The Ocean Post | B2E | Issue 0

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THE OCEAN POST The Blue Bioeconomy (B2E) CoLAB Newsletter

ABOUT B2E • Inspired by the Ocean • Driven by the market • Powered by Knowledge • CoLAB B2E aims to promote the creation of highly skilled jobs that will actively contribute to increasing the economic and social value of new and existing bio-based products and services, including processes of internationalisation of national scientific and technological capacity, thereby supporting the Blue Growth sectors with the most potential: natural resources, marine biotechnology and sustainable aquaculture.

IN THIS ISSUE Editorial Blue Bioeconomy recovery B2E projections at 1st Annual Meeting of CoLABs Meet our team Events And much more

Photo: © Elisabete Matos at 1st Annual Meeting of CoLABs, in October.

Editorial By Elisabete Matos, B2E Technical-Scientific Coordinator

Resilience [noun] 1. The ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune and change. We are standing on the shoulders of giants – our associates – who have a vision and work tirelessly to turn it into reality, with the help of our mentors. Personally, I have been lucky enough to be involved with the Blue Bioeconomy CoLAB almost since its inception. When I chose to embrace this ambitious project, I was fully aware that the road ahead would sometimes be rough. Of course, 2020 has given us some unexpected challenges! Besides recruiting and training a new team – remotely – we needed also to develop a strategy that assured the long-term sustainability of the CoLAB. Our set-up and launching was a renewed effort once the pandemic hit us. This is an ongoing project that will be continuously developed throughout time – we promise to keep you updated on the results. This year has been

rewarding and difficult in equal amounts. All progress is slower than expected. Relevant events were cancelled, some opportunities were lost, new others are arising and still we kept going and will continue to do so. If there is one lesson this year taught us, is that resilience and a positive mindset are key: we plan to influence the blue bioeconomy landscape for many years to come, whatever the obstacles. Through internal, external projects and international consortiums, we are echoing and actively pursuing the CoLAB’s objectives: from ocean literacy and aquaculture promotion to software solutions for aquaculture 4.0. The Blue Bioeconomy CoLAB has jumped into action, whether we are meeting with our associates, submitting project applications, making aquaculture a hot topic on the media agenda as a future

and a vital alternative, or participating in webinars and teambuilding activities, as you may check on the next pages. So here is our first newsletter, presenting our eclectic team and our work. Keep it, if you can, as a reminder of our beginnings: every story must start somewhere, and one day this newsletter will show us how far we have come.

Photo: © UPTEC. B2E is headquartered at UPTEC Mar, in Leça da Palmeira.

Photo: ©.

At the forefront of the Blue Bioeconomy recovery: the marine biotechnology and aquaculture revolution By Maria Coelho

B2E CoLAB gladly made its contribution to the public consultation: Strategic Vision for the Portugal 2020-2030 Economic Recovery Plan, specifically in the area of blue bioeconomy, accomplishing a part of its mission of promoting and contributing to a more comprehensive view for the upcoming Blue Strategy and enhancing the Blue Growth Photo: ©.

sectors with the highest potential. Among other suggestions, B2E was keen on the need to create enabling mechanisms for companies to boost their products and services towards a more competitive national and international positioning. B2E believes this will be achieved through the establishment of valuable research-industry

cooperation actions and synergies. Under this research-industry dynamic duo, Portuguese aquaculture should be a key vector, as it has the potential to contribute to overcome food supply needs in a sustainable way, while generating jobs. Along with aquaculture, marine biotechnology should also be an area of dynamization since it holds

the potential to bring added value to diverse areas,such as pharmaceutical and cosmetic. The B2E vision for the recovery of the Blue Bioeconomy has taken into consideration discussions with different stakeholders and is the result of a skilled team of innovation technicians. We Photo: ©. were pleased to be part of this national task force.

Meet our invaluable 13

B2E ASSOCIATES associates:

10 Collabies to foster blue bioeconomy By Ana Moura Crusing speed activity for B2E CoLAB, after the conclusion of the hiring and training procedure of 10 human resources. "We are already working on R&D projects with our associates and defining and implementing our services portfolio, among other goal-oriented activities", says B2E Technical-Scientific Coordinator Elisabete Matos. The team includes five PhD and

Photo: © João Santos Silva.

five MSc teamplayers with several academic, industry and international experiences. Formally an association since February 14, 2019, B2E comprises blue sector big players, including manufacturer and retailer companies, universities, research institutions, associated laboratories and technological interface centres. (See box)

A20 - Água, Ambiente e Organização Lda. CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental CESAM – Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar at the University of Aveiro Fórum Oceano, Associação da Economia do Mar ICVS/3Bs - Instituto de Investigação em Ciências da Vida e da Saúde / Grupo de Investigação em Biomateriais, Biodegradáveis e Biomiméticos, at the University of Minho Ingredient Odyssey, S.A. (Entogreen) ICBAS and FCUP - Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar and Faculdade de Ciências of the University of Porto INESC TEC - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência Safiestela – Sustainable Aqua Farming Investments S.A., (Sea8 group) Savinor – Sociedade Avícola do Norte S.A., (Soja de Portugal group) Sparos, Lda Sorgal – Sociedade de Óleos e Rações S.A. (Soja de Portugal group) Sonae MC – Serviços Partilhados, S.A.

Meet our team Elisabete Matos Technical-Scientific Coordinator

↗Pragmatist Solution Finder and Innovator in Blue Bioeconomy

Elisabete's mission is to help B2E associates achieve excellence through the development of collaborative R&D projects, focused on creating value within the Blue Bioeconomy, specifically in the areas of Aquaculture and Biotechnology. She was born in Tomar, where she lived an uneventful life, until moving to Lisbon to study Marine Biology at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, where she graduated in 2001. Later she moved to the Algarve, to manage a semi-intensive aquaculture facility for European seabass and gilthead seabream in Aljezur. In 2008 she started her PhD at the University

Photo: © João Santos Silva.

of Algarve, where she developed research on the modulation of flesh quality in farmed fish through a nutritional approach. In 2012 she joined the aquaculture department at Soja de Portugal as part of the technical team, before assuming the position as Director of Innovation in 2014, where she developed R&D projects for the group’s companies, working in close liaison with several universities and research institutes.

She enjoys reading, yoga, and complaining about her cats’ behaviour, which is appalling.

Photo: © João Santos Silva.

B2E projections presented at CoLABs annual meeting By Ana Moura

B2E presented its challenges and opportunities for the next five years, highlighting the strong alignment of the European, national and regional agendas with Blue Bioeconomy, but also the need to focus on the financial sustainability and internalization of the CoLAB. The projections were made Photo: ©.

public at the 1st Annual Meeting of Collaborative Laboratories, organized by ANI and FCT, an hybrid event held in Porto and online last October 16 and 17. The event was dedicated to the progressive evolution of CoLABs and their integration in Portugal and Europe. B2E had the chance to share its perspectives and also

to (re)stablish contacts with organizations and other CoLABs. "These are not simply 'must' attend events, these are treasured occasions for learning, networking, improving and getting invaluable feedback from all mentors and evaluators. And this is why we will always attend these meetings", shares Elisabete Matos. The sessions were chaired by Manuel Heitor, Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education.

Photo: ©.

Maria Coelho

↗An Innovator at heart Maria is somewhat a hybrid professional with Biology, R&D, Innovation Consultancy and Management on her portfolio. Maria has lift off her professional career by learning the ways of Biology followed by 10 years of R&D with published scientific articles, a PhD and two Post-docs in Health sciences as outputs. The urges for challenging herself, namely being involved in bringing innovative ideas from paper to market and see them thriving, led her to switch gears towards Management and Innovation consultancy. For almost four years Maria then worked as a project developer/ innovation consultant in a multinational Danish consultancy firm, Innovayt – during this experience, Maria has broaden considerably her innovation and managerial skill set

Photo: © João Santos Silva.

and immersed herself in the most various business areas and fields of knowledge, ranging from medical devices to logistics or renewable energy technologies. Along the way, Maria was lucky to have worked in various international set ups gaining substantial experience in multicultural social and professional settings – some examples are: the Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital (Paris, France),

Paraplegian Nacional Hospital (Toledo, Spain), National Institute for Medical Research (London, UK) and Trudeau Institute (New York, US). You can find Maria in the theatre, reading a book, jogging, enjoying a glass of wine or dancing her favourite style, the Lindy Hop. She is also a sucker for finding new and exciting healthy recipes and ingredients.

Isabel Costa

↗Knowledge explorer and challenge overcomer

Isabel Costa's mission is to support the design and implementation of innovative projects that benefit the society and the economy through the valorisation of marine bioresources. She studied at the University of Porto, where she completed her BSc in Aquatic Sciences (ICBAS), her MSc in Environmental Engineering (FEUP), and her PhD, in the area of estuarine ecology and modelling, in 2008. During and after her PhD, she worked in several projects aiming the ecological quality assessment and ehabilitation of freshwater, estuarine and coastal ecosystems, at ICBAS and the Porto water company, Águas do Porto. Since 2012, she has been a

Photo: © João Santos Silva.

researcher at CIIMAR-UP, working in projects concerned with seaweed production and and valorisation, namely development of seaweed aquaculture and reforestation methods, mapping of seaweed natural stocks for sustainable management, and exploring new uses for seaweed biomass.

Having lived by the sea most of her life, one of her favourite things is to walk or cycle by the shore feeling the seabreeze in her face, inspiring her for work and life.

B2E meets with associates: CIIMAR By Ana Moura CIIMAR hosted a very welcoming working session to know the B2E working team and nurture future collaborations in July 2020. The reference centre sees B2E as a key technology transfer player, contributing to CIIMAR’s mission of promoting transdisciplinary research, Photo: ©.

technological development and training, while achieving advances in scientific knowledge and sustainability of marine and coastal environments. Since then, both institutions have been working in several projects, including project calls and a Think Tank

organized by CIIMAR and Fórum Oceano in October with the aim of bringing out to the discussion the sector companies' needs and vision to further initiatives. B2E and + Atlantic CoLAB carried out two sessions. (See more at events session).

Photo: ©.

Ana Rita Ribeiro

↗Mad about science and crazy about food (can’t live without travelling)”

Rita is a woman of the world. Having lived in Porto until she was 17, she then moved to Aveiro to begin her journey in Biology. At 20 she lived in Italy for one year in an exchange program with Centro di Ricerca per le Scienze Ambientali from the University of Bologna, where she worked in marine ecology and dove into the amazing Italian food scene. Back in Portugal she began her love affair with fish and Aquaculture Nutrition at CIIMAR and later pursued her PhD between sunny Faro, in the University of Algarve, and rainy Bergen at NIFES. After living in Norway for 6 years, Rita pursued another passion: food. Once she graduated in Culinary Arts, she

Photo: © João Santos Silva.

worked in several restaurants in Lisbon, in quality and food safety and travelled around to eat the world. But Rita wanted more: she wanted to combine her greatest passions – science and food. She joined B2E in the summer of 2020 with enthusiasm and excitement, bringing an excellent overview of the whole value of chain for aquaculture and food produce. She is highly aware of

market demands and contemporary food trends. You will probably spot her during some events, tasting fish produce and maybe cooking something up.

Photo: © João Santos Silva.

Graça Teixeira

↗Quality and food safety innovator She was born in Oporto, started her professional career in 1991 as a laboratory technician at the Faculty of Biotechnology of the Catholic University of Portugal (ESB-UCP), where she graduated in Microbiology. In 2000, she went to Mirandela working as a teacher at the Piaget University Institute and, at the same time, as Manager of an accredited Chemistry Food Analysis Laboratory (ISO 17025). She returned to Oporto in 2005, continued working as a university teacher, and decided to become a mother. In 2010, she founded a home delivery company of fresh food (Sabores em @rroba).

Photo: © João Santos Silva.

In 2012 she completed her PhD in Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Santiago de Compostela. She started to accumulate classes in several higher education institutions along with professional training in food safety and technical assistance in the laboratory area.

Graça returned to ESB-UCP in 2017 as a Pos-doc with the responsibility of organization and management of R&D projects. She likes to travel, go to the cinema, and is willing to discover the Way of Saint James.

B2E meets with associates: INESC TEC By Graça Teixeira INESC TEC has been gaining national and international scientific relevance in the field of blue economy, with projects related to the area mobilizing skills, in particular, in marine robotics, applied photonics and machine learning, among Photo: ©.

others. INESC TEC's participation in B2E consolidates this line of work and outlines new areas of application for mature INESC TEC technologies in areas such as robotics, decision support systems, networks and telecommunications, and

energy systems. Therefore, B2E and INESC TEC will be involved in projects everytime the required conditions will meet. Moreover, the associate laboratory is an invaluable partner to become involved in the development of the CoLAB operating model, namely in its deployment phase,

benefiting from its more advanced experience of participation in other CoLABs. INESC TEC has made available a taskforce of senior researchers, who will accompany the research and innovation activities in the areas of aquaculture and biotechnology, in close collaboration with B2E team.

Photo: ©.

Simão Lima

↗Technology & Food Processes addict

Simão Lima is a young enthusiast for entrepreneurship, technology, food trends and processes and sustainability. He was born in 1989 in Trofa and remained there until moving to Coimbra to study Biological Engineering at Coimbra Institute of Engineering, where he graduated in 2011. After, in 2013, Simão finished his master’s degree in Biological Engineering - Food & Chemical Technology at the University of Minho, in Braga. In 2020 he added a Postgraduation in Industrial Management at Porto Institute of Engineering. In his still short career, Simão worked on the development of new products, food safety and quality control and management and coordination of R&D projects. In 2013 he had his first professional experience at

Photo: © João Santos Silva.

Hitag Biotechnology working in a genetics and proteomics laboratory. In 2014, without experience, Simão tried to create his own business with healthy alternatives in gluten-free bakery. In 2015 he joined Panrico – Food Products and stayed there for four years working in quality control and food safety. In 2019, Simão

embraced the challenge of being the Innovation Manager at Silos de Leixões and managing and coordinating a PT2020 project. You're most likely to find him running in his neighbourhood, cycling or on a tennis court. Playing sports, being in communion with nature and feeling the wind in his face are the things he loves to do.

Joana Tomé

↗Launching and spreading innovation

Joana was born in Porto in 1990 and spent all her life in her city of heart. From an early age, she showed interest in several areas such as music, biology, microbiology, management... thinking that having several interests does not limit our horizons and makes us have a more comprehensive view of the world. Her strong interest in science, nature and animals led her to a BSc in Microbiology, at the Catholic University of Portugal and later her interest in Management led her to opt for a master’s in service management, at Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto. She also completed her studies in Piano, at Academia de Música de Vilar do Paraíso. Joana’s professional career has been keen on a multidisciplinary learning process, mainly on a business and entrepreneurial

Photo: © João Santos Silva.

context, and intimately linked to a strong commercial approach, including the lauch of new products in the market, and project management. She has worked in several areas such as: food sector analysis laboratory accredited by PAC, study centers, dental clinic (Dizin Saúde SA), genetic clinic for diagnosis of rare diseases (CGC Genetics) and wastewater treatment company (Bluemater). She joined B2E believing that the project will be a value generator

with potential to change the sea’s economy scenario. Joana is a “sand foot” spirit and you can easily find her by the sea, or with her animals.

Photo: © João Santos Silva.

B2E meets with associates: A20 By Joana Tomé

A20’s team came to visit B2E at our headquarters to present their company and services and foster communication between both teams. A2O offers a widely used software, NAVIA, currently used in mainly in water management companies but that is fully Photo: ©.

adaptable and is already available for aquaculture systems. Thanks to this software, a 360º aquaculture resources optimization is possible, joining HR, operation, water quality and fish feed management in an integrated system approach, using real time data, resulting

in higher traceability and quality of all processes, leading to cost decrease with impact on the final product and companies competitivity. Additionally, NAVIA software allows permanent updates and it is highly adaptable to new

needs, levering aquaculture to the next level. A2O is willing to participate in national and international projects for blue bioeconomy promotion in Portugal, based on this cutting-edge innovative technology. Photo: ©.

Teresa Catumba

↗Sustainable Innovator and Network Developer

Teresa was born in 1992, and from a very young age she has shown a huge interest in nature and animals. Perhaps her origins helped, since she grew up in a rural environment in the northeast of Trás-os-Montes, Valpaços, where she studied until completing high school. Later, she moved to Vila Real, and at the University of Trás-osMontes and Alto Douro (UTAD) she completed her graduation in Animal Science, degree and master. At this stage, she also studied abroad through the Erasmus program, in the University of Agriculture of Krakow, Poland, and did some internships in the area of livestock production. Professionally , she joined UTAD's R&D center, CITAB, in 2018, and began her activity in the area of Technology Transfer, in the

Photo: © João Santos Silva.

agri-food sector, having obtained specialized training in Technology Transfer in the Knowledge Innovation Market Barcelona, and in European Financing and H2020 by Econet in Burgos, Spain. In this context, she was in close collaboration with the Federación Empresarial de Agroalimentación de la Comunidad Valenciana FEDACOVA, and with several companies in the Iberian Peninsula. Later, still in the same

area, she focused her activity on the valorisation of phenolic compounds. Later, she worked at UTAD's Project Support Office, in the management of R&D+i activities, including applications for R&D projects, Intellectual Property management and contracts with companies. Anyone who knows Teresa recognizes her ecofriendly spirit and passionate vision for the theme of environmental sustainability.

Ana Moura

↗Communication enthusiast since 1987

Ana Moura has 10 years of communication experience, both as a journalist and as a communication manager, having helped to disseminate hundreds of stories. She worked as a journalist and editor at Rádio Clube and M80 for almost three years and then she joined a research centre, CITAB at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, where she created and developed its communication department. Then, in 2016, she became the head of communication at the international partnership between the Portuguese Government and Carnegie Mellon University, the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program at INESC TEC. Later, she worked at COTEC Portugal as the Communications Manager, and at Essência do Vinho as a Press

Photo: © João Santos Silva.

Officer, where she was involved in communicating the Climate Change Leadership Porto Summit 2018, with keynote speaker Barack Obama, among other projects. Ana is an Alumna of the University of Porto: she has a Degree in Communication Sciences and a Master's in History, International Relations and Cooperation. She also studied at the University of La Sapienza in Rome, where she did one semester exchange.

Whether that's for business or for pleasure, what she really can’t give up is her internet connection. You might find her on social media, doing yoga classes, looking up healthy or not so healthy recipes, or researching restaurants, the weather forecast at the beach, any Mediterranean travel and food guide, or her screen time report, because #liveoutsidethescreen.

B2E joins EU4Ocean and RISE UP campaign By Ana Moura

Photo: ©.

Pursuing its goals of a restored, sustainable and fact-based ocean literacy, B2E has joined several worldwide organisations in two initiatives: EU4Ocean and RISE UP. EU4 Ocean Coalition is a European-driven platform

for professionals to connect, collaborate and mobilise efforts in Ocean Literacy that engages and empowers people. Discover EU4Ocean key facts: RISE UP is a global initiative of goals and priority actions to

set the ocean on a course to recovery from Oceano Azul Foundation, Ocean Unite and Oak Foundation. RISE UP stands for: Restore Ocean life Invest immediately in a netzero carbon emissions future Speed the transition to a circular and sustainable economy

Empower and support coastal people Unite for stronger global ocean governance Protect at least 30% of the ocean by 2030. More details at:

Photo: ©.

Daniela Almeida

↗Financial and management control addict

Daniela Almeida lived in the small village of Moimenta da Beira until she moved to get a degree in Economics (University of Beira Interior). In 2015 she moved to Aveiro to become a master in Finance. Later, she decided to start her By Ana Moura professional life in Viseu where she lived for three years and acquired the passion for management control. She then decided to accept the challenge proposed by CoLAB

Photo: © João Santos Silva.

B2E and currently she lives in Leça da Palmeira. Daniela is independent, likes to travel and whoever wants to find her, just go to the nearest jump class.


B2E promotes Portugal's Pavilion at Aquaculture Europe By Ana Moura

Would you like to become a part of a national prestigious group of Portuguese aquaculture representatives in one of

the sector's most awaited events? Aquaculture Europe 2020 will take place in Funchal, Madeira, in October 4-7, with an estimated participation of more than 2500 visitants. This is an invaluable opportunity of spreading the word about your organization and your products/services, discovering the latest scientific innovations and how to implement them, networking with academics , industrial leaders, technology transfer experts, among others, and even set up your next partnership and boost your achievements. Contact us and get to know more about these “oceans of opportunity�!

2021 B2E Activity and Budget Plan approved By Ana Moura On December 4, B2E General Assembly took place, in which the 2021 Activities and Budget Plan was unanimously approved. In this meeting, B2E also reported 2020 activities, namely international and internal projects status, R&I agenda, among others. The Assembly also appreciated and gave feedback to the CoLAB's results and future actions plan. 2021 activities and events will be a landmark to highlight B2E objectives on having a key role on the creation of a new blue bioeconomy.

Events and Media

B2E and + Atlantic CoLAB joint at CIIMAR Think Tank Organised by CIIMAR and Fórum Oceano, this Think Tank took place in October and had the joint participation of the two CoLAB as well as the sector companies.


CoLAB participation at Encontro Ciência 2020 highly rated


The event Encontro Ciência 2020 had special thematic sessions, including one dedicated to CoLABs, in which B2E participated. The online discussion was moderated by ANI and had a broaden audience rate. Encontro Ciência is organized by FCT with the colaboration of Ciência Viva - Agência Nacional para a Cultura Científica e Tecnológica and Comissão Parlamentar de Educação e Ciência, and is also supported by the Portuguese Government through the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education.


Events and Media

B2E promotes aquaculture at TVI Aquaculture generates quality products and should be an integrated strategy of economic development, as it may help to preserve maritime resources and create more jobs. TVI wanted to learn how this may happen and visited CoLAB B2E, CIIMAR and Safiestela. SEE VIDEO

B2E talks about the future in IACA's magazine Associação Portuguesa dos Industriais de Alimentos Compostos para Animais IACA October's edition magazine includes an article signed by Elisabete Matos highlighting B2E purposes and opportunites, namely for the animal feed sector. READ ARTICLE


Events and Media

Exibihition "Marine Monsters" Marking the 20 years of CIIMAR, this initiative has the support of the University of Porto. The artist Ricardo Nicolau de Almeida highlights the ocean plastic affair. Until December 31, in U.Porto Rectory. MORE INFO

Have you seen Green Aquaculture Intensification Project Video?


The project Green Aquaculture Intensification in Europe (GAIN) has released its video. Sparos is one of the project's partners and we invite you to get to know more about it. GAIN is a European Union Horizon 2020 research project, and is designed to support the ecological intensification of aquaculture in EU and European Economic Area, with the dual objectives of increasing production and competitiveness of the industry, while ensuring sustainability and compliance with EU regulations on food safety and environment.


About this issue

Content Creation Ana Rita Ribeiro Ana Moura Daniela Almeida Elisabete Matos Graça Teixeira Isabel Costa Joana Tomé Maria Coelho Simão Lima Teresa Catumba

A special mention and thank you note to - João Santos Silva (photographer) - Matosinhos City Hall - CIIMAR - UPTEC


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