TONI&GUY Blogged and Bound 2012

Page 30


Annie’s hair falls in thick, glossy sheets and catches the light like spun gold. If life were a fairytale, she’d play Rapunzel, her woven mane tumbling from the highest window in the tower. It’s the hair of dreams, a golden waterfall that shines brighter than bright… but what of the girl beneath it? Annie smiles shyly, thinks before she speaks and always makes eye contact. She knows what she likes and seldom contradicts herself, rare for somebody her age. Look at the photos on her blog and you’ll find the story of a girl who somehow, effortlessly, always manages to get it right. So where did it all begin? Growing up, she always wanted to be in fashion. Looking at her, you get the sense she’s understood style since her days in the sandpit, so naturally does it come to her. A classic dresser, Annie isn’t one to follow trends, preferring to save her money for timeless pieces (the lesson we wish we’d all learned sooner).

She says she values comfort, but even in the highest of shoes, she never looks uncomfortable. Annie was a sensation on the blogging scene before she even started blogging. Best friend Celine started Anniieemal, naming it after Annie as a tribute to their friendship. Annie featured so heavily in Celine’s photos that joining her was only natural. The two now work together in a partnership so seamless, you’d think it had roots in telepathy. Friends since childhood, the girls have always been inseparable, even though an ocean now divides them (Celine has moved to London). Annie describes it as a ‘long-distance, long-long-long term relationship’, without the breakup at the end. And fall apart they won’t; even their hair speaks the same language, Celine’s a lustrous black beside Annie’s glistening gold. A story of two girls and their happily ever after.

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