Treasure Chest Magazine 98-123

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A FEW COMMON QUESTIONS AND CONSIDERATIONS ABOUT RELATIONAL MARKETING: Why now? Why should your efforts be geared toward relational marketing now? Because there is a market for the product (MonaVie), which includes the largest population in the world — Baby Boomers. Baby Boomers have reached their 50s and 60s — an age where people start to look at their physicality more. “We’re the ones that made our wealth in our youth. Now we’re spending our wealth on our health,” Brig says. “Health and wellness is an industry that’s changing the way we are doing things. For the rest of my life, this will be the next trillion dollar industry.”

I’ve never done a network like this before. Brig Hart understands that relational marketing is a new concept to some people and some people need guidance at first. That is why when he started the R3Global Total Support System, he sat down and wrote the M.A.P. (Maximum Action Plan) Book.“Read and Follow the 10 Step Pattern and you’ll have a greater understanding of what the successful leaders have done before you”, he says of his comprehensive guide to becoming a successful relational marketer. “Relational Marketing is a great industry because you’re not going it alone. We’re not dreaming up anything new, we’re just kind of following the leader.”

Can I really make money from home on my own terms? Another trend that’s changing the way businesses are being dealt with through the Cottage Industry are home-based business opportunities. Cottage Industry is defined as: An industry where the creation of products and services is home-based, rather than factory-based. The invention and acceptance of people doing business online has changed everything. You can now work out of your home with little overhead and great success thanks to the Internet and e-commerce. The Internet is the platform and e-commerce is a way of doing business on that platform from anywhere in the world. The acceptance of these advancements has changed the way people look at our industry.

This whole process sounds a bit overwhelming. Is it worth it? It’s not overwhelming. You’re just sharing the message of health with friends. It’s one product — with five variations. It’s getting your nutrients through liquid form. People say MonaVie is expensive, but it’s really not. With MonaVie, you receive your full antioxidant capacity of ten servings a day of fruit. Is your health worth that? We think so.

What if I didn’t get in the business early enough to become successful? There are roughly 6.8 billion people in the world and they’re all looking for something. The whole world’s connected. Every person on planet Earth knows somebody and they all want something more than what they have. Nine out of every ten prospects you’ll talk to have yet to hear about or experience the product MonaVie. Less than one half of one percent of any city market has been completely saturated. Who doesn’t want better health both physically and financially? Everyone does, and now that the pathway has been developed, all you must do is decide that now is as good a time as any to get started. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Get Started Now and Don’t Quit.

I’m not really sure if I fit in a leader role and I’ve never been part of a team before. Once you join, the first step is to sign up and become a distributor. You then simply start following the path of the people who have gone before you (your active working upline). They are your built-in lifeline. Just follow the leaders and do as they do. In this Support System, the combined efforts of each distributor produces a team effort that forms the team attitude. Each individual brings special skills and talents to the table. Combined together, the synergy that is created causes great results. Where there is agreement, there is power. Together we can do anything.

VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 | 119

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