B Louder April 2018

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From Miami Men’s Fashion Week



Do Some People Fear






Losing Weight?


don’t be just loud

BLOUDER Photographer: Ogata Photo




BLOUDER LIFESTYLE 14 Eduardo Moreno Morer 19 Madison Young 20 Does Someone Need To Feel Safe In Order To Be Empowered? 22 Humanology For Couples: Love Thyself First

ON THE COVER Models: Mario Adrion Photographer: Cedric Terell

24 15 Essentials For Travel 26 You Are The Absolute Boss! 3 BLOUDER

April 2018




38 BLOUDER SPOTLIGHT 46 Cover Guy: Mario Adrion


STYLE OUT LOUDER 54 Jennifer Shaughnessy 58 Miami Men’s Fashion Week 2018 - Kaushal Vishukumar

CLICK OUT LOUDER 28 Scott Crushman


36 Do Some People Fear Losing Weight 38 Eric Taylor Guilmette

60 Daniela Drei Collection

BLOUDER HOME DÉCOR 66 25 Home Décor Ideas

IN EVERY ISSUE 5 Editor’s Letter



April 2018



On the cover is Mario Adrion, a model and YouTube sensation from Germany who loves to travel and explore new things. He started traveling full time with agencies all over the world. He went from New York to Singapore to Milan to Australia to London and ended up in Los Angeles. On that journey he started a YouTube channel sharing his experiences as a model. Adrion said, “At this point YouTube is becoming my main focus but I still have many more modeling trips ahead of me!”

Photographer: Dhananjai Madaan

We also covered the story of Scott Crushman, an established Magnificent photographer. According to Cushman, many of the aspiring models, athletes and fitness professionals he works with have never had a professional photo shoot before. “My job isn’t just as the photographer, but an educator,” he said. “It’s gratifying when my photos help a small-town guy with big-city aspirations get noticed by agencies and brands despite our geographic disability.”

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When Fashion Meets Fitness

Our Model of the Model is Antoni Bialy, who believes, “If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan. But never the goal!” The April issue also features Jennifer Shaughnessy, a model and real-estate investor. She shared her fashion tips with us. We interviewed Eduardo Moreno Morer, who shared his success story with us. This issue is also including an exclusive art collection by Madison Young. You can also find Kaushal Vishukumar’s Men’s wear collection from Miami Men’s Fashion Week 2018. We also feature an exclusive dress collection by Daniela Drei. For this issue, we also interviewed Eric Taylor Guilmette, a 24-yearold entrepreneur from Massachusetts currently traveling the world, living in Gold Coast, Australia. He is a World Natural Bodybuilding Federation (WNBF) Physique Pro competitor and owns and operates ET Fitness Coaching, his online personal training business. We always appreciate hearing from you, if you have any questions and suggestions, let us know.

don’t be just loud


JASKARAN S. DHILLON EDITOR Instagram: @jaskaransdhillon



Featuring ANTONI

BIALY Photographer: Valeria Selezneva

“If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan. But never the goal!”

Photographer: Valeria Selezneva

BLOUDER Model of the Month Photographer: Valeria Selezneva


April 2018

BLOUDER Model of the Month


ow did the modeling bug bite you? I started working at the age of 15, but for the first time I tried modeling when I was 19 years old. Until the moment when I signed my first contract with a foreign agency I managed to get an master’s degree education in the university of business and used to work in different companies related to business and finances, but at 23 I decided to change my life forever because I was tired of office work and daily constancy and daily consistency and it was Spain then China, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, then Italy, Germany and the States. How would you define your personal style? I have never pursued high fashion. My personal style is comfortable clothing. What was the biggest change in your life after entering into modeling industry? It gave me the opportunity to travel, meeting new interesting people, this is an unforgettable experience that helps to determine the future. Do you consider yourself to be creative? If so, give some examples. I believe that it is impossible to simply decide to change your mind, these changes come to us with experience and experience is not the time, experience is the events. Where do you pull your inspiration from? I'm always inspired by something unusual, verbal thinking, people who achieve personal goals no matter what. You do not owe anything to anyone, you do not have to adhere to any standards or think about what others might think about you, it is from such moments that the formation of your per-

sonal thinking and your own goals begins. What workout do you do to get that amazing body? I have been playing sports since I was 6 years old. Initially, my father forced me to press and swing the press in the morning. He is an army officer in reserve. After that, there were cooperatives such as wrestling, taekwondo and Thai boxing, but my eternal love is European football and sprint running for short distances! I've been in football and sprint running since I was 8 and combined it with classes at school and martial arts sections. At the first I came to the gym when I was 23 years old, now I'm 26. What do you eat before working out? It all depends on what kind of training I have. To train and eat is first of all observing the right time for these things. People are often surprised when they see me with a burger, I love burgers. The main thing is to feel the rhythm of your body and correctly calculate the time, calories and time of training. What does your post-workout nutrition and supplementation look like? I'm not a big fan of experiments with food additives. I drink 10 grams of BCAA during a workout with 1.5 liters of spring water. Immediately after training, I drink a protein cocktail with water. My after training meal depends on the time of training. Usually, it is a wild rice with veggie salad and baked turkey fillet or sweet mashed potatoes with broccoli and baked or smoked salmon fish. What does your current training look like? What do you like most about it? I like to experiment with my training plan. This usually occurs every two weeks. At the moment I have three strength training in the gym in a week and two days when I run two hours in the morning along the ocean. The rest of the two days I leave to recover the body.

Name five things you can’t live without? I feel happy when traveling, eating tasty food, killing myself in outdoor workouts, spending all day on the beach with my friends and giving love and attention to my family. What’s your strongest memory of your childhood? I don’t really like to remember this moment from my childhood, in fact I had a lot of interesting moments, bad and good, we moved a lot with my family to different cities because of my father's work in the army and this memory is associated with him. I respect my father, but on that day this incident broke my aspirations to become a professional football player. Despite all my father's aspirations to make me go in for sports, because in my family and in my country a man must be strong and responsible, so, that was the final game and our team looked very good, we won with a score of 4-1 and became champions of our region, I was so happy, but right after the game I met my father who watched just the end that match and he told me how bad I played, what was wrong. After that something changed in my head. I am upset and grateful for this incident in my life, I have become more impetuous to something ideal. What is the bad habit that no one knows about you? I'm quite a hidden person, in my circle of communication there are quite a few people with whom I keep in touch and can trust them, I very rarely open up to people. How do you spend your free time? As I don’t really like to hang out in a huge companies of people, I prefer to hang with a good friend of mine or my sister to the cinema and have a great meal after that. What are your future plans? Even my mom is not always aware of the events in my life, I prefer to show things, not words.


April 2018

BLOUDER Model of the Month Photographer: Jeremy Holden


April 2018




MORER Photographer: Victor Sippet Instagram @fotografiaderetratos

Photographer: Victor Sippet Instagram @fotografiaderetratos

BLOUDER Lifestyle

Photographer: Dani Piedrabuena Instagram @dani_piedrabuena @poseartstudio


April 2018

BLOUDER Lifestyle How would you define yourself as a person? English: I am a humble, loyal and very feisty person. Spanish: Soy una persona humilde, leal y muy luchadora.

tengan que ver con la fotografía son interesantes, ya que es mi profesión favorita, pero llegar a colaborar con marcas como Roberto Verino, Loewe, con solo 2 años de experiencia en el modelaje, es algo increíble.

Tell us about your career as a model. How were you discovered? English: My career as a model started when I was 17 years old. I was already involved in sports at that time and I had a good body. My friends saw my body and they asked me to get into modeling. So I started uploading photos without T-shirts and taking pictures like Hobby, people started liking it very much, for this, I started to upload on Instagram pages of handsome guys with many followers, gradually I also gained many followers. Spanish: Mi carrera como modelo empezó cuando tenia 17 años, yo ya hacia mucho deporte en aquella época y conseguí un buen cuerpo muy joven. Mis amigos me veían el cuerpo y me dijeron que me metiera a modelo. Por lo que empecé a subir fotos sin camisetas y hacerme fotos como hobie, esto le empezó a gusta mucho a la gente, por esto, me empezaron a subir en páginas de Instagram de chicos guapos con muchos seguidores en Instagram, poco a poco ganaba mas seguidores y me empecé a dar a conocer.

Did you ever have a crazy experience during your modeling career? English: I have had good and bad experiences in this world of modeling. Bad: The interest, many people joined me by interest, to upload photos to my Instagram and nothing else, all those people throw them out of my life because they are not really friends that are there when you need. Good: This work has allowed me to meet new people I have made many friends; I have traveled to new sites thanks to this. Spanish: He tenido experiencias buenas y malas en este mundo del modelaje. Malas: el interés, muchas personas se juntaban conmigo por interés, para que les subiera fotos a mi Instagram y nada mas, todas aquellas personas las eche de mi vida ya que no son amistades de verdad que están ahí cuando lo necesites. Buenas: este trabajo me ha permitido conocer a gente nueva he hecho muchos amigos, he viajado a sitios nuevos gracias a esto.

In your own eyes, what was the moment that your career really took off? English: My career took off when Instagram pages of 3 million of followers and online magazines of other countries published me, at that moment I won many followers and agencies and brands began to call. Spanish: Mi carrera despego cuando páginas de Instagram de 3 millones de seguidores y revistas online de otros países me publicaban, en ese momento gane muchos seguidores y agencias y marcas me empezaron a llamar.

What was the biggest change in your life after entering into modelling industry? English: Greater change when it came into the modeling industry was my way of being, I was a very shy guy who had his little group of friends and nothing else. So I had to take off, shame and start to relate more to people, that change was very hard. And today I have made catwalks, which I could never see imagined that with my shame I would have done it. Spanish: Mayor cambio cuando entre a la industria del modelaje fue mi forma de ser, yo era un chico muy tímido que tenia su pequeño grupo de amigos y nada mas. Por lo que tuve que quitarme fue, la vergüenza y empezar a relacionarme más con la gente, ese cambio fue muy duro. Y hoy en día he hecho pasarelas, que nunca pude a ver imaginado que con mi vergüenza lo hubiera hecho.

What’s one of the most interesting shoots that you’ve done? English: For me all the works that have to do with photography are interesting, as it is my favorite profession, but getting to collaborate with brands like Roberto Verino, Loewe, with only 2 years of experience in modeling, is something incredible. Spanish: Para mí todos los trabajos que

Have you reached your dream assignment yet? If not, what would that dream assignment be? English: I have many dreams, but one of them is to work in advertising that is what I like, is becoming reality day after day. Spanish: Tengo muchos sueños, pero uno de ellos es trabajar en la publicidad que es lo que mas me gusta, se esta haciendo realidad día a día. What is one of your favorite photographs from your career so far? Who shot it? English: All the photos I have I like a lot, but a very special for me where a dog comes out. We were doing a session on the beach alone without anyone, suddenly from the nothing appears a dog and set to pose with me, that moment was very special and good photo. Spanish: Todas las fotos que tengo me gustan mucho, pero una muy especial para mi en la que sale un perro. Estábamos haciendo una sesión en la playa solos sin nadie, de repente de la nada aparece un perro y se puso a posar conmigo, ese momento fue muy especial y buena foto. How did you get involved with fitness and muscle building? English: I've always done a lot of sport, until I hurt my back. I had to leave the sport for the pain, I started to look bad physically, so with the help of my father who was a trainer muscle, I was able to overcome the pain and get into the gym. Spanish: Yo siempre he hecho mucho deporte, hasta que me lesione la espalda. Tuve que dejar el deporte por el dolor, me empecé a quedar mal físicamente, por lo que con la ayuda de mi padre que era entrenador musculas, pude superar el dolor y meterme en el gym. What does your current training look like? What do you like most about it? English: This year I can not train, since I have operated my back. What I like most about training are abdominals Spanish: Este año no puedo entrenar, ya que me han operado la espalda. Lo que mas me gusta del entrenamiento son las abdominales What does your nutrition (eating) plan look like? 17 BLOUDER

April 2018

BLOUDER Lifestyle

Photographer: Victor Sippet Instagram @fotografiaderetratos English: My nutrition is always healthy, I don't usually eat chips or junk food Spanish: Mi nutrición siempre es sana, no suelo comer patatas fritas ni comida basura What’s a typical week like for you? English: A typical week for me, is to go to college as a normal guy, take care in the gym, devote time to my friends, party, and work on photography when I can. Spanish: Una semana típica para mi, es ir a la universidad como un chico normal, cuidarme en el gym, dedicar tiempo a mis amigos, salir de fiesta, y trabajar en la fotografía cuando puedo. Tell us something that's true, that almost nobody agrees with you on. English: The pictures I climb without tshirt, many people think that I raise them for being a pimp. But it is, for you 18 BLOUDER

April 2018

to see the people that body can get even injured from the back. Spanish: Las fotografías que subo sin camiseta, mucha gente se piensa que las subo por ser un chulo. Pero es, para que vea la gente que cuerpo se puede obtener incluso lesionado de la espalda. Give us 4 facts about you, people may not know. English: 1) I am more sensitive than people can imagine, 2) I do not feel above the other 3) I am very affectionate 4) I like to help when someone needs it Spanish: 1) soy mas sensible de lo que la gente puede imaginar, 2)no me siento por encima de los demás 3) soy muy cariñoso 4) me gusta ayudar cuando alguien lo necesita What’s next for you? English: For me it follows a life of

much work, effort and dedication. Spanish: para mi sigue una vida de mucho trabajo, esfuerzo y dedicación. Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? English: My advice: I always said I could not be worth for model because I do not mean enough, I did not care and continued with my dream, and I managed to be a model of photography. That you do not care what they say if you know you're worth and you love go for it. Spanish: Mi consejo: a mi siempre me dijeron que no podía valer para modelo por que no media lo suficiente, eso no me importo y seguí con mi sueño, y conseguí ser modelo de fotografía. Que no te importe lo que digan si tu sabes que vales y te apasiona ve a por ello.

BLOUDER Lifestyle Art

Madison Young Madison Young is a 15 year old self-taught artist. She started drawing at the age of 4 and since then her style has evolved into realism. Throughout her childhood, she experimented with many different styles and mediums of art. She loves to draw colorful things such as wildlife and lips and her favorite medium is colored pencils. For her, “Art is expressing yourself in a way that makes you happy.�


April 2018

BLOUDER Lifestyle

Does Someone Need To Feel Safe In Order To Be Empowered?


By Oliver JR Cooper | http://www.oliverjrcooper.co.uk f someone is an empowered human being, they are going to believe that they have control over their life. Along with what they believe, there is going to be how they behave in their day-to-day life.

Another way of looking at this would be to say that their behavior is defined by what they believe. Now, this is not to say that their life will always go as they want it to go; what it means is that they won’t feel as though their whole life is out of their control.


April 2018

In the Centre One can then have moments when they feel as though their life is out of their control, and they could even have moments when they feel as though they are in completely control, but they are generally going to be in the middle. Therefore, even if they do feel like a victim, this is not going to be an experience that will last for very long. Sooner or later, they will realize that this is not the truth and this allow them to reconnect to their inner power and to see that they are not just an observer of their reality. Through seeing life in this way, it is naturally going to have a positive ef-

BLOUDER Lifestyle fect on their mental and emotional wellbeing. Always a Way The reason for this is that even if they feel helpless, it won’t be something that lasts. For example, they could try something and not get anywhere, with this casing them to feel weak. In this case, they could end up reaching out for support or they could simply move on. On the other hand, if they were to feel like this practically all the time, it would be normal for them to feel depressed and to even experience anxiety. The Truth They are going to believe that they can’t do anything about their life, so why would they feel any different? Feeling depressed is also going to be a reflection of how powerless they feel and feeling anxious will be a reflection of how out of control they feel. Being on edge will be a way for them to try to minimize the damage that could be done to them. Feeling empowered is then not just going to allow one to have an effect on their reality; it will also make it easier for them to feel good on the inside. A Fulfilling Life If one was to think about their life, they may see that there are a number of things that they are happy with. But even if they were to think about the areas that need to be improved, it shouldn’t fill them with dread. Deep within them, they will know that they can do something about the parts of their life that are not going in the right direction. This doesn’t mean that they will always have the answers; what it means is that they won’t give up until they

find them. From The Outside If another person was to describe them, they could say that they are an extrovert who is a larger than life character. Then again, they could say that they are fairly unassuming and don’t really stand out. What this shows it that someone doesn’t need to be really outgoing in order to be an empowered human being. Another thing that could be said about them is that they have high self-esteem. The Main Difference One way of looking at this would be to say that the reason they experience life in this way is due to the fact that they have high self-esteem. Thus, in the same way that a machine won’t work if there is no power, someone won’t be able to feel empowered if they have low selfesteem – this is their power source. Taking this into account, this is something that is very simple and not something that takes a lot of brain power to understand. However, while it can seem as though this is something that is black and white, there is a lot more to it. Two Parts What this comes down to is that for one to feel as though they can influence their life, they will need to feel as though it is safe enough for them to do so. This is then similar to how someone can have the ability to run around a field but, if this field is covered in bombs, for instance, it won’t be safe enough for them to utilize this ability. This is then why someone can load themselves up with self-esteem, but if they don’t feel safe enough to fulfil their own needs, it won’t matter. They will know that they can influ-

ence their life, yet it will be too uncomfortable for them to do so. Right at the Bottom Alternatively, one might allow themselves to change certain parts of their life or to only go to a certain level. Having the ability to do something is one thing, but it is another thing all together to feel enough to do it. So, if someone allows themselves to exercise their personal power and to have an effect on their reality, it will show that this is what feels safe. Their lower body, the part where their base charka is, is going to be working with the rest of their body. Disconnected When one doesn’t feel safe enough to assert themselves, it is likely to show that their lower body is not on board with the rest of their body. This is can show that they have experienced trauma at one point in their life. During this time, they would have felt powerless and as though it was safe for them to exist. The part of their body that will allow them to feel safe is going to be offline, and this means that it will be unable to provide them with the sense of safety that they need to be able to truly embrace life. Awareness This could relate to trauma that one has experienced as an adult and/or it could go back to what took place when they were growing up. Maybe this was a time when they were abused and/or neglected. If one can relate to this, and they want to change their life, it might be a good idea for them to reach out for external support. This is something that can be provided by a therapist or a healer.


April 2018

BLOUDER Lifestyle Relationship

Humanology for Couples

LOVE THYSELF FIRST By Jessica J. Lockhart – humanology – www.jessicajlockhart.com/en


aven't you been told that selfishness is wrong? That one should always place

others before oneself? Well, sorry, I disagree! Let me explain why... Many cultures believe that selfishness and placing oneself before others is wrong and should be avoided at all cost. Those beliefs are transmitted from generation to generation. Children in those cultures sometimes grow up thinking that they should always sacrifice themselves to others and be at their service. Such selflessness grows into a very limiting belief that prevents self22 BLOUDER

April 2018

love and self-acceptance, as "one should always place others before oneself." When a belief is created and established in a person's mind, it affects everything that person sees in life. If a person believes that he or she should always place others before themselves, that's what the person will do, even if it ends up causing more harm than good. Beliefs are very powerful. They affect the way we see life. They act as a filter through which we perceive reality. If my filter tells me that I'm a bad person if I consider myself first, everything I do to take care of myself or to love myself will be bad as soon as there's another person involved. As a result of this belief, many people will go to extremes in order to place others before them, even if doing that serves

no real purpose and actually hurts them. What would happen if we learned something different and thus developed a belief that prevented that situation from happening? Wouldn't it be better for everyone if we all believed in loving ourselves AND others? If a relationship is established from a position of inferiority, from a position in which one feels at the service of others, the relationship will always be lacking. It will be lacking love, respect and happiness. If I need to sacrifice myself so the other person is happy, I will feel useful, supportive and loving but maybe not loved, respected and supported. In time, some of my needs will not be satisfied and I might slowly feel neglected and undervalued. That's why I propose a different approach. What if we loved ourselves first? What if we made sure that we are OK before trying to support, love and cherish others? Only from a safe, solid position in which we feel happy and fulfilled can we fully engage in a relationship with others. Unless we feel safe, happy and fulfilled, all our relationships will involve only some parts of us,

BLOUDER Lifestyle Relationship not our whole being. Which is what happens when we constantly place ourselves below others. If we manage to question and change our belief from "one should always place others before oneself," to something like, "all human beings need to be loved and respected," or "I love myself and others," or even, "all human beings are equal," we could then start applying my triple-question strategy. There are 3 questions that we should all ask ourselves all the time in order to guarantee that everything is ok with ourselves : Am I loving myself by doing what I'm doing? Is what I'm doing helping or empowering me? Am I taking care of myself by doing what I'm doing? Whenever a human being answers any of those questions in the negative it is because whatever action or situation they are in is actually hurting them. Everything we do in life should help us love ourselves, care for ourselves and help or empower us. Let's imag-

ine a situation in which we're helping others but actually not ourselves... Let's say, for instance, that I am working overtime to give my family some extra money to go on a vacation. I do it because I want to, because I decided to offer them a vacation and it's only like this that it will happen. I am happy and enjoy the hard work because it makes me feel good and important. If, on the other hand, the pleasure I feel by doing it isn't big enough to counterbalance the tiredness and the effort, everything I'm doing for them will surely backfire and I might even start feeling abused by the situation. If I'm doing it for them but don't feel happy inside, if I feel used or trapped and have no other choice, no matter how much I tell myself that I'm doing it for them, I will still feel bad deep inside. I will only feel happiness in sacrificing myself as long as the sacrifice truly makes me feel it like a gift to MYSELF, as something that makes me be a better person and gives me something in exchange: recognition, support, contribution... whatever it is that pampers or empowers me. Unless both human beings in a relationship take care of themselves first, their relationship will not be balanced. One of them will end up feeling

unhappy. It's not our partner's job to make us happy. It is our job. We have to decide to love ourselves first. We have to decide to care for ourselves. We need to only do things that help or empower us ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. There will be occasions in which we'll place others before us because that empowers or helps us but the key here is that we will be the ones deciding to do it. Not because of a limiting belief on our part but because it helps us be happier and more fulfilled. If we both love and care for ourselves, loving and caring for others will naturally be the second step. By feeling happy and fulfilled, we'll be able to love and care for others much better than if we felt sad, used or unhappy. At the end of the day, and contrary to popular belief, every human being should love him or herself first. Only then can we truly and fully love others. Humanology is the discipline that works with and for human beings by combining academic and scientific knowledge with personal and life experience. Discover how it can help you! Enjoy life... ALL of it.


April 2018

BLOUDER Lifestyle Travel



raveling is passion for some people, need for some people and a headache for few, in the end traveling is a must for everyone, but there are certain things that are must either you travel solo or with friends or family. Let me partake in a few of those essentials: 24 BLOUDER

April 2018

By Soniya Sethi | Instagram @soniyasethi 1. Water: An essential that you should never forget. If you’re going solo or with family & friends, there are places you don't even get to see a pearl of water on the highways or even while traveling in train or bus and it can even save you a few bucks. 2. Identification: A must in today's time. You can be denied to access in a hotel or even be dropped from a train, even any government individual can ask you for a security purpose. 3. Sunglasses: A style statement for

some but a very useful thing for everyone. If you're traveling in a place like India you really necessitate it. The sun is constantly out and dusts in the part of rural areas, a good help while traveling for sure. 4. Personal hygiene products: Things as important as others but we miss this a few times, like a face wash , a shampoo and a few more, especially if you’re traveling a bit long, this things are a last moment requirement trust me they are.

BLOUDER Lifestyle Travel 5. Reading materials: Imagine you're on a long journey, may be a 24 or 36 hour journey, You feel shit if you brought nothing to do and then you realize, why a book is called man's best friend. 6. First aid kit: You on a family picnic or in Goa on the beach with friends or on a solo road trip, a small accident, a few bruises and you got no hospital or any medical care near you. This first aid kit is like a boon in such situations.

or calls a friend in the middle of nowhere, so don’t forget to put some cash in your wallets tiny pocket. 13. Hand Sanitizer: We meet lots of individuals and touch a lot of unhygienic things while traveling in a train or bus or going through some rough highways, so i am sure you would like your hands to be completely hygienic before having some food. 14. Gadgets: A charger, a power bank and a best friend named headphones

and even a laptop power cord, if you’re carrying one. I am sure you would like to stay entertained while going on a journey. 15. The emergency friend (ATM’s and credit cards): If you run out of cash... I am sure you will look for a ATM but what if you don't hold cash in your account, do carry your credit card. Alright then enjoy your journey just as I do, keep traveling, go for your passion and needs but don't forget these essentials.

7. Sunscreen: You don't want your face to get tanned, do you? Or your skin getting a harsh treatment from the god of high temperatures, don't forget your sunscreen next time. 8. Long sleeve shirt: Just as your face is important your hands are too, you don't like your arms and forehand having different colors, one tanned and another to its normal tone. So a long sleeve shirt would help you continue the same. 9. Belt: You might find it hard to wear just to avoid the procedure at the airports for the security purpose. I am sure you will find a bit of space in your travel bag for this undervalued essential. 10. Snacks: My favorite, yes you read that right, Always carry some extra snacks, you can puncture your car or a change in plans. The distance of your travel could increase and you don't want to pay extra at the airport or have some unhygienic food at the railways or anywhere. 11. Prescriptions: Umm... imagine you’re in a new city and you’re on some compulsory medication. You will have to find a new doctor or call back at your place if anyone's there. I would say prevention is better than cure. 12. Cash: Some extra cash I should say, you don't want to look for an ATM 25 BLOUDER

April 2018

BLOUDER Lifestyle "My thoughts sometimes run wild. They flood my conscious mind with repeated and even unwanted messages. They grow in me. They distract me from everything and anything else. There's only them... my thoughts, their constant message, my mind. They take control and I surrender." Have you ever felt like this? Have you ever had the impression that your mind, your thoughts, your ego... call it what you may, was taking over? When the avalanche hits, it's like drowning in a waterfall; there's nothing to do but surrender. This feeling of our thoughts being in charge is so common and automatic in some people, that they're not even aware of it. They don't realize that they're totally in their thoughts, immersed in them, and somehow disconnected from the outside world until somebody else points it out. Sometimes the thoughts seem innocuous, like daydreaming. Others, the thoughts assault them in the shape of destructive or negative declarations. But there's something common to both situations: the thinker loses control and the mind takes over. How often do you lose control? How often do your thoughts or your mind take over? How often do you have the impression that you can't stop your thinking? How often do you wish you could cancel your thoughts? After years working with people who suffer from destructive or invasive thoughts, I came to realize that many of them didn't fully understand that they are not pure thought-beings. That there's much more to all human beings than just their mental messages and their triggered feelings. We are ALL so much more than just our minds! Helping my clients be aware of this little but powerful reality often helped them take control of their mental processes. If you happen to be a victim of your thoughts, try a little exercise. Sit down comfortably and let your thoughts focus on one object, just one, whichever you prefer. Look at the object. Observe it in detail: its shape, its colors, its size... Then observe yourself observing the object. Can you observe yourself thinking? Are you capable of perceiving yourself? Continue observing the ob-


April 2018


BOSS! By Jessica J. Lockhart humanology – www.jessicajlockhart.com/en 

ject, can you feel your body or your clothes on you or hear sounds around you? Are you still breathing, feeling, swallowing, and doing a myriad of other little things at the same time? Now, please, continue observing the object, note its silhouette, the way it reflects or doesn't reflect light, and be aware of your own body at the same time. Can you feel your hands or your feet, the way in which the air enters your nose or mouth, what the seat under you feels like? Great, thanks, let's now move to the second part of this exercise... Please, answer a few questions for me now… When looking at the object, could you feel yourself observing it? Could you keep the other small activities like breathing functioning in your body at the same time? Did you manage to be aware of your body? Could you tell your brain what to focus on? Could you direct your brain? If you answered YES to any of those questions, then ask yourself one more: If your brain was focused on the object, who was commanding it to re-focus and follow your orders? Yes, that was you. You were the one telling your brain to focus on this or that. You were the one giving the instructions and following them. Your brain was obeying you. You were in

charge. That is the difference between you being in charge, instead of your thoughts being in charge. You decide, not your thoughts. The good news is that you are always there. Your brain is a part of you, but you are, oh, so much greater and bigger than your mind! You are the boss of your brain! You are the boss of your thoughts and your mind! Whenever you let your thoughts take over and control you, you surrender your own humanity to your mind. Then your mind repeats the patterns that it learned over and over again. Because that's what brains do. They are like computers. They can only repeat the information they already have in them. Only by getting out of your thoughts can you control them. Only by being aware that you are inside your mind and looking out to the world, making the conscious effort to leave the realm of your thoughts and entering the world outside of you will you be able to regain control. Don't ever forget it. You are in command, not your thoughts. You are so much more than them! Be aware, be consciously aware of where you are. Are you inside your thoughts or are you outside, in the real world? That is the key to controlling your whole being. Take control of your thoughts, be their boss, consciously choosing to not let them dominate you and little by little, your superior being will free you from their invasion. Enjoy life, ALL of it,

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For most Americans, the state of Nebraska is “fly-over country,” part of the continent to be endured on your way to more interesting places. For photographer Scott Cushman, it’s home. “I love Nebraska,” Cushman said. “I grew up here. My family and friends are here. My ancestors homesteaded on this prairie. I’ve moved away and returned several times. But it would sure be easier to pursue the kinds of photography I love in a place like New York, L.A. or Miami.” Living far from the capitols of the fashion and entertainment industries hasn’t stopped him from building a name in the world of fitness and physique photography. “There isn’t a single modeling agency in my hometown of Lincoln,” he said. “But what we do have is a lot of athletes and students thanks to six universities in the area.” According to Cushman, many of the aspiring models, athletes and fitness professionals he works with have never had a professional photo shoot before. “My job isn’t just as the photog28 BLOUDER

April 2018

rapher, but an educator,” he said. “It’s gratifying when my photos help a small-town guy with big-city aspirations get noticed by agencies and brands despite our geographic disability.” He hasn’t quit his day job at one of those local universities, where his work in public relations incorporates his skills in sports, event and commercial photography. “It’s not like working for Calvin Klein, but there are a lot of rewards, like a consistent salary, health insurance and the opportunity to mentor student photographers. In this day and age, I feel lucky to be able to pay bills and live comfortably as a photographer, even if not every shoot is what I do best.” Cushman is available for assignments in the US and internationally. What does photography mean to you? When I make a portrait, I want it to be a genuine reflection of the person, but on their best day and in the best light. It’s creating a kind of aspirational reality through our collaboration. A few years ago I shot with a co-

worker's sister. Afterward, she sent me a very sweet note. She said people have always told her how pretty she is, but she never felt beautiful until she saw our photos. After a shoot with a physique competitor, he told me he never believed he was good looking enough to make it in the fitness industry, but after our shoot, he felt ready to be in magazines. And he has been now. That’s the sort of feedback I love: when someone sees the version of themselves they’ve wished for and worked so hard to create mirrored through my photography. And it’s why I love shooting with athletes and fitness models. You can see so plainly how they strive to build better versions of themselves. They’re not alone. We all do that—constantly creating, recreating, learning and growing— but it’s a lot easier to illustrate with an athlete than, say ... a writer. How did you develop an interest in photography? Exasperation. Working in public relations, I got tired of waiting on photographers to send me photos before I could share press releases or post

Click Out LOUDER galleries online. I actually had a reputation in my family for being the worst photographer, which just shows that research and practice make anything possible. I’ve also traveled to places few of my family or friends have ever been, and sending them a photo of La Sagrada Famíliain Barcelona is a lot easier than writing a poem about it. Who are you as a person? That’s a tough question. I’m a professional communicator (writer, photographer, Web designer), armchair literary critic, TV addict, sci-fi nerd, pretty good cook, pretty good friend, and far taller than average (1.95 meters). But I don’t think that adds up to sufficiently describe who I am. How do you make sure the person, place or thing you’re shooting looks the way you want it to? It helps to not have expectations! I know photographers who plan out every little detail of a shoot. That’s not me. It’s more like playing a game. You can’t start a round of Scrabble by saying you’re definitely, 100 percent going to spell out “zoology.” It’s the same with photo shoots. There are too many unforeseeable variables. You’ve got the location, equipment, participants and ground rules. What you create comes from the interaction of those elements. Over planning is just setting yourself up for disappointment.

every year, but since adding off-camera lighting to my shoots, I’ve stuck to places where I can drive. It’s really hard to travel on planes with a lot of photography gear, and even harder to trust baggage handlers and security personnel with expensive lights and lenses. But shooting in places like Denver, Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas City opens up a lot of opportunities. How important is it for a photographer to connect with his subjects to bring out their true self? Building rapport is one of the most important facets of any photo shoot— possibly even more important than the camera. Working with so many inexperienced models, I have to get them talking so they relax. However, I’m naturally an introvert, and that was initially the most difficult part of portrait photography for me. When I started photographing people I didn’t already know, I collected tricks to get the models to open up and engage. My first attempt was to ask the model to tell me his favorite joke. It feels like that should work, but it never has. With fitness models, getting them to talk about which muscle groups are the toughest for them to grow works much better. One of my first shoots with a model was during a vacation in Kyiv, Ukraine. Neither my Russian nor Vasiliy’s English were good enough to keep the con-

versation going long, and it was tough getting good photos without the right vocabulary to direct him. We kept calling friends to translate for us. It was painful. The turning point came when we walked by a street musician. Vasiliy asked the performer if he could borrow the guitar. What followed was absolutely amazing. Between Vasiliy’s music and the beautiful sunset across the Dniepr River, I almost forgot about my camera. The change was magical. That experience taught me to give the models something to do with their hands. Gym shoots are great for that, as are most sports. In the studio, I’ve realized the importance of directing models where to place their hands. Usually the rest of the pose comes naturally once they figure that out. Since photography techniques and equipment change quickly, staying up-to-date is important. What do you do to keep up with the times? It’s easy to lose yourself in gear lust. I read sites like NikonRumors.com, Fstoppers.com and DxOMark.com, fantasizing about having a larger budget. But if we’re being honest, I know a better camera isn’t going to make me a better photographer. My camera has the potential to take far better photos than I’ve achieved with it. When it comes to techniques though, I don’t have a style so much as a Models: Zac Schilling Julia Fomenko Photographer: Scott Crushman

What makes a good picture? The best photos make you feel something: joy, contentment, anger, hope ... If you look at the most influential and important pictures throughout history, they’re never technically perfect. But they evoked strong emotions. I doubt I often achieve that. Instead, I focus on technical elements. I have a tendency to make my photography more science than art: beautiful, but rarely evocative. Still, people seem to like them. What challenges do you most commonly face? How do you deal with them? My biggest challenge really is location. I love to travel, and I always schedule shoots with models and brands when on the road. I used to fly internationally 29 BLOUDER

April 2018

Model: Colton Wergin Photographer: Scott Crushman

Click Out LOUDER compulsion. I tend to make images look similar whether I want to or not. I love seeing the work produced by amazing photographers like Paul van der Linde or Krista Sudmalis or our hometown hero in Lincoln, Matthew Schueller. But I’m not going to replicate their techniques. I’m never going to stop learning, growing and adapting, but I also think it’s important to do what you do best, not what you already know others do better.

Model: Josh Voto Photographer: Scott Crushman

Almost everyone carries some kind of camera in their pocket these days. What do you think is the difference between a photographer being a professional and a hobbyist? If you’d asked me a couple years ago, I would have said a professional is someone who gets paid for their photos, whether they use a Hasselblad, Canon, iPhone or a Barbie’s Fabulous Fuzzy Camera. However, I’ve changed my definition recently: a professional photographer is one who acts with professional ethics. I’ve heard far too many horror stories from models who have been sexually harassed, assaulted, even drugged. Their abusers were photographers with amazing portfolios, Fortune 500 clients and true talent. But they acted unprofessionally, and the results are reprehensible and heartbreaking. Over the last year, women and men in the entertainment industry started speaking out and fighting back against a pervasive culture of abuse and repression, but it’s not just Hollywood casting couches. Abuses of power happen in every town and every industry. Models have had more than enough unprofessional behaviour from guys with cameras, and they are in one of the most atrisk careers for exploitation and abuse. So, yeah, a professional photographer is about the work, not mistreating models. Which lens is your favorite? Why do you prefer it? It’s hard to pick because my favorite is always the one that’s right for the situation. But the lens that spends the most time on my camera is my Nikkor 70200mm f/2.8G ED VR II. It’s the perfect range for portraits, tack sharp, focuses fast and lets me quickly change composition without moving. That last part was really important when I had a broken foot last year. Which photographers influenced

you, and how did they influence your thinking, photographing, and career path? The honest answer is my coworker Steve, who doesn’t have a website or Instagram or any of the other trappings of a modern photographer. He does have a lifetime of experience. The best mentor is the one you see every day. He introduced me to lighting techniques, showed me Photoshop tricks, taught me about aperture and exposure, and loaned me lenses before I knew what to look for. Now there’s friendly competition whenever we shoot a basketball championship or graduation ceremony

together. We’re always pushing each other to do a little better. But Steve would rather take pictures of nature and his grandkids than the fitness models I’ve become known for. My biggest inspirations in that genre are people I’ve never met: 

Allan Spiers. His photos are closer to sci-fi than reality. Andrei Vishnyakov. His work first made me realize the importance of lighting. 31 BLOUDER

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Benjamin Von Wong. He’s like a magician and a modern-day Dali. Brian Jamie. His color choices and innovative editing elevate every photo. Krista Sudmalis. She makes real people look like CGI. Paul van der Linde. His images always seem effortlessly perfect.

It doesn’t take a lot of investigating to see my photos are heavily influenced by those photographers, but I’ve also learned from models. Thom Panto and Drew Menning are two who spring to mind. They’ve really helped me understand the other side of the lens and improve the process of shooting. It’s really not fair to just list two. Every shoot is a learning experience. What is most important to consider while shooting portraits? Can you walk us through the process you use to set up a portrait? It depends on the model and the setting, but the one constant is light. Especially with fitness photography, you have to pay special attention to placing highlights and shadows to accentuate the hard work they’ve put into their diet and workouts … but without hiding their eyes, which are important for human connection. In the studio, I usually use two lights: one high and to the right of the model, and the second slightly behind on the left. That basic cross lighting usually gets good results. I sometimes add in a third for the background, snooted to provide fill on the face, or slightly behind to the right. Outdoors, my habit is one flash on a stand in front on the right, and the sun behind the model. The exception is if they are running, swimming or otherwise moving too fast for the flash. Then I have to position them so the sun is the main light in front of them. I’m constantly adjusting my lights and angles. A model once told me I fiddled with lights more frequently than any photographer he’d worked with. Perfectionism may be my greatest vice. Which editing software do you use? How would you describe your editing skills? I started with GIMP in high school, but I don’t think there’s anything that can really replace Photoshop. I can’t stand Lightroom or any other software that wants to organize my photos for me. My work32 BLOUDER

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flow is Adobe Bridge to sort, Adobe Camera Raw to develop RAW files, then Photoshop to edit. I wouldn’t say I’m a Photoshop expert, but I’m as close as anyone I personally know. I started learning Photoshop long before I began taking my own photos. One of my character traits is that I love taking good things and making them great, so color correcting, whitening teeth and removing blemishes came naturally to me. What do you want to say through your photos, and how do you get your work to say it? My photos aren’t really about self expression. My success is in assisting the model or brand in achieving their goals. That’s why building a rapport is so critical. I want to empower and encourage the model and client. Hopefully I make Model: Isaac Funke Photographer: Scott Crushman

something beautiful and compelling along the way. In your free time, what kind of pictures do you like to shoot? Most of what you see on my Instagram account—fitness, athlete portraits, etc. — is done in my “free” time. I started doing portraits as a hobby to play with light in a way event and sports photography doesn’t allow. It’s taken on a life of its own since then. And while it does pay for my car, it’s still the photography, writing and designing I do for my day job that pays the rest of my bills. Which ones do you avoid? I desperately avoid wedding photography. It’s so stressful. I must really love a friend to willingly photograph their wedding. Sadly, weddings pay very well. If I could force myself to love it, life would be easier.

Model: Matt Holdener Photographer: Scott Crushman

Click Out LOUDER Tips

9 Tips from Scott Crushman to Take Photos as a Pro 9. Use better lenses.

Always pay attention to aperture when buying lenses. I see so many parents at sporting events and school concerts who spent a lot of money on a camera then wonder why their photos don’t look good. They’re using the wrong lens. If you’re just starting, a 50mm f/1.8 lens is the best training tool.

you. In the days of film, professional pcould make choices about color, contrast, brightness and composition. It’s easier than ever now, but there’s still a learning curve.

8. Compete against your camera’s auto settings. The way I learned to

4. Find beautiful subjects. I

use my first DSLR’s manual mode was by taking pictures using one of the scene modes (such as “sports” or “pet portrait”), figuring out what the camera was doing, then trying to make a better photo with manual settings.

7. Learn to see light sources. Photography is all

about capturing light, and positioning your subject to catch the light can make a huge difference.

6. Bring your own light. A reflector or flash trans-

forms your photography. Just don’t use a flash mounted on your camera if you can help it. Put the flash on a stand with a radio trigger or have someone hold it. On-camera flash is the source of red eyes and washed-out faces. If you must have the flash mounted on the camera, try pointing it up to bounce off the ceiling.

5. A photo isn’t finished when you snap the shutter. Photoshop,

GIMP, Lightroom, Pixlr, Affinity … whatever editing software you choose, watch tutorials or find someone to teach


April 2018

call it the “Italian Vacation Syndrome.” In 2009, I first imagined I could be a pro while visiting Rome and Florence. The cities were so beautiful it didn’t matter I knew nothing about using my camera. The quickest shortcut to amazing your friends (and potential clients) is finding startlingly beautiful people, places and things to photograph.

3. Find beauty everywhere. #4 is for beginners; this is a life-long goal. As you learn to see the world like a photographer, your obsession becomes how to illustrate what is extraordinary and beautiful about “normal” people and places. Talk to people about their joys and hopes, and inspiration is sure to spark.

2. Practice, practice, practice. There really is no


1. Act professionally.

It doesn’t matter if you’re photographing your nephew’s birthday or a CEO’s headshots. Dress appropriately. Be on time. Don’t harass or mistreat anyone, and never touch without consent. Research the ethics of your travel or street photography. There are too many “guys with cameras” who ignore professionalism. Make every photo shoot an experience all participants want to repeat.




GUILMETTE Ben Andrew Lipowitz Photography

Do Some People Fear Losing Weight? By Oliver JR Cooper | http://www.oliverjrcooper.co.uk

BLOUDER Health & Fitness The Weight loss industry is one of the biggest in the world and takes in billions every year. This affects both men and women and while sometimes it can be for health reasons, at other times it is for aesthetic reasons. People can lose weight through: eating differently, exercising, taking supplements, medical procedures and by having hypnotherapy for example. And new ways and variations are constantly made available; as way to stimulate interest and to entice people to buy what is being offered. The Short Term In the short term this could relate to a woman who has just had a baby and therefore wants to lose the weight that she has recently gained. Or it could be during a time when a man or women recently suffered a loss and used food as a way to comfort themselves and gained unwanted weight in the process. And in the above cases, there will be people who can lose it fairly quickly and other people who cannot. It could also be that one will lose it quickly and then gain it just as fast. The Long Term There will also be people who have wanted to lose weight since they were young or for many years and no matter what these people do, they can’t seem to lose it. Then there will be people who can lose it fairly easily with the right assistance, no matter how long they have carried the weight for. And just like in the example above; they will be people who lose it and then regain it, in a very short space of time. A Preset Regardless of where one may have started from or what their reasons are, it’s as if someone people have an internal preset that won’t be changed. This

is demonstrated when weight is lost and then simply returns to its previous level. And this can create not only physical challenges, but also mental and emotional challenges. To lose weight and then regain it or to find it difficult to lose weight in the first place is going to test ones resolve. Conflict This could seem as though one is working against their body and what their body wants is completely different to what they want. Losing weight can be done and yet it is a real struggle to do it and just as much of a struggle to maintain the weight loss. And this brings the focus to the conscious and unconscious mind. The conscious mind can want one thing and the unconscious mind can want something else. When these are working together, just about anything can happen and when they don’t; it will inevitably lead to struggle, strain and frustration. Is It Safe? What the unconscious rejects will be what is interpreted as being unsafe and what it accepts will be what is interpreted as being safe. The ego mind associates what is safe with what is familiar. So as long as something is familiar, it will be interpreted as being safe. And it won’t matter if this is causing one to suffer or to struggle. These associations are often formed when one is very young or during certain stressful moments as an adult. The Connection At this moment in time the weight may be unwanted and yet it could be due to the associations of the past that is keeping it there. Weight is similar to muscle, in that it can protect the body from real or perceived external stressors.

If one feels vulnerable in some way, to gain weight will enable one to feel safe. So weight is then used as an alternative to ego boundaries. Through having boundaries, one knows where they begin and end and where other people begin and end. It is then possible to feel safe to be who one is and to know that one has their own personal space. Possible Causes So perhaps when one was a child it wasn’t safe for them to just be. There early environments could have been dangerous, hostile, abusive and unsafe. And as one didn’t have the chance to develop healthy boundaries, the only possible option was to armor themselves through gaining weight. So even though one may want to lose weight, the body keeps regaining it due to these early associations that were formed. If they were to lose it, it would retrigger these past memories of being completely vulnerable, having no control and being wide open in life. Awareness There is the view that once one feels comfortable in who they are, their weight will return to a health level. This inner conflict can lead to one becoming trapped in an endless cycle of diets, frustration and pain. What one eats is clearly important and as is how one feels about food and their body. On the surface one may imagine how good their life would be or how good it would feel to lose weight. But at a deeper level, it could trigger a lot of fear and this fear is then causing one to sabotage that they consciously seek. This is something that can be dealt with through the assistance of a therapist, coach or healer. They can help one to go where they might not have gone by themselves.


April 2018

Eric Taylor Guilmette is a 24-year-old entrepreneur from Massachusetts currently traveling the world, living in Gold Coast, Australia. He is a World Natural Bodybuilding Federation (WNBF) Physique Pro competitor and owns and operates ET Fitness Coaching, his online personal training business. He graduated Summa Cum Laude with a B.S. in Mathematics & Economics from Roger Williams University in 2016. His passion for health and fitness not only impacts his own life, but drives him to help others reach their fitness goals.

Ben Andrew Lipowitz Photography

Ben Andrew Lipowitz Photography

How would you define your personal style (personality)? For as long as I can remember, there has been a fire lit inside me to be the best version of myself. Being a disciplined, hardworking individual has opened many doors for me and is what ultimately has allowed me to achieve all that I have so far in my life. I also have a goofy side. Those who know me really well would compare me to a burnt marshmallow, meaning tough on the outside, but really just a big softie. How did you get into fitness? What workout do you do to get that amazing body? I’m extremely competitive. Like most fitness-junkies, I played sports my entire life. Through high school, it was hockey, baseball and football. In college, I continued hockey until my sophomore year. During that time, I got into Insanity by Shaun-T and started weight training regularly. Once I hung up the skates for good, fitness and nutrition became a huge focus as my competitive demeanor shifted internally verse myself. Little-by-little, bodybuilding became a huge passion of mine. I would read and watch 100’s of fitness articles and videos to learn about nutrition, effective training styles, cardiovascular work, supplementation, general kinesiology… you name it, I’ve probably researched and applied it at some point during my journey. Where do you pull your inspiration from? My inspiration was initially very superficial. I wanted a six-pack, huge arms and a V-taper back – pretty much I wanted to be massive, but shredded to the bone. I had always been the smaller kid growing up, so I was really looking to impress other people. Then as my physique began to evolve and I learned about the sport of bodybuilding, my motives became how can I impress myself by sculpting my best possible body? For around 2-3 years, I’ve seen my body as a work of art that I’m constantly trying to improve. Not too long after my mindset switched, I also became inspired to help others work towards their fitness goals, which was a huge driving factor in me starting my own fitness coaching company. What does your current training look like? What do you like most about it? I’m currently in my offseason (bulking) for competition, so my main goal at the moment is to put on as much lean muscle mass as possible. From a training perspective, I’m doing heavy weights sessions 5-6 times per week with short cardio sessions 1 -2 times per week. More now than ever, I’ve been focusing a lot on joint health and elasticizing my muscles so that I’m not only adding muscle, but I’m strengthening my body as a whole. When I’m bulking, I have a power-bodybuilding training style with a mix of heavy weights and various rep-ranges. When I’m cutting, I lighten the load slightly, but go for more volume to help chisel out detail. A typical training split for me will be: Legs 1, Back & Biceps, Chest & Triceps, Legs 2, Shoulders, Arms & Core. What does your nutrition (eating) plan look like? I follow a form of Flexible Dieting, meaning I eat whatever I want to fit a specific number of macronutrients (protein, carbs and fats). Contrary to traditional flexible dieting that can be construed as a free-for-all, I eat clean, wholesome ingredients 8090% of the time and less “healthy” options the other 10-20%. No matter if I’m prepping for a contest or in my offseason, I always include some “junk” food in my diet, as I’ve learned my body responds better when I have frequent cheat meals versus when I don’t. While it changes all the time, I eat a proportional mix of proteins, carbs and fats and my calories can vary from 2400 to 4000+ a day depending on my short-term goal.

Ben Andrew Lipowitz Photography

BLOUDER Health & Fitness What would you recommend for a quick 20 to 30-minute workout? How long should people rest in between workouts? If you’re someone who only has 20-30 minutes to exercise during the day, I’d suggest doing a full body workout 4 to 5 times per week. The most effective exercises that recruit the greatest number of muscles are preferred since you don’t have time for isolation work. A great workout would be a mix of Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Press, and Pull Ups. There are many variations of these exercises and machines that mimic these movements so choose the option that is most appropriate for you. Regardless of your goal, optimal repranges are typically 8-12 reps at 3-4 sets for each movement. Rest periods are going to depend on your fitness level, but taking no more than 90 seconds in between sets will allow you to complete the workout in under 30 minutes. Be sure to warm up appropriately and stretch following exercise. What are some simple work outs that people can do at home who don’t have access to equipment or can’t afford gym membership? As I mentioned, I got my start into fitness doing Shaun-T’s Insanity program at home which required no equipment other than your body. I highly recommend his DVD workouts, especially if you have absolutely zero equipment. If you do have access to some dumbbells or kettle bells, I design personalized inhome workout programs for many of my clients that involve a mix of weights and body-weight training. Some basic movements that you can start incorporating at home now are push-ups, lunges, bodyweight squats, inverted rows, and plank variations. What are the best types of exercises for getting the fastest results in the shortest period of time? To be honest, there are none. It all takes time. There isn’t a magic pill or a magic formula that is going to get you results overnight even though so many products and workout programs promise to do so. Just like anything worth having in life, improving your fitness is something that takes patience, consistency and a heck of a lot of work. Let me put it this way – if you want to be a lawyer, you don’t read a few chapters in a text book and expect to understand the ins and outs of a courtroom the next day. It takes time. Same principle applies to fitness. You can’t work

out for a week and expect to look like your dream physique. Make a plan, set lots of goals for yourself, and start!

audience. Since then, my motives have shifted towards putting out content that’s more personal to my life.

What made you start ET Fitness Coaching? Around the time I graduated from university, I had a few friends ask me to make them workout and nutrition programs. Soon after, their friends asked me to do the same. Then the idea popped into my head, why not start a business doing this? So, I did. Once I started, I realized there was a demand for affordable, personalized, highquality fitness coaching because there were so many people out there selling costly cookie-cutter programs that over promised and under delivered. This business quickly became my top focus as I fell in love with helping people reach their fitness goals. I still remember when my first client thanked me and told me I changed their life forever. It’s the coolest feeling helping someone do something that they couldn’t even fathom at one point in their life. It’s what keeps me going today and has helped connect me to over 150 amazing clients worldwide.

What are your goals when it comes to YouTube? My goal for YouTube is for each video I upload, I want to positively impact at least 1 person and inspire them to go for their goals.

What kind of training program does ET Fitness Coaching offer? Is it highly structured or more informational? As I mentioned, everything I offer is personalized. I work 1-on-1 with every client to construct a workout and nutrition program based on their goals, lifestyle, fitness level, availability, current practices, injuries, food preferences, allergies, and so on. I offer month-based programs and week-based programs. My 3-month program is the most popular as it comprehensive, the most affordable and gives enough time for my client to make a significant amount of progress and a lifestyle change. What is your YouTube channel all about? What inspired you to start making videos? The two things that I’m most passionate about are fitness and traveling. My YouTube channel is a mix of the two. I’ve done a lot of travel since I moved to Australia to countries like Indonesia and New Zealand. I detailed those trips through travel highlight vlogs. The other half of my channel is fitness related content like workouts, competition video, food challenges and other valuable content. I started making YouTube videos because it was another platform that I could leverage to reach a larger

Name five things you can’t live without? My girlfriend, Delaney. She means everything to me and none of this would be possible without her love and support. A gym. It’s my second home. It’s the place where my true personality comes out. I’ve never walked out of the gym and regretted being there. Football. I'm a diehard New England Patriots fan, so much so that I woke up at 3 am to watch all the regular season games this past season while living in Australia. Go Pats #TB12 #LFG Adventure. I’ve quickly learned that I’m the happiest when I’m exploring new places and trying new things. Since I was 21 I moved from Massachusetts to Missouri to California to Australia. In that time, I’ve travelled to Japan twice, England, Scotland, Indonesia, and New Zealand. I don’t plan on stopping any time soon. Oatmeal & Protein. but I’ve eaten oats and protein every day for the past 4-5 years. Even when I travel, I always have my “proatmeal” with me. It’s the cheapest, most delicious, macrofriendly meal a person can have! What is the bad habit that no one knows about you? I promise I’m not crazy… but I don’t like storage. I prefer my things to be displayed out in front of me where I can easily access them, aka; I like my clothes in piles on the floor where I can see all of my options and I like my supplements displayed across the counter so I can grab whatever I need. This drives my girlfriend crazy, but hey, everybody has their bad habits. What are your future plans? In the next few months, I plan to continue traveling through the end of August. Once back in the States, I will settle in California with my girlfriend where I hope to take my business to the next level. I have my WNBF Physique Pro debut coming up in November of this year and I plan to continue competing as a pro for many years to come. 43 BLOUDER

April 2018

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Photographer: Dominik Müller

Photographer: Dominik Müller


BLOUDER Spotlight

Photographer: Dominik Müller


April 2018

Photographer: Eric Pietrangolare

BLOUDER Spotlight

Photographer: Eric Pietrangolare


April 2018

Photographer: Rick Day


ario Adrion was born in a small village in the Black Forest in Germany. “Even though most people in my hometown just stay and work in that area I always had the impulse to travel the world,” he said. At 15, he decided to take a year off and went to South America to learn Spanish at a Peruvian high school. This experience made him realizes how incredible it is to travel and get out of his comfort zone. Two years later he posted a shirtless picture on Facebook and was scouted by a Stylist in New York City. Adrion added, “He told me to come to New York and try modeling. I did not hesitate and got a flight a week later without knowing what was going to expect me. One of the craziest and best decisions I’ve made.” He shot with some well-known photographers and signed with his first agency in Germany. Two months later they sent him back to New York for his first Fashion week. After that he started traveling full time with agencies all over the world. He went from New York to Singapore to


April 2018

Milan to Australia to London and ended up in Los Angeles. On that journey he started a YouTube channel sharing his experiences as a model. Adrion said, “At this point YouTube is becoming my main focus but I still have many more modeling trips ahead of me!” When did you realize you want to be a model? How were you discovered? I grew up in a small town in Germany and always knew that I wanted to travel the world. When I was discovered by a stylist on Facebook and asked to go to New York City, I did not hesitate and immediately booked a flight. One of the craziest and best decisions of my life. Did you ever have a crazy experience during your modeling career? One of the craziest days was my first Fashion Show in New York for a very edgy Korean Designer. I was wearing White High Heels and hair- extensions that completely blocked my vision. I opened the show and had to walk out on a runway made of mirrors without seeing anything. What is the most challenging part of

your career? Uncertainty! In other jobs you usually have a fixed salary and can plan ahead. With modeling I never know if I get booked which can be very stressful on a psychological level! What would you do differently if you were starting your modeling career now? I would make fun the priority instead of being stressed about getting jobs. Walking into a casting or audition with the intention of having fun makes everything a lot easier! What keeps you going when things get tough? There were times in New York or Europe when I didn’t get as many jobs. In that time it helped me to have other passions besides modeling that fulfil me. Creating videos on YouTube and acting have become one of those passions and creative outlets for me. What inspired you to start making YouTube videos? I received a lot of questions on Instagram about my diet and life as a model.

BLOUDER Spotlight Photographer: Rodolfo Martinez

Instead of answering every single question I figured it was easier to just start answering those questions in Videos to help as many people as possible. What are your goals when it comes to YouTube? On YouTube I want to keep spreading a positive message and make experiences all around the world. Having an actual team of videographers is my next goal so I can focuse more on the creative aspect. Traveling is the best education in the world. I always want to keep learning and share my experiences on that journey. What do you feel most proud of? I am proud that I am from a small town and was brave enough to follow my impulse and travel at a young age. When I was 15 I first went to South America for a year and created a brand and career that is authentic to who I am without any help. What is your current workout routine? Due to my travels I focus on High Intensity bodyweight workouts that I can perform anywhere. Yoga has also become a huge part of my workout routine and helps me both mentally and physically to stay in shape! How would you describe your diet? I mainly eat carrots, avoiding all kinds of heavy fats. Oatmeal, Beans, Lentils and especially fruits are my go to high carb sources! You travel all around the world for your work. What are your travel essentials? My travel kit consists of one backpack with my camera gear and one small suitcase with simple black pants and just a few simple shirts. I am very minimalistic and love being able to quickly move without carrying too much stuff. Living this lifestyle made me realize how little we actually need! How was your experience from your recent trip to Bali? Bali was one of the most intense months of my life. We shot a TV Show there, called “High on Fear” where I challenged myself to face some of the biggest human fears in every episode. This includes cliff-jumping, fighting with a professional Muay Thai fighter

and swimming with sharks. I learned that getting out of my comfort zone is one of the best things you can do! How do you manage the balance in your life and find time for everything? I keep a journal. Every morning I write down 2 main goals for the day that I get done before 3pm. Daily Yoga sessions help me to clear my mind and focus on the tasks ahead. Without that I would be stressed all day between editing videos and auditions. If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be? Like I said I am very minimalistic. I would start with the tools I need to create Videos: My Phone, Camera, Laptop, my note-

book for my daily journals and a pack of carrots. On what do you spend the most: clothes, accessories, perfumes, underwear, or anything else? I definitely spend most money on airplane tickets and camera gear! I live a very modest lifestyle and don’t really care about fancy accessories. The only aspect where I definitely spend more than the average person is food. It’s a priority for me to get high quality food. We only have one body so let’s treat it in the best way possible. If you have to give one last message to your fans, what it would be? “A carrot a day keeps the doctor away.”


April 2018

BLOUDER Spotlight Photographer: Michael del Buono


April 2018

LOUDER style out



SHAUGHNESSY Photographer: @brooklynlambert

Jennifer Shaughnessy is a model and real-estate investor signed with DAS model management and Click. She is from the small and scenic town of Chattanooga Tn. This was where she started her first business, graduated with a degree in Psychology. Jennifer currently invests in real estate in Chattanooga using platforms such as Airbnb to maximize returns. She also travels the world and spent this last winter in Bali and Various parts of Thailand.

Photographer: @gonzalobisi

Style Out LOUDER Photographer: @kyoungkimphotog


April 2018

Photographer: @kyoungkimphotog

Top 4 Fashion Tips From Jennifer Shaughnessy Tip 1

Know thyself: Love every part of you and highlight your best features while being aware of areas you would rather not show when shopping. For me I am lucky because I really like my body. I eat healthy and stay active and this affords me a wide variety of fashions I feel comfortable in. For example I have long fit legs so showing them off is flattering for my body type. I also have a large chest for my frame so I am aware not to wear baggy shirts or horizontal stripes as these are not flattering on me. Before you shop, know what looks best on you.

Tip 2

Purchase pricy items strategically. I like to buy high priced staples that I will wear often like a few great jackets and I have them tailored. I buy


April 2018

an expensive watch since I will wear this every day, a nice handbag, and expensive shoes. Always splurge on denim too. Everything else that is trendy and I will probably only wear once I love to buy at places like TJ Maxx, Zara, and H&M. There is no point investing heavily in items you will only wear once or twice when these stores carry a wide selection of on trend items.

Tip 3

Look good, feel good and vice versa. You will look better if you feel good in what you are wearing. This means don't purchase torturous shoes just because they look good on the shelf. You will not look beautiful when you are in pain no matter how good you are at faking it. You can still get your sexy strappy heels; you just need to try about 20 on before you find the perfect

one that really supports your feet. This goes for clothing too, don't buy pants that are so tight you can't breathe. Breathing and being comfortable in your environment is a beautiful thing. Know your colors and work on a signature look that is great for you. Personally I love adding elegance to my everyday clothing. I love shorts and rompers that have a train. I really like white, black and gold because these colors are elegant. If your eyes really pop wearing blue than incorporate that into your wardrobe. If bubble gum pink makes you happy then wear it all the time. Style is personal. It's an outward reflection of what you feel on the inside so own it and be proud no matter what yours is.

Tip 4

Style Out LOUDER Photographer: @kyoungkimphotog


April 2018

Style Out LOUDER

Miami Men’s Fashion Week 2018 -

The Kaushal Vishukumar’s Collection The show was held in Miami for Miami Men’s Fashion Week on March 8, 2018 which featured many designers including Kaushal VishuKumar. “The collection is inspired from the city that I come from Mysuru,” Kaushal Vishukumar said. “Mysuru is known for its heritage and culture and the collection mainly has prints which are inspired from Mysuru palace Kambas (the pillars) and it's been printed through Digital Screen Printing.”


April 2018

Style Out LOUDER


April 2018

Daniela Drei is launching a glamorous line for an ultra-feminine look. The immaculate attention paid to the detailing of the products, such as buttonholes and hems finished using traditional craftsmanship techniques, personalised prints, and elegant embroidery, is the result of a brand that is famous for its intense ability to seduce. These exclusive details make Daniela Drei’s garments stand out as unique items for the modern woman.

Photographer: Fabrizio Magoni

Photographer: Fabrizio Magoni

Photographer: Fabrizio Magoni

Photographer: Fabrizio Magoni


BLOUDER House to Home


ome Sweet Home! They say, “Home is where heart is.” How true and deep it is. So, to make this home beautiful, here are some beautiful decor ideas which I have done in my house also. 1) Switch Board: Let's start with the smallest thing of our house, switch board. Switch boards always get ignored but they also affect our room looks. Make sure your switch boards are in proper way (not broken or dirty). Use a black marker and decorate your switch board. Make cats, wires coming out of the switch, a person getting shock from switch board etc. 2) Furniture: Chose suitable, good quality and space saving furniture. 3) Color Balance: If you're room is a too large, dark color will be really good there. But, if the room is small, keep it simple. Use light colors, space saving furniture and balance the color contrast. And, if your room has normal size, I'll advise you to keep that simple too. 70 BLOUDER

April 2018





By Sana Hussain | Instagram: @sanahussain_._

4) Organize: Make sure that your room is organized in a right way. Not too empty places should be in the room, neither it should be full of so many things.

ment which is really good. Anything natural in your room looks really attractive and makes feel good.

5) Stairs: Don't use carpets on your staircase, it makes stairs slippery. You can decorate stairs with beautiful lights and the stair walls with frames.

7) Favorite Corner: In today's construction ideas, all houses include a balcony and, this balcony becomes our favorite corner of the house. Make your balcony comfortable and do some permanent sitting arrangements (if it's possible). A person can sit and relax there.

6) Greenery: Use indoor plants to make your living area look fresh and cool. Also, Plants maintain the environ-

8) Lamps: Hang 2-3 lamps at few corners of your house. It can be in living area, balcony or your bed room. Use

BLOUDER House to Home

three different sizes but same pattern and hang at different lengths. It gives a rich look to our place. 9) Handmade flower pots: Take a glass and destroy its regular size and make it curvy (don't spoil the base). Fill half of that glass with concrete paste (concrete + water) and add another small size glass in that concrete to make it like a vase and let it dry for 1-2 days. Remove the glasses, use sand paper to rub and make it smooth. You'll find a really hard and beautiful flower vase which can be painted in the way you want.

decorate them by yourself and keep it in your kitchen and Living area. 12) Frames: Chose frames according to your organization and wall color. Set it in a right way. 13) Wall Stickers: If you can't afford wall art or if you want temporary wall art which you can keep changing than, I have a good idea for you, wall stickers. Wall stickers are rocking the market these days. You can find a great variety of wall stickers. Different sizes, different patterns, different colors etc.

10) Empty Space beneath Staircase: Don't let go the beneath space under staircase useless. Make use of it. You can create a small and cute book shelf, you can put there few big plants or so many small plants. You can also use that as a footwear wardrobe or any type of storage area.

14) Show pieces: Show pieces are something we all keep in our houses but do you keep them according to your room color and pattern? Doing anything in a right way is very important; we all should keep them in right way. Also use book shelves to keep them.

11) Candles: Even if you don't face any electrical problem, you should have few scented beautiful candles. Which will surely help if you ever needed them but it will also give your house a rich look. Bring some few simple scented candles,

15) Wind Chime: And how can we Forget windows, wind chimes is very old idea which was being used long time ago but I think it really gives a good look to Windows and

the sweet sound of it makes really feel good. Decorate your windows with a simple wind chime. Wind chime are easy to make so you can make them at home by yourself. Try it. It's easy and fun. 16) Waste left China designed plates: We all have china crockeries in our homes and they get broken. Use these beautiful plates to decorate your house and make it beautiful. Hang different designs of these plates on the wall. Different sizes will work too. 17) Curtains: Never ignore the arrangements of your house or room while choosing curtains. Use light col-


April 2018

BLOUDER House to Home ors according to your rooms. 18) Bouquet: If you can't manage indoor plants, you can go for real bouquets. Change them daily and keep them in fresh water. 19) Without flower: Big or small, empty vases look great. They look beautiful. 20) Cushion: Use vibrant color and different patterns of same color for cushions. They look really great just make sure they are going good with your sofa's. 21) Show off Your Collection: Women have a great collection of jewelry. Free up your wardrobe space and decorate them on wall. They look pretty and you'll be thankful for this idea when you'll be in hurry. 22) Hang the lights: This idea really looks very attractive with high ceiling rooms. They look different, cool and beautiful. 23) Open Shelves: We all have furniture which has open shelves and we never use them to keep show pieces.


April 2018

Use them for storage but, we are talking about decor ideas so how will you make it look beautiful? Decorate it. Cover the open shelved with beautiful paper or fabric covers. You can do DIY project for covering open shelves. They look great and your space also gets used. 24) Mirror in living room: We must have mirror in our bedrooms but using mirror as a wall decor is a very creative idea. A mirror with beautiful frame looks good and also reflects the good look of your house. 25) Carpet / Layering: After all this stuffs in your room if your living area is looking like something is missing than don't think too much, your floor must be demanding for a beautiful carpet under your furniture. A carpet gives a very pleasant look to your floor which makes your living area look attractive. BONUS TIPS: (a) DIY stuffs: Even if the market is supplying every big and small thing that we need, there are few things which we can't find in the market. For this, go and use your Hands and do some DIY projects. You can get idea from YouTube as well as Google.

(b) Wardrobes: Even if we have wardrobes to keep our things separately, wardrobes become messy too. Use dividers to make small divisions in your wardrobe. You can use cardboards for this. Cut out the card boards according to your wardrobe size and the division you want to create, after this wrap the piece of cardboard and fix it with the help of glue. (c) Space Saving Furniture: If you're living in a small house than be careful with your furniture. Furniture takes lot of space. Only buy the furniture you need and make sure they are space saving. In today's market, furniture which can be used for multiple purposes are easily available. (d) Waste Materials: Don't throw useful waste materials. Use your creativity to create something creative and pretty with old and waste stuffs you have. They can be used very easily you just have to use your brain. (e) Walls: Never underestimate the space of wall. Use your walls. They look great, you also get satisfied and it also free up your space.


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