BlueStone Press

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Letters policy Please send letters to the editor to the BlueStone Press by email at bluepress@aol. com or send to P.O. Box 149, Stone Ridge, NY 12484. Include your name, hometown and daytime phone number. Letters should be fewer than 500 words and may be edited for clarity, brevity and taste. Letters won't appear in consecutive editions from the same author. The BSP hopes that, in the spirit of community dialogue, readers and writers in the letters section are respectful of a diversity of viewpoints. We err on the side of freedom of speech in our letters, and we hope that vigorous dialogue is more likely to produce an informed public than censorship, however well meaning. Call 6874480 with questions.

The new year is looking bright From the BSP: The paper is showing up in local mailboxes more quickly, thanks to the new post office program we started last month. This results from a yearplus effort by our office and delivery staff. We launched the brand-new BlueStone Press website this month, where all subscribers have press-day access to the full BSP as part of every subscription. Many readers have already used the new website submission options to enhance their communication with our office and will see their submissions printed in this edition. On this new website we have a well-stocked calendar we invite you to look into the next time you want to attend an event or let our readers know about an upcoming event. Keep it all coming. The community is more dynamic with you participating. Send us your letters, kudos, memorials, news releases and tips, and post your events on our calendar. Thank you, everyone! Childers Family BlueStone Press publishers

Jone was a gift to our community To the Editor: Jone Miller was one of our beloved Zumba students. I personally have been teaching since 2019 and can remember her at most of my classes. However, I can remember her taking Zumba classes long before I was an instructor. She had a love of dance. Watching the music move her was quite amazing! She spent her entire life giving, and caring for others. Zumba was a form of self-care for her. It was an hour for herself, where she

Your letters, views & ideas

February 17, 2023

Presidents Day Happy Birthday, Abe. Can’t recall which day anymore … yours?

Ditto, George. When’s yours again? Same, let’s just celebrate together on Monday.

could let the music move her, and let her troubles go. Everyone who knew her from Zumba can agree that she was the true definition of love. She would always ask about your life, if you needed help in any aspect, she was always right there. She was always so thoughtful. Often she would surprise you with a gift that had a powerful meaning behind it. It was always something that you could look at and say Jone gave me this and I will remember it for this reason. For example, I am a professional baker. I have a business named Sweet Lisuzza. We often talked about different ideas she had for me to grow my business. She wanted nothing more than to watch me succeed. Again, the true definition of love and selflessness. She had been having trouble with the recipe for a cake she was working on for a friend. She asked me some baking advice. After I gave it to her, she was so appreciative that she went out and got me a necklace with a turtle charm on it. It would be the last time I saw her. She said she had a similar one, and made me promise that I would always wear it or keep it with me. It was a symbol of pro-

tection and femininity. She said that she always wore hers or kept it with her and it has always kept her protected. She gave me a hug and said, "Love to you, dear one." As she often did, then she said she would see me next Sunday for class. But that Sunday would have been the day she passed. That is just one small snippet of who she was. Everyone has a story that is similar. I could go on about her. But I would end up writing a book. So I will give you the information about the memorial event at Mac Fitness in the Kingston Plaza. It will be this Sunday, Feb. 19, from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. It will be myself, Vivian Diaz, Joan Henry and Janice Zito. We are all instructors of Zumba at Mac Fitness. And we each loved Jone dearly. On behalf of myself and the other instructors, I would like to thank you for spreading the word about this event. If people feel led to give a donation it will go to an organization that was near and dear to Jone's heart, the Ulster Immigrant Defense Network.

Lisa Ricci Rosendale



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