August/ September 2014

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August/September 2014

Bluff City Bark Memphis Pet Magazine

Bluff City Bark Readers’ Choice Award Winners!

Human Leash Anchors: How to Get Your K9 5K-ready Meet Cameron Mann and his pup Jasper

Bluff City Bark Magazine

contents August/September 2014



8 Dangerous Foods For Your Pet Avocados, Grapes, and Chocolate may sound great to you and look appealing to your pets, but these foods are quite dangerous for them. When it’s time to eat, remember the importance of not sharing.

10 The Spirit behind the Spirits 14 The Mann with the Plan

4 7 32 34 28 30

My Letter Pet Holidays Ask A Vet Maude’s News Puperscopes Pet Events

interests 6 Bonding with your Dog 33 Human Leash Anchors: How to Get Your K9 5K-ready

26 6 Meds that could Poison your Pet

Meet Cameron Mann and his pup Jasper

18 Bluff City Bark Readers’ Choice Award Winners!

22 Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby

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Bluff City Bark Creator

Katey McCabe

Contributing Writer Tiffany Warmbrod Hana Meskovic

Copywriter Elise Starling


Do you have a pet related event coming up? Email us at info@ and submit your event. We want to share any pet related event in the Bluff City area.

DON’T MISS OUT Never miss an issue sign up for our newsletter and get the latest Bark News. Bluff City Bark is very excited to be Memphis, TN’s first pet magazine. We are very dedicated to publishing helpful and educational information to our community. We welcome submissions from writers and photographers anytime. Please email to with questions and creative ideas for articles.

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My Letter

Back to School....Don’t let your Dog Act a Fool

That dreaded moment where we realize yet another summer has slipped away is finally here. Out vacations have come and gone and for many, it's back to reality. You're probably busy worrying about school supplies, uniforms, and lunchables. One thing we often don't think about is how the end of summer can take a toll on our pets. Pets, like people, are creatures of habit. During the summer months, our pets are used to spending more quality time with us and our children. It's very possible when the kids head back to school you'll need to develop a plan to prevent any separation anxiety (and keep from having to buy a new couch). The trick is to make the transition as seamless as possible. I've listed a few examples of things that have worked for me the past few years. We all have our own unique schedules, but many of these are small things anyone can do. - Try to wait to feed your pet until the last moment before you leave the house for the day. Not only will this keep them full until you return, but you'll manage to sneak out without a big temper tantrum. - Take them on an extra walk in the morning. Of course this is a health conscious option for you and your pet, but they'll also tire out and most likely nap for the better part of the morning. - Leave them with a favorite toy, but nothing that requires supervision and not if you have more than one pet that may not prefer to share. My go-to is a Kong with a smidge of peanut butter. Sometimes I think I'm not even missed!! - Make sure your pet goes outside before you leave...#1 AND #2. This one can be tricky if you're in a hurry, but patience with your pet to do their business will pay off in the long run. Trust me! - Be calm when you arrive home. Getting your dog all riled up will only draw attention to the fact that you were away. We want them to miss us, sure, but not to the point of a destroyed house in an attempt to find us hiding under the couch cushions.

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My Letter - If need be, Kennel your dog. I realize there are very conflicted viewpoints on kenneling, however, if done properly kenneling can be very beneficial. Always remember to not leave food or water in a kennel with your dog. Not only can it make a mess, but it can also be dangerous. Dogs are territorial by nature, and a kennel can become their "room". This will be more comforting to them than wandering the halls of an empty house. If you have multiple dogs, kenneling is a great option from a safety standpoint as well. Even the best of friends can have a small tiff now and then, and sometimes can escalate if a human counterpart is not around to correct the misbehavior. You'll also have no reason to worry all day whether the garbage will be strung across the kitchen floor or spend hours cleaning up the insides of your throw pillows. Again, all of these are options that have worked for me. Test a few out for yourself and see what works best for you and your pet. Then stick to a schedule! Before you know it, your favorite four legged pal won't even know you were gone. -Tiffany Warmbrod

Bluff City Bark Magazine

Bonding With Your Dog : A Personal Experience As an avid dog lover and owner, I have come to learn many things about training dogs and getting them to trust you and follow your guidance. At one point, I had a rescue dog that was very abused in her previous home and used for fighting, therefore she was always on edge and slightly aggressive. This is where I learned that with a little patience and understanding, you can bond with any dog. I found through communication, touch, love, and lots of learning that even the most difficult dogs can come around. Bonding is important for dogs and the owners alike because it makes it easier to train them. It is so easy in our busy lives to forget that we have to do more than just feed them and keep them alive. I, too, am guilty of coming home from a long day and not wanting to give them much attention and then wondering why they are acting up later. Taking the time out to give them more attention will result in less discrepancies and a happier household in general. Here are some tips on how to bond with your dog: 1. Pet Your Dogs Petting your dogs when you are with them makes the world of a difference. They feel loved and comforted, and will relax more and more around you the longer you do it. 2. Exercising A tired dog is a good dog! Even a short walk, or tossing the frisbee in the backyard for 20 min will do wonders. 3. Talk to You Pups Dogs understand more than you think, and they respond well to positive speak. I have found they enjoy listening to all the gossip from work as well as how long it took you to fax that expense report today. Just talk to them.

4. Training Teaching dogs tricks and training them reminds them that you are the boss and they must listen to you as well as trust you. It is also a fun activity for them in general. 5. Give them Attention I feel its important that all dog owners consider this fact: You are your dog’s world. You can go out and do fun things and have a job and friends, but your dog cannot. The moment that you step in the door, it’s their favorite time of the day. It’s the moment they have been waiting for all day. So please always remember to take the time out to show them you love them! Story by Hana Meskovic

Bluff City Bark Magazine

Pet Holidays

Pet Holidays


August 1st DOGust

Universal Birthday for Shelter Dogs The North Shore Animal League America, the world’s largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization, declared August 1 as a birthday for all the shelter animals whose birthdays are unknown. Happy DOGust!!

August 3-9th International

September National Disaster Preparedness Month September 22nd National

Dog Week

September 28th

Rabies Day


Assistance Dog Week

International Assistance Dog Week (IADW) was created to recognize all the devoted, hardworking assistance dogs helping individuals mitigate their disability related limitations.

August 16th International

Homeless Animals’ Day From the International Society for Animal Rights Adopt-A-Pet

Bluff City Bark Magazine



Pet Health

Dangerous Foods for your Pet


vocados, Grapes, and Chocolate may sound great to you and look appealing to your pets, but these foods are quite dangerous for them. When it’s time to eat, remember the importance of not sharing. Not only are there potential dangers in many foods we may be unaware of, but limiting “people” food (honestly, denying it all together) will prevent your dog from being an unwanted pest that begs at every dinner function. Not sharing is actually caring in this case! Here is a list of common foods that can harm those sweet puppy eyes begging for food:

-Alcoholic beverages; Can cause coma, death, and other illnesses -Avocado; Can cause vomiting and diarrhea -Chocolate; Can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and very toxic to the heart and nervous system. -Grapes and raisins; Can cause damage to kidneys, especially in puppies -Onions and Garlic; Can damage red blood cells and cause anemia, especially in cats. Onions cause more damage than garlic, but still a dangerous food Bluff City Bark Magazine

Pet Health

-Macadamia Nuts; Can cause severe lethargy, vomiting, tremors, and can affect the nervous system -Yeast dough; Can produce gas in digestive system, expand and cause pain or even rupture the stomach or intestines -Xylitol (Used to make chewing gum, breath mints, chewing vitamins, and more); This product is extremely toxic to dogs. Even the smallest

amount can damage their liver, cause seizures, or even death. If you think your pet may have digested a toxic food or substance, call your local veterinary or ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center Click here for a list of more harmful foods.

Dog Days of Summer “Paint Your Pet” Event August 17th 2:00pm Pinot’s Palette on Sanderlin Ave

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Purchase Tickets Here

Pet Health

The Spirit behind the Spirits


are few things we here at Bluff City Bark enjoy more than our pets, but even every pet lover needs the occasional wind down session – it’s crucial to our sanity. Some of my more memorable nights are spent relaxing on my back patio with a nice cocktail with friends while watching our four legged pals romp through the yard on a summer day. Of course, with the heat of summer, the key is to stay away from the dark and heavy libations and opt for something a little lighter, like a vodka mix of some sort. Story by: Tiffany Warmbrod Photos by: Tito’s Vodka

Bluff City Bark Magazine

Imagine our surprise when we were contacted by our favorite Vodka brand, Tito’s Handmade Vodka! Is this real life?! As a writer, I’m completely humbled daily to be able to do something I love while sharing important and relatable information with the masses regarding their pets. As an occasional vodka enthusiast, I’m even more thrilled to be able to incorporate Bert Tito Beveridge, who is a true pioneer in the distilled spirits world.

Tito has always been a dog lover and he and his team has rescued over thirty abandoned dogs over the course of the last fifteen years. It is not uncommon to see dogs roaming the property. Don’t For those who aren’t familiar worry though, they’re all being taken with Tito’s (trust me – you’re going to care of and couldn’t be happier. love them by the end of this article), Some even reside on the property, founder and CEO Tito Beveridge while others punch the time clock began his distillery fifteen years each morning and evening with their ago in a large open field in Austin, human counterpart. Texas. Tito’s partner in his distillery endeavor was none other than his white shepherd mix, Gio. Gio was by Tito’s side day in and day out as he began to transform the open field into his distillery headquarters. There was only one small hitch; the field seemed to be some sort of beacon for abandoned dogs! So began Tito’s rescue efforts.

Bluff City Bark Magazine

Tito spent his first operating years working out of a one-room shack. He was the epitome of a hands-on, grassroots owner; cooking vodka around the clock and hand- bottling his product right down to the paper labels. When Tito wasn’t producing his vodka, he was promoting his brand any chance he was offered. While it took Tito more than eight years and nineteen credit cards, the light at the end of the tunnel was finally seen and Tito began turning a profit. Now, Tito’s is one of the country’s hottest new brands backed by some of the most renowned mixologists in the business. Wine Enthusiast even awarded Tito’s a score of 95 points, giving this ultrasmooth spirit a higher score than Ketel One, Absolut, Belvedere, and Grey Goose! Tito’s Handmade Vodka is a huge supporter and partner of the Austin sector of Emancipet, which offers low cost spay and neuter services to the Greater Austin area. Austin is currently the largest city to go NO KILL

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with a booming ninety percent save rate! How amazing are those numbers?! Other rescues in Austin that Tito supports include: Love-ABull, Humane Society, Pinups for Pit Bulls, Puppy Mill Awareness Day, and countless others. Stretching the seams of his heart even further than just opening his home and business to abandoned animals, Tito has partnered with Pride Bites to create Tito’s Handmade Vodka dog toy. Pride Bites is an award winning pet product manufacturer focusing on high quality and customizable goods. The Tito’s Handmade Vodka toy (pictured on next page) can be viewed and purchased through their website www.VodkaForDogPeople. com . 100% of the proceeds from Tito’s festive toy will be donated to Emancipet, further supporting their mission to provide affordable and accessible veterinary care.

You’re probably wondering why we would share so much about an entrepreneur/ dog lover with a home base as far away as Austin. We here at Bluff city Bark, when given the opportunity, prefer to promote by example. We think what Tito represents and all that he has accomplished should be an example for all of you hard-working Memphians; business owners or not. There are so many ways to make a difference whether it is in a direct monetary way, through fostering of animals, or just by being conscious of the benefits of purchasing particular products. We hope that local business owners in the Memphis area will follow Tito’s lead of philanthropy so that we may continue these efforts in our own backyard. Because of the support of Tito’s

local community, he was not only able to grow his product into a nationally recognized brand but was also able to use his notoriety in a pawsitive way through helping those unable to help themselves; our beloved four legged friends.

Bluff City Bark Magazine

The Mann with a Plan Imagine wide open spaces as far as the eye can see; the sounds of the city being muted by a soft breeze through surrounding trees; the relieving smell of fresh air; the sights of people running, biking, riding horses, and dogs playing in the distance. Some of you may be envisioning a quick getaway outside of the city. What if I told you all of these things can be found a short drive from anywhere in the city within the borders of Shelby Farms Park?

Bluff City Bark Magazine

Shelby Farms Park Conservancy is a 4,500 acre park located smack dab in the heart of the Bluff City. The park is larger than Central park in New York City and San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park, all right here in our own backyard! How’s that for perspective? The park is also home to over 200 species of animals, which is why their Master Plan involves the planting of one million new trees; to keep these species’ habitats intact and bountiful for centuries to come. For thirty five years, the park was a working penal farm that turned a profit for the county. Memphians have fought long and hard to prevent development of this land and their efforts have not gone unnoticed. In 2007, the park was granted protection by way of a conservation easement. Like many of our faithful animal rescues in the Greater Memphis area, Shelby Farms Park and Shelby Farms Greenline are managed and operated as a non-profit organization with more than 75% of their operating budget being poured directly back into managing and operating the park. This means Shelby Farms is quite literally, the peoples’ park! For years, Memphians have been enjoying the fruit of the land at Shelby Farms Park. Some are seasonal visitors with events such as Starry Nights during the holiday season. Others are regular patrons looking to connect with nature, take a breather from every day stresses, and just enjoy the beautiful gifts of Mother Nature.

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For Cameron Mann, Manager of Development and Communications for Shelby Farms Park Conservancy, the park is a significant backdrop for his professional and personal life every single day. Memphis native, Cameron Mann has been in his current position at Shelby Farms for just under a year and is already shaking things up and making moves. His primary duty in his new role is to obtain funding and involvement from local corporations in an effort to continue to enhance Shelby Farms. Mann and his team were responsible for signing

on Memphis Vet Specialists to be the “Emergency Pet Care Partner” for Shelby Farms. Mann hopes to continue growing “partnerships throughout the city and hopefully nationally which will allow us to add more amenities to the park and offer more to park users.”

Cameron’s conservation efforts don’t end when he leaves the office, however. Jasper, Cameron’s one year old dog was rescued as a puppy. His mother was rescued while pregnant, and in true to the times fashion, Cameron learned of the subsequent puppies through social media. Although shy, Jasper loves all toys but prefers a challenge in anything tough to destroy such as a Kong. Jasper also enjoys exploring the Tour De Wolf Trail inside of Shelby Farms Park. One of Mann’s favorite things about the park is that “It’s a great meeting place for people and pets” he says you really “get to see a slice of Memphis.” Cameron loves that the dog park at Shelby Farms has a large off-leash area where pets and people alike can get out and experience the serenity of wide open spaces without ever leaving the city. Not only is Shelby Farms home to the largest off-leash dog park in the country, but they also offer other fun activities like horseback riding, biking, kids’ parks, paddle boating, and so much more. Cameron’s vision for what his department hopes to accomplish within Shelby Farms is one filled with dreams of betterment not only for the park, but for the Bluff City Bark Magazine

city. Shelby Farms “literally sits in the center of population density and connects the suburbs in the east to the city of Memphis,” he shares. The future of Shelby Farms Park is looking bright with this young, out-of-the-box thinker behind the reigns. In addition to continuing to raise money to add more connections to the Greenline and the park, Mann also hopes “that Shelby Farms Park will continue to set new standards for recreation and sustainability initiatives which will serve as a model to other parks nationally.” For more information on how you can become involved and help Shelby Farms Parl Conservancy grow, visit their website at www. .

Story by: Tiffany Warmbrod Photos by: Katey McCabe

Bluff City Bark Magazine

Pet Health

We asked our readers, what’s your favorite local pet business, place, or group? And with a amazing 5,000 votes casted (Woohoo!) we have our winners. We would like to thank all the nominees for their amazing work for our Memphis pets! And the Winners are...... Bluff City Bark Magazine

Best Home Delivered Pet Needs Best Pet Photographer 1. Phillip Van Zandt Best Groomer 2. Jack Kenner Terry at Hollywood Feed 3. Memphis Mutts Best Pet Taxi Creature Comforts Best Pet Artist 1. Angela Goza Best Pet Waste Removal 2. Paul Edelstein On Doody 3. Debbie Richmond Best Dog-Friendly Patio Best Pet Friendly Floor Cleaners 1. Young Ave Deli Stanley Steamers 2. Slider Inn 3. Celtic Crossing Best Pet Friendly Apt/Condo 1. Appling Grove Best Dog Park Best Pet Food Store 2. The Venue Shelby Farms Off Leash Dog 3. St. Martin Downtown Park Best Dog Walker 1. Creature Comforts Best Local Pet Products 1. Hollywood Feed Pet Beds 2. One Smart Food Co. Best Dog Trainer 1. Bryan at Protrain 2. Pawsitive Companionship 3. Amy Lear, PALS Best Pet Friendly Zip Code 1. 38104 2. 38117 3. 38138 Bluff City Bark Magazine

Best Fundraiser for Animals 1. Howl at The Moon 2. The Fast & the Furriest 5k 3. Paw Prints Event Best Local Pet Food Store Hollywood Feed on Union Ave Best Dog Daycare 1. Camp Bow Wow 2. Grace Animal Hospital 3. Brown Dog Lodge Best Pet Groomer 1. Terrie at Hollywood Feed 2. Amanda at Southaven HWF

Pet Health

Best Pet Sitter 1.Creature Comforts 2.Brown Dog Lodge 3. Lisa Greco Dalessandro Best Vet Clinic 1.Grace Animal Hospital 2.Utopia Animal Hospital 3.Walnut Grove Animal Hospital Best Vet 1.Dr. JD Willams 2.Dr. Jennifer Clay 3.Dr. Carolyn McCutcheon Best Animal Rescue 1. Streetdog Foundation 2. The Savior Foundation 3. Tails of Hope Best Animal Welfare/Service Org 1. Humane Socitey of Memphis and Shelby County 2. Memphis Pets Alive 3. MidSouth Spay and Neuter Best Boarding Facility 1. Camp Bow Wow 2. Grace Animal Hospital 3. Brown Dog Lodge

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Bluff City Bark Magazine

Story by: Katey McCabe Photos by: Philip Van Zandt

“Be Human. Be Humane.� The Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County have been providing shelter, food and medical care for countless Memphis animals that have been abused, neglected, and injured. They continuously provide animals with a safe place to recover, rehabilitate, and find their forever home. Bluff City Bark Magazine

Q-When was the HSMSC started?

HSMSC was started in 1933.

Q-How many people work and/or volunteer there? We have around 30 employees and about 300 volunteers (including fosters). Q-How many dogs/cats are currently up for adoption? It depends on the week/month, but right now we have about 65 dogs available for adoption, and 85 cats. Q-Do you have a wish list for people to donate? ( Q-What programs do you offer to the public? • Pet adoption • Low-cost spay/neuter $50 spay/neuter voucher at select vet clinics (anyone can purchase at front desk) $35 spay/neuter done at HSMSC for those on government assistance (Project STOP) • Low-cost vaccination events quarterly for those on government assistance • Community outreach—we go to classrooms or other organizations to present humane education programs • Cruelty investigations (Hotline 901-937-3910 or • Volunteer and foster opportunities Q-Where do the adoptable pets come from? HSMSC focuses on injured and abused animals. Our animals come from a variety of sources: Good Samaritans who pick them up, owners who surrender them, transfers from other municipal shelters and veterinary offices. We also get them from ambulance calls (where we go to pick up a severely injured animal who is either contained or non-mobile) or confiscated by our criminal

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Thorin is a 3-year-old neutered male shepherd mix who has been at the Humane Society almost a year. He loves to play and likes to be around people, but being petted and handled is not his priority. That’s because his priority is WORKING! Fetching tennis balls, running, playing in the pool, learning new skills and obedience…that’s where it’s at for Thorin. He already knows sit and down and can learn absolutely anything. You want a dog you can teach to fetch your beer out of the fridge? This is the guy. He’s an extremely intelligent dog with a lot of drive who gets so much satisfaction out of figuring things out—his ideal adopter will be someone who will give him daily mental and physical exercise, like running, agility, obedience training, fetch, puzzle toys, etc. Thorin does need a family with no children under 18 because of his disinterest with being petted and handled. Thorin’s adoption fee is $100 which covers his neuter, microchip, vaccinations.

Q-Tell us a little about the departments you have there? Cruelty Investigations: Our criminal investigation department responds to complaints all around Shelby County, investigates potential criminal charges and confiscates animals when legally warranted. Our cruelty investigator has a 97% conviction rate. Foster program: Our fosters are usually shortterm: anywhere from a few days to a few weeks and, in rare cases, a few months. We rely on our fosters to save puppies, kittens, and animals from other shelters. Volunteer program: Many opportunities such as dogwalking, cat socialization, clerical/admin, event assistance, fundraising Animal training: Provides enrichment to animals during their stay at HSMSC. Trains staff and volunteers to handle animals in a safe way that encourages positive behavior. Teaches classes to staff and volunteers on animal handling, teaching animals tricks. Community outreach/humane education (see above)

As a senior cat, Aloe, a 10-year-old neutered male gray cat, has become an expert in living healthy and happy. First, as you can see from his photo: when it’s time to play, he says to play like your age doesn’t matter! Second, when playtime is over, it’s time to rest and relax; do that with your family, because ear rubs really help with the relaxation process. Third, enjoy yourself with company, and don’t be fussy if they’re a little bit different from you; cats, dogs, and humans all make great friends. Aloe is a loving, well-balanced companion, ready to spend his best years with you! He may be 10 years old, but he still acts like he’s 10 months old. His adoption fee is $75, and that includes his neuter, microchip, and vaccinations.

Cena is an angelic 4-year-old spayed female boxer mix who came to the Humane Society from the Bartlett Animal Shelter in April. This sweet girl is super friendly to everyone she meets and loves to give kisses. She knows how to sit, lie down, and would love to learn more with some clicker training for treats! She is also working on being house-trained. She is kid-, dog-, and even cat-friendly! She does great in the car and knows how to sit politely in public (after she greets her new friends, of course). She has been on TV and radio with the Humane Society and has been a model canine citizen each time. Cena would do best in a moderately active home where she can take regular walks and most importantly, be close to her beloved family! Her adoption fee is $100 and includes her spay, microchip, and vaccinations.

Bluff City Bark Magazine

Bluff City Bark Magazine

Pet Safety


Meds That Could Poison Your Pet When a pet is prescribed a medication from their vet, many times people think “Oh, I have that at home! I can just give them what I have for that limp.” NO! Pet medication is prescribed for a pets weight and breed. Last month we did an article on “Helpful list of first aid medication for pets”. Those medications are safe for pets, but this list are some common medications that are in your home, but not safe for your pet. Written by: Katey McCabe and Tiffany Warmbrod

Bluff City Bark Magazine

Pet Safety

Advil, Aleve, and Motrin- These NSAIDs with even one or two pills can cause serious harm to a pet where they develop stomach issues, intestinal ulcers, or even kidney failure. Acetaminophen- OTC pain meds like Tylenol can be very harmful to pets and certainly cats. This med can cause damage to a cats red blood cells and will limit their capability to carry oxygen in their body. Same for dogs, but will also lead to liver failure. Antidepressants- Drugs like Effexor, Prozac, and Lexapro can cause neurological problems. Cats love the taste of Effexor, but just one pill can cause a lot of damage. ADD/ADHA medications- Medications that are used to help with Attention Deficit Disorders or Hyperactivity Disorders can cause serious tremors, seizures, and heart problems because of the potent stimulants they have. Sleeping Aids- These may help you fall asleep better, but they are very bad for cats and can cause liver failure. In dogs, it can cause severe lethargy, slowed breathing, and incoordination. Birth Control- Dogs find birth control pills tasty, but in larges dosages of estrogen and estradiol can cause estrogen poisoning and bone marrow suppression. Keep your pet safe with these common pet safety guidelines: • Never ever ever give your medication to your pet without first consulting a veterinarian. • Always keep human medications up high and away from your pets, just like you would children. • Do not leave pills unattended! In a bottle or out of a bottle. • If drop a pill or spill your liquid medication, quickly pick or clean up. Your pet will quickly think could be a dropped treat and ingest. • Immediately contact your veterinarian if your pet has consumed any medication not prescribed for them

Bluff City Bark Magazine



Written by: Hana Meskovic


July 23 - Aug 22 Your braveness will make you shine this month as you finally muster up enough courage to sit on the same couch as the cat. Enjoy lots of treats for your brave efforts!


Aug 23 - Sept 22 Work hard this month to learn that new trick! Your patience will guide you through, and before you know it, you will be the fetch master!


Sept 23- Aug 22 Having planned schedules is not your favorite thing, but get through your daily routines this month, and you will see an impromptu trip to the dog park in your future!


Oct 23 - Nov 21 All you want to do is go, go, go and run, run, run this month, but your humans are taking their time to do everything. Go with the flow, and you will see that you will have more free time to chase squirrels in the long run.


Nov 22 - Dec 21 Big news is in store for you this month! Be on the lookout for a new toy, collar, or even brother/sister!

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Dec 22- Jan 19 As frustrated as you may be this month, chasing your own tail is not going to solve any problems. Find comfort in your human’s words and guidance.


Jan 20 - Feb 18 The hole that you thought you would have finished this month is actually going to take longer than you expected. Patience will be your virtue! Don’t give up!


Feb 19 - March 20 You will be missing your humans this month as they seem to have a busy one. But don’t tear up the couch over it! They will reward you for your patience with a long, long walk.


Mar 21- Apr 19 You will have trouble listening or communicating with fellow puppies or humans, but this won’t hold you down. Try to perk up those ears a little more and pay attention to what’s really going on.


April 20 - May 20 The universe may seem like it is giving you the short end of the bone this month, but it is all a learning experience! Make sure to share your toys to balance your karma.


May 21- June 21 Your versatility will come in handy this month. If you put your mind to it, you will be able to untangle even the most knotted up of rope toys.


June 22 - July 22 Your human may seem to be coming down hard on you this month, but it will all pay off in the end. Have lots of day naps to take refuge from any stress.

Bluff City Bark Magazine

Upcoming Events



Sunny Meadows Yard Sale Fundraiser

Visit Sunny Meadows from 11-4pm for a Yard Sale Fundraiser to help with their growing vet bills. They will have items ranging from clothes, games, to household items. Location: 4066 New Getwell Rd Memphis, TN 38118



Dog Day at the Garden Join Memphis Botanic Garden for a fourlegged-friendly event for dogs and their faithful owners! MBG members: Adults $5/Children $2.50 Non-members: Adults $10/Children $5


Fundraiser for Real Good Dog Rescue Wednesday, August 20, 2014 6-9pm Tower Center, 33rd floor of Clark Tower, 5100 Poplar Ave $20 Admission


Paw Prints Party

Join HSMSC for our biggest party of the year with a seated dinner, open bar, live music, and fabulous silent and live auctions! More information and tickets visit HSMSC website

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Make sure to visit our calender for more information on these events and more.

Have a pet event that you would like to bark about? Email with information and we will add to our events page.

Bluff City Bark Magazine

Ask a Vet

by Quincy Kahn, D.V.M.


Q. What is a

A microchip is a small device that carries encoded information and can be implanted under the skin.

Q. Is it painful? Does it require anesthesia or surgery? How is it implanted?

Microchips are injected under the skin with a needle. It is similar to the procedure used to give a vaccine, but with a larger gauge needle. Most pets tolerate the injection very well. No anesthesia or surgery is required, but if you are concerned about discomfort and your pet has to go under anesthesia for a spay, neuter, dentistry or other reason, that would be an excellent time to have a microchip implanted.

Q. How does a microchip help get my pet back if lost?

Every microchip has its own individual number. When an animal is brought to a shelter or an animal hospital as a stray, it should be automatically scanned for a microchip. After the microchip number is obtained, the company that provides that particular microchip will be contacted and they will be able to provide the pet owner’s information.

Q. Where can I get my pet

microchipped? Is it expensive?

Most veterinary hospitals offer microchip implantation and many shelters microchip animals prior

Bluff City Bark Magazine

to adoption. The cost can vary based on the brand of the microchip, but generally the cost of the microchip and registration should be less than a hundred dollars. Some microchip companies include the registration fee with the cost of the microchip, while others charge a separate registration fee.

Q. Is there anything I need to do to keep up with my pet’s microchip?

It is very important that you register your pet’s microchip under your own name. If you do not, the microchip will generally only trace back to the veterinary practice or shelter who actually purchased the chip. If you move, make sure that you update your contact information with the microchip company so that they always have a way to reach you. Some microchip companies allow you to list a secondary emergency contact. I recommend that you have a secondary contact be someone who is unlikely to move. For example, my husband is in the military, so we move every few years; therefore, I use my parents as my emergency contact since they have had the same address and phone number since 1987.

Microchip facts: • There are two types of microchips available within the US. The first type is used only within the US and typically cannot be read by scanners in other countries. The second type is called an ISO chip and can be read by scanners internationally. If you plan to travel to other countries with your pet, make sure their microchip is an ISO chip. • Microchips are not GPS. They cannot track your pet’s movements. • Microchips do not hold any of your personal information. Only the microchip company has access to that information.

Human Leash Anchors: How to Get Your K9 5Kready

The Humane Society of Memphis & Shelby County will host its 5th Annual The Fast & The Furriest 5K Run/Walk presented by Hollywood Feed on Saturday, October 18, this year! And we have some suggestions for getting your pooch ready for the 3.1 miles of fun! Using positive reinforcement training, work with your dog on loose leash walking/running and “heel.” This will help make sure your dog is not pulling you all over the place and you both have a more enjoyable time!

Make sure you have a well-fitting collar and leash, or harness for dogs who still have an urge to pull. No retractable or flexi-leads will be allowed as they decrease the amount of control you have over your dog, plus they can burn or injure people or even your pet! Go to any Hollywood Feed store for help choosing the right collar and leash or harness. We recommend front-clip harnesses because they reduce your dog’s urge to pull. Make sure the collar and/or harness is not too tight or too loose! If you and your dog are not used to walking or running a 5K distance, start building up to 3.1 miles now! You may be familiar with the Couch to 5K program; there is actually a program called Pooch to 5K that has a similar goal, except it takes into account the special needs of the human/canine combo. If your dog is aggressive toward or agitated by other dogs or crowds of people, this event would probably be very stressful for your dog, and it’s best to let him stay at home. We’ll have doggie cleanup stations and water stations, plus One & Only BBQ and beer! It’s the first, biggest and best dog-friendly 5K in town! We hope to see you at the Humane Society this year for The Fast & The Furriest 5K on October 18! Signups; http://www.

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Tagg is essentially a GPS attachment for your dog’s collar, and because of its many features, it can give you peace of mind. The app will track your dog’s activity and send you a message if he/she goes beyond the boundaries you set. Not only that, Tagg allows you to make sure your dog is getting enough exercise by measuring movement. Available on iOS and Android here Bluff City Bark Magazine

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