Annual Highlights 2008-2009/5769

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INTERFAITH ............................................................................................................................................................................ Devoted to interfaith understanding, collaboration, and action, the Interfaith Committee hosted several dynamic and engaging programs this year.

• Two visiting professors taught the Third Annual Stuart Polly Interfaith Study (a four-session class) comparing the histories of Judaism and Christianity in their early periods. The class was attended by over 70 people from BJ, SPSA, and other congregations.

• The March Annual Interfaith Lecture drew 80 people to hear Professor Mark Cohen of Princeton deliver a talk titled “The New Muslim Anti-Semitism.”

• A “Peace Feast” built community among 150 Jews, Muslims, and Christians from BJ, SPSA, West Park Presbyterian Church, ASMA Society, and the Muslim Consultative Network.

• A four-part workshop for interfaith families, guiding participants through building relationships, raising children in interfaith families, and discussing end-of-life issues was conducted.

ISRAEL ............................................................................................................................................................................ The BJ Israel Steering Committee continued its focus on strengthening the synagogue’s connection with Israel and engaging with Israelis about critical political and social issues. Engagement with Israelis is essential to providing us with the necessary tools to take stances on: the future of Zionism; peace between Israelis and Palestinians; and social change within Israel.

• In July 2008, 34 BJ members participated in a trip to Israel with a unique theme: Social Action and Social Justice in Israeli Society. As a follow-up to their inspirational experience, participants organized a number of reunion meetings to continue their discussion and commitment to social justice in Israel.

• We are building an infrastructure to make connections between BJ members and Israelis in our partner communities through in-person and virtual visits and activities in the United States and Israel as an alternative way to connect when travel to Israel is not possible.

• In April, a delegation of seven women visiting from the Elga Stulman Women’s Center at Hamidrasha visited BJ, and over Shavuot, 19 Israelis from our partner community in Tel Aviv, Beit Tefilah Israeli, joined us. At member-hosted Shabbat dinners, Kiddush with children and families after Junior Congregation, workshops led by our Israeli visitors, and the Women’s Retreat, many in our community created meaningful connections to our Israeli partners.

• The Kol Jeshurun “Focus on Israel” column continues as a weekly forum to engage our congregants with Israel via articles about religious innovation, daily life, activities of our partners, and politics in Israel.

LIFE CYCLE EVENTS ................................................................................... It has been a year filled with both joyous and sad occasions for our community. We strive to support our members through all their life cycle events and to make sure members continue to feel connected to their community.

• A BJ onesie and a Shabbat dinner were sent to 15 families who had just had babies.


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