Can I Make Money From the Web

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Q. Do you want to make some money from the internet? A. Yes I do. What's the first thing I need to do? Aha - you're asking all the right questions - and let's face it - a question that has been asked and answered by thousands if not millions. Can I make money from the web? I love my Facebook, I Twitter, I buy online. I am totally at home with the whole online thing. But can I make money from it? So that's what I'm going to find out. I've got a bit of help - a friend who tells me it's possible and certainly seems to be the pudding wherein you find the proof. But that's him and this is me. I'm an ordinary person - can I do it too? So let's get a couple of things clear. First of all I believe you can make money from the web and as with everything in life - the more you put in, the more you'll get out. Is it going to cost me some moolah to do this? Undoubtedly - the best things in life aren't free. But hopefully I'll generate enough income to make a profit. Now I'm going to be absolutely clear and up front. I have a full time job. I have six kids and a wife who is also a full time student. Time rich I ain't. Come to think of it money rich I ain't either. I make enough money to meet most of the bills most of the time so I haven't got oodles to splash around on this. But I am prepared to throw in a few hundred dollars probably as my float. So this is ultra low cost businessing. So if you're interested - follow me on my journey and see if you too, can make some money from this world wide web. Well first of all you need some sort of web presence. There are a number of ways to make money from the www as I understand it, but it makes sense that the first thing you want to do is get yourself a presence. Get yourself some realestate because once it's there, you own it. You get to decide what to put up on there. You are in control. You're the landlord. The master of your domain. The.. oh okay - you get the picture. Good! So how do I do this? Really very simple - go to a domain host and buy yourself a website name. Once you've got a name, you need somewhere to put it, so you'll need to sign up for a web host as well. You'll often find that those with whom you can register your website will give you cheap domain name hosting if you ask them to do your webhosting also.

Then it's a case of getting something up on there. That's where your imagination comes into it. But I guess start off by thinking about your strengths and your weaknesses. Then resist the temptation to write about what you would like to think is a strength and write about what you know is a strength. Okay, you may think it isn't the most glamorous subject in the world and nobody will read your page, but trust me - there are millions of surfers out there. Somewhere, there's enough people to even have the same interests as you. One tip though - try and be focussed about what you're going to be putting on your website. If you have content that jumps all over the place, people aren't going to keep coming back because they won't know if what you've got to say next time is going to be relevant to them or not. In essence, you can't please all the people all the time, and also, if you try and hit everything, you're more than likely to end up hitting nothing. So get to it - go and think about what knowledge you have that you can share with others. Parenthood, industry specific knowledge, perhaps you're a student who can give tips on successful study. Whatever - go make yourself a coffee, tea, chai etc etc and think about what your website is going to be about!

Bio. I'm a regular guy trying to make some money from the internet. I have six kids, work a 9 to 5 job and a wife who is also a full time student. So time and money are things I don't have an abundance of. What I do have is a small amount of money I'm prepared to invest (a max of $500), an internet connection and about an hour each night. You can follow my progress and what I'm learning each day at [] I've been told it's possible - I'm prepared to give it a shot.

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