Revive Omaha Special Anniversary Edition

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An African-American Lifestyle and Community Empowerment Magazine

REVIVE! Spirit, Mind & Body


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in this issue…

VOL. 6 | ISSUE 1


An African-American Lifestyle and Community Empowerment Magazine


President & Publisher Willie D. Barney

Spirit, Mind & Body

Vice-President/Executive Editor Yolanda M. Barney Chief Financial Officer Greg A. Johnson Desktop Publishing & Design Kate M. Rice Research & Copy Editor Yvette Coppage Billing Manager Anita Johnson Contributing Writers: Tawanna Black Rev. Darryl Brown Yvette Coppage John Ewing, Jr. Viv Ewing Janice Gilmore Dell Gines Greg A. Johnson Angela Jones Rev. Bruce Norris Contributing Photographers: Herb Thompson Lovely Nai Photography Jason Fischer Tim Davis Donnie Branson

Revive! Omaha Magazine is a publication of SMBEnterprises, LLC and is distributed via mail and selected locations throughout the Greater Omaha area and beyond. ©2013 SMB Enterprises, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form, in whole or in part, without express written permission from the Publisher, is prohibited, excepting individually copyrighted articles or photographs. The views expressed herein, whether expressed as fact, fiction, opinion, advice or otherwise, are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the ownership or management of SMB Enterprises or Revive! Omaha Magazine. Manuscripts and photographs submitted for publication are welcome and should be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope if their return is desired. We reserve the right to edit, use, or not use materials submitted. The publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited materials. The publication of any advertisement in this issue does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser’s products or services.

SPECIAL EDITION: Celebrating five years, page 28 Letter from the Publisher


Events Calendar


Revive! Your Spirit


Renew! Your Mind


Restore! Your Body


Reclaim! Your Family


Rediscover! Your Purpose


Reprioritize! Your Finances


Rebuild! Your Community


Omaha Rewind


FEATURES: Empowerment Network Conference 22 Black Business in Omaha


Celebrating Five Years


Learning From Randal Pinkett


Community Directory


Church Directory


Small Business Spotlight



P.O. Box 540880 • Omaha, NE 68154 (402) 490-1542 • Email:

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REVIVE! Celebrating five years of Revive Omaha Magazine. I want to encourage you. If you have a God-given vision, I’m here to tell you it’s possible. Despite what it may look like sometimes or what might come against you, with God on your side, your vision is possible! I’ve seen it with my own eyes. I can remember writing down business ideas and concepts while I was still in high school. I remember drawing models and filling up note pad after note pad, page after page with dreams and visions of making a positive impact in the community. Then, after years of prayer and planning, my wife and I along with our partners, stepped out on faith. It’s amazing to look back and think about the past nine years. We launched SMB Enterprises in 2004 by hosting gospel concerts in Omaha featuring some of the nation’s top gospel artists, including Donnie McClurkin, CeCe Winans, John P. Kee and partnered with Salem Baptist Church to present Byron Cage and Kurt Carr. SMB Enterprises is also the parent company to Revive! Omaha Magazine and we have been working hard to deliver a high quality magazine for over five years. WDB Resultants is our consulting firm that has worked with non-profits, media companies and small businesses across the country. In between the start of the concert business and launch of Revive! Omaha Magazine, we stepped out in faith with others and created the Empowerment Network. Who could have imagined how God would bless us to partner with so many great people and organizations along the way? We are linking with others and finding that many of us have a common vision and purpose to improve our communities and help others reach their full potential. We still have a lot of work ahead as a community, but we are making measurable and tangible progress. We are thankful for all God has blessed us to experience. We look forward to even greater things in the future. Relationships are expanding. New partnerships are forming. Revive! and the Empowerment Network are attracting attention on a regional and national level. We are focusing more of our efforts on helping others to start, launch and expand successful businesses. We see great potential ahead for our community! Thank you, Omaha, for welcoming us and allowing us to walk in faith with you. Sincerely,

Willie D. Barney President/Publisher Revive! Omaha Magazine

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©2013 Revive! Omaha Magazine



Friday, June 7, 2013

Urban League of Nebraska presents… 24th Annual African-American Leadership Awards Hilton Omaha Downtown $50 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm Get more information or purchase tickets online at

Saturday, June 8, 2013

NAACP presents… Juneteenth Parade 30th and Lake to 30th and Sprague 11:00 am - 1:00 pm The Empowerment Network presents… Juneteenth in the Village at 24th and Lake 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Jazz, Gospel, Food and Fun Juneteenth Nebraska presents… Flag Raising Ceremony, Washington Branch Library 1:15 pm Washington Branch Library presents… Family Fun Fair 1:30 pm Join us after the Juneteenth Parade for the Juneteenth flag-raising and passing of the lantern award, followed by the June Family Fair. Your family will enjoy bounce houses, face paintings, balloon animals, a petting zoo, refreshments, music, and a book giveaway from the Friends of Omaha Public Library! Charles B. Washington Branch (402.444.4849)

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Juneteenth Nebraska presents… Jazz Concert at Love’s Jazz and Arts Center 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Monday, June 10, 2013

Great Plains Black History Museum presents… Grand Opening: Negro League Baseball Exhibit 10:00 am

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Verbal Gumbo presents… Acknowledge Juneteenth @ House of Loom 7:30 pm $5 Admission

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Juneteenth Celebration John Brown’s Cave, Nebraska City, NE

For a complete list of Juneteenth Events, please visit Read more online at

save the date! Native Omaha Days

July 31st to August 5th Gospel Night, Social Mixer, Parade, Dance, Picnic, Blue Monday and more Visit or call 402-457-5974 for more information

2nd Annual African-American Leadership Conference

Friday, September 20, 2013 Presented by Revive! Omaha Magazine, Empowerment Network, African-American Young Professionals and the African-American Professionals Network (AAPN) Visit for more information

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Spring Buds by Rev. Bruce Norris

Winter is hard. There is the cold, the ice, even cabin-fever. There is something about the onset of spring that causes us to anticipate its arrival. Our inner man gets ready for the warmth and the greenery begins to sing a song of happiness that another winter is past. We have an excitement about us as we begin to picture in our imaginations all of the things that we will do when the warmer weather arrives. For some of us this may be sports. For others it may be a long awaited and much needed vacation to some exotic island surrounded by blue green water and coral reefs.

Whatever the imagination can dare to dream about, you can rest assured it will. Spring is a time when new birth is realized. Wildlife prospers with baby animals and we see evidence of it everywhere we go. Baby birds and their sounds of hunger penetrate the morning as the dew and sunlight bring prisms of light onto the virgin grass which has lain dormant for so long. Spring cleaning is a priority as we throw open the windows to our homes and allow the warm breeze to create billows in our drapes, as the gentle drafts remove the staleness of the winter and overwhelm us with the freshness of a new season.

period to give rest to the earth and allows her to gather the strength she needs to produce life once again; giving renewed energy to what already is and a reason to what will yet become.

Spring! The proof that what may seem like it has been dead is but a temporary

“But if you live long enough,” as our elders remind us, “things will turn around.” Spring will come

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The spirit of man goes through a similar process as well. There are seasons in our lives when everything seems dead and stale. Nothing seems to be moving; boredom and ennui feels as if it were creeping into our very souls. Promotions, monies, houses, everything our hopes hinge upon seem to be stagnate and unmoving. We may even be tempted to despair and to think that nothing will ever go right for us.

once again to our spirits. The things that we dared dream about seem to have a way of making themselves available to us once again. Our hopes renew themselves and the end of the proverbial tunnel is in sight. Freshness overtakes us and soon we start to move again. We dream again. We dare “to be” again. The buds of spring remind us that life continues. The darkness of what we call winter in our spirits lasts only for a season. What we learn from that season will give birth to the budding of our spirits to a new day – to a newness of life. The Bible tells us that weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. Wake up brothers and sisters. Morning is here. ©2013 Revive! Omaha Magazine


Investing in People and Projects

High on the list of unsung heroes in North Omaha’s revitalization is the Omaha Economic Development Corporation (OEDC). Serving the Community since 1977, OEDC has sincerely and earnestly practiced community and economic development in North Omaha because service is central to its mission. OEDC has served because serving is the right thing to do. OEDC has more than three decades of dedicated commitment to North Omaha. No big deal, its mission is “To implement economic development projects and community revitalization programs that create housing, jobs, training, business ownership opportunities and other economic benefits for area residents.” Most recently, OEDC partnered with NIFA, the Empowerment Network, the City of Omaha and others in the development of a comprehensive North Omaha Revitalization Plan. In 2011, as a major part of the rebuilding process, OEDC constructed four new healthy, green homes in the Prospect Hills area and substantially rehabilitated The Margaret; making it the State’s first energy independent, multi-family, affordable housing complex. This year, OEDC is on the move in the Fair Deal Urban District, developing a new 40 unit multi-family complex and five new single family homes; and, partnering with the City of Omaha and the Empowerment Network to launch the Step Up Omaha Program for youth ages 14-24. OEDC is on the move and North Omaha is Rising!

Omaha Economic Development Corporation

Michael B. Maroney, President • 2221 North 24 Street • Omaha

(402) 346-2300 •

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Training My Emotions With My Mind by Pastor Darryl Brown Jr.

One thing is for sure, human beings are emotional beings. Some may seem to be more emotional than others. Some may be angry and frustrated, while others may be perky and excited about life. Regardless of which side of the emotional lines we fall on, we are all emotional beings. Emotions are defined as natural instinctive states of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others. In other words, emotions are what we experience in response to the world around us, or how we intrinsically feel. When life happens, emotions follow.

Some people believe that to be emotionless beings shows strength. As a matter of fact, some people believe that spiritual maturity is found in the ability to be without emotion. Nothing could be further from the truth! In the shortest verse of the Bible, found in John 4, we find that Jesus wept. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus is recorded as crying

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as well. The circumstances surrounding Jesus impacted Him emotionally, and He found no issue with expressing such emotion. In the temple in Matthew 21, Jesus was highly frustrated with the activities going on there and expressed His frustration. Emotions are a real part of life. So the issue is not whether

or not we experience and express emotion, the issue is whether or not we allow emotion to completely regulate our functionality. In other words, do we allow emotions to run us? Some of us have to answer that with a resounding and truthful “yes.” If we evaluate some of our decisions, perhaps we would find that they were made with

©2013 Revive! Omaha Magazine

simply emotional motivations. Sometimes we are guilty of emotional spending. We purchase things or make financial commitments based on the way we feel as opposed to quality decision making. Sometimes we commit ourselves to relationships, whether platonic or intimate, simply based on emotions rather than evaluating the situation based on quality standards. Sometimes we make major decisions such as leaving a job, abandoning a relationship, moving in or out of a residence based on emotion.

emotion is a thought process. We train our emotions with our thought processes and decision making that corresponds with that thought process. Are your emotions trained?

the amygdala becomes less controlling in major decision making.

Science hints at this concept of maturity as well. From an early age leading up into adulthood, children and teenagers do most of their decision making using a part of the brain known as the amygdala. The amygdala is responsible for emotional responses. Perhaps this explains some of the decision making of teenagers! As a person matures into adulthood, Again, emotion is not a bad the brain continually develops thing. A lack of emotion does and the frontal lobe is used not reflect maturity. However, more for decision making. The controlling emotion with frontal lobe makes decisions rational thinking and decision avoid of simple emotional making is a sign of maturity. Learning how to process tugging. As a person matures, Revive Omaha Ad - 2013_Layout 1 4/2/13 9:12 AM Page 1

What is all of this suggesting? Maturity is found in our ability to train our emotions. The more you train your emotions based on quality rational decision making, the more mature your feelings may be. For example, if I always hop into relationships simply based on emotions, I am setting myself up for failure. If I look at a potential relationship from a quality thought process, including standards, then I am training my emotions to get used to quality! Perhaps our lack of quality decisions in life is because we have not trained our emotions! Let’s start acting on thought rather than simple emotion.

on University... Creight where diversity is appreciated and students thrive. Diversity students receive nearly $5 million in scholarships and grants annually... only at Creighton. ALICIA AMEDEE Omaha Northwest High School CU ’13, Marketing Major

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REVIVE! Omaha | 7

5 Benefits of Walking Walking is one of the simplest and least expensive forms of exercise. It provides many health benefits and is great for all ages. So whether you are constantly on the move or you are just getting started on an exercise plan, walking may be just what you need to get you moving in the right direction. If you are moving from the couch to the pavement, stay encouraged and slowly build up the time you spend walking each day. For example, walk for 5-10 minutes the first day and add a few minutes each day until you can walk for 30 minutes.

NOTE: Please check with your doctor before starting any exercise plan.


Helps with our overall health. Walking 30 minutes a day can improve high blood pressure and the overall health of our heart. It can also reduce the risk of developing diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, the Diabetes Prevention Program—a large study done in people with pre-diabetes—showed that 150 minutes of physical activity a week (30 minutes, five times a week) helped prevent or delay type 2 diabetes.


Helps us to maintain and lose weight.

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Reduces stress. It is a known fact that exercise is the best stress reliever. Enjoy the fresh air and peace of mind as you take your walk.


Helps reduce the risk of bone and joint diseases.


Boost your immune system. Walking also provides your body with more energy. Once you start moving, you will soon see a spike in your energy level and you will also be able to enjoy a more restful sleep at night. ©2013 Revive! Omaha Magazine

THANK Y U. The Urban League of Nebraska appreciates the support of Corporate Omaha. Your generosity helped us serve more than 8,445 Nebraskans in 2012.

1 of 5 African-American students who graduated from Omaha Public Schools were involved with an Urban League of Nebraska program.

2,145 people received job readiness training and connected with employers through the Urban League of Nebraska .

Your support is a commitment to our mission “to be an empowering voice in the community advocating for economic self-reliance, parity, power, civil rights and equal opportunity for all.�

Become a 2013 Corporate Partner.


Visit for details.

2013 African-American Leadership Awards

Friday, June 7, 2013 | Hilton Omaha 5:30 p.m. Cocktail Reception | 7:00 p.m. Award Ceremony $50 General Admission Ticket | $1,000 for Reserved Table of Ten

With the children out of school for the summer, it is very important that parents keep them busy and motivated. In order for them to do well when school starts again in the fall, they should participate in activities that keep their minds alert. Fortunately, there are many activities that are engaging free, or cost very little. In today’s economy, many people are struggling to make ends meet, but want their children to have a productive summer. With some dedicated investigating, parents will be able to find many worthwhile activities for their children. Below are examples of activities children can participate in.

VISIT A library

The Omaha Public library is once again offering their summer reading program for both children and adults. Children are rewarded based on their completed level of reading. Embracing reading at a young age can be an activity they can enjoy for a lifetime. Visit your local library to sign up for the program. Barnes and Noble is also offering a summer reading programs for grades 1-6th. The Half Price Book has a Feed Your Brain® Summer Reading Program that rewards kids 14 and under. They can read each day to earn Bookworm Bucks, redeemable at your local HPB store. Please contact these stores for more information.


Attend a local museum or children’s museum. The Joslyn Art Museum is offering free general admission for the remainder of 2013.


In the evening, as a family you can go hiking or biking on local trails. Not only is it good exercise, but you can learn many things about nature as you walk or bike.


Volunteering is more than just giving back to the community, it teaches youth about the importance of helping others. It may also count towards their school’s community service hours.

Learn a new skill

Take time and teach your children a special skill, they may pursue hobbies that they can enjoy for a lifetime with your introduction to something new.


Picnics, swimming, outside sports, are all traditional summer activities that can be enjoyed by the family.

By taking the time to inquire about free or reasonable activities, parents and their children can have a great and safe summer! 10 | REVIVE! Omaha

©2013 Revive! Omaha Magazine

Want more out of life? Have you ever found yourself saying, “Is there more to life than this”? Each of us has a purpose, something we were born to do. The problem is many of us do not know what that purpose is or how to get there. In fact, we get in our own way. We get lost in the issues of life, such as finances. We get consumed with the business and problems of others and sometimes the “others” are celebrities or folks on reality television, like Atlanta Housewives, The Bachelor or Bachelorette, or shows like 21. We get sidetracked with what’s wrong rather than focusing on the blessings that we have right in front of us, like health and family.

I’d like to challenge you to take time to personally reflect on what you are doing, where you are going in life, and what you are doing to reach your purpose. Then think about what you are doing that may be a hindrance to reaching your purpose and getting more out of life. To help you do that, here are some back-to-the basics steps adapted from an Old Testament book in the Bible, Ecclesiastes 3:1, which says, “to everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven”. This is a reminder to us that there is a time for everything. Consider how you will apply these steps to your own life. We can get more out of life when we realize that that there is a purpose and a time for everything. Let’s look at this more closely. 12 | REVIVE! Omaha

©2013 Revive! Omaha Magazine

be born




Give birth to new ideas and approaches to what you are facing in life. Instead of continuing to do things the same way and getting what you always get, change your approach and position yourself to give birth to new outcomes.

Let bad habits die, such as smoking, overeating, not exercising, taking in too much sugar and salt, and getting angry. When we let bad habits die, we live longer.

Embrace the future and expect great things to happen. Expect greatness. What we think about, we bring about. If you think small and think negative thoughts, that is what you will get. Conversely, if you set your sights high, think positively, and expect great things to happen, your life will soon follow.

Gain confidence in yourself and in your abilities. Take time to assess your strengths. The Gallup Strengths Finder assessment is a great way to identify your strengths.





Plant seeds of kindness daily. Each day, identify someone to be kind to and do not expect anything in return.

Allow yourself to be healed from forgiveness. Unforgiveness eats away at your happiness and your spirit. You carry it around like a black cloud on a rainy day, and it will follow you if do not let it go. Sometimes we have to be the first one to say I’m sorry.


Take time to laugh at yourself sometimes and not take life so seriously. I laugh at myself when I put earrings on in the dark and get to work with one gold earring and one silver earring on. What have you done lately that really was pretty funny? Take time to laugh.

gather up stones

Take time to identify scriptures that motivate and encourage you. Memorize them and say them out loud. Scripture will be a source of strength when life gets tough. Here are a few examples: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I am blessed and highly favored No weapon that is formed against me will prosper When I pray, God hears me Read more online at

Set a goal to lose weight by the end of summer. Also lose a few friends who influence you to do things that you should not do.

Always keep your word to your family, co-workers, community, church, and to yourself.


Invest time, love, and energy into building positive relationships in each area of your life. Mend all broken relationships. You will be much happier when you do.

keep silence

Be quiet sometimes. You don’t have to give people a piece of your mind all of the time.


Speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves. You can also speak by donating money and time to not-forprofit organizations in the community.


Love God and others. Love the unlovable. Yes, that’s the hard part. Love yourself. Take time to take care of yourself. Put you on your calendar.

We will get closer to our purpose and get more out of life when we apply these simple truths. REVIVE! Omaha | 13

Preparing an Effective Business Plan by Gregory A. Johnson

One of the major steps in starting a new business or getting financing is to prepare a business plan. A well thought out business plan is a valuable tool for a new company or one seeking financing. It can also provide milestones to gauge your success. Indeed, the very process of developing a business plan will help you think through some important issues that you may not have considered yet.

Before getting down to the actual preparation of your business plan, take time up front to explore and evaluate your business and personal goals. Then use this information to build a comprehensive and effective business plan that will help you reach these goals. When preparing a business plan for a new business, you should examine your reasons for wanting to go into business. Some of the more common reasons for starting a business are:

• You want to be your own boss. • You want financial independence.

Next, you need to determine, what business is “right for you.” Ask yourself these questions: • What do I like to do with my time? • What technical skills have I learned or developed? • What do others say I am good at? • Will I have the support of my family? • How much time do I have to run a successful business? • Do I have any hobbies or interests that are marketable?

• You want creative freedom.

Then, you should identify the niche your business will fill. Conduct the necessary research to answer these questions:

• You want to fully use your skills and knowledge.

• What business am I interested in starting? • What services or products will I sell?

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©2013 Revive! Omaha Magazine

• Is my idea practical, and will it fill a need? • What is my competition? • What is my business advantage over existing firms? • Can I deliver a better quality service? • Can I create a demand for my business? The final step before developing your plan is the pre-business checklist. You should answer these questions: • What skills and experience do I bring to the business? • What will be my legal structure? • How will my company’s business records be maintained? • What insurance coverage will be needed? • What equipment or supplies will I need? • How will I compensate myself? • What financing do I need? • Where will my business be located? • What will I name my business?

Your answers will help you create a focused, wellresearched business plan, and that should serve as a blueprint. It should detail how the business will be operated, managed, and capitalized. Based on your initial answers to the questions listed above, you should formulate a business plan. A business plan formalizes the analysis of a prospective business by forcing you to put your ideas and the answers to the above questions in writing. A business plan sets forth the mission or purpose of the business venture, describes the product or services to be provided, which presents an analysis of the market state, the goals that the business has, and how it intends to achieve those goals and last but not least, has a formal financial plan. The business plan is necessary to obtain external capital for your business, but it serves a number of other purposes. It forces you to critically evaluate the feasibility of your business and whether it will provide a return which is appropriate to the time and money you will invest in the business. The plan provides a benchmark against which you can evaluate the success of your business in later years.

Your home.Your care.Your pace. Your home is best and Immanuel Pathways can help you continue living there for as long as possible. Our program provides a comprehensive system of health care. The model of service is PACE: Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly. Our program includes primary, acute and long-term health care as well as adult day services and transportation. Services are provided in the home, in the community and at our PACE Center. For complete program details and benefits, please call 402-991-0330.

5755 Sorensen Parkway Omaha, NE 68152 PACE participants may be fully and personally liable for the costs of unauthorized or out-of-PACE program services. Emergency services are covered. Participants may disenroll at any time.

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REVIVE! Omaha | 15

It’s Time For Us To Close The Employment Gap by Willie Barney

Omaha, we can do this! It’s time to close the employment gap and build businesses. The employment gap between AfricanAmericans and the larger community has been the topic of numerous studies, newspaper articles, television reports, conferences, summits, and countless meetings and discussions around the city, state and nation. While Omaha experiences less than 4% unemployment overall, the rate for African-Americans is as high as 20% and in certain areas of North Omaha the rate is as high as 30%. From the barber shop to the boardroom, people are asking the same questions: How can we call ourselves a great city with such large employment gaps? What is being done to close these gaps? When can we expect to see measurable progress? Where do we go from here?

Recession. They were attempting to get the attention of public officials who were content to approve massive spending increases for jails and prisons, police and fire departments, and ever expanding justice systems. They were also trying to regain support from African-Americans that had utilized the victories of the civil rights movement to gain access and rise to varying levels of personal and professional success. It had become painfully obvious that while a portion of African-Americans had achieved middle or upper income status, too many were still on the other side of the economic Jordan. They were shouting with a loud voice, telling the nation that the promise land seemed to be getting further and further away.

Maybe the article in the World-Herald in April 2007 is what it took to escalate the poverty issue to a top priority. Sure, non-profits, community organizations, faith leaders, neighborhood activists and social justice advocates had been sounding the alarm for years, if not decades. It was not a surprise to them. They knew something was wrong. These groups had tried with limited resources to make a dent in the growing unemployment and underemployment experienced by African-Americans and North Omaha residents even before the Great

Where do we go from here? A quick review of history provides great insights. In the early 1900’s and first part of the century, African-American communities focused on launching successful businesses, establishing strong churches and social groups, creating new colleges and universities, and rebuilding families that had been torn apart. Thriving business districts were developed, in many cases because of forced segregation. New products and services were invented and offered. Large scale migrations took place to take advantage of the growing

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manufacturing industries. Doors of opportunity in music, sports, and entertainment were pushed open. Major movements were generated to fight for worker’s rights, voting rights and the end of legal segregation. Victories were won. More doors were opened. A few made it through. Then slowly, with the changing of the political landscape, most of the doors were slammed shut, moved or put out of reach for the masses. Jobs and upwardly mobile people began to disappear from the urban core. Concentrated poverty, poor performing schools, dilapidated houses, vacant lots, neighborhood dividing highways, drugs, violence and social isolation moved in. For nearly 40 to 50 years, communities have focused on safety nets, social programs, and other critical support systems. It is important to note, we still need these systems because so many people are still unemployed and underemployed. To remove these support mechanisms without addressing the underlying job training, education, employment, and business development needs would be even more catastrophic. We are now in a position which requires us to address creating jobs and businesses, building affordable and mixedincome housing, and improving our educational system while still providing support for families struggling with deep, generational social problems. This is where the power of AND comes into play. It is both personal responsibility and leadership accountability. It is both community building and economic development. It is both equity and excellence. We must embrace all of these key principles. This edition of Revive! Omaha begins a renewed focus on business solutions to close the employment gap and accelerate economic development in the pockets of our community that need the most investment. Some of the recommendations outlined include: establishing and growing small businesses; increased training and improving access to credit and capital; creating more awareness of the employment gaps; building and transferring wealth within minority communities; investing in targeted job training efforts; increasing contracts with minorities; changing policies and addressing structural racism; and continuing the expansion and alignment of cradle to career education and youth development initiatives. There is reason for hope. Read more online at

The Omaha Public Schools District which has made measurable progress on graduation rates, reading and math proficiency and college placement, looks to continue its forward momentum with a new board and superintendent. The Governor has made economic growth a top priority for the state. Mayor Jim Suttle has made economic development in North Omaha his top priority and incoming Mayor Jean Stothert has promised to keep job creation and business growth a key focus. Some business leaders are acknowledging the barriers and playing an active role in solving these long-standing gaps. Some philanthropic groups are embracing holistic models and working to find ways to address structural racism. Social service agencies, pastors, faith leaders and non-profits are focusing more attention on self-sufficiency and lifting people out of poverty through innovative programs. New collaborations and coalitions are forming. New policies are being pushed to support initiatives that provide better services, quality health care while also raising incomes. The Empowerment Network Collaboration is actively engaged in many of these initiatives and facilitating community and economic development strategies that are holistic in nature through the 7 Step Empowerment Plan. Measurable outcomes and results can now be reported. What will we make of these opportunities? Will we build on our progress? Imagine the possibilities when we collaborate and further align our efforts. We hope that this issue will encourage more groups and individuals to work together to develop comprehensive strategies and models that can be effectively utilized throughout the country. A key ingredient will be the involvement and engagement of those most impacted. Longterm, sustainable change and transformation will only come when African-Americans and North Omaha residents are fully engaged as leaders and decision-makers in solutions that directly impact them. The good news is that increasing numbers of leaders from across the city and state are recognizing and embracing this truth. Now is the time to finally close these long-standing gaps and make Omaha a great city, in every zip code and neighborhood. We can do this, Omaha! REVIVE! Omaha | 17

Omaha Rewind

Bishop Joseph L. Shannon, Sr. Inaugural Banquet

Bishop Joseph L. Shannon, Sr. Inaugural Banquet

Bishop Joseph L. Shannon, Sr. Inaugural Banquet

Bishop Joseph L. Shannon, Sr. Inaugural Banquet

Big Mama’s Sandwich Shop grand opening

Big Mama’s Sandwich Shop grand opening

Big Mama’s Sandwich Shop grand opening

Big Mama’s Sandwich Shop grand opening

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©2013 Revive! Omaha Magazine

100 Black Men Gala

a review in pictures... 100 Black Men Gala

100 Black Men Gala

100 Black Men Gala

Ambassador Worship Center Kingdom convention

Ambassador Worship Center Kingdom convention

Read more online at

100 Black Men Gala

Ambassador Worship Center Kingdom convention

Ambassador Worship Center Kingdom convention

REVIVE! Omaha | 19

Omaha Rewind

Empowerment Annual conference

Empowerment Annual conference

Empowerment Annual conference

Empowerment Annual conference

Empowerment Annual conference

Empowerment Annual conference

Empowerment Annual conference

North High NSBE Jr. Awards North High NSBE Jr. Awards

North High NSBE Jr. Awards

20 | REVIVE! Omaha

North High NSBE Jr. Awards

Š2013 Revive! Omaha Magazine

Successful African-American Businesses

in north omaha

Made with Soul in North Omaha! Big Mama’s Sandwich Shop is off to a great start in the renovated Carver Bank Building at 24th and Lake Streets. On a daily basis, you can see customers from all over the city stopping by to purchase delicious food at Big Mama’s Sandwich Shop at 24th and Lake. The opening of Big Mama’s second location and the renovation of the Carver Bank Building are part of an on-going revitalization of the 24th and Lake Arts, Culture and Entertainment District. As stated on their website, “The goal of the sandwich shop is to be a local food haven in the North Omaha neighborhood drawing in a city-wide customer base. The menu is inspired by Big Mama’s passion for great food and childhood memories of growing up in the area.” The location and the food have been a big hit. Make sure you stop in and taste it for yourself.

American Harvest Company builds on North Omaha’s Rich History. Founder and President Herb Rhodes continues a family legacy… Dr. Herb Rhodes has been recognized nationally and internationally for his outstanding success in business. He has held significant leadership positions and is highly accomplished in the areas of agriculture, the cattle industry and commodities trading. A highly regarded expert in his field, Rhodes could operate his business from anywhere in the country, but made the decision to stay in the heart of North Omaha. He freely shares the incredible wisdom gained from his experiences growing up in Omaha when it was referred to as the “meat capital of the world.” Rhodes also voices his concerns about an African-American community that has become too focused on consumption and in many ways ignored the importance of being producers. He is driven to help make his community more economically successful. Dr. Rhodes has a deep commitment to North Omaha and is passionate about preparing the next generation of entrepreneurs. In-depth profiles on Patricia “Big Mama” Barron and Dr. Herb Rhodes are forthcoming in future editions of Revive! Omaha Magazine as we focus on successful African-American owned businesses.

Empowerment Network

Celebrates 6th Anniversary by Willie Barney

empowerment conferencE

the impact of collaboration “Omaha, you are doing great things,” said Sondra Samuels, CEO of the Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ) in Minneapolis, Minnesota, one of the largest cradle to career initiatives in the country. “Keep going, keep doing what you’re doing and we will learn from each other.” Nearly 300 leaders and partners gathered for the sixth annual Empowerment Conference and Empower Omaha! Partners Luncheon held on Thursday, May 16, 2013 in Omaha, Nebraska. Samuels, recently identified as one of the most influential leaders in Minneapolis, was the keynote speaker. Samuels works in North Minneapolis, which has very similar demographics and challenges as North Omaha. NAZ is the backbone organization of a comprehensive cradle to career strategy, focused in a designated geographic area. NAZ is a nonprofit that is building a culture of 22 | REVIVE! Omaha

achievement so that North Minneapolis children graduate ready for college. Families and children move through a “cradle to career” pipeline that provides comprehensive support from pre-natal through age 18, through three pillars of impact: Family Engagement and Opportunity Alignment, Education Pipeline, and Whole-Family Wrap Around Support. Because of their early efforts, NAZ was recognized with a $28 million federal Promise Neighborhoods grant. The Empowerment Network has been implementing a similar strategy referred to as the North Omaha Village Zone. The area encompassed includes 16th Street to 36th Street and Cuming to Pratt Street. The Network and lead partners have launched major initiatives in the Zone including: Step-Up Omaha! jobs for youth and other job training programs; the Prospect Hill Village housing development which ©2013 Revive! Omaha Magazine

has produced 21 new homes with 80 more on the way; education initiatives; violence prevention and gang intervention efforts; and with the approval of the comprehensive master plan, launched the revitalization of the 24th and Lake and 30th and Parker areas. “In some ways, you are ahead of us,” said Samuels. “We are learning from your work and measurable results.” Other North Omaha Village Zone collaborative partners are launching and expanding high quality early childhood programs, school-based and public housing-based health centers, after school programs, mentoring and tutoring efforts, urban gardens, neighborhood engagement and best practice education initiatives. The collaborative work in the North Omaha zone has resulted in improved graduation rates, increased reading and math scores, improved attendance rates, significant reductions in gun violence, the development of hundreds of affordable housing units and highly successful cultural events and activities which have attracted thousands to North Omaha. “Our next step is to further align the efforts happening in the Village Zone,” said John Ewing, board member of the Empowerment Network.

“we will move further with our community outreach and family engagement.”

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REVIVE! Omaha | 23

in the areas of employment, entrepreneurship, art and cultural districts, education, safe communities and healthy families. “We have a long way to go, but we have made measurable progress by working together,” said Willie Barney, President and Facilitator of the Empowerment Network. “Omaha has the opportunity to be the first city in the nation to finally close long-standing gaps in employment, education, housing and quality of life. We thank God for all of our incredible partners and supporters. Imagine what will happen when even more groups and individuals get involved. We can do this Omaha!”

Each year, the Empowerment Network also recognizes individuals that have made an outstanding commitment to empowering communities. This year’s Empowerment Champions include: John Pierce, Vice President for Diversity at Creighton University; John Ewing, Douglas County Treasurer and Network Board Member; Pastor Bruce Williams, Senior Pastor Hope of Glory Church and Williams Prepared Place; Vickey Parks and the late Charles Parks, long-time community advocates; and Mayor Jim Suttle a key partner and supporter of community-based initiatives. The conference attracted leaders ranging from college students and emerging leaders to neighborhood activist and executives. They came from different industries and fields including, non-profits, neighborhoods, government, education, business, faith and others. The conference featured Samuel’s keynote presentation, as well as speakers and panelists from some of Omaha’s leading community organizations, businesses, media and governmental agencies.

Samuels emphasized the same message. “Omaha, you already have everything you need. The people in this room alone are worth more than a billion dollars. Collaborate. Align your efforts. Keep moving forward.” The luncheon drew a crowd of nearly 300 to the Hilton Omaha Downtown. The focus of the event was to build on the success of current work in the community and accelerate the pace of positive transformation. Conference participants left inspired, encouraged and ready to continue moving forward with specific actions, strategies and solutions. The Empowerment Network is a collaborative, community-based initiative focused on transforming Omaha into a great city in every zip code and neighborhood. Go to for more information or call 402-502-5153.

Morning sessions featured key business, non-profit, and faith leaders and focused on capacitybuilding and community revitalization efforts. Topics covered included: fundraising and working with foundations, community development and grants, multi-sector collaboration, working with the media and partnering with corporate Omaha. Other sessions provided panelists with the opportunity to present updates on initiatives

24 | REVIVE! Omaha

©2013 Revive! Omaha Magazine


“We will also move further with our community outreach and family engagement.”



Revive! Omaha Magazine presents…

The First Annual African-American Business and Community Directory Revive! Omaha Magazine is excited to announce a brand new product! We will publish our first annual Business and Community directory this Fall. You can be a part of this great opportunity.

Enjoy these benefits!

The Directory will feature profiles on businesses and organizations, calendar of significant events and venues, photos, a comprehensive listing of businesses, community groups, churches and more.

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To become a part of this history making special edition, please contact Yolanda at 402-490-1542 or

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Call today to receive a free listing for your business or organization in the 1st Annual Revive! Omaha Magazine Business and Community Directory. Special introductory rates are also available for quarter page, half page and full page ads. A limited number of premium spots are available. Reserve your spot today. Your advertising will also be featured on and a special directory online.

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Please call 402-490-1542 by June 28th for your free listing and to reserve your space.

Black Business in Omaha:

Challenges and Opportunities

Omaha is a unique city. In my travels across the nation speaking on economic and small business development, I have never seen any other city like it. Omaha boasts numerous top ten rankings in positive economic trends in the nation. In 2012, Omaha was ranked number one for overall economic performance during the recession by the Brookings Institute. Omaha was also ranked number seven by Forbes in 2013 as one of the best ten cities for young entrepreneurs, and number three on the Numbers Economic Index put out by the Business Journals in 2012. Anecdotally, it is often talked about how Omaha has more per capita millionaires than anywhere else in the nation.

by Dell Gines

In spite of all this economic growth, stability and opportunity, in 2008, a commissioned Pew Report found that nationally Omaha ranked number one in African American childhood poverty and number three in general African American poverty. The question has to be asked as to how a community that is so prosperous can have one group, 13% of its entire population, be so destitute. Through private and government grants and subsidies, hundreds of millions of dollars have been poured into Omaha to fix the preponderance of poverty among the African American population. The majority of these dollars have been funneled into social service, poverty alleviation, and other similar programs that seek to support individuals in their moment of need. While these are absolutely noble programs, there is no historical record of a community ever changing their economic fate through social service. As we look to the African American condition in the context of the Omaha community, one thing 26 | REVIVE! Omaha

becomes clear - African Americans will never escape high levels of poverty unless they create a robust and dynamic business class. It is also clear that if any community has the capability of doing this rapidly it is the Omaha community. However, to achieve this it is going to take a significant change in how we as a city address Black poverty. In this regard, the role of business cannot be understated. Entrepreneurship and business ownership is significant in developing local communities and economies. Nationally, the majority of all new jobs are created by what are known as stage 1 (0-9 employees) and stage 2 (10-99 employees) companies. Higher rates of economic growth are found to directly relate to the number of small businesses within a geographic region. Another very important fact to our communities is that entrepreneurs are more committed to their local community, invest more dollars in their local community and seek to look for ways to build their local community more than large Š2013 Revive! Omaha Magazine

companies that are not originally from the area. Business ownership is now the second highest wealth creator on average and the number one income generator by career field in America. When we focus specifically on Black business, research has shown a few important things. Black businesses are more likely to hire Black workers and take a chance on workers who have formally been incarcerated or have had other challenges. When taken in as whole it is pretty self-evident why the creation and growth of Black businesses in Omaha has to be a priority. I wrote a report two years ago called, The State of Black Omaha Business. I recently looked at the data again and feel it is important to share it with you, the reader, to illuminate our current Black business condition. In the data derived from the Census Bureau’s Survey of Small Business Owners 2007 (the most recent release), we see some clear gaps that need to be addressed. In the Omaha MSA, the average sales for a White owned business is $588,000 while only $65,000 for a Black owned business. The average White owned business has 3.1 employees, while the average Black owned business has only .6 employees. 18% of the total White population owns a business while only 4% of the Black population owns a business. Black businesses are overwhelmingly service based businesses with virtually no Black manufacturing companies or wholesale companies, the two forms of business that create the most jobs and revenue. As you can see we have work to do. When looking at our poverty and the current state of our businesses, it is possible to become very pessimistic. In my case however, I am more optimistic than I have ever been in my 20 years of working in the community that Omaha is ready to address our economic growth in the Black community in a significant way. Here are some of the reasons. The Empowerment Network has demonstrated that there is a huge desire amongst the greater Omaha community and Black Omaha community to address our condition from a holistic viewpoint. While still heavily focused on non-entrepreneurship strategies, tremendous kudos must be given to the Network for mobilizing diverse groups to address our condition differently than in the past. In addition, the work on the North Omaha Village infrastructure development project is a good first step in addressing economic development that impacts positively Black Omahans. Read more online at

“Black businesses are overwhelmingly service based businesses with virtually no Black manufacturing companies or wholesale companies, the two forms of business that create the most jobs and revenue. As you can see we have work to do.” Another reason I am optimistic is that Omaha is finally ‘getting it’ when it comes to entrepreneurship. The Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce has allotted a significant part of their strategy to supporting entrepreneurship and small business development. At the State level we are seeing new policies and programs around improving the entrepreneurial environment. Local funders that traditionally took a social service approach are looking at supporting economic development strategies, such as the 75 North Project, which is based upon the Purpose Built Communities Model. Finally, and most importantly, more Black leaders and community folk are saying WE NEED BLACK BUSINESSES. When you mix Omaha’s phenomenal economy along with the reasons previously mentioned, hopefully you will believe like I do that there is potential for rapid, extraordinary Black business growth in Omaha. In conclusion, I want to both encourage and remind everyone that it is up to us as Black men and women to first and foremost make Black entrepreneurship a high priority. We need to position ourselves to embrace all the positive activities that are occurring in the greater Omaha community around entrepreneurship. We have to continue to collaborate, innovate, support and strategize with one another around this most significant issue. If we do this, and we do it right and together, we can truly transform our economic condition much faster than anyone ever believed could be done. REVIVE! Omaha | 27

It’s amazing when you think about what has occurred over the past five years. President Obama was elected as the first African-American president and has led the nation through the worst recession since the Great Depression. First Lady Michele Obama has become an international icon for her leadership, intelligence, fashion and beauty. Revive! Omaha Magazine was there to cover both when they 28 | REVIVE! Omaha

made visits to Omaha. We were there when then Senator Barack Obama visited the Civic Center. We were there when First Lady Michele Obama and Senator Hilary Clinton were the keynote speakers for the annual Girls Inc. Luncheon. We have been blessed to highlight major national and local figures and events in the pages of Revive! over the past five years. Through photos and stories we’ve interviewed or listened to comments from George Fraser, national business leader and networking expert; Tavis Smiley – national author and television host; and, Kirk Whalum - Grammy-award winning jazz artists. We have also interviewed national thought leaders like Angela Glover-Blackwell of PolicyLink, ©2013 Revive! Omaha Magazine

Dr. john powell – founder of the Kirwin Institute, Dr. Randall Pinkett – national business leader and winner from season four of The Apprentice; and, recently Sondra Samuels, President and CEO of the Northside Achievement Zone in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Locally, we’ve interviewed some of Omaha’s most influential African-American leaders: Tom Warren – first African-American Chief of Police and President/CEO of the Urban League; Councilman Ben Gray; community advocate Freddie Gray; Douglas County Treasurer John Ewing; community developer Michael Maroney; Douglas County’s first African-American Commissioner Carole Woods-Harris; and, Teresa Hunter, President and CEO of Family Housing Advisory Services. We’ve had the awesome opportunity to expand the Revive! brand to the Twin-Cities and interviewed political figures, cutting edge educators, business executives and key community development leaders. We thank God for blessing us to see five years as a business. We are grateful for the incredible support that we have received from readers locally, regionally and nationally. We constantly receive positive comments and reviews regarding the content and quality of the magazine. It’s amazing to meet people who are sending the magazine to friends and family members across the country. It’s quite shocking to know how many people read the magazine and how diverse the Revive! audience has become. We want to thank our writers, columnists, photographers and others that have joined with us along the journey. Based on research, most businesses don’t make it past three years and certainly not five. We’re blessed and feel like we’re just getting started. Revive! is on the verge of becoming a regional and national media platform. We are committed to telling the story of African-Americans, including our challenges and struggles, but most importantly our accomplishments and victories. We are committed to informing our readers of Omaha’s Black owned businesses with the launch of Revive’s African-American Business and Community directory—launching later this year. We believe our greatest days are still ahead. A revival has started and now it’s time for the fire to spread. What role will you play? Yes, it’s time for a full revival and we’ll be there to cover it! Read more online at

REVIVE! Omaha | 29

Over time, Dr. Pinkett has established himself as an entrepreneur, speaker, author, scholar and community servant. He is the co-founder, chairman and CEO of BCT Partners, a multimillion-dollar management, technology and policy consulting firm based in Newark, New Jersey. BCT Partners works with corporations, government agencies and nonprofit organizations in the areas of housing and community development, economic development, human services, government, healthcare and education. A partial list of BCT’s clients includes: Johnson & Johnson, Ford Foundation, Pfizer, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Hewlett-Packard, Annie E. Casey Foundation and Microsoft. Revive! was honored to interview Dr. Randal Pinkett on building wealth in African American communities.

What are the keys to building wealth in African-American communities?

There are a variety of angles on how to approach this. The primary path for families to build wealth is through home ownership and savings. Home ownership is the cornerstone of the American dream. We also focus on Individual Development Accounts. This is a great solution for low income families. Every dollar that they save, someone else matches those funds. The money can be used for education, starting a business, or retirement. It’s a great way to increase wealth and build assets. It follows the key logic of ‘what you keep after what you get.’

Learning from Dr. Randal Pinkett Dr. Randal Pinkett is living proof of what is possible and shows again the resiliency of African-Americans to overcome the most difficult circumstances to achieve against the odds. After the untimely death of his father while he was a high school senior, Pinkett’s mother picked up the pieces, working two jobs to make ends meet and put her two sons through high school and college.“She did what she needed to do to pay the bills, keep the lights on, and put food on the table,” said Pinkett. “My older brother was in college and I watched her hold things down on her own.” Dr. Pinkett is probably most widely known from his season four victory on Donald Trump’s hit television show “The Apprentice”. The show and the experience served as confirmation for Dr. Pinkett that he could lead and manage a multi-million dollar operation. 30 | REVIVE! Omaha

From a broader stand point when you look at the whole community, entrepreneurship is our focus. And when we say entrepreneurship, we mean across the age continuum – college students, professionals, and others. The fact is that 7 out of 10 millionaires will tell you they became wealthy by owning their own business. There’s a difference between having wealth and being wealthy. A business is the best way to be wealthy and the most prevalent way to do so. Because of this, we have helped low income families start businesses. We have helped non-profits start their businesses and launch into entrepreneurship successfully.

One of the primary concerns consistently raised by small businesses is the lack of access to credit and capital. How do you address this challenge? Providing solutions to access to credit and capital is about identifying the right partners and the right underwriters. Banks typically don’t lend to entrepreneurs, they see it as too risky. Our role then is to let someone else guarantee the loan. We have to find other organizations that are willing to invest. The SBA 7A program is one of the most popular forms of guarantee. Some banks do back the SBA, and other programs are funded by foundations and even some non-profits. A great example of this is Brick City Development Corporation (BCDC). Again, many small businesses struggle to get loans, especially in this environment. If a business needs to borrow $250K to expand their business, BCDC, a non-profit, agrees to put ©2013 Revive! Omaha Magazine

up $150,000 and maybe two banks put up $50,000 each. BCDC makes the first investment and then backs the rest of the loan. They organize it and make a deal possible that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.

African-Americans are experiencing a large employment gap, what do you recommend?

The message builds on what we’ve been talking about. We must create more jobs. The key is that we must focus more energy on small businesses. Small businesses generate 99.7% of the business in our country. They create 75% of the net new jobs. Most communities want to focus on the major employers. We need to realize that large companies are still laying people off. Read the news. One company just laid off 75,000 people. Here’s the secret, the action is when businesses with 50 employees expand to 100 employees. Companies with 200 employees expand to 300. The key is helping existing businesses to be more successful and helping to launch

new businesses and creating new entrepreneurs. We also need to link these small and medium sized businesses to large corporations. As an example, in Cincinnati and Cleveland, Ohio, they have created Minority Business Accelerators. The MBAs link large corporations with local minority businesses to get more deals flowing. They work to court other large organizations by identifying where the businesses are spending money. Is it graphic design? Paper? Real estate and development? Where are these large companies spending money and how do we connect them with qualified minority firms? We work with these groups to help structure the deals.

You talked about the private businesses, what about the public side?

Absolutely, the public sector is a key piece of this strategy. In Newark and DC, when bidding for a contract, the businesses will get points if they are locally-owned, resident-owned, or hire in a geographic area that has certain disadvantaged populations. These cities realize the importance of

local reinvestment. On the individual side, we have to go beyond looking for a job. I encourage our community members to really look hard at entrepreneurship and creating your own jobs and businesses.

Talk about your faith and the role it plays in your success?

My faith is the foundation. It guides me in matters personal and professionally. It governs my behaviors and decisions. It is the prism through which I see the world. I try to live a life that is consistent with my Christian faith. I’m not perfect. Even in my professional life, I have three partners and we worship at the same church. We pray together in the office. Faith is one of our corporate values. We don’t impose it on our employees, but we are transparent. I attempt to see my faith reflected in our culture and as an individual. It’s part of who I am and I don’t leave it at the door.

See the complete interview online at

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NOW OPEN… Big Mama’s Sandwich Shop • 2416 Lake Street

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opportunity! Revive! Omaha Magazine presents…

The First Annual African-American Business and Community Directory The Directory will feature profiles on businesses and organizations, calendar of significant events and venues, photos, a comprehensive listing of businesses, community groups, churches and more.

accomplish your goals and make your vision a reality! Please contact us at 402-490-1542 or by June 28th

for your free listing and to reserve your space.

Directory To advertise, call: 402-490-1542 or email: For subscription information, please visit

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Joy of Life Ministries, Inc. COGIC

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business spotlight

Styles of Evolution Q&A: Owner, Don McPherson

2522 N. 24th Street • (402) 455-2426

How long have you been in the clothing business? I have been in retail for over thirty years. In the seven years that we have been at Styles of Evolution, we feel so much a part of the community, and hope to continue for generations to come.

What type of clothing and products do you carry? We carry Men and Ladies apparel from casual to formal wear, hats, shoes, jewelry, along with other accessories. We also focus on special orders, weddings, church uniforms and plus size clothing for men and ladies. Our goal is to give our customers that personal touch, making our store their store.

What advice do you have for other small businesses? Know your market. Stay focused on what you feel is right for your business. Do not be afraid to seek help, nothing comes over night.

What are the keys to success for entrepreneurs? I call them the three D’s. Desire. It’s something that you know, it is your way of life. Drive. No matter what happens, stay focused on your goal. Determination. As your journey begins, so shall roadblocks. Find the way to make it happen.

What are your hopes and visions for 24th and Lake Street? I really see our culture coming back. When you come to north Omaha, you should see pride within our neighborhood. Smell good food, hear good family music, and see amazing apparel. This is the type of vision I have for tomorrow. 36 | REVIVE! Omaha

Photos by Lovely Nai Photography ©2013 Revive! Omaha Magazine

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