NATURA- Natural Remedies for the 21st Century

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natural treatments for allergy By Helena Szollosy Our aim as naturopaths is to employ safe and effective natural therapies that will support and stimulate the healing power of nature in the gentlest, least invasive and most efficient manner possible. Naturopathy helps people with all forms of health concerns from acute, recent sudden onset disease to chronic, long standing illness. Naturopaths consider the whole person - body, mind, spirit, and emotions - in the quest for optimal health and wellness. Here, I explore some of the most common naturopathic therapies for allergy. Herbal medicine: Herbs have the primordial healing power of nature. For the treatment of allergies the following medical plants can be used: yarrow, chamomile, oak bark, walnut leaves, horseradish, St. John’s wort and stinging nettle. Diet: Many people are unaware that a vegetarian diet can help prevent and cure hay fever. Several nutritional systems such as the Ayurvedic diet, the Waerland diet, Mazdaznan eating principles or Diamond lifestyle are considered beneficial in supporting allergy treatment. Green plant juices can also be an integral part of healing but will not be enough on their own. In the case of using green

plants juices, the patient should follow a strict fasting diet too.

tree or hypericum, placed in the room are excellent.

Detoxification: Removal of toxic substances from the body has an important role in the treatment of allergies, Herbs containing antibacterial substances which support detoxification are recommended such as: basil, thyme, cumin, fennel, medicinal sage, hyssop, lavender, rosemary, peppermint and tarragon.

Homeopathy: Allergies come in many forms. Some result in sneezes, some in clogged noses, other itchy rashes, or itchy palates. There are many more symptoms too. Therefore, a homeopathic remedy is chosen for the patient’s individual symptoms. Of course, in the case of homeopathic treatment, the rules for taking of homeopathic remedies must be followed. The homeopathic remedy Histaminum C9 or C15 is administered most often to relieve allergy symptoms.

Apiterapy: This means healing with bee products, i.e. honey, pollen and propolis. The anti-allergy procedure with honey is desensitisation, which means that by trying to inject a minimal dose of the allergen into the body, it may be possible to eliminate the hypersensitivity to the trigger (pollen). The tincture of propolis (the alcoholic extract propolis) is also used. Its internal use strengthens the body and enhances resilience. Candling Therapy: Candling as a thermal therapy. It is a practice which claims to improve general health and well-being by lighting one end of a hollow candle and placing the other end in the ear canal or specific point on the body. In the case of allergy, body candles scented with lavender oil, sage, ylang-ylang, tea 8

Applying tissue salts: Tissue salts play an important role in strengthening the immune system, with the aim of preventing inflammatory disease and improving cellular metabolism and cell structure. In addition, their use can help to improve response to homeopathy and traditional medicine. Complementing certain tissue salt deficiencies can also help cure allergies. Tissue salts most likely to help are Calcium phosphoricum, Ferrum phosphoricum, Kalium chloratum and Natrium chloratum. For more information about naturopathy or any of the therapies listed above contact a GCRN-registered naturopath for advice.

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