Illustration of a cell phone and a coffee mug

Marketing Your Personal Project with Issuu

So you took a leap of faith and built your personal project from scratch. Whether it be a fashion magazine, a collection of recipes, a niche zine or more — The Issuu Story Cloud can help market your creations. Even if your project is just a one-time venture or something that could turn into an ongoing commitment, you want to show people the result of your hard work. This is the project you’ve created simply because you were determined to do so. You’ve put your passion and dedication into telling your story, so now let’s take it to the next level. Leverage the Issuu Story Cloud’s suite of integrated publishing tools to ensure your personal project is discovered by many.

Start using the Issuu Story Cloud today > 

6 tips to market your personal project with Issuu:

Create a Digital Publication

As a creative, odds are you have a lot of content. But, instead of simply posting your work to a website or social channels — think more strategically. Thus, create a publication. Firstly, creating a publication serves as an interactive format to view your work. Secondly, a cohesive format will make your passion project look more professional and draw in more readers. Most importantly, publishing your personal project on Issuu will make it discoverable by over 150 million people monthly.

Is it your first time creating a magazine? Check out our free magazine and catalog templates to get started.

Example: EXPOSURE was originally meant to be a small, collaborative Asian empowerment shoot. But, the team instead chose to condense the shoot photos into a magazine with links to their other content. Thus creating a more immersive experience for their audience.

Create Issuu Stories 

Stories are now the most popular format to connect with new audiences on mobile and social. Thus, it is imperative to streamline your content creation and personal project distribution by using the Issuu Story Cloud. Transform your content with a few simple steps so it can easily be viewed on mobile. Think: captivating quotes, vivid imagery, and sleek scrolls. With Issuu Stories, now you can scale up your magazine so that it’s mobile-friendly.

Example: Take a look at the New Voices movement. They documented their work and statements of support so viewers can easily find facts about their movement, specific supporters, cases, and more information about the project. Breaking your project down into mobile-friendly, easily digestible stories makes it easier for readers to share your work!

Reformat Your Content for Social 

It’s no surprise that Visual Stories are taking over the social marketing game.  Now with Issuu, reformat your personal project for social. Whether it’s on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin or more — Stories are the latest marketing tactic that brands and creatives need to leverage. Now you can truly create once and share everywhere with Issuu. Through Issuu’s innovative tools, once you’ve published to the Issuu Story Cloud you can easily scale up your magazine to social. By downloading the Issuu App for iOS and Android or the Issuu x Adobe InDesign Plugin, you can create eye-catching Visual Stories in no time. Combine visual elements with concise text that draws in viewers on social.

Scale up your magazine with Free Instagram Story Templates > 

Insert Video Embeds

Add another layer to your publication using video embeds. By inserting a YouTube or Vimeo video directly into your publication, an immersive experience is created. Give your audience an even deeper look into your personal project with video.

Share GIFs

Who doesn’t love a good GIF? Making a GIF out of your publication allows you to share a flip through of your content on social media channels like Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook and more! GIFs make marketing your personal project easy. But also, GIFs are a key marketing tactic that stands out from other social content. Slick moving images will easily catch the eye of a new reader on any social feed.

Leverage Digital Sales 

Ready to take your personal project a step further? Scale up your magazine with Issuu Sales. With Issuu Sales, publishers can sell digital access to their content on Issuu as a subscription or sell as single issues. To market across social channels, you can select Digital Sales Previews. Thus, giving your audience a taste of the publication to entice them to buy the full version. Now, market and sell your content across the globe on Issuu.

Start selling magazines today >