b & M - Magazine Project 1.2

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B&M Ginger for the Heart

The New World of America

Duis Montes, Tellus Lobortis

Objective Uses the english language, by using technological skills, in order to include appropriate use of figurative language (symbolism).

It’s one of the cheapest and quickest ways to ensure your health.

Ginger for your health Around the year of 395 B.C the Chinese discovered an exclusive way to prevent diseases such as circulatory system problems, sight, allergy and besides, it can be used as natural medicine and food goods.



She could faintly discern the shape of a skull.

The piranhas nimble swam across the Amazona River.

The Ebola epidemic has ceased in Sierra Leone-

Here, we will show you how.

BIG FOOT Tourists confirm to see calloused man, claim to be Big Foot.


The french firefighter extinguished the remains of the terrorist attack.



“Horoscope” Abstract -

existing only as an idea or quality rather than as something concrete you can see or touch.

Cancer, today your life is going to be abstract, don’t worry about that, you’ll go through it. Jupiter’s moons are covering you tonight.

Devoted - giving someone or something a lot of love, concern, or attention.

Significance — importance or meaning of something.

Leo, your significant other is devoted to your love. Don’t take that for granted. Mars is around your star.

Virgo you’re going to lose something with a great significance to you. It’s not a material thing, yet it has value to you. Mutual - felt by two or more people toward one another. Libra and Sagitario going to have a mutual hate during this week, but eventually will get better.




WHAT’S A SYMBOL? A symbol, is something thats stands for or represents something else. Symbols have been used since ancient times, to represent ideas, and communicate. Egypt used the hieroglyphics to represent what they wanted to say. Some say they wrote their past in the walls to be remembered by civilizations from the future. The newest symbols, used by everyone, are the Numbers and Letter.

Panama’s Flag

Traffic Lights

Maria de la Ossa Amador proposed the flag on November 1st, 1903. Panamanians celebrate de Flag Day on November 4th of every year. The white means peace The Blue represents the conservative party The Red represents the Liberal party.

In traffic signs, the Red light means ‘Stops’, Green means ‘Go’ and Yellow represents that light is about to change. This is an universal concept was created on December 9th, 1868. It was first used outside of the Houses of Parliament in London to control the traffic in Bridge Street. But it wasn’t until 1912 by Lester Wire, a policement from Utah, U.S.A who developed a Red-Green street lights.

Christian Cross The Christian Cross has been the representing symbol of the Christian religion. Christians all over the world have been associated with it since the 2nd century. It also is a reminder of God’s love in sacrificing his own son to save humanity.

Golden Arches Everyone whether they like it or not, is familiar with the big yellow ‘M’ that represents the McDonald’s franchise. As studies say, the golden arches were part of the restaurant design, until 1962 that it was decided it would be the company’s logo.




Symbolism Ginger Root





Oil Lamp





Symbolism is the use of symbols to signify ideas and qualities by giving them symbolic meanings that are different from their literal sense. Symbolism can take different forms. Generally, it is an object representing another to give it an entirely different meaning that is much deeper and more significant. Sometimes, however, an action, an event or a word spoken by someone may have a symbolic value.

EXAMPLES In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, the letter 'A' symbolized adultery.

In Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven”, the black bird stands for death and loss.




Harry’s scar is like a badge of honor because he survived a battle. It also stands for emotional sensitivity, since it hurts when someone directs hate towards him.

In William Blake’s “Ah Sunflower”, the sunflower represents people and the sun represents life.




Metaphors as Symbolism metaphor definition: An implied analogy in which one thing is compared or identified with another dissimilar thing. For example, a feeling that is described in terms of "butterflies in the stomach", a "heart beating like a drum", or "just going blank�. Metaphor

Real Meaning

Butterflies in the Stomach

Really in love, extreme happiness

So hungry I could eat an elephant!

Extremely hungry

Just Going Blank

Forgetting something




Allegory as Symbolism Allegory is a figure of speech in which abstract ideas and principles are described in terms of characters, figures and events. It can be employed in prose and poetry to tell a story with a purpose of teaching an idea and a principle or explaining an idea or a principle. The objective of its use is to preach some kind of a moral lesson. Examples:

‣ The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis is a religious allegory with Aslan as Christ and Edmund as Judas. ‣ Wall-E - An allegory to save the Earth.




Symbolism in

‣ The moon to represents fatigue, loneliness, useless labor and unrequited love in Percy Bysshe Shelley’s “To the Moon”.

Poetry ‣ A rainbow symbolizes hope and good things that are coming in William Wordsworth’s “My Heart Leaps Up When I Behold”.

‣ Light represents hope for a better life or happiness in Emily Dickinson’s “A light exists in Spring”:




Symbolism in Everyday Life


Events Kardashian - Jenner Clan


Kim Kardashian’s husband, the famous apper Kanye West has been known to hire the oungest of the clan, Kylie Jenner for his Adida’s debut for the New York Fashion Week this past ebruary of this year. Kylie Jenner had nude make up with a put-up hairstyle.

The iCarly cast was reunited, this time it wasn’t for a job meeting nor a new season for the show, the crew of the teen-series was reunited for Nathan

Kress ‘Freddy Benson’ wedding. Which was celebrated on November 16th

HeForShe Body Accepting HeForShe is a solidarity campaign for gender equality initiated by UN Women. Its goal is to engage men and boys as agents of change for the achievement of gender equality and women’s rights, by encouraging them to take action against inequalities faced by women and girls. It was created by Emma Watson in September 20th, 2014

In a recent interview with the actress Chloë Grace Moretz, she revealed that from a young age she was body-shamed and said :“I’ve started to realize that if I change all of these things that are my quoteunquote imperfections, like my little birthmarks and weird discolorations, my slightly lazy eye, or the gap in my teeth, then who am I? Am I a carbon copy of everyone else? Those things are what make me me.”





people things they might not know about.

As a conclusion, we can say that we truly enjoyed this magazine project, because of the fun we had even though the difficulty level it had.

This magazine, helps us learn more about symbols, and how the are used in life.

This magazine shows us that life as a magazine designer isn’t easy, but is a journey that makes you learn many different things, and helps you show other 7


http://literarydevices.net/ allegory/

http://www.mtv.com/ news/2545239/chloegrace-moretz-feminism/

http:// examples.yourdictionary.c om/allegoryexamples.html

http://www.mtv.com/ news/2507942/icarly-castnathan-kress-wedding/

http:// examples.yourdictionary.c om/examples-ofsymbolism-in-poetry.html

http://www.mtv.com/ news/2078502/kyliejenner-model-kanye-westnyfw/ http://www.cracked.com/ photoplasty_875_25symbols-you-nevernoticed-in-everydaylife_p3/ http:// www.cleanlanguage.co.u k/articles/articles/62/1/ Figurative-LanguageExamined-MetaphorsSymbols-and-RelatedConcepts/Page1.html


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