Chosen Vessels Rites of Passage 2022 Culimation Booklet

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"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last-and so that whatever you ask In my name the Father will give you" John 15:16



Congratulations Chosen Vessels, We would like to congratulate each of you on the remarkable completion of your rites of passage program. You have demonstrated incredible commitment and perseverance. It is our prayer that the lessons learned, experiences had, and bonds formed, will remain with you for many years to come. The Bible records in Luke 2:52 that Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. That is our continued prayer for you. As you continue to grow and mature naturally, may God also grow you spiritually and in favor. As each of you continue to excel in your future pursuits, know that we and your entire St. Mark Family are praying for you and cheering you on. Work hard and dream big, remembering that with God all things are possible! We are proud of you! Pastor Riddick and Dr. Jennell Riddick



2022 Chosen Vessels, God wants to use you. The bible talks a lot about literal vessels in the Old Testament, which were set apart for special use in the house of the Lord. But in the New Testament, Christians are described as chosen vessels. You have been chosen for a very special purpose; God's purpose. Keeping your mind attached to God, while maintaining an attitude of expectancy- for His plans to play out in your life - frees you from the world's shallow and impossible expectations. You are a beautiful vessel and there is nothing ordinary about you. Your journey is significant to your purpose. Whatever situation or season your find yourself, refer to your teachings and know that God is with you. He has more for you than you can ever imagine and He loves you so very much. We have seen you blossom into beautiful young ladies. I know the past eighteen months has been challenging with the pandemic and so many of our meetings and activities were virtual. But through it all, not only did you survive, you THRIVED! We are so proud of you and know the next steps in your journey will be amazing. Always keep God first in your lives and no matter what challenges and successes you have, God will always be there for you. We love you and will always be here for a listening ear or just a conversation. May God continue to bless you and direct your paths. Chosen Vessels Rites of Passage Ministry Advisors, Minister Katina Barnes & Sister Valerie Hill-Smith


Mother Lula Mae Price 5/30/1913 - 8/23/2013

Mother Lula Mae Price was loved by everyone. Her warm, nurturing and spirit made everyone she came in contact with feel Mother Price loved the Lord and her children unconditionally. She was the epitome of femininity and a role model we should follow. Mother Price demonstrated noble character; she spoke with wisdom and truth; she exercised undoubted faith and she watched over her flock tirelessly. Mother Price assisted in the creation of Chosen Vessels Rites of Passage Ministry in 1999. She wanted to teach honor, respect, and strength to young girls. Christian values was also important to Mother Price and her heart was filled with a reverence for God. She was a woman who feared the Lord. Let us honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring praise at the city gate. Each culmination year, a Senior Chosen Vessel will be honored with the Mother Lula Mae Price Scholarship Award. This young lady will exhibit the seven pillars of character that describe Mother Lula Mae Price. Love for Christ Integrity Humility Accountability Respect Drive for Excellence Grace


The Significance of The Key The key is passed from mother to daughter as a symbol of God’s availability to his daughters. It’s up to each daughter to walk in the light of God. It is up to them to lock the door to immaturity, self-centeredness, and defeat. It is also up to daughters to open the door to the fullness of God the Creator, God the Savior, and God the Holy Spirit.

The Chosen Vessels Creed I will be a vessel of honor living for the glory of God, the betterment of humankind and the personal and academic advancement of myself. I will love the Lord with all my heart, mind, soul and strength. I will commit to becoming a woman of excellence, an example for those following in my footsteps and a living witness of the love of our Savior. I will be forever mindful that I have not chosen Him, but He has chosen me.


The Challenges Challenge One - Be Prosperous God’s word says those who do not walk in the counsel of the wicked and avoid the ways of sinners will be "like a tree planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in seasons and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever she does prospers.” Psalm 1:1-3. God wants you to prosper. If you seek Him first and meditate on His word day and night, whatever you do will prosper. You will glorify God with success in your education, relationships, careers, and your ministries. Be Prosperous! Chosen Vessels Response: We accept this first challenge of Christian womanhood and make the following affirmation: I will seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. I will meditate on His word. I will glorify God in all aspects of my life. I will be Prosperous!

Challenge Two – Maintain Your Purity! Virginity may not be popular, but God demands it from Christian women before marriage. His Word says in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” Although you are being pressured by the media, peers, and society to engage in premarital sex, you must heed to God’s Word. Sexual relationships are beautiful and are designed by God for married couples only. Abstaining from sex not only protects you from the physical, emotional and spiritual consequences of sin, but it also makes you ready for a strong, lasting relationship with your divine right mate. Maintain your Purity! Chosen Vessels Response: We accept this second challenge and make the following affirmation: I acknowledge that my body belongs to God until I am married. I will avoid any form of sexual immorality. I will maintain my Purity!


The Challenges Challenge Three – Be a Peacemaker! Matthew 5:9 says, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” In the Bible, peace is described as the result of having a right relationship with God and with others. As Christian women, seek Him first and He will enable you to keep peace in your homes, schools, and communities. Be a Peacemaker! Chosen Vessels Response: We have heard this third challenge and make the following affirmation: I will accept the challenge to bring peace in every circumstance of my life and my community. I will be a Peacemaker!

Challenge Four – Maintain a Healthy Home! In becoming Christian women, your responsibilities at home should not be de-emphasized. The Word of God says, “The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands.” Proverbs 14:1. Good health begins with exercise, a balanced diet, and a pleasant home environment in your room, apartment, or house. However, you must remember that the steps to good housekeeping are keeping pure minds, clean bodies and neat appearances. You should look like a child of the Most High God. With the help of God, you can make your family the first priority in your life and have a strong career. Remember, you can set the tone in your future home by being the vibrant, loving, and hospitable example of Christian women that God wants you to be. Maintain a Healthy Home! Chosen Vessels Response: We accept this fourth challenge and make the following affirmation: I will make good health habits a priority in my life and the lives of my future family. I will maintain a clean household with a pleasant environment. I will set a positive, loving tone for my family. I will maintain a Healthy Home!


The Challenges Challenge Five – Share Your Values! Values represent all the wisdom, knowledge, principles, and norms that were handed to us from God’s Word, our foreparents, the community and your own successes and failures. You must share these values with your families, husbands, children, playmates of your children, and those you think will positively receive these values. Share the value of exercising civic duties by donating your gifts and talents to the community, voting, running for public office, and staying aware of the political environment. These values are all freely given to you by God. He then expects you to freely share your knowledge of these values with others who can benefit from them. You must share with generations the moral and Christian values that have stood the test of time. Share your values and let them be seen in your daily living. Chosen Vessels Response: We have heard this fifth challenge and make the following affirmation: I will share the wisdom, knowledge, principles, and norms handed to me. I will share my time, my talent, and my gifts with my community. I will share my values with all who will positively receive them. I will Share my Values!

Challenge Six – Be About Christian Missions! Upon becoming a Christian woman, you cannot ignore or become insensitive to human brokenness. You must respond in love and compassion to those who are sick or in need. God desires that we all must share the light of the good news of Jesus Christ in all that we say and do. Remember, as Christ spoke these words and passed duties to his disciples in Luke 4:18, He also passed these duties to all of us as members of His body. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.” You must be about Christian missions to bring fulfillment to your Christian commitment and respond to the Lord’s command, “As you do it to others, you do it unto me.” Chosen Vessels Response: We have heard this sixth challenge and make the following affirmation: I will not ignore nor become insensitive to the needs of others or broken humanity. I will constantly respond to Christ Jesus’ challenge to bring wholeness and freedom to the sick, poor, oppressed, and brokenhearted. I will be about Christian Missions!


The Challenges Challenge Seven – Believe Jesus Christ is Your Savior! To be fulfilled women, you cannot meaningfully meet the other challenges without an abiding belief in Christ Jesus. You must not let anything or anyone be more important in your life than Jesus. You must open your heart and mind to Christ and demonstrate the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, patience, gentleness, faithfulness and self control) in your life. You must be committed to worshipping the Lord in Spirit and in Truth, to being a living witness of the love of the Father, by ministering to the glory of God and to the edification of the people of God. You must believe that Jesus saves, redeems, heals, delivers and forgives as well as instructs, comforts, and empowers through His Holy Spirit. You must make Jesus first in your life. You must remember that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Believe Jesus Christ is Your Savior! Chosen Vessels Response: We accept this seventh challenge and make the following affirmation: I believe all of the challenges can be accomplished through an abiding faith in Christ Jesus. I believe Jesus saves, redeems, heals, forgives, and empowers me through His Holy Spirit. I believe Jesus Christ is my Savior!

Minister to the Chosen Vessels Having accepted and affirmed these seven Challenges of Christian Womanhood, I now say to you, pass over from girlhood to Christian Womanhood. Begin thinking and becoming a Christian Woman. May God’s love, grace, and protection be with you always, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Let the Church say Amen! Let the Church say Amen! Let the Church say Amen!

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CULMINATING VESSELS Sanaa Boggs The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Boggs. Sanaa is a rising junior at Deep Creek High School in Chesapeake, where she is a member of the Deep Creek Hornets basketball team and participates in Chesapeake Career Center Cybersecurity program. She gives back to her community by volunteering with Portsmouth Schools Foundation, and Genesis Eyecare. Sanaa likes to listen to music in her spare time. Her favorite bible verse is Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me".

Alexia Burford The daughter of Ministers Aaron and Andrea Burford. Alexia is a rising senior at Oscar Smith High School in Chesapeake, where she is a member of Student Council Association, Key Club, Step Team, National Honor Society, Operation Smile, and Zumba Club. She gives back to her community by serving as a volunteer for Portsmouth Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Butterfly Village, and Mile High Kids. Alexia likes to dance and step in her free time. Her favorite bible verse is John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

CULMINATING VESSELS Jasmine Chalmers The daughter of Deacons Charles & Chanta Chalmers. Jasmine is a graduating senior at Nansemond River High School where she participated in Ladies of Distinction. She gives back to her community by volunteering with the Suffolk Sheriff's Department, her school, and distributing food to those in need. In her spare time, Jasmine likes to cook. Her favorite bible verse is Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me". Jasmine will attend Tidewater Community Collage in Fall 2022.

Aaliyah Melton The daughter of Lelia and Leon Melton. Aaliyah is a rising Junior at I.C. Norcom High School in Portsmouth, where she is a flag girl for the I.C. Norcom Versatile 100 Marching Band and a member of the Deca Club. She gives back to her community with service to the sick and elderly. Aaliyah likes to spend time with friends and read books in her spare time. Her favorite bible verse is Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me".

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CULMINATING VESSELS Carmen Taylor The daughter of Lewis Taylor Jr. & Carmelita Taylor. Carmen is a graduating senior at Maury High School in Norfolk, where she is a member of the National Honor Society, Future Business Leaders of America, and Student Council Association. She volunteers at her school, and the Ronald McDonald House. In her spare time Carmen likes to spend time with her family and friends. Her favorite bible verse is Isaiah 41:10, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you: I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Carmen will attend Old Dominion University in Fall 2022.

Arianna Ward The daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ward. Arianna is a rising senior at Deep Creek High School in Chesapeake. She generously gives back to her community by volunteering at Chesapeake Election Board, South Norfolk Community Outreach, and Bells Mill Nursing home. Arianna likes to cook in her free time. Her favorite bible verse is Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God".

CULMINATING VESSELS Madison Wooden The daughter of Damon Wooden and Vonda Wooden. Madison is a rising junior at First Colonial High School in Virginia Beach, where she is a member of the Key Club. She gives back to her community by volunteering with Butterfly Village, Kulture Design, and SmoothieStand757. In her spare time, Madison likes to paint. Her favorite bible verse is Psalm 139:41, "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well".

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Maya Boone The daughter of Deacons Bernard and Joi Boone. Maya is a rising freshman at the Governor's School for The Arts. Maya dances and reads in her spare time. Her favorite bible verse is Luke 8:48, "Daughter, he said to her, your faith has made you well. Go in peace".

Nykia Brown The daughter of Deacons Antonio and Wina Brown. Nykia is a rising sophomore at I.C. Norcom High School where she plays volleyball and tennis. She likes to cook in her spare time. Nykia's favorite scripture is John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".



Chosen Vessels ,The Veterans Ministry Pray Blessings Over Your Ministry and For Each of Your Journeys That God Has Put Before You. President Sister Jacqueline Jacobs Vice President Brother Frank Hickman

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May God Continue to Bless You Abundantly Chosen Vessels

Watch the 2022 Chosen Vessel Culmination

Thank you to our patrons! Jeanette Robinson

Thomas David

Gail Reynolds

Marion David

Thomas Davis

Natalae Askew

Joyce Griffin

Kenneth Scales

Roma Murray

Blondell Hardie

Argie Lamb

Corlette Jordan

Dr. Elie & Kim Bracy Min. Thomasina Robinson Mr. & Mrs. William Newby Lawrence & Bertha Manning Deacon Charles & Deaconess Clementine Cone

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