me. I said that because I don’t consider myself to be a leader in the sense that I lead a group of people. However, this seminar proved to be necessarily for any and everybody in all walks of life. I was able to take away so much information that can be applied in my personal life and also my professional life. The speakers were also engaging which I loved. I also loved their way of presenting the material, going step by step and making it relatable. I was empowered, inspired and changed for the better because of this seminar. I loved the energy in the room and the mix of presentation and participation. It was a different group than my “usual” which added to the value. Thank you for bringing us together."


“Surrounded by a room full of women whose hearts are on fire for God - and who have goals to be leaders in their business, home, community, church - gave me a feeling of excitement knowing that we can help one another grow & lift one another up as leaders, be successful, and serve God at the same time. The seminar gave me the tools & insight to help me see how I can impact those around me (in my business, home, community, & church) to glorify Jesus. I learned how to lean into my gifts and speak into who God is calling me to be as a leader within the communities that I serve. I can’t wait for the next one!!”


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Dream Girls Camp

Every girl has a dream for her life and we desire to ‘fan the flame’ of excellence and make that dream a reality. The IronDresses Dream Girls Camp is a one day summer camp for girls ages 13-17. The ability to DREAM big is often diminished by the woes and current realities of life and the Dream Girls Camp provides an opportunity to explore career paths and solidify the character needed to dream beyond those circumstances.

Year 1

Year 2

Partnering with our IronDresses Glam Squad, we are able to enhance a young lady’s exposure to successful local women and illuminate the message that you too, are fearfully and wonderfully made for greater things. When a young lady leaves this experience, she'll have a better sense of her identity in Christ, great stories from meeting local female leaders, and a clear picture of her desired future. This camp is all about empowering young women to align themselves with God's best for them and to dream BIG!

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"When you Flow with it, you are always leaving room for Jesus to evaluate and redirect."

As we celebrate Strength in Femininity, it is imperative to have a GLAM SQUAD! Traditionally, a glam squad is an on-demand beauty service or mobile beauty salon. It is also a celebrity’s entourage with the main goal to make you look amazing. We believe that glamour is indeed attractive, but beauty is the sustainer. True beauty is seen in a woman living her dream and journeying in her purposes, all while demonstrating her strength in femininity. The IronDresess Glam Squad is a network of women striving to impact, influence and inspire excellence for women in leadership.

The goal is to provide business strategies and leadership development for leading ladies. Each Glam Squad participant pays an annual fee as an investment in her personal and professional development. Glam Squad members will receive priority selection as a vendor at applicable ID, Inc. events, discounted fees for Leadership Seminars & Luncheons, Glam Squad referral perks, and free admission to all IDP Workshops. Members utilize a communications app that allows for weekly accountability and connectedness with an executive coach and GS members at large .

An ‘ID Glam Squad’ Facebook group exists for unofficial members with the purposes of inspiration, individual led partnerships, and product/service advertisement. We always have room for faith filled women who desire to produce resources such as: books, dissertations, training manuals, albums, business plans, YouTube channels, etc. Check out our website and join us today! Must be a female, at least 18 years old and committed to supporting the mission of IronDresses Inc. to join. 24 | IronDresses

Lisa Houff "Because of that hour of thinking through that assignment and putting down on paper my next steps for the next two months, I was able to report back to the Glam Squad at our April meeting that my first quarter of 2019 garnered my busiest quarter ever. I made contacts, met amazing business owners, booked photo shoots, and established relationships with people who are making a difference in our community. And all of this because this group showed my ways to challenge myself and push me to get out of my comfort zone to meet people and seek business where I might not otherwise have sought on my own. Accountability works, and this amazing group of women has shown me that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to as long as I’m willing to put in the work. The support structure this group provides is crucial for success and building confidence."

"Starting Love, Language, & Childcare, I was clueless about how to get started. Working with Cherelle was amazing because she immediately became excited about my vision and helped me figure out what steps to take to make it a reality. Cherelle was an amazing listener and helped me to solidify my ideas and write out my vision, mission, and business plan. She also helped me to understand how to run a business, from marketing to balancing financials. I wouldn't trade the experience I had working with Cherelle. Without her help my home learning center would probably still be an idea in my head. Instead, it is a successful and lucrative business where I get to do what I love everyday and have a long list of families waiting for the opportunity to send their children to me. I thank God for Cherelle and the gift she has in supporting, leading, and helping others."

Lynette Ellis

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These quarterly workshops are for the executive mom, entrepreneur and everyday leader who desires to prioritize excellence.

Each participant leaves the workshop with an organized plan for their next 90 days to become their best 90 days.

IronDresses Purpose Planning (IDP ) Workshops are extensions of the Glam Squad designed to serve as strategic planning retreats.

During this event, we make short term goals and with vision for the upcoming quarter.

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Puchase the newest release, Face It, to dive deeper into leveraging your potential!

All book proceeds go to IronDresses Incorporated nonprofit organization for funding the mission of empowering women!

New Release

Second Edition


A face is a statement. It’s what we look at when we’re attentive. It communicates more than words. A face is at the forefront of our thinking. It’s our primary source of rapid identification. Just as vital as our physical face to our body, is the courage it takes to Face it. Connect with author Cherelle Johnson as she

IronDresses is more than a book title; it is a heart cry and framework for womanhood. IronDresses is a movement with a goal to restore and empower women of all ages to live in the strength of their femininity. It is all about exploring and celebrating our strength that is housed in our femininity.

mirrors the resolve to lead, the audacity to take a stand, the bravery to change and the boldness to hope

That's right ladies, as we explore who God created us to be, we will find that being a woman is not a side note

beyond our current circumstances. This book will fill you with what it takes to FACE IT.

to our identity. Being a woman is the main event! We are identified by God characterized by the strength in our femininity.

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FACE IT COURSE Online Course | IronDresses Inc.

Introduction Join author Cherelle in an exclusive class teaching on the process facing live and leveraging towards success, which is an extention from her book "FACE IT". In this class, you can expect to gain spirit-led insights that will transform your life.

Syllabus Session 1: Course Overview Session 2: Fix It Session 3: Faith It Session 4: Face It Session 5: Midway Review* Session 6: Find It Session 7: Finesse It Session 8: Flow with It Session 9: Final Launch* *Midway Review and Final Launch are live sessions with the Author

Course Materials "Face It" book Wifi access & Zoom Conferencing App Desire & drive to lead!

Courses offered independently, but recommended to be completed in a cohort. You can become an IronDresses Ambassador (IDA) by inviting others to join the FACE IT cource as you facilitate each session. For more about becoming an IDA, contact us! Sessions are pre-recorded and participant will have access to content via password protected site.

This course is a launching pad for your thriving identity and serves as your 30-day notice to confront your fears, take responsibility, and expose your skills and strengths.

Contact us: iron @irondressesinc 31 | IronDresses


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