Blush Magazine - Spring 2017

Page 51

My dad is also pretty conservative. That grilling I

I would be lying if I said this disagreement doesn’t get to my head sometimes. At best, it’s just a little confusing. I

apron (in his defense, it was a gift!), and I’ve never seen

can’t imagine, within my own liberal bubble, how he can’t

him respond to the mention of anyone’s name with as much

be filled with the same feeling of overwhelming dread and

revulsion as he does to Hillary Clinton. On a trip to Wash-

desire to see substantial changes made to the way we treat

ington, D.C. when I was a kid, he jokingly blamed every-

the planet.

thing from long lines at national monuments to gum on the street on the sitting president. (Thanks, Obama!) One Friday a few weeks ago, I stayed the night at my

Then I started to think, “What if he doesn’t need to be?” A few years ago the family Ford Escape was stolen out of the driveway of my childhood home. A month later, with no car to be found, Dad bought a used Subaru Forester.

the last few minutes of Maher’s weekly broadcast. My dad

I remember remarking that the Forester called itself a

sat down across the room with an amaretto. Now, before

“PZEV,” or a “Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle.” In other

you accuse me of forcing my father to watch liberal TV, let

words, for all I knew it was an extension cord short of being

me say that he does watch the show without me from time

a hybrid car, and I fancied that a pretty progressive move.

to time. Additionally, I would argue the amount of FOX

Not to mention he bought it used. Was my dad contributing

News I have to sit through makes this even.

to cutting emissions purely on accident?

That night, Maher was in the middle of one of his usual

The 2009 Subaru Forester got about 26 miles to every

rants on his most fervent subject: climate change. He began

gallon on the highway, and for a man who commutes every

by questioning why America is “the only civilized nation”

day by car, this was very important. The same can be said

still boasting a “major party” that doesn’t believe in climate

about the LED lights throughout the house that cut back

change, and then went on to compare Clinton and Trump’s

on the electricity bills. When I thought about it, I realized

stances on the environment. Dad cracked a snide remark

that nearly every appliance in the house is considered for its

about Hillary’s emails.

energy, or rather cost, efficiency.

My dad does not believe in climate change. Sorry. Fake news. He does believe in climate change. The

Climate, whether you believe the information that’s out there, is a scary reality. When I think about it, it must be

climate is changing all right, but according to him, “not any

really sweet living in a world you don’t have to worry about;

faster or worse than it has been for millions of years.” In

I’d love to live in that world. Not everyone is going to be

other words, he believes that humans do not contribute to

sold on the facts until it affects their backyards, but the way

the climate. And he’s not alone! Upon mentioning writing

we package sustainability practices can convince people to

this piece to a number of friends, I was shocked how many

reduce their footprint for their own lives if not the planet.

people could relate. One mentioned an opinionated aunt saying, “We haven’t had real debates on it, I’ve just accepted the fact that I don’t wanna deal with her ideas.”



dad’s house on Long Island and flipped on HBO to catch


mentioned before is done in a “What Would Reagan Do?”

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